Sunday, November 20, 2016

Jon Stewart's balanced view of Trump and America


The Dude said...

Jon "Stewart" is too unbalanced to ever deliver a balanced view of anything. I am surprised he hasn't gone overseas to join ISIS yet as much as he hates this country.

AllenS said...

I was only able to watch about a minute of it. Stewart doesn't have a clue.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Jon is evil. Pure evil.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Jon spreads lies and poison. No word from Jon ever ever about the corruption and lies on his side.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"McConnell and Ryan - those guys are the swamp."

Funny - no word from liar poison Prog-Jon on how the democrats crammed the ACA down our throats - a laughable pile of economic lies written by a guy named Gruber who openly explained that the dems had to lie to everyone in order to trick people.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Maybe he realizes he took part in creating the need for Trump but he won't admit it in so many words.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
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Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I think it is sad and laughable that Prog-Jon is the left's version of an intellectual.

ricpic said...

You know, the awful reality is that Republicans have already made an attempt to reinstate earmarks. So in that sense Stewart is right. Both parties have learned nothing from the revolt of the deplorables.

AllenS said...

Very good point, Lem.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Lem, yes.

And while I agree with Stewart (in part) that there is a swamp in government that includes much of the GOPe, The Clintons were poised to be the king and queen of that quagmire. To see them fall is just the best thing ever.

edutcher said...

If you think about it, this guy is a comedian who did a comedy show about the news, but he figures that makes him an expert on the news.

Delusional doesn't even begin to cover it.

Of course, he's the Wally Crankcase of the snowflakes.

chickelit said...

I couldn't finish watching, deborah. Was the balanced part towards the end?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Ryan is the punching bag. Why didn't anyone step up to oust him from his post as speaker? No one did.

The imperfect GOPe is eternal punching bag. The leftiwng media makes sure.
So many swallow what the leftwing media giveth.

There is a counter-history to consider. There is no way to quantify how many Obama-led liberal initiatives would have been instituted without a Republican Congress — much less a tea-party wing within that Republican Congress.

Republicans filibustered the DREAM Act of 2010
R's voted to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.
Republicans stopped cap-and-trade, which would have created a fabricated “market” for energy in the same way Obamacare fabricates “markets” for health insurance.

They stopped the American Jobs Act bailout and the authoritarian card-check.

None of the matters, because Pelosi rocks and the MSM filters thru, even to the so-called alt-right.
Conservatives in Congress also put an end to bipartisan gun-control legislation. They stopped the so-called Paycheck Fairness Act — twice.
They tried to repeal the ACA numerous times - all without any support from Americans who hate the ACA. Just shin-kicks from people who have no idea that Obama's veto pen ends it. See- Obama vetoed it every damn time.

The GOP sued Obama for rewriting the ACA without a vote of Congress. They sent a repeal bill to the president’s desk.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Thanks for posting, Deborah. My rants are not aimed at you. I've never liked Prog-Jon, and this only confirms what I know about him. He's a 'no enemies on the left' intellectually vacuous fraud.

There are two words that best describe the intellectualism on the left:

Comedy. Central.

edutcher said...

Everything listed was kabuki.

They knew Pissy would not sign any of it. It was all meaningless gesture to snow the rubes that the Whigs were actually doing something.

If they'd been serious, we'd have seen a bill of impeachment and a Senate trial, no?

deborah said...

Great points, April.

Dad Bones said...

"America is not natural. Natural is tribal. We're fighting against thousands of years of human behavior and history to create something that no one has ever...that's what's exceptional about America."

His white ears are wishfully tuning out a lot of tribal drum beats.

deborah said...

No way did i take yours, or anyone's, points worries.

deborah said...

DB, that's one thing i liked about what he said, that IS what exceptional means. Good pick-up about tribal drumbeats...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

No ed- you don't get to impeach over disagreements. Moron.

edutcher said...

High crimes and misdemeanors, like ignoring court decisions you don't like, malfeasance, misfeasance, or non-feasance in office such as Benghazi, gets you impeached.

And impeachment, most political scientists will tell you, is a political, more than a legal, act.

So, as long as you have the votes, you can impeach.


Chip Ahoy said...

Mmmmm, peaches. I miss them already.

rcocean said...

Stewart has never been funnier.

MamaM said...

Mmmmm, peaches. I miss them already.

I miss them to, along with open, honest discourse, though I also appreciate the growth and one-sided clarity that transpires through provocation and declarations by others who take things personally while saying they don't.

I'm wondering if the unbalanced responses of those who are feeling unsafe and threatened by Trump's election, to the point where extreme fear, terror and acting out are involved, are connecting to unresolved experiences of past trauma and loss in their lives?

edutcher said...

You mean like when Mommy and Daddy made them do something they didn't want to do even when they kicked and screamed and rolled on the floor and held their breath until they turned blue

Amartel said...

Stewart tells the truth about a little thing that is obvious (gee, maybe Trump voters are not all racist misogynist homophobe nazis) while pushing the same big lies he always has. Every smear he makes against the Republicans (anti-semitism, corruption) is actually much more true of the Dems. He fails to note that it was the Republican side that rejected identity politics and its precursor, tribalism, not the Dems who are still firmly segregated in the boxes of their "multi-ethnic democracy."

