Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Thriving on raw eggs, world's oldest person marks 117th birthday in Italy

Morano was born in November 1899, four years before the Wright brothers first took to the air. Her life has spanned three centuries, two World Wars and over 90 Italian governments.
"My life wasn't so nice," she told Reuters TV as she sat in an armchair by her window, a white shawl over her shoulders. "I worked in a factory until I was 65, then that was that."
In an interview with La Stampa newspaper five years ago she said her fiance had died in World War One and that she had then been forced to marry a man she did not love.
"'Either you agree to marry me or I will kill you'," Morano said, recalling his proposal. "I was 26. We got married."
She has thrived despite an unorthodox, unbalanced diet.
"When I first knew her she used to eat three eggs a day. Two raw, and one fried. Today she has slowed down a bit, reducing the number to two some days because she says three can be too much," her doctor Carlo Bava told Reuters TV.
"She has never eaten much fruit or vegetables. Her characteristic is that she always eats the same thing, every day, every week, every month and every year."
More of this story via a Sissy Willis tweet: ‪https://ca.news.yahoo.com/thriving-raw-eggs-worlds-oldest-person-marks-117th-134043804.html‬
Ps. (Her secret is the $200.00 stimulus Link: https://althouse.blogspot.com/2007/08/eating-egg-salad-sandwich-for-200.html?m=1)


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I hope I'm wrong in my impression that she has lived a long and unhappy life.

The Dude said...

How is that an unbalanced diet? Fruits and vegetables are lethal - just look at all her contemporaries who ate them - every last one of them is dead.

Amartel said...

They always do this with profiles of the super-old: Focus on their food, like that's the big secret to longevity. Not good genetics and other assorted good luck. That's what the media thinks we are interested in with the very old: What's in this story for us? What personal gain is to be derived from this oldster's story? Today's miracle age-defying food is eggs. The next one will subsist on nuts and berries. (You realize that the next story of the oldest person in the world will mean this nice lady has passed.) I fondly remember the old guy in Japan who ate meat every day and smoked heroically (cutting back to 1 pack a day at age 100).

AllenS said...

I'm 70 years old. If I knew I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself.

bagoh20 said...

Outliving your husband like that is seriously passive aggressive, but he deserved it.

ndspinelli said...

Allen, You have to be one of the oldest people here.

The Dude said...

I guess that title devolves as time passes, eh Spins?

Chip Ahoy said...

Eggsperts always do this with provumfile of the eggceptionally ovum. Eggxamine their food, like that’s the big eneggma to longeggvity. Not good geneggits and other hetroeggnious grade A large luck. No wait, I think I plagerfried that.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Man shall not live on eggs alone... but this is a woman.

Methadras said...

If she continually eat roughly the same thing for as long as she has. Her bacteria in her gut has basically evolved to process that as best as possible. If she tried to eat something else, it probably won't end well.

AllenS said...

I'm 70 years old. If I knew I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself.

I'm a spry chicken of 47 and I suspect I am going to probably live to close 100, so I'm at the gym every day and making sure to keep my weight down as much as possible (Yeah, what a joke) and try to stay in shape for as long as my joints and muscles hold out because that won't be forever.

ampersand said...

If it wasn't for Mussolini she would have lived through 300 to 3000 Italian governments.

Adamsunderground said...

C'mon cloning! (shakes imaginary dice in grasp) Papa needs a new pair of everything!

Leland said...

But cholesterol!

AllenS said...

I probably am, Nick. Meth, I lift weights every day, and do 45 situps at a time. I don't lift that much, just trying to keep the joints and muscles working.

rcommal said...

Eh. I won't live so long. That's OK. Reality. Better that way, for me.

rcommal said...

Also, as a Christmas gift for someone, as requested, I'm going to unsubscribe to every news source to which I have subscribed for the past 25-30 years. I do suspect that you all will laugh at that. Hey, I'm laughing, too. It is what it is, and it is a far, far, far, better thing that I do, in doing so. Life is complicated; it's a complicated life.


rcommal said...

So it goes, and most will better for getting that "so it goes" thing. Just sayin', FWIW.

rcommal said...

Well, at very least, I think so.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Any butter beer and butter burgers? And she's French, so what about cheese?

William said...

Her life made up in quantity what it lacked in quality. I would say that, all in all, I've had a better life than both JFK and his son, although they're high points were certainly higher than mine.....I'm in my seventies. Old age has proven to be a surprisingly pleasant experience. I was born into a world where women still darned socks. Just remembering how much life sucked when I was younger and how comfortable it is now gives me intense satisfaction.......I wonder who was the last woman in America to darn a sock and if she is still alive.

rhhardin said...

That's Wittgenstein.

His first day on the faculty, the lady asked him what he wanted for lunch, and Wittgenstein said it didn't matter so long as it was the same thing every day.

William said...

I'm still in the running for the contest to be the oldest living man. I hope to set a record for being the oldest living person for the world's longest amount of time.