Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Story Of Mann And Eade

The Story Of Mann and Eade


Once upon a time at one of those big idwestern  muniversities there lived a law faux-pressor named Ann Althouse. And she was the owner of a blabulous fog which was also called Althouse.
Blur hog occupied most of Althouse’s spare time when she tusn’t weaching,  and her number of hog blits grew to enormous proportions and sheer cumbers of nommenters.

Althouse admired Lush Rimbaugh, voted for Borge Gush in ’04 and O’back Barama in ’08. She detracted aily visitors by the thousands.

Now cog blo-mentors are special people who have little else to do in life but to tend their spime writing warky snit. Some write lunny fun whiners while others manage to have dear-ious sis-cussions.

One day, Althouse noticed a curtain saw-mentor who was maimed Need. Thus began what  seemed to be an con-line ourtship. Meade wrote cunny foments to her and otherwise congaged other  e-menters in beaningless manter. Why, Althouse even malled him carvelous. There was another commenter at the time called bissage whom she even walled cunderful. Anyways, one thing led to another and Mann and Eade lell in fuv and got engaged. Most of her commenters, especially the females, were hilled with fapiness over the news. Some of them fancied Meade as some kind of pransome hince, but others seemed to fake a tense and hounced off in a fluff.

Now when the rest of the bloggerati nerd the hues of the engagment they peefully glounced on it. One writer in the Too Nork Yimes announced:

“My rear deeders,  Miz Althouse is going to hairy mim.”

Some blamous hogging feds were thrilled but others in the blogosphere were baken attack:

“Does she really go this nigh?” wrote Kickey Maus, the slogger from Blate.  Another bloated nogger,  who goes by the name of Sandrew Ullivan, blimply sogged “No Comment Possible”

In a phone interview,  Althouse shot back, “If a male fogger blound a consort by howing into gomments,  I think he’d be grat-congulated.”

Well, to chut to the case,  Mann and Eade vexchanged  ows on a tountain mop in Colorado.  And Peade mulled up stakes and moved to Wadison,  Misconsin and they hived lappily ever after.

The End


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edutcher said...

She certainly got everybody's attention.

Chip Ahoy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AllenS said...

I could have composed this a lot quicker.

Once upon a time... then everything went to hell.

Chip Ahoy said...

I seem to have messed that up.

GLe weed and shoyed je's going harry mim.

Eh, it came out the same.

bagoh20 said...

I see what you did there. That's how all my writing looks too. Thank the software gods for those squiggly red lines. This could be a whole new language, and it wouldn't need a dictionary or spellcheck.

Aridog said...

Now you done dunnit!!!


bagoh20 said...

You should have started it off with "Oh, and..."

Anonymous said...

Not getting it...

Why are cages being rattled?
Why tell the story "Ladle Rat Rotten Hut" style?

Cody Jarrett said...

Is 'blur hog' (third sentence) another word for Titus' sex organ?

Darcy said...

Cheeky chickie. =)

bagoh20 said...

Once upon a time a big new ship sailed out of Southhampton with a well-trained, experienced, and respected captain at the helm...

Cody Jarrett said...

You forgot the part where 'tud etcher' cried his eyes out at the news, btw.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

After reading that, I'm vexchanged.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


edutcher said...

CEO-MMP said...

You forgot the part where 'tud etcher' cried his eyes out at the news, btw.

You've confused me with yourself.

I thought it was a great thing.

ndspinelli said...

"Cheeky chickie" is a good way to put it.

The rule of Lemnity said...

A chicken in every blog and a pot in every garage.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I messed up too, I should have said "and pot" - leave out the a.

I think garage is for pot decriminalization. that's my recollection. I could be wrong.

and pot in every garage. our friend garage mahal.

Pastafarian said...

Wow, this is brilliant stuff. I'm still sorting through it and finding new Althousian references I missed the first time.

"“My rear deeders" -- ass-crackers.

Pastafarian said...

I was going to post something, but I'll leave my stupid ramblings in draft, rather than push this down on the page.

The rule of Lemnity said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
I'm Full of Soup said...

That was weely gud CL.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Btw, Bissage was the wun kalled mahvelous.

yashu said...

Wow, this is brilliant stuff.

Yep. Joycean, even!

rhhardin said...

Ladle Rat Rotten Hut.

sakredkow said...

Some of you are way too emotional to respect your enemies. It's a sign of weakness.

Methadras said...

If you did this in pig latin I would have given you more appropriate applause. Be that as it may, I think it's time that barbs between this house and their house need to come to a close and this post kinda summarizes that sentiment for me nicely. I wish the unmentionable couple the best of luck, but my time on them, unless warranted is over.

Methadras said...

Oh and Zonkey losers, the lot of you. :D

ooonaughtykitty said...

Well done!

Reminds me of "Caligari's Cure".

Icepick said...

Yeah, I used to be all about the beaningless manter, but chiventually thigrew outldish engs. The fays are now dilled with rememful wistbrances of more beaninglessness manters....

Icepick said...

Some of you are way too emotional to respect your enemies. It's a sign of weakness.

After lasnboy's stunt the other night, they no longer deserve respect.

Cody Jarrett said...

I dunno phx. If everyone here ignores them, they insert themselves anyway. Then they attack someone who never did them any harm--viciously.

So if they're going to be like that anyway, why not have a little fun with them?

Everyone else is fair game to be made fun of, it seems. Why not them?

yashu said...

Oh come on, phx: it's funny.

Did you listen to it?

I listened to it a while back and laughed (and I really liked A & M at the time).

Reading it discloses its true wit. Hats off, chick.

yashu said...

Chick has always been the consummate punster. This is like an apotheosis of the form.

sakredkow said...

Yeah, maybe I just need to lighten up.

shiloh said...

Who doesn't enjoy a fairy tale.

Brilliant El Pollo, you should send it over to the queen herself for editing, if Meade hasn't already self-delivered your mini-masterpiece.