The interviewer is an oleaginous old gasbag who can barely contain himself in the presence of the Progressive Court Jester. The next best thing to Obama.

Amartel said...

Stewart tells the truth about a little thing that is obvious (gee, maybe Trump voters are not all racist misogynist homophobe nazis) while pushing the same big lies he always has. Every smear he makes against the Republicans (anti-semitism, corruption) is actually much more true of the Dems. He fails to note that it was the Republican side that rejected identity politics and its precursor, tribalism, not the Dems who are still firmly segregated in the boxes of their "multi-ethnic democracy."

The interviewer is an oleaginous old gasbag who can barely contain himself in the presence of the Progressive Court Jester. The next best thing to Obama.

Trooper York said...

Ryan is part of the problem. Personally I would ask him to step down and put my own guy in there.

But Trump seems to be handling it differently. He is going to "Christie" him and let him bring his shine box to the White House for his marching orders. I guess he figures if Ryan didn't have the balls to stand up to Obama he does not have the balls to stand up to him. If he steps out of line Trump will squash him like a bug.

So we shall see. But it is true that Ryan is part of the problem instead of part of the solution.

Trooper York said...

What this election did is start the change to identity politics on the Republican side. It is a class election not an ideology election. Trump is a deal maker. He can make some deals with the Democrats. You are going to see some strange bedfellows that are going to make the media's heads explode. Trump is perfectly capable of calling in Bernie Sanders and Contacts to work on infrastructure bill that will be opposed by some Republicans. He is going to be results oriented not ideology oriented. He is going to upset the applecart.

People like Jon Stewart will not know whether to shit or go blind.

Trooper York said...

Sorry. I had too much coffee this morning.

deborah said...

re twitter, it went downhill when Clinton played the sax on Arsenio. Michelle appearing sleeveless in February at O's first sotu what a smack in the face of decorum.

Twitter will be his bully pulpit..o brave new world.

ricpic said...

Shine Box! You made me youtube that infamous Goodfellas scene where Pesci beats the made-man to death. You see why self-control is so important? You don't do that to a made-man. Not if you wanna live. Let that be a lesson to all of us.

edutcher said...

Trooper York said...

Trump is a deal maker. He can make some deals with the Democrats. You are going to see some strange bedfellows that are going to make the media's heads explode. Trump is perfectly capable of calling in Bernie Sanders and Contacts to work on infrastructure bill that will be opposed by some Republicans. He is going to be results oriented not ideology oriented. He is going to upset the applecart.

That's how Reagan got it done. He never had control of the House, so he had to find Democrats who gave him some common ground.

Watch for a lot of that 37 dimensional stealth virtual ninja chess being played.

ricpic said...

As to MamaM's contention that some folks are posting over the top comments because of unresolved traumas in their pasts....not me!....everything's smooth as silk in that department ha ha ha ha ha.

deborah said...

Exactly, fireside chat AND bypassing the media.

chickelit said...

To go with the 1930's meme: I said a while back that Trump would echo FDR by introducing a "Fair Deal." Edutcher countered that it would be a "Real Deal."

Which will it be?

Trooper York said...

It will be the "Yuge Deal."

chickelit said...

"Great Deal"

"Big Deal"

chickelit said...

I hope it's not a door number 1, 2, or 3 deal.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

He fails to note that it was the Republican side that rejected identity politics and its precursor, tribalism, not the Dems who are still firmly segregated in the boxes of their "multi-ethnic democracy."

Lol. Hilarious. Classism is THE animating identity politics of the right. Anti-classism - of the left. You elected a wanna-be alleged billionaire to prove the point. But only because he renounced classism to make a populist appeal to the working poor. Whether he delivers on it (or even cares to) is anyone's guess, but your love of what you see in him is naked and embarrassing. You look at his gilded furnishings and think, "royalty... Kennedys..." But with more arrogance. And that's what you love about him. A more arrogant form of American royalty. Our equivalent of it. Right-wingers bow down to economic royalty. As long as it's arrogant enough. The appeal is clear.

bagoh20 said...

Deals with the left are not gonna help the American people unless they do one thing: unleash us, and the left has no interest in doing that.

THIS + fracking + a business friendly administration will do more to combat middle east terrorism and our concern with it than all the green energy crap, subsidies, tough talk, expensive weapons, and dead soldiers combined. It can simultaneously unleash American productivity, progress and pursuit of happiness that will do more to control the debt, and guarantee our future than all the political rhetoric and posturing, no matter how loud or inspiring.

Business, science, and freedom is the cure - the quintessential American answer. The left opposes all three on religious grounds, and can't even comprehend the mechanism. Their input will rarely help with any of it. Keep that in mind when deal making. Remember how Reagan's amnesty deal never got their promised half of the compromise done. They took the Amnesty and then opposed and prevented the negotiated controls that would have prevented the later influx of new illegal immigrants that is the current problem. It was deal making with them that not only ruined a solution, but made the problem worse. They are not to be believed on anything, except their dishonesty. Any deals need to be more than hope, handshakes, and promises - they need to be written law. Republican Senate, House, President, and Court. Git-R-Done.

And "error 400" is clearly a creation of the left.

chickelit said...

