Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Berries and whipped cream

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It's just a bowl of berries.


Oh man, I could have this again right now. Except with strawberries, blackberries and blueberries, and mint. Maybe cinnamon. Maybe roasted pecans. Maybe almond extract in the whipped cream. Maybe some cereal sprinkled around in there.


Fr Martin Fox said...

I think to make that picture even more appealing, it would be good if the fruit had some granulated sugar visible. Doesn't that make you salivate thinking of it?

The question is, how does one get that just right? Maybe it's as easy as rolling the fruit in sugar, but I wouldn't want there to be too much.

I don't know anything about staging such things. I only know what I like.

deborah said...

Attention whore ---------> j/k

Methadras said...

Drizzle a little chocolate on top and I'm so there.