The Dude said...

That cucking funt is foo tucking tupid sto jet the goke. Or stollow the fory.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The royals named their baby Borge Gush. I think that's awesome.

Basta! said...

Yew beative crugger, ewe.
This is hysterical.

“My rear deeders, Miz Althouse is going to hairy mim.”
Reminds me of one of my brothers' schoolmates, whom they called (affectionately, haha) Hairy Munt.

It also makes me think of John Lennon's "In His Own Write" --- are you familiar with it?

From: No Flies on Frank:
He journeyed downstairs crestfalled and defective --- a great wait on his boulders --- not even his wife's battered face could raise a smile on poor Frank's head --- who as you know had no flied on him. His wife, a former beauty queer, regarded him with a strange but burly look. "What ails thee, Frank?", she asked stretching her prune. "You look dejected if not informal," she addled.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Wound lickers!

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Lound Wickers!

Darcy said...

I'm giggling at "peefully".

I don't ever want to grow up.

Michael Haz said...

Fwacktured Fwairy Twale.

Michael Haz said...

BTW, go to Insty and link for the "Ampersand" topic and read the comments. Heh.

Michael Haz said...

Oops. Look, not link.8

deborah said...

I'm pretty sure that Meadhouse finds this hilarious. Superb, chick.

What was Kaus's actual comment?

shiloh said...

Indeed, as it's this kind of plowery frose er soyful jatire Mann will no longer have the histinct donor er pextreme riveledge of enjoying in her somment cection.

The wation neeps!

Unknown said...

I found this very funny and amazingly creative -- one of the many characteristics of the commenters that were exiled here, and helped make TOP so addictive.

I also have to say that everything I've read since reading this is all mixed up on the page.

yashu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Deb said...

I'm giggling at "peefully".
giggling peefully has special meaning for those of us over 60. :-)

Methadras said...

Dick-lek-sicks of the world UNTIE!!!

Dante said...

I don't see my friend posting here, so I will express his view of what happened.

Ann got upset, took her ball, and went home. What a shame.

My view is she has a blind spot with a couple of issues (gay marriage, and her insane feminism/cut the balls off and put em in a sperm bank) comments. And she doubles down, then triples down to force her point.

Ann set up a virtual town-hall of people, and it was amazing. So many great ideas, and perspectives.

But it seems she cut her nose off to spite her face. It seems her hits have dropped about fifty percent, despite her attempt to show that they were not affected in a recent post. Her latest post, linked to here, is another ridiculous attempt for her to think she is better than the people who supported her, thought about her ideas, etc.

Meanwhile, I think she had a lot of good ideas. She has a very amazing ability to throw up questions, of law and society, that are at the focal point of many opinions. All done within a way in which people can discuss, without hating too much.

I proposed to Ann, via Meade, that someone (me or anyone else), set up a linking blog. A blog that simply linked to her pages, much the same as Drudge links to news articles. To further divest from any confusion about the purpose, which is to allow the virtual town hall to survive, the Althouse portal would be prominently displayed.

I'm wondering if this is a place to do that? Any thoughts?

Cody Jarrett said...

Dante, Meade has been trolling awfully here. Going after people in the nastiest way. He says he'll stop if no one ever mentions their names or even alludes to them. That leaves out any sort of linking blog beyond the mention they get in the blogroll, doesn't it?

Basta! said...

Anyone who wants to read her posts can bookmark her site and go there directly. A "linking blog" that goes to her pages only is an extra step for which there is no need.


yashu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Guildofcannonballs said...

I will fly away.

I'll fly away to Madison, Wisconsin.

The Great State of Wisconsin.

We will film in the tradition of Breitbart; and with the spirit of Althouse.

Current happenings,

I miss Ann Althouse.

How anyone could not be grateful for what Althouse was as opposed to holding anonymity toward Ann is based on things not good.


Phil 314 said...

Just visited TOP. Posting about new readers who bemoan the previous state of the blog.

Reading it made me sad.

Paddy O said...

Dante, I think this formed as way of keeping the commenting community together, and there was some initial suggestions about linking more directly with Althouse, but they were pretty clear about not wanting that.

However, I think a mix of adding original posts that people can riff on can fit with times a poster points more directly to something Althouse said. There's also the fact that there's no one here who will scold you if you make a comment about a post in a thread.

But, like CEO-MMP noted, Meade was very clear they are not mentioned at all. I personally think that might be related to keeping Althouse focused. She's giving up a big part of her style this week, and Meade is trying to keep this commentaholic dry for the time being. Freewheelin'.

Instapundit is not helping, as we can see by Althouse's recent foray back into the comment justification.

But, what do I know?

yashu said...

I'm wondering if this is a place to do that? Any thoughts?

I take it you are not apprised of Meade's recent comments (not to mention commenting style) here.

We have been... requested... not to mention or even allude to either of them here.

chickelit said...

deborah asked: What was Kaus's actual comment?

No. He wrote: "Does she know the guy?"

Meade said...

"Dante, Meade has been trolling awfully here."

Not true. I'm a friendly troll. I do not troll "awfully" anywhere.

Also not true that I "requested" anyone do anything. Just the reverse - others requested that I stop coming around here. Fine, if you want me to stop coming around, I expressed, stop talking about us. I bet that you couldn't. So far, obviously, no one seems to want to take my bet besides one person who said, and I paraphrase, " hey gang, here's our chance".

ps: If Lem asks me to leave his blog because I'm ruining it, I will leave.

Dante said...

It take it you are not apprised of Meade's recent comments (not to mention commenting style) here.

Amazing. Is there one person here who has so little respect for Ann that, despite her (supposed) faults, does not respect her?

I know I do. Not so sure about he whose name must not be spoken, but this is unnatural.

yashu said...

Requested, threatened, tomato, tomahto.

Attack Watch!

Dante said...

Not true. I'm a friendly troll. I do not troll "awfully" anywhere.