Less moron and more lesson, please.

bagoh20 said...

Ritmo, you may now rant incoherently for the remainder of my time.

Trooper York said...

Of course we bow to the God Emperor of the Cherry Blossom Throne.

He will keep the faith with his followers. You will be pleased on balance Ritmo. He will work to bring Jobs to all communities as he has said over and over. You will not like some of his positions. Just as I don't. But on balance I think you will support a lot of what he wants to do.

Jobs and infrastructure which he can deliver because he is a builder.

No new wars for nation building.

Sticking it to the Saudi's.

Ending one sided trade deals that screw the American worker. Like the visa's that bring unskilled workers that take American Jobs.

Keeping Social Security and Medicare healthy.

He will keep the faith. Watch and see.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

If they hit you hit them five times as hard. They will never respect you. They will never be fair. They will never be courteous or polite.

I'm not sure I knew that excessive vengeance was the way to earn respect or fair treatment or courtesy in America but maybe I missed something.

He can go after whomever he wants. But if he is not selective and overly vindictive it very much will backfire on him, I predict.

A president has to respect disagreement and tolerate dissent, period. If Trump is unusual and non-partisan or ideological in how he makes deals I agree that will help him. But that goes beyond the politicians and into the constituencies. Not every citizen who disagrees with him is Rosie O'Donnell. Just April.

Trooper York said...

This is where bags shows his ass. You need to make deals. Even if you get only a portion of the other party on board. That is how it is supposed to work in a democracy.

The reason why Obamacare is such a miserable failure (among many others) is that it was pushed through on a straight party line vote with no input from the other side. I don't say you ever compromise your principles. But you do make some compromises to get consensus and support. Reagan did that. Shit Lyndon Fucking Johnson did that and he was partisan as you can be.

I made some big compromises in supporting Trump. He is nowhere near the social conservative that I am. But I realize that I have to settle for what I can get. So I will settle for being left alone. That is the best a social conservative can hope for.

chickelit said...

@bags: All that oil will have positively Venusian consequences for the atmosphere, will be the retort. Just when we banned plastic bags too -- the trees will need all the food that can get to keep up with the demand for paper.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And you, bagoh, may snipe incoherently.

Did you build a "big wall" -- a tower -- from which to mount your perch and lob political grenades? They will still be ineffective.

No one knows what you want from this president. You don't even know what you want.

And still it bothers you when people don't care.

How are your relationships and posterity working out these days, Mr. Anti-working class hero?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I made some big compromises in supporting Trump.

Because you are a realist who respects your country. No one who loves his country refuses to come to terms with the fact that there are other people, some who disagree on things, living in it.

Except bagoh. He actually thinks he can get everything he wants. Now if he can only figure out what that is.

Something about no regulation and a lot of war, as best I can tell. And more sticking it to the working poor. Something along those lines.

A pity he's not the spokesperson for his cause - whatever it is. Such inability to articulate is rare. Or maybe he hides his sentiments for a reason.

bagoh20 said...

The very thing that the left opposes most - cheap abundant energy and freedom from foolish regulation - will be to the next 20 years, what tax cuts were to the 80s, productivity enhanced by computers and machine controls were to 90s, and widely expanded information technology was to the 2000s. It's the new wave and combined with rapidly improving efficiency will provide the power to dig us out of another hole created by top down failure. It's not what the government does, but what it doesn't that will make the most difference. You want infrastructure? Don't leave it to government employees. Rely on the incentive, merit, and goal oriented thinking of the private sector. It's not the 1930's anymore with starving men willing to work for peanuts. Just say what you want, set hard goals that punish failure, and open contracts to everyone. Americans are builders, workers, winners.

bagoh20 said...

"No one knows what you want from this president. You don't even know what you want."

Your density is impressive, because nobody has been more demanding, and more clear than I have. Being a natural leftist, it's far beyond your horizon of imagination. I don't want him to do things, or save me, or make things for me. I want him to free me from people like you who never get enough of trying to grab a piece of me as I speed by to places and things you can only imagine acquiring by putting them on your list to Santa.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The very thing that the left opposes most -

Here come the tribalist bumper stickers...

cheap abundant energy

Yes. Let's OPPOSE that! Especially if it's safe and clean!

..and freedom from foolish regulation -

Whatever that means. More bumper sticker slogans without identifying a single actual regulation. Just any regulation will do. Bags isn't specifically impacted by this, he just wants the CFR abridged. Because it is too thick and he entertains himself by reading it every night.

will be to the next 20 years, what tax cuts were to the 80s,

Those magic years when outsourcing was just getting started.

..productivity enhanced by computers and machine controls were to 90s, and widely expanded information technology was to the 2000s.

This sounds like a VH1 decade-by-decade nostalgia segment than anything the government actually has anything to do with. You might as well pine for "the sunny days of the 1940s!" "The summer of '69." But this is helping me... I'm actually figuring out your problem: You're ascribing to government things that the government actually has nothing to do with.

It's the new wave and combined with rapidly improving efficiency will provide the power to dig us out of another hole created by top down failure.

These are more great slogans. Have you considered putting them in a memo? Like I said, they sound wonderful - but you're not addressing a single actual "policy". Unless you can find the policy, your complaint is not with government, it's just a broad scattershot to make you feel emotionally better.

