Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Arizona Supreme Court: People born in the U.S. from residents here illegally pay out-of-state tuition

Victory Girls wrote "Dreamers" but that's uses phrasing given them by activists to cloud the issue by slathering a legal matter with emotion.

I am a fantastic dreamer myself. Man, you should have seen the one this morning. OMG. It was filled with ridiculous challenges and pitiful decisions that don't even make sense. I shouldn't even mention it. Goes like this:, I was giving a eulogy for a military man, a very serious matter, with a team of youngsters, so right there the dream invites nonsense, and we rummaged a commercial storage shelf that held his belongings at the end of his life including a broad variety of sizes of tomatoes. We used the tiny pearl-like tomatoes in our eulogy and right in the middle the guy shows up. Not dead. Unabashed in tighty-whiteys, and a bit overweight. And boy, were we ever embarrassed. He was all, wtf you doing with my special tiny tomatoes, why aren't you giving me a proper eulogy?

I seem to have digressed a little bit.

I don't like this.

I see the reasoning behind it, and I don't fault them for making the decision, and I realize private schools will eagerly rush forward to compensate, but I cannot help myself from wearing their zapatos y dar un paseo por una milla o diez.

Channel their experience.

Your parents were here illegally and gave birth to you here where you've grown all your life, where you were educated, and now you must continue that education to get anywhere with your life. And your state rejects you.

Snap out of it.

What a bummer.
In a blow sure to ignite more teeth gnashing, bosom beating and wailing unto the heavens about injustice, the Arizona Supreme Court said DACA Dreamers have no legal standing that qualifies them for in-state tuition 
“Legal” being the operative word.
The dreaming illegal residents produced this statement.
“We are not asking for favors. We are not asking for special treatment. We’re just asking to be treated the same way you’d treat any other student who grew up here in the state of Arizona.”
The Victory Girls mock their statement and stick with their precise definition of legal. Have they failed to walk around in another person's shoes?
Dreamers have been lionized and romanticized for so long, they seem to have this feeling that if they just skip over the very core of their problem – the very genesis of their illegality – and go straight to “anybody else GROWING UP HERE,” and repeat ad infinitum, it makes everything fine. Renders the original sin moot. 
It doesn’t.
What? How cold. I'm assuming they're human, what am I missing? Okay, what exactly is this group calling themselves Dreamers?

The Hill explains:
According to the bills, “DREAMers” include any illegal immigrant who claims they came into the country before the age of 16, has been here continuously for five years, and is currently under 35 years old. But these requirements can be waived for ‘hardship’ ((sec 5 (2)), and if there are any knowingly-made false statements about entry dates etc., section 7 of the legislation assures that the applicant would still be protected from deportation. 
Oh. Wow. Turns out I'm not that good at walking around is someone else's shoes.


edutcher said...

There's no just a little illegal.

Like there's no a little pregnant or a little dead.

Methadras said...

Illegals giving birth in the US to create citizens should be fought tooth and nail at this point along with getting rid of chain migration. I saw yesterday that Trump is putting work inducements for receiving welfare and services to illegals that are here.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

They were not born here. Those born here are citizens. Dreamers are children who were brought here.

I have no problem with them getting legal. Get in line. I am even willing (or was willing) to cut a deal, but didn't the Democrats reject that? All or nothing.

But what if they roll seven?