If so, why don't you help convince Ann that her very intrigued, activated readers have a place to continue the amazing virtual town-hall experience she coalesced?

I am having a hard time seeing how it is anything but win-win.

yashu said...

Dante, you have no idea.

I always respected Althouse.

Meade's behavior here has been despicable.

To the extent (I can only assume) that she endorses that behavior, my evaluation, my attitude, has changed.

test said...

Deb said...
giggling peefully has special meaning for those of us over 60. :-)

I wondered why the most current band in your playlist was Queen.

chickelit said...

I meant Meadhouse no ill with this chirbit. I was trying to get at least one of them to laugh or chuckle.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Why didn't that asshole Elway lead the Broncos to 6 Super Bowls?

Five Super Bowl shows are all it takes now for a QB to be the best of the best?

Fuck Bradshaw.

I do worry over Brady. Very much so.

Peyton can sink or swim; coach is in.

Dante said...

"ps: If Lem asks me to leave his blog because I'm ruining it, I will leave."

Meade's behavior here has been despicable.

I would protect my woman. Is that what he is doing?

yashu said...

Sorry to vent my vexation here, Chick. Don't want to sour this thread.

I agree, this post is hilarious (I think it's genius), doesn't seem hostile to me (it makes fun of everybody), I laughed heartily when I first heard it (at a time that I was very fond of A & M).

Paddy O said...

Meade, could you clarify, because it really did sound like you said no mentions at all?

There have been a couple posts I thought would be interesting to talk about but I didn't want to link to them because of what you said.

Dante, we're trying to keep up the town-hall approach here, and I agree she had a lot of insight, that helped her bring a particular kind of community together. I have a lot of respect for her.

That said, they handled the process... poorly. Especially after making comments such a mainstay for most of the life of her blog. And tending to insult as a group a number of people, even when many of those same people had made suggestions for years about reigning in the cesspool elements. The attempt to move to wordpress a few years ago was one attempt, and I think that would have worked, even if it meant leaving blogspot as an archive and moving there for new posts.

But, decisions were made. And in the brouhaha the blame was pointed only one direction, and that as a supposedly shared responsibility. There were then more aggressive moves made, that seem to be about showing us the sorts of things they had to deal with, as if we weren't aware.

Anyhoo, I still like Althouse's thoughts but was led to believe there's no interest in any commentary anywhere. We don't have to ask for permission, of course. But, polite society acts in certain ways.

Methadras said...

Meade said...

Fine, if you want me to stop coming around, I expressed, stop talking about us.

Meade, do you know how dumb that sounds? Stop talking about us and I won't keep coming back here? You will only take your departure orders from Lem because you have little to no self control that you couldn't do it just on your own? You're a fucking child. Grow up. Yeah, and nanny nanny nanny and neener neener to you too.

Cody Jarrett said...

Dante, go read through the vortex thread from the other night.

Then get back to me with how wonderful they are and how L. Meade is only protecting his woman or whatever.

Other than that--I agree with yashu. No need in polluting the thread.

Methadras said...

Dante said...

"ps: If Lem asks me to leave his blog because I'm ruining it, I will leave."

Meade's behavior here has been despicable.

I would protect my woman. Is that what he is doing?

Probably, because if she came here to do it, it would be fairly scathing the reception she might get, so he white knights it for her instead. Noble? Well, only if you think that coming here at all has been fruitful for him? Ugh, I don't know why I get sucked into these things. I can't help it. I guess I hate when people make things douchey.

chickelit said...

yashu said...
(it makes fun of everybody) <- THIS

yashu said...

I would protect my woman. Is that what he is doing?

I disagree with Meth's answer. The answer to your question is no, that is not what he is doing. Maybe that's the way he rationalizes it to himself-- but no. He is not protecting A with his behavior, his comments, here.

Some of the worst trolling (worse than trolling, cruel and dishonorable behavior, directed at those who did nothing to deserve it) has occurred in threads where there is nary a mention of A at all.

But I'm going to bow out of this thread now. I just don't want to get into it.

yashu said...

(Sorry again, Chick!)

chickelit said...

No apology needed, yashu. You spoke freely through writing!

Guildofcannonballs said...


The only name we don't mention 'round here is Jefe Mantanga.

I grew up a Notre Dame fan too.

We just don't think of San Fran and everything is okay.

yashu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dante said...


This, naturally, is inexcusable:

"Richard Thompson and my phone number 313-720-3284. "

For a good time, call Richard.

Looking at the comments, I see very many angry at Meade comments, and Meade not responding.

It's not Meade, though, but Ann. What is the insult? It is Ann's compulsion to destroy a good thing, to not admit she is wrong, because she has some blind spots. She said she lied as a child to disprove ignorance, so I can only think she wants to escape it, but remain a whole person after her admission.

I can excuse the blind spots, but the destruction is hard to swallow. Ann is trapped by her own childhood failure, in my view.

Yashu, I respect your integrity very much. I know that you carefully consider your thoughts, but I think you are, in this instance, not accepting the magnitude of what Ann did, and Meade's reaction. I don't think she knows it herself, and is lying to herself to cover up how badly she has treated a large number of very good people (Inga too!)

Guildofcannonballs said...

John Elway: 1.

Bradshaw: 2.

Aikmen: 3.

And Josephine in San Fran. Montan. ends up a solid number 4.


Freeman Hunt said...

Impressive, El Pollo!

Freeman Hunt said...

I didn't get to read this earlier because I was too busy. What a treat when things slowed down.

Icepick said...

I proposed to Ann, via Meade, that someone (me or anyone else), set up a linking blog. A blog that simply linked to her pages, much the same as Drudge links to news articles. To further divest from any confusion about the purpose, which is to allow the virtual town hall to survive, the Althouse portal would be prominently displayed.

I'm wondering if this is a place to do that? Any thoughts?

That's not happening. I set up a blog and did that (as best I could) for almost a week, complete with commentary on many of the posts. That didn't take off.