It's not what the government does, but what it doesn't that will make the most difference. You want infrastructure? Don't leave it to government employees. Rely on the incentive, merit, and goal oriented thinking of the private sector.

Go ahead and point to any major, necessary infrastructure we have in place that was not a public works project.

It's not the 1930's anymore with starving men willing to work for peanuts. Just say what you want, set hard goals that punish failure, and open contracts to everyone. Americans are builders, workers, winners.

Somewhere along the lines of your effort to convince me that you were a voter/donor with an actual stake in the process, you ended up convincing me that you were just a speechwriter.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Your density is impressive,

Not nearly as unimpressive of your fluff. You are about as substantive as a squid.

...because nobody has been more demanding, and more clear than I have. Being a natural leftist, it's far beyond your horizon of imagination. I don't want him to do things, or save me, or make things for me. I want him to free me from people like you who never get enough of trying to grab a piece of me as I speed by to places and things you can only imagine acquiring by putting them on your list to Santa.

Again with the bumper stickers, the slogans, the speeches. Save it for someone who gets paid to listen to you. Cause I don't. And most people sure as hell wouldn't choose to.

ndspinelli said...

If you're looking to buy the bra salesman a Christmas present, consider a set of pom poms. He's gone through several already. The CONSTANT cheering that Trump is the uber Alpha that makes other people bow and submit is a big tell.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Anyone else you hate, nd? I mean, there are an awful lot of people out there - interviewing, commenting, reporting. Even us anonymous assholes on the internet. I guess if we're going to have to hate everyone who mixes it up with politicians and bothers to have an opinion that doesn't fall in line, then we'd better get started.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I think bag's problem is that he's a CEO who thinks he's a politician.

ndspinelli said...

Ritmo, A much easier list of reporters would be the ones I like. Sharyl Attkisson currently tops that list.

chickelit said...

Has anyone else ever noticed that Troop is the only person here whom R&B always wholeheartedly endorses?

chickelit said...

And say what you will about deborah. She knows how to throw a commenter party thread!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

R & B - Like it or not, people are fed up with the lying, narrative pimping, biased democrat ass licking press.

Trooper York said...

Here's the thing Ritmo. Trump is a pioneer. He turned the way you campaign on it's head. All things I think you would support. He shunned the big time doner's like the Koch's who were all against him and funded his opposition and #nevertrump. He spent his own money or got it from small donors. He didn't have a yuge campaign staff with consultants and pollsters and every other functionary who needed a rice bowl. He dispense with a lot of the TV commercials and instead did free TV and tweeted and used social media. He had almost no endorsements and no "ground game." You know all the bullshit that April and bags insisted that showed that he didn't have a chance because he was only in it to give it to Hillary.

Now he is still tweeting. Good. He should keep it up. The worst thing he could do is listen to the people who thought everything he did to win was wrong. What the fuck does JebbyMcRubio know about anything? Twitter is the new fireside chat. Trump can get his thoughts out to his people without the filter of the main stream media.

Did you see what NPR just said? They would not do anymore live interviews with conservatives because they could not cut and edit them to provide "context." Or in other words shape it the way they wanted. That is what the press does. You need to short circuit them by going to the people.

That's what democracy looks like.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I have no idea why so many progressives are removed from reality when it comes to free markets/free people. But they are.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

@ Bagoh

I don't want him to do things, or save me, or make things for me. I want him to free me from people like you who never get enough of trying to grab a piece of me...


Trooper York said...

Chick Ritmo and I are the opposite sides of the same coin. I am the conservative and he is the liberal. We both like to argue and can get nasty on occasion because we can take it too far.

We love the fight and like no holds barred.

But I think we both will listen if the other guy has something reasonable to say. Something our detractors will never admit.

Which is fair enough. I don't think either of us care that much. Just sayn'

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
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Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

(I gotta go out for a walk because I cannot type)

R&B was OK with Trump for a while, on the margin. Now that Trump won, R&B is back to his Bernie Sanders progressive coil.

Sanders is a nice guy - I totally appreciated the fact that he wasn't corrupt like Hitlery. But he is still a socialist. Socialism is for losers.

Trooper York said...

Now I think Trump was speaking for millions of Americans who thought it was bullshit that some asshole actor decided he wanted to try to lecture one of his guests as Little Steven put it.

Have you ever been at a Broadway show? They often have something at the end of the show where the liberal actor assholes come out and lecture and beg for something. Usually it was an Aides charity or animal rescue or something like that. An uncomfortable time was had by all.

This was just a mega-stupid way to do things. Sure Hamilton is sold out. But the back bone of Broadway is the tourists from Trumps America. If you piss them off enough Broadway could close up. It is precarious enough as it is.

This was just very stupid of them to stick a thumb in the eye of Trump's peeps.

Republicans buy sneakers too.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

ot: not that anyone cares.
I called the humane society to check on the little feral kitten I trapped. Kitten is not ready for adoption but they are trying to socialize him. *fingers crossed they are successful*. The fact they didn't ask me to come get him made my day. Ed and R&B cannot bring me down!

Trooper York said...

I think Trump missed a beat on his tweets.

