Friday, November 18, 2016

Scotland considers legally enshrining the 'right to food'

It is one of a number of recommendations being looked at following the publication of a report by the Independent Working Group on Food Poverty earlier this year.
The group said that while enshrining the right would not in itself end food insecurity, it would mean the Government and other public bodies would have a duty to ensure everyone has secure access to adequate and affordable food.
“The Scottish Government would be prepared to be challenged legally on how well it is implementing policies and deploying resources towards this end, within the limits of its existing powers,” its report said.
Other measures recommended by the group and accepted by the Government include introducing a system to measure food security in Scotland, and calling on the UK Government to help reduce the risk of sanctions and benefit delays in the welfare system.
The charity Trussell Trust has reported a rise in the use of food banks in recent years, with problems with benefits identified as the most significant reason for the increase.
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ndspinelli said...

Irony is a country creating the right to food that has some of the most fucking horseshit food in the world. Haggis for the masses!

Michael Haz said...

I'd be more interested in the "right to Scotch".

The Dude said...

What ever happened to the idea of "If you don't work you don't eat"? That used to be fundamental in Western Society. That concept is a prime motivator and it thins the herd at the same time.

edutcher said...

You want to know about your right to food?

Let somebody drop you in the middle of the New Guinea jungle with a canteen cup and a knife.

You'll find out real fast about your "right" to food.

The Dude said...

Over there you are considered "The other white meat". Be sure to ask your host if he passed David Rockefeller in the jungle on his way over.

Methadras said...

And who do you go after if that right cannot be fulfilled?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

What about the water of life?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

In a right to food world, are the obese the 1 percent?

Just asking.

chickelit said...

Seems to fly in the face of both the Old Testament: "By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.” Genesis 3:19...

...and the New Testament: "If a man will not work, he shall not eat." 2 Thessalonians 3:10

I'd be more interested in the "right to Scotch". Lol. Said with a Laphroaig in your throat!

Amartel said...

It's all about what my country can do for me now. Next up, minders will come to your house* and inspect your lifestyle choices and rate them. Your government services will be parceled out according to your rating.

Actually, PG&E (electric company) already does inspect everyone's lifestyle choices. In addition and separately from their bills, they send out a report on how your house measures up to similar homes in terms of energy useage. I disapprove of the use of the natural resources and impact on the climate that follows from this monthly missive that I immediately throw out.

Amartel said...

Also, when I was in Scotland all the food places and restaurants shut down at 9pm every night due to concern about oppression of working in the evening and night hours. The right to food ends at 9pm if you want to pay for it to be served to you.

ampersand said...

The Morlocks had a similar program for the Eloi.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Seems to fly in the face of both the Old Testament -

Fine bible hump. Then the government can employ them in exchange.

If the businesses don't like it - or the taxation to fund it, then they can offer them the job instead.

But I wasn't aware that Scotland was founded by Israelites.

There is nothing honorable about a country letting its people starve.

The bible was written when land was abundant and anyone could farm and get a goat and seeds to plow. And Scotland is not exactly in the fertile crescent, my boy. It is bleak up there.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I wonder what incentive businesses receive to employ? Perhaps if for every per cent unemployment above 4%, corporate profits were taxed another 1%, that would be a better incentive for them to do their part to keep hunger and homelessness down. Each percent could then be used to feed/shelter the needy.

Are they part of the solution or part of the problem?

Leland said...

I'm in the camp that right are inalienable.

Third Coast said...

Hmmm, seems that 2/3 of Scottish adults are overweight. Until we start seeing people with sunken cheeks and protruding ribs, this "food is a right" boolsheet is just more virtue signalling.