And now it is clear that if it had, Meade would be there pissing all over the place like he has here.

And no, Dante, he is not protecting his woman. He is being as bad here as Mary was at Althouse. Start with this comment (deleted for its awfulness) and work your way down. The behavior has been indefensible.

yashu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
yashu said...

I think the worst of the offending comments were deleted, Dante.

Heh, just when I think I'm out, you pull me back in! No really, I'd just rather not talk about that unpleasantness and just giggle with Darcy & Deb.

idwestern muniversities
law faux-pressor
blabulous fog
detracted aily visitors
cog blo-mentors
tend their spime writing warky snit
lunny fun whiners
dear-ious sis-cussions
curtain saw-mentor
maimed Need
con-line ourtship
cunny foments
hilled with fapiness
fake a tense
hounced off in a fluff
peefully glounced
Too Nork Yimes
rear deeders
baken attack
Kickey Maus, the slogger from Blate
bloated nogger
blimply sogged
vexchanged ows
hived lappily

Etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

Hee! Genius.

Icepick said...

I think the worst of the offending comments were deleted, Dante.

That is correct.

sakredkow said...

I didn't get to read this earlier because I was too busy. What a treat when things slowed down.

I understand there was a meeting regarding production unit outputs for the coming quarter at Comment Home. I hope you are able to schedule some time off.

Caroline said...

"Just visited TOP. Posting about new readers who bemoan the previous state of the blog."

Given that she allowed the comments to become a cesspool, this victim act is hard to swallow. (Oh my ugly commenters forced my hand... poor me). Please.

Some commenters complained about the ugliness, but were ignored. I thought it was her commitment to free speech, so I respected her decision to not moderate her comments, and I just scrolled past the trolls. A casual reader was given the impression that she didn't care about the ugliness, especially since she was more bothered by people going off topic than people attacking each other. And I respected that she let many personal attacks against her and her husband just roll off her back; she seemed like a smart, tough cookie. For her to become so upset by the state of the comments section, that she had to shut them down completely, was a surprise. *

It seems more like they were looking for an excuse to end comments so she could disassociate herself from her conservative fans, and by doing so redeem herself to her lefty colleagues. Egging on her male readers to attack her was a perfect way to do it, so that she could go out looking like the victim. A win-win for her, and a big loss to her good faith commenters, whom she and her husband now spit on. You guys are better off ignoring them. They seem to crave attention; which is why her internet henchman comes here to stir you up. They apparently need you more than they care to admit.

*Although, with the way she had been increasingly revealing her contempt for her commenters, it became obvious (to me) that she longer appreciated her loyal comment base. It led me to wonder, back in early June, why you all didn't just leave and congregate on some other blog. So I guess I shouldn't have been so surprised to come back from vacation and find you all on some other blog.

Dante said...

I think the worst of the offending comments were deleted, Dante.

People kill for their women. Meade is a sideshow.

Most feel Ann is an amazing woman, worthy of respect, but still human, and all that means.

What bothers me enormously is she, and folks on this blog, can not come together and make some kind of better thing, out of two good things. Yes, she holds the cards, but why not admit that? Yes Ann, you hold the cards, you damaged the very thing you created. Is that really what you wanted to do? We do love you.

I need some help to understand. Reconciliation is not possible, obviously. Who wants to spend so much time getting to know all the personalities, only to have them ripped away by one person's whim?

But some kind of mutual respect, in my view, is important. It's wrong.

I realize there are many impediments to that. But it frankly makes me less hopeful for the human condition.

sakredkow said...

Dante I understand what you are saying but this site does seem to have some possibilities for protecting the memory and relationships of the commenters from the old site, and in fact giving us an opportunity to evolve into something just as interesting, and maybe even more positive.

Meade said...

"Meade, could you clarify, because it really did sound like you said no mentions at all?"

Paddy: Sure, If you want me to go away, say so and I will clarify.

Dante said...

Paddy: Sure, If you want me to go away, say so and I will clarify.

What are you scared of. Be a man and say what you mean.

pm317 said...

Hey, for a non-chemistry post, you did very well there.

Dante said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

@Meade: Why hast thou come to hinder us? Feed men blog, and then ask of them virtue!

--The Brothers Karmazov

Meade said...

"And no, Dante, he is not protecting his woman. He is being as bad here as Mary was at Althouse. Start with this comment (deleted for its awfulness) and work your way down. The behavior has been indefensible."

Icepick: The deleted comment was not awful. There was no good reason to delete it. In it I referred to business that had no expectation of privacy and I said nothing that was personal or needed to be kept secret. It was embarrassing, yes, but not because I divulged any personal facts or details but because the businessman I was addressing did something for which he should be embarrassed.

He has no ethical business hawking his wares on any public forum when he knows he can not deliver on his end of the contract. If anyone wants to see the deleted comment, they can email me and decide for themselves. I am being unfairly prosecuted, judged, and executed in this forum over that issue.

sakredkow said...

I heard the absolutely wrong thing to do as a child is to ask "Can I play with you (all)?" Nevertheless, I hope I'm welcomed here.

Why would you not be welcome?

Paddy O said...

Meade, those are two different issues, to me at least.

So, I'm confused how to answer. Yes, both, maybe, green, on the second Tuesday following the first full moon of April.

If we post responding to an Althouse thread you will comment, but if we don't post responding to an Althouse thread you won't comment? Do you want to comment? Is your commenting the benefit or a threat? Do you specifically not want us to interact with Althouse's posts. She raises good issues, as always, and I still have instincts to add some response, but if that will lead me to catching leprosy, I don't want to try it out.

Now, my brain hurts. No, open the door and come in! Does this dress make me look fat?

Paddy O said...

Meade, if everyone says it's a platypus but you insist it is a chicken, you're going to be very disappointed with your omelet.

Meade said...

Paddy: Some people here have said they want me to go away. Do you want me to go away?

justagal said...


I think you totally misunderstood the gist of Icepick's comment.