I would have said:

Our wonderful future VP Mike Pence was harassed last night at the theater by the cast of Hamilton, cameras blazing. Uppity. Sad.

chickelit said...

Have you ever been at a Broadway show? They often have something at the end of the show where the liberal actor assholes come out and lecture and beg for something.

I think we've all seen this

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


"Everyone looks bad. Except Pence."

Pence is a gracious man. The left- collective holes, mostly.

chickelit said...

AprilApple said...I have no idea why so many progressives are removed from reality when it comes to free markets/free people. But they are.

I blame our collective loss of the subjunctive mood. Seriously. But nobody even knows WTF I'm talking about.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Chickel - LOL!

Trooper York said...

I used to know but I got off the train at conjunction junction and let it pass me by dude.

ndspinelli said...

April, Pence is gracious, and a gentleman. He was taken aback by the "pussy" tape and certainly some other Trump shit. But, he has been a valuable asset. He may be the most valuable running mate in my memory. He provided a balance for many people w/ worries about voting for Trump.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Has anyone else ever noticed that Troop is the only person here whom R&B always wholeheartedly endorses?

Trooper's not running for political office. But as for his take on Trump, yeah I think he's got the right idea. The Californians etc., I'm sorry to say, don't seem to have a clue as to who Trump is or what he's about. I think living in New York makes people more realistic about how people deal w/each other - which is what politics is about anyway.

R & B - Like it or not, people are fed up with the lying, narrative pimping, biased democrat ass licking press.

Oh really? I never knew.

Anyway, I never claimed otherwise.

In any event, if Troop ran for office, I'd probably endorse.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Sanders is a nice guy - I totally appreciated the fact that he wasn't corrupt like Hitlery. But he is still a socialist. Socialism is for losers.

But I thought Trump said we don't win anything any more?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I have no idea why so many progressives are removed from reality when it comes to free markets/free people. But they are.

Markets are not panaceas and the job of the government is not to convince people that everything the market fails to deliver represents a personal failure on their part.

edutcher said...

I didn't know I made that big an impression on her.

In any case, she ought to pick up a book and find out why people have been impeached or come close to it.

Those "disagreements" were far more trivial than the charges McConnell and Boehner could have leveled at Pissy.

PS We've learned from WikiLeaks Bernie was bought.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

PS We've learned from WikiLeaks Bernie was bought.

I keep hearing this and it perturbs me as it comes across as a right-wing talking point. Please feel free to illuminate me on how Bernie's support for a major party and candidate other than the GOP's - the same one he ran on - indicates selling out. You tell me how he was supposed to tell supporters who opposed Trump by 90% that a switch to that guy was the natural endorsement to make. You tell me how his very respectable and somewhat successful efforts to clean out the Democrat party of the elitism with the influx of all the progressive kids he brought into it would have been served by abandoning the party in a major election.

Come on, let's hear it - Conscience of Bernie. Let all the Republican Consciences of Bernie speak now on what he supposedly confessed to them about where to take a narrowly lost major political party revolt. Because at the moment, he seems to be as strong as ever and nowhere near compromised for it.

bagoh20 said...

"Has anyone else ever noticed that Troop is the only person here whom R&B always wholeheartedly endorses?"

It's amazing what a little reach around can get you.

The Hamilton thing would have been embarrassing for leftists, if they were capable of such reflection. They called for a discussion, by forcing a political monologue on a captive audience that paid handsomely for something else. They ripped them off. If they let Pence speak, he should have just said: "As for diversity and tolerance, how many of you on stage voted for our ticket, and what would happen to the guy who dared?" and then dropped the mike on the way out.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Bernie's peeps got a Democratic party platform that was the most progressive one to date. He put more strictures on HRC, had she won, than she would have been able to ignore at that point.

Some people have definitions of "selling out" that seem completely removed from what works in real life.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

More bumper sticker slogans from a bag of water.

Have you ever noticed how a water balloon simply molds into whatever shape holds it? How it has no definition? No underlying framework or support?

And no purpose other than to be lobbed at other people and make them all wet with the stuff that's inside?

You chose your name accurately, there.

Trooper York said...

Bernie is a socialist. But you know what? I think he genuinely cares about working people. Most of his ideas are crazy. But I bet he would sign on to some of what Trump is going to do. Especially in Trade and in stopping wars.

If Trump goes up against the neocons Bernie could be a valuable ally.

The basis of the wars in the Middle East was economic. The Bushes sucking the dick of the Saudi's. Bags is correct that the new energy discoveries in fracking and Trump opening up drilling will lead to an economic boom and obviate the need for kissing the Arabs ass. So nation building is out. Starting another Iraq war is out. Fighting with Russia over Syria is out. Give peace a chance.

bagoh20 said...

Ritmo, the right avoids bumper stickers. We don't want our cars keyed and our tires slashed by one of those "courageous" lefties.

Lefties, by contrast, love them, because they feel safe expressing their First Amendment rights. You can thank us wingnuts for any time.

Trooper York said...

Trump is above all not predictable. Lets see if Bernie is all too predictable.

I think you are going to be surprised at how things are going to go.

Trump is a nationalist. He is a builder and a businessman. If he starts a infrastructure plan that gets inner city guys to work he might have something there. If he opens up coal he will help his hillbillies. He is going to let the economic monster loose.