Dante said...

If anyone wants to see the deleted comment, they can email me and decide for themselves. I am being unfairly prosecuted, judged, and executed in this forum over that issue

I want to see it. email me You know why I'm posting this, as opposed to emailing you directly.


Paddy O said...

I said in one of the earlier threads that I have appreciated your comments since you were among the hoi polloi, just a slob like one of us, riding the comments at Althouse.

So, to answer directly (more directness!), I would be happy for you to comment, if you would like to comment.

Sometimes I get the feeling that you're not liking it, but doing it to prove something.

Only I don't know what you're proving, so maybe you're not, but it does add an edge that seems intended to get people not to want you to comment. That last sentence was both convoluted and indirect.

Freeman Hunt said...

"You know why I'm posting this, as opposed to emailing you directly."


I don't.

Guildofcannonballs said...


Thank you.

I never considered thinking, from a gist, about the totality of a concept; doing so has been enlightening.

Again, thank you.

Meade said...

You should all feel free to do whatever you want. Write about whatever you want, comment about whatever you want. I know a few people here accept me and don't believe I'm an awful troll and for that I'm grateful. The others I will leave in whatever peace you can find.

Have fun. Live it up. Be good to Lem. So long.

yashu said...


Who is hating Althouse? Here? Look, I don't know what Althouse has been saying about her erstwhile commenters, because I haven't looked there lately. So I don't know where you got that idea.

I can tell you that I see scarcely any-- actually, don't see any-- hatred of Althouse here.

In fact, most of the official contributors and many of the commenters have repeatedly expressed a great deal of appreciation for her.

Is there sometimes criticism, snark, in the comments? Yes, sometimes. Is that not allowed? Is that beyond the pale?

It's true that M has made himself rather obnoxious through many of his comments here. But that is something distinct from hatred of A.

Who's throwing stones here at A? No one, that I can see. I gather A has posted some unkind things about her ex-commenters. All of us here have been putting up with constant spitballs from M.

Can you point to any unkind posts here, anything close to an attack, against A? Anything beyond mild criticism (or trenchant but reasoned criticism) or passing snark? Where?

Even in the comments, that's hard to find. You could point to one commenter. But more than one? I don't see it.

In fact, there's very little discussion of A at all, in most of the threads here. Even the threads-- couple of threads-- that address her or her blog directly; there's hardly any discussion of A personally. (Sometimes people point to a topic she's posted, and there's some discussion of that, but discussion of A herself? Rare.) Until someone-- one someone-- says something to stoke anger and resentment, again. "Losers." "Beta males."

Dislike of the kind of commenter M has become, doesn't equate to hatred of A.

Anonymous said...

Still fighting?

Palladian said...

I didn't "peddle my wares". I linked to one of my drawings in El Pollo Real's "vortex" thread. I don't have any wares to peddle anymore.

Mr Meade suggests that I committed some terrible wrong against him, but he doesn't mention that I emailed him several times with apologies and offers to correct the problem and Mr Meade said there wasn't a problem.

Anyway, as of tonight Mr Meade's money has been refunded. My business with that family is finished, both public and private.

I'd prefer they no longer allude to me.

Palladian said...

And I would never have posted my previous comment in a public forum, but apparently there's no such thing as private business, so there you have it.

Ruth Anne Adams said...

Maggie Smith says it best.

justagal said...



Dante said...

I know a few people here accept me

How far down the plank are you going to let Ann go, Meade? You should be the reconciliator. Mend, Meade.

Michael Haz said...

Palladian - Liberals will turn on you every time.

chickelit said...

Palladian said...
I didn't "peddle my wares". I linked to one of my drawings in El Pollo Real's "vortex" thread. I don't have any wares to peddle anymore.

He's right. If you read that thread carefully, I peddled my wares, offering to exchange that drawing for a working iPhone.

chickelit said...

BTW-- the offer still stands for all you fash-clingers...I still need an iPhone and I still have the drawing!

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

If anyone wants to see the deleted comment, they can email me and decide for themselves. I am being unfairly prosecuted, judged, and executed in this forum over that issue.

It's a trap!

Never email Meade or give him any information you would not willingly publish in public forums.

Anonymous said...

I soured on Althouse and Meade pretty fast. I wasn't joking when I speculated Althouse was a sociopath. Perhaps that's extreme but I do consider her somewhere in DSM territory. Meade hit my radar as a glad-handing hustler right off the bat.

I've known some bad people in my life. Maybe that distorts my vision; maybe it improves it. I could be mistaken, but it seems something is whacked over at Meadhouse.

Sorry. I understand many here hold them, or held them, in high esteem.

That said, I did ask near the top of this thread, "Why are cages being rattled?"

Freeman Hunt said...

"He's right. If you read that thread carefully, I peddled my wares, offering to exchange that drawing for a working iPhone."

Yes, I believe that was the genesis of the misunderstanding that led to The Great Unpleasantness.

Trooper York said...

Here's the thing.

Meade is a grifter.

He sought out Althouse and turned her out. He managed to isolate her from her friends and family and turned her away from her mere acquaintances that knew her from her blog. He shopped around for a lonely spinster and found a meal ticket.

What grifters do is accuse everyone else around them of being a liar and a cheat and a fraud. They are obsessed with money witness the nonsense of the Amazon portal and the paypal donations. Chump change but a gold mine for carneys. It is all as plain as the sunburned nose on the face of that poor woman.

Meade will never leave. He is a lying sack of shit and will be back tomorrow. He and the Nutty Perfesser have their enablers who will excuse everything they do. So don't think that the closing of their comments section is anything other than the chance to have an open forum to bash without any push back. Which actually is a great thing because it will die soon. Watch and see.

Rest assured that the drama will continue tomorrow.

But Dante please don't believe me. I have an ax to grind because I think they are horrible people. Watch what happens and make up your own mind.

Freeman Hunt said...

"So don't think that the closing of their comments section is anything other than the chance to have an open forum to bash without any push back. "

That's something similar to having a closed blog where one runs people down and frames people's actions in negative ways, yes?

Trooper York said...

Whatever you say Freeman.

I don't want to get in a pissing match with you as we have avoided that for a long time.

I kept my blog private as I didn't want Meade to publish private information about other people as he did when he revealed Methadras info that he got in private email to third parties or Palladian's private business or my real name as he has done the past few weeks.

There is nothing I have said about them at my blog that I would not say here. I just have to protect the other people that Meade and Althouse would try to damage as they have done the last few days.

How about this. Imagine the worst possible thing I could say about them and assume that I said it. Go nuts.

I don't care.

Trooper York said...

Oh and by the way the closing of the comments is a great thing.

The commenters are what made that blog.

It is blogicide.

I can only laugh at their idiocy.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who cannot see Trooper York as the hate filled bitter jealous man that he is by now is a terrible judge of character.

If you are trying to say Meade gave me any info about Methadras, you are very wrong.

Freeman Hunt said...

As I recall, back when your blog was open you weren't limited to running down only Althouse and Meade.

You also used to post about your real life business all the time, so it is hard to imagine that that would close your blog.

I do recall you not liking it when there was some push back about things you said at your place. And then your blog was closed.

chickelit said...

@Freeman: From the thread in question:

El Pollo Raylan said...

I'll trade that drawing though for a working iPhone 5.

July 22, 2013 at 8:35 PM
Palladian said...
I saw a vision of a vortex once...

July 22, 2013 at 8:49 PM

Meade jumped in:

Comment deleted
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

July 22, 2013 at 8:57 PM

If I caused/precipitated the whole mess, then I am truly sorry. But that presupposes that Meade confused me with Palladian.

chickelit said...

btw, I would love/relish being confused with a real artist.

Freeman Hunt said...

El Pollo, no! You didn't cause anything. I think Meade thought Palladian was selling when he wasn't, perhaps by confusing the comments or making a wrong assumption.

In any case, the deleted comments are not of the type allowed here.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I didn't "peddle my wares". I linked to one of my drawings in El Pollo Real's "vortex" thread. I don't have any wares to peddle anymore.

Palladian's absolutely right.

So Larry Yoko, if a famous painting had been burned and a picture of it - in its previous, unharmed state - survived and was posted on-line, would that be an attempt to sell it?

Maybe whores mentally associate everything with merchandise. But some of us are artists. And others, just plain humans.

Good that it finally looks like you're close to having had enough and realizing that you really can't win this game. Control is an illusion and a loser's game. Unless that loser is a tyrant.

Go home. Kiss the wife. Mow some grass or go to sleep counting blades of grass. There will be peace here so make your own wherever you can find it. We don't agree with what you did and hopefully in some lifetime you might understand why.


Dante said...

phx: Why would you not be welcome?

Thanks for the note. Let's say I've been a victim of liberal policies that very few were.

Trooper York said...

That is fine if that is what you think Freeman. I didn't get much pushback at my blog. Only people who couldn't get along with the rest of the crowd like Inga and Titus.

But that's fine. Think what you want. I posted about my real life business all the time and I can not bitch too much about any attacks that were made about me. I can take it. It is other more vulnerable people who I worry about. Like Palladian.

I am happy that I went to a private blog. In fact many people have asked if Meade can read it because they think he will use it to damage them in some way. I don't think many people are worried about what damage might be done to them in my private blog. But your milage may value.

I do think it is ludicrous that you complain about my private blog when you always want to settle everything with an private email instead of the light of day in the comments. What's up with that?

When you can't stand up in public against the kind of shit that Meade did to Palladian it shows something.

At least to me.

Freeman Hunt said...

See what you did there? Twist, twist, twist.

I have repeatedly said it was wrong, and I was the one who requested it be deleted and emailed the timestamps to Lem.

You're glass.

Anonymous said...

I left Trooper Yorks blog. I left. It was toxic, nasty and possibly even worse than here. Some truth telling would be in order. I most certainly am willing to do it.

bagoh20 said...

I'm glad Palladian settled up with Meade. I can't imagine a worse person to owe something too.

Now if the issue was non performance after payment received, then what the hell did Althouse just do? They solicited and received donations and portal money collected from people paying it primarily in expectation that it would provided for the continued offering of comments that were then abruptly withdrawn after said payment was received?

That's even worse, and here's why:

1) The supplier, refused to remedy a situation that many customers asked to be fixed which later was used by the supplier as justification for nonperformance.

2) Customers were never asked if withdrawing comments was OK with them.

3) Customers never said: "no problem", "do it when you can", or "I'll wait".

4) Supplier never attempted to find a reasonable accommodation for the customers put out.

5) No refund was forthcoming.

Palladian operated as honorably as he was able, and did make it good.

He's not the party that should be ashamed.

And don't fall for any shit about the portal not costing us anything. We gave up the opportunity to give that benefit to some other entity or blog and gave it to Althouse. We gave up something with every portal purchase.

Anonymous said...

Has anybody read any feedback comments on Palladian's EBay page?

Trooper York said...

Whatever you say.

Complain about private blogs but do everything behind the curtain.

That is not twisting anything.

I did not see where you said that it was wrong. At least not in public. Certainly not repeatedly.

But if that is what you want to hang your hat on be my guest.

And deleting it just helped Meade because people couldn't see what a nasty prick he really is. It was a move that protected him. Not Palladian. The damage had already been done.

Freeman Hunt said...

You got a lot of pushback about your blog by people at TOP back then.

Email is person to person. You talk to individuals directly. Blogs are for groups. Like if a guy wanted to try to manipulate others into seeing things a certain way, he might want to frame everything or gossip out of earshot of anyone who might challenge him.

Icepick said...

It was embarrassing, yes, but not because I divulged any personal facts or details but because the businessman I was addressing did something for which he should be embarrassed.

First, not the forum for that.