Trooper York said...

The guys Trump picked so far are quite conservative. But they can govern in a very impartial way.

Take immigration. We don't have to pass new laws. We just have to enforce the ones on the books. If sanctuary cities get in the way you can arrest the people who try to stop the deporting of criminal's.

Take ISIS. This Marine guy who is going to be Sec of Defense is in the Chesty Puller/Curtis Lemay mode. He is just going to kill the terrorists. Period. Problem solved.

Bannon is going to press for populist causes. Trade deals. No wars. Cheap energy.

On social issues Trump is much more libertarian. I don't think he cares all that much about the gays. He won't let them terrorize churches which is what I care about. As far as the abortion bill? Trump doesn't care as long as he doesn't have to pay it.

He doesn't like to pay his bills. Just sayn'

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm not going to speak to Bags any more on this thread because he obviously think that whatever his country goes through is just one big joke. I'm sure he can afford to think that way, but to me it's too unpatriotic to indulge.

As for your 6:41 Trooper, I do agree that there's a lot of overlap. Just look at the big picture. I can't remember if it was someone as far off the right-wing reservation as Susan Sarandon who said it, but look at it this way: More Mid-East wars ===> more Syrian refugees. More Syrian refugees ===> more tension, unemployment, more terrorism concerns. This is a crazy policy. The wars lead directly to the immigration problems. And then Hillary/generic European left-wing politician can say, "Be nice to the refugees! Let them in!" Well, stop fucking bombing them and maybe that wouldn't even have to be an issue in the first place.

More overlap between right and left at the moment than between partisan establishment Team #1 and partisan establishment Team #2. It was true in the campaign and is still true.

Trooper York said...

The thing is Trump is unpredictable. You can't put him in a box.

The Republican establishment and the national security establishment wants to gin up a war with Russia. Trump doesn't. That is why he called in the grand daddy of Realpolitik Henry Kissinger to consult.

Trump is going to cut a deal with Russia. They get Syria, the Urkraine and access to the sea.

We get to save a boatload of money and farm out the murder of the terrorists to the Spetsnaz. Think of Trump as Lucky and Meyer and the Russki's as Abe Reles and Murder Inc. It simple if you run the country the way the Mafia ran things.

bagoh20 said...

"I'm not going to speak to Bags...".

If I had a nickle for every time some bitch broke THAT promise...

But please, please, not you! I'm so hurt. I thought we had something special. Something long-lasting and deep. Remember back in the days at TOP, when you were Montana Urban Schmendrick and I was still me, and you were fascinated with my balls. Good times. We were tight. Does that all mean nothing now?

If that's how you feel then just go ahead, say it,

edutcher said...

Trooper York said...

The Republican establishment and the national security establishment wants to gin up a war with Russia.

OK, you lost me on that one. I know the Beast wanted a war with the Russkies and now the snowflakes are trying to wave the flag, but when did the Whigs and the Pentagon (or do you mean the neocons) start rattling sabers? If anybody should know how ill-prepared for a war we are, it would be the brass hats.

Rhythm and Balls said...

PS We've learned from WikiLeaks Bernie was bought.

I keep hearing this and it perturbs me as it comes across as a right-wing talking point. Please feel free to illuminate me on how Bernie's support for a major party and candidate other than the GOP's - the same one he ran on - indicates selling out.

I know it's tough keeping up with stuff when nobody in the gated community will have anything to do with you, but we learned the Demos gave him a very nice vacation home to go with the flow, rather than do a third party run or tell his people to stay home.

Logic is tough, but try it some time.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Logic is tough, but try it some time.

For you it sure is. You didn't answer a single question about what he failed to get out of the Democrats once the nomination was complete.

But keep up the class warfare talk. I realize how angry it makes you to fail to get more than half the voting public behind you and your schizophrenic love/hate relationship with wealth.

Don't answer until you provide an explanation for how rejecting a trinket from the Democrats would have advanced his objectives more than he already had. Of course, I realize your blind to your own failures by now. But it's rather obvious when you can't answer a simple question how much difficulty you have.

You are really showing your true colors. Between you, water-on-the-brain and even (for a brief spell) Apple, it was like a Trumpfest of trashy integrity hating all over the Republican party. You guys sound about as smitten with your own lust for power as the Democrats did. But at least they can be held accountable. Unlike the total lack of discipline with you guys.

bagoh20 said...

I knew you didn't mean it. They never do.

Why do you think I'm childless? At the very least, I have you. You all rebel, but eventually you will realize how loving it is of me to have supported you and provided for your nanny state all these years.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

R&B - when you sell out to the Clintons, you sell out to the Clintons. Warren and Bernie sold out. They are hypocrites.

You cannot rail against boogie man Wall Street and then endorse the femo-nazi who spoke to them for millions. Ignoring Hillary's conversations to them: "this is our private little chat. Oh yeah, Goldman Sachs, I agree, we gotta cut social security. But don't tell anyone."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

R&B - you're kinda off the rails, dude. It's Sunday night - fix yourself a cocktail.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

R&B - Bagoh and I are not smitten with Trump, we are thrilled that Hillary lost.

Avoiding institutionalized corruption makes some people giddy.