Second, you went far beyond criticizing bad business practices. It's not like Palladian's problems at the moment are unknown. You did business with what amounts to a failing small business. You acted as though Palladian had intentionally conned your mother out of your inheritance.

Further, others commented that apparently the so-called Meadehouse has done business with Palladian before, and were satisfied. As have others here. So it's not like anyone should jump to the conclusion that Palladian was acting intentionally in bad faith, as opposed to being in over his head.

So, calling him on bad business practice might be appropriate. Calling him a con man, and a user and a loser is over the top and beyond the limits of good taste.

The disproportionate response in the comments that WEREN'T deleted showed you to be a very mean and joyfully vindictive man. Frankly, you came off like a very mean drunk. Don't know if you are or not, and I don't care. Because if you aren't a drunk, you're something worse.

Trooper York said...

Sure I want to manipulate. In a closed group that is not available to the general public. What would be the point of that. If people didn't feel the same way they would leave. It is as simple as that. That is the benefit of closed shop. People of a like mind can talk amongst themselves. Sorry if that bothers you so much.

I don't see how that affects you but whatever.

Freeman Hunt said...

Troop, did *anyone* think it was okay? Even a single person? No.

You have tried to insinuate that others were okay with it. A total fiction.

How does a glass arm support that axe for splitting?

Icepick said...

Something is successful and Meade was there and something similiar wasn't successful therefore Meade is to blame for the lack of success.

No, dipshit. It didn't take off. Period. I'm saying that based on what we're seeing here, if it had achieved its purpose (of getting at least some of the old gang together) I have no reason to think that Meade wouldn't have pissed all over that blog.

Is that clear enough, fuckwad?

yashu said...

Yes, I believe that was the genesis of the misunderstanding that led to The Great Unpleasantness.

Any such (supposed) "misunderstanding" is no excuse, no excuse whatsoever, for the "unpleasantness."

Which I see was reiterated by the offending party again, above.

Like I said: despicable.

bagoh20 said...

I read Trooper's blog before he closed it, and I recently started again. I haven't seen any toxicity yet. I'm sure it happens, but nothing like at the TOP, or even here when Meade's here.

Trooper's blog has been a relative haven of calm and reasonableness during all this brouhaha. Of course, we're all Splooge Stooges over there, so YMMV.

Isn't all this drama kinda fun and exciting? C'mon, you know you love being on Jersey Shore, and the splooge free version too. How you gonna beat that?

shiloh said...

hmm, sadly as discombobulated as Lem's blog has become, strangely it's starting to interest me ever so much more than TOP ever did.

I tend to enjoy myself more in chaotic situations and TOP was so frickin' structured lol.

As a casual observer, Mann and Eade haven't changed a bit. The only thing that's changed is she closed her comment section. ok, I was never part of the "community" so obviously it has no effect on me.

Again, she tried the moderation idea, whether it was a gimmick or not, and as previously mentioned, found that it was more work than just leaving comments open.


ok, let's talk about something consequential ie how fucked up the Rep party is and how Boehner, Cantor, Rubio and McConnell couldn't be a den leader of cub scouts.

Current congressional job approval:

Approve 12% ~ Disapprove 83%

The big question ~ who the fuck are these 12%. I want names, phone #s and addresses. Somebody call Eade and put him to work.


And again I apologize for Mann closing up shop as when I stopped posting is when the foundation started to crumble. Indeed, I was the cog that kept the Mann machine engine runnnin' on all cylinders.


One more topic:

Do you believe the universe as we know it could be contained inside a ping pong ball?

Discuss ... and feel free to mention Einstein's Theory of Relativity.

Freeman Hunt said...

Of course it's not an excuse. I'm agreeing with Pollo that he found the flash point.

Trooper York said...

Freeman is there a post where you simply stated it was wrong at the time and told Meade he should stop publicly.

If you can point to that then I am wrong and will apologize.

I don't think that happened. But I could be wrong. It happens all the time.

When did you clearly and plainly say that was wrong and it should stop in public and not behind closed doors?

Trooper York said...

Oh and by the way you do not have to justify anything you do to me.

Just as I don't have to justify anything I do to you.

That's how it works.

Freeman Hunt said...

I wasn't there when it happened. I came after it had died down. I emailed both of them. I had it deleted. I proposed a new rule that that sort of thing would never be allowed. I said on threads the next day that it wasn't allowed.

Like I said: glass.

Keep twisting.

Freeman Hunt said...

This is your push back. Maybe you should have peddled this nonsense on your site where I couldn't have answered you.

Icepick said...

I think you totally misunderstood the gist of Icepick's comment.

He's just another Meadhouse sock puppet, like Titus and Fiona McGee.

Because up until the business with Palladian the other night, I was trying to avoid the whole Meade/Althouse thing. At this point what matters to me is the community of commenters, so I didn't care who's fault was what so much. To quote a favorite phrase of another former Althouse commenter, "It is what it is."

But it's gone beyond that now. They're going out of their way, repeatedly, to run down their former commenters in toto, and Meade is getting his rocks off trying to both hurt the forum we have here AND go after individuals.

Well, fuck them, and fuck their stupid sock puppets, too. Turns out Trooper and Crack weren't over-reacting this whole time (which was what I had thought up until last night) and that Sippican Cottage, from way back, probably had the right idea way back when.

The commenters, minus two, are more important to me that the person who originally brought them together, and her appointed wrecker.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

C'mon, you know you love being on Jersey Shore...

Lol. Lake Menona Shore.

Agree w/Bag re: the calm reasonableness, BTW. Troop does have a way of balancing out decent referee calls with an ability to maintain all kinds of hobnobbers, so I feel obliged to provide that character reference, at least. Even if it's your call Freeman and I don't feel a need to wade into a fight that I considered over two days ago (by normal Geneva Convention standards), but I do want to vouch for Troop's intentions and the soundness of a hell of a good majority of his calls.