What is odd is that you claimed to despise Hillary too, but we are not seeing that anymore. You seem depressed that she lost.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Just leave the country already. You obviously hate it. Go dissolve it and form a union of assholes w/Jeffrey Epstein, George Soros, and the others. A place where portfolios are the new patriotism. And don't pay your taxes. What do I care? See what happens.

The state doesn't do much for me (unless you count policing, etc.) I just have less hatred for the people for whom it does more.

You're childless because you know how little your parents wanted to do with you. Darwin's corrected the problem by taking your own posterity out of the equation. Societies are more than just plaques on walls.

You are a disgusting person. No patriotism, no soul, no ability to relate to anyone who doesn't hump your leg. Just leave the fucking country. It's voted and the vote indicates how little it cares for your type.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

R&B - when you sell out to the Clintons, you sell out to the Clintons. Warren and Bernie sold out. They are hypocrites.

You cannot rail against boogie man Wall Street and then endorse the femo-nazi who spoke to them for millions. Ignoring Hillary's conversations to them: "this is our private little chat. Oh yeah, Goldman Sachs, I agree, we gotta cut social security. But don't tell anyone."

What did he sell? How was anything he stood for or accomplished lessened by refusing to crash the Democratic nominee or believe that a narcissistic race-baiter was worth being a spoiler for? You know, some people have values beyond just reviving focus on the manufacturing working base. It's ok to have more than one value in life.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What is odd is that you claimed to despise Hillary too, but we are not seeing that anymore. You seem depressed that she lost.

Lol. Both of them are and were potential disasters. The difference between you and me is that I would also not have been "thrilled" if Trump lost. They are both different train-wrecks... difference between that I would have known how to hold Hillary to account. But Trump's boosters don't have anyone on their side who know how to do that. That's what's depressing. Where is the revolt against what you're "not smitten" with? I don't see it anywhere.

Sarandon said that if Trump won then the revolution might begin more immediately. But apparently the left was prepared to take on a president Hillary that all the followers and lackeys of the right have no idea how to take on in Trump.

That is damn depressing. It's like all his right-wing opponents suddenly disappeared. Folded.

And they tell us it's the left that only cares about power. Don't ever say that again because we now see how exciting you find your addiction to partisan power to be.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

You seem bitter.

Many of us pay plenty of taxes. High taxes. The BIG LIE on the left is that nobody pays taxes. F off.
Under Obama, record personal wealth has been removed - and resides in the US treasury.

At least democrats like Hillary spent it on high class travel. You go grrl.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You re-posted your silly comment. Why? How are you and I discussing taxes? It's the Soros/Epstein globalist wanna-be Water on the Brain who goes on about that stuff. Taxes are a bogey man. They're not the issue in this election and that's the end of the story. The issue was the working poor. Bring up your high tax rate in 2020; if Trump actually does something for the working poor then maybe we can focus once again on how tax rates are somehow the one and only issue to focus on in America. And what's your rate anyway? Go invest some of it if it's so high! Leader Trump probably won't go after the investor class tax rates (i.e. capital gains) for a while, so you still have time, big spender.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If that partisan power can take "passed on party-line vote in the dead of night without the consent of most Americans" Orwellian ACA with a stick of dynamite and a plunger....

you betcha.

R&B - you sound like every other depressed liberal. No introspection. No introspection as to why democrats lost. None. Could it be that Hillary is a liar and an Un-indicted felon? A money grubbing pay-to-play sociopath? nah. There is a laundry list of progressive garbage that needs cleaning. IF Trump can do it (and that's a big IF) he has my support.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I reposted it to fix a typo. OMG!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I have no reason to conclude anything other than this talk of Bernie "selling out" is just projection by Republicans who have sold out by admitting that they have no way of holding Trump to account.

The Bernie people would have held Hillary to account. Bernie would have gained nothing by refusing a house or an endorsement.

This is obvious.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's the Soros/Epstein globalist wanna-be Water on the Brain who goes on about that stuff.

I hate to break it to you - but Soros supports corrupt leftwing shit.

You've slid into nutter-ville dude. Crack pipe?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Anyone who did not stand up to Clinton corruption - SELL. OUT.

At least Jill Stein didn't.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

R&B - you sound like every other depressed liberal. No introspection. No introspection as to why democrats lost. None. Could it be that Hillary is a liar and an Un-indicted felon? A money grubbing pay-to-play sociopath?

Oh for fuck's sake. It's like your memory of the last seven months was just erased. YOu think I forgot everything I said about her? Wow. I can go and post all the accolades you raved to me about at TOP when I was tearing up her record and policy goals. I don't need to prove to you over and over again whatever I remembered saying. I'm sorry if you forgot. It's just that I had very critical things to say about Trump, also. Apparently when one of those candidates won, our criticisms shouldn't change. But when the other wins, it's all good. Huge partisan victory means we get to pretend that everything said before November 8th is forgotten! Yeay! Wipe the slate clean! REpublican party reconciliation rules over and above what everyone said was important to them beforehand! Leave the bitterness to people who actually care about where we go from here!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's hilarious to think the corruptocrat party cares about the working poor.

The R's are bad too, but the D party proved they are the party of the rich now.

Look at all the wealthy counties - they voted blue. Hillary won the wealthy counties.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I hate to break it to you - but Soros supports corrupt leftwing shit.

So what. He's an internationalist like Water Brain and if I have to cross party lines to point that out then so be it. There is more to life than partisanship.

You've slid into nutter-ville dude. Crack pipe?

Only if it has a red white and blue elephant on it. Partisanship is the best drug of all!

Anyone who did not stand up to Clinton corruption - SELL. OUT.

At least Jill Stein didn't.

This is a delusional statement. Jill Stein had the independence of not having been a major Democratic party contender. If Bernie had done.... I don't know... you can't even seem to point out what it is that you wanted him to do - then no chance of Democratic party reform. He wanted to take it over - and still has a chance to do so now. Not the case had he abandoned the party and stabbed its members (including his supporters) in the back like you backstabbers seem to think he should have done.

This is basic politics 101. It gives me hope that Republicans will not be the ones to steal the narrative and the legacy if its partisans can't even see this much.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

All I wanted Bernie to do is NOT endorse Hillary. Simple.

Oh right- that partisan stuff goes out the window with dear old Bernie.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

So you're pissed that the R's are not fighting like they used to, but you are fine with Bernie selling out to Hillary. check! or - check please.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Have a nice night. Masterpiece Theater is calling.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

All I wanted Bernie to do is NOT endorse Hillary. Simple.

Oh right- that partisan stuff goes out the window with dear old Bernie.


An independent-minded candidate has the independence to decide which of two likely candidates is worse than the other and which one he'd rather support if it wasn't him.

Wow. All I can say is - I can see why I'm not a Republican. Too much blind loyalty. At least I can be confident that Bernie was free to make the decision he thought best. All you can do is read the same hierarchical leader-follower relationships into it. And demand he choose someone other than whom he preferred over the other. Wow.

One thing about the left: At least difference of opinion still has a chance of being respected there. But on the right I have to assume that people are either with me or against me. Or sell-outs.

That would be lonely and cold. Nope, that's not my crowd.

edutcher said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

You didn't answer a single question about what he failed to get out of the Democrats once the nomination was complete.

As always, you didn't ask any.

You wanted to know how Bernie's support for a major party and candidate other than the GOP's indicates selling out and I told you.

Try to keep up. The hard stuff is next semester.

PS I didn't use any "class warfare talk". If you thought so, I can see why the rest of the gated community wants nothing to do with you.

PPS Go easy on the Bluebird of Happiness. She made a career of skipping history and social studies.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

ed - you didn't say anything. Why even respond if you're just going to make up talking points? There are people who get paid to do that, and they do it much better than you do.

So we have another narcissist. You're too in love with your weird points to say what you mean by "gated community wants nothing to do..." What gated community? You're the one bringing this up, so obviously you have a class issue, or are obsessed with class issues. I don't think you mean it literally, so why are you so opposed to interpreting your silly slogan? Even kids that make up their own languages usually have a twin or other close friend who can understand what they say. But you just make up rote, generic phrases that don't even make sense. I am not a DNC supporter. But you refuse to make yourself known. It's like you're proud to spout gibberish. If you like talking to yourself, ed, you don't need to respond to me. But if you were less trashy, you would respond with something that actually makes sense. It's like I'm listening to a kid who was raised by wolves get angry because I don't understand the meaning of her grunts and howls.

Just because you finally found a candidate you fell in love with doesn't mean you're comprehensible to anyone else. Just stop with the coded language and speak English. "Gated community" sounds like a phrase Mexicans can relate to. But I am just a humble American.

ed, don't be too proud to translate. You are awesome, but not for being incomprehensible.

edutcher said...

Thank you.

For whatever it was you said.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I said that you should explain what you're referring to with this Orwellian phrase you use of "gated community," you illiterate.

But instead you put your fingers in your ear like a baby and pretended not to hear. Because it's so much easier to throw around cowardly, inside-joke insults, without having to explain what they mean to the people you use them against.

Trooper was mistaken about you: You are a coward. Too cowardly to say what you mean.

Methadras said...

I actually like John Stewart. For all of his foibles he does know where his bread is buttered and he's a supporter of our military and that's something I can't ignore. Given that, I tend to not be swayed against the pragmatism that is life, so when goes off the rails into lefty loon land, I glaze over and pour myself a Wassail. Drink it with sheer enjoyment and thank God that this country dodged a bullet by not electing the criminal harpy.

I'm also enjoying the leftist mobs uniformly self-immolate, but I digress, and I flick the switch on my natural gas fireplace, kick my feet up, and gently caress my .45 watching The Walking Dead, starring Ritmo's ideology.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Balls- Nobody wants to talk to ed, so he obsesses and regurgitates garbage about whigs and the one true ted and little marco. over and over. Just skip past him - he's a troll.

Amartel said...

Apparently, the drunken delusional projection started early on Sunday before degenerating into complete babbling incoherence.

"Classism is THE animating identity politics of the right. Anti-classism - of the left."
"You look at his gilded furnishings and think, "royalty... Kennedys..." But with more arrogance. And that's what you love about him. A more arrogant form of American royalty."

Not even slightly on both counts.

The Dude said...

You read that drivel? More power to you.