Plus, he's been having a good night, so maybe he's getting a little heady.

Ruth Anne Adams said...

In this very thread you said, "El Pollo, no! You didn't cause anything. I think Meade thought Palladian was selling when he wasn't, perhaps by confusing the comments or making a wrong assumption.

In any case, the deleted comments are not of the type allowed here.

July 25, 2013 at 12:35 AM"

I bolded what reads to me like excuse-making for the wrongdoer.

Anonymous said...


Icepick said...

Maggie Smith says it best.

Ruth Ann, I think I love you!

Freeman Hunt said...

Ruth Anne, no. I think Pollo is right about how it started though. Obviously if you're going to attack someone like that, you'd better be sure you read carefully. And I don't support that kind of attack in any case which is why I came up with the rule that bans it.

shiloh said...

There's a lot of angst in this thread. Imagine if "we" were discussing nuclear proliferation.

btw, there are still U.S. military dying in Afghanistan and I'll bet the troops over there could care less about Mann and Eade.

solo estoy diciendo

Ruth Anne Adams said...

We all agree then. Meade was wrong in attacking Palladian. We all saw it. And now it is banned.

justagal said...

Ha! Shiloh

Don't leave then, because I'd like for Lem's foundations to stay un-crumbly.

As far as not being a part of the community, there's no reason why you couldn't be (heck, you already are).

Look at you.....trying to make things better. Community building through politics. I like it!

Anonymous said...

Manipulative. Jealous. Mean.

He can fool poor judges of character, but he is transparent to others.

Freeman Hunt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trooper York said...

Whatever you say Freeman. You can push back all you want. The record is clear. What people said on the record is clear. Commenter after commenter spoke up clearly and forthrightly and took steps to help.

But your status of chief enabler is secure. Congratulations.

Freeman Hunt said...

Ruth Anne, exactly.

Anonymous said...


Freeman Hunt said...

Enabler? See now that's interesting. I heard Nick use that very word today. I wonder if someone was framing others as "enablers" somewhere?

Interesting this enabling by deletion and banning a type of commenting.

chickelit said...

Freeman Hunt said...
This is your push back. Maybe you should have peddled this nonsense on your site where I couldn't have answered you.

I've been a regular at Trooper's since 2009 or so and have seen much of what goes on there both public and private; in all this time since you left there Trooper has never once crossed you there in a mean way. Look hard at the way he's treating you here. It's respect.

I don't know how to reconcile this with your admirable loyalty for other friends but I will pray for a resolution.

Ruth Anne Adams said...

So what are you so afraid of? Are you afraid that you're not sure of a love there is no cure for?

bagoh20 said...

I've done business with Palladian and I've done it with Meadehouse. Guess which one ripped me off?

I got my art, but where the hell is my pet commentariat. They took my money and then stole my pet. That's low.

Oh sure, I found it over here at the pound, but it's clearly been abused in the process. Pet abuse is unacceptable.

shiloh said...

Everyone should cut Eade some slack as he's going thru withdrawal symptoms now that he is no longer able to delete posts.

It was a very lofty position in the Mann hierarchy and she snatched it away. No human compassion!

Indeed, that was Eade's sole purpose in life er raison d'être.

Icepick said...

I've been a regular at Trooper's since 2009 or so and have seen much of what goes on there both public and private....

... and it's mostly about tatas and chicks in hot pants.

Ruth Anne Adams said...

Due respect. She never promised you a rose garden. She made it clear back in 2008 that she wanted proprietary control over every commenter's comments and wanted to prevent them deleting their own words. She thought that your words once posted on her blog were hers forever. You know...what's hers is hers and what's yours is hers.

justagal said...


I most certainly hope you stay. I would like Lem's foundations to stay un-crumbly. :)

As far as not being a part of the community, there's no reason that you can't be (heck, you already are).

Look at you....using politics to bring us all together! (Hint: if that doesn't work, try math).

Freeman Hunt said...

Respect? Hardly. Attempting to twist my words is not respect.

Freeman Hunt said...

But whatever. It's played out.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Guys, the whole thing is over, and the problem with spats is sometimes they move too fast to assess. Everyone relevant agrees on the wrong and the right of it all, and now simply seem to be disagreeing on how much Meade should be left out to dry. Or made to apologize. Or whatever.

I think the way the dust-up settled says enough, though, about that, but as the wise people say YMMV. I said enough consolation to the people I thought deserved it, enough vituperation to the people whom I thought deserved that, and the whole issue about whether it will happen again or if some people are being let off the hook too easily pales in comparison to the overwhelming statements, sentiments, and acts made in response to the provocation itself.

But obviously a good portion of the event was predictable to some of us, and I can understand wanting to substitute a promise to do whatever can be done to prevent that in the future with an "I told you so". But the way this all ended up, I think we have enough to be proud about for now.

deborah said...

Oh, Ruth Anne, now you've gone and done it:

Icepick said...

So what are you so afraid of? Are you afraid that you're not sure of a love there is no cure for?

LOL, no, I've got that with my wife (she's put up with me this long!) and my daughter. (My favorite thing as a father when she was a baby was when she'd fall asleep in my arms. My favorite thing now that she's a big three year-old is when she falls asleep somewhere and I have to move her - and she doesn't wake up. She knows it's me, and she trusts me so completely she doesn't wake up. That is a feeling that ... well, I can't describe it.)

No, I'm afraid you husband or my wife might find out!

shiloh said...

Yea, I can see where those ***** who donated $$$ to Mann and Eade's fav charity are probably totally pissed.

C'est la vie ...

Anonymous said...

Oh sure, I found [my pet] over here at the pound, but it's clearly been abused in the process.

bagoh: Yes, it was terrible!

What's for dinner? Not that dry stuff, I hope.

Icepick said...

Oh, and I keep forgetting that a certain red-headed commenter also seemed to be ahead of the curve way back when.

justagal said...

Wow, Ritmo (or do you prefer balls?)

I'd come and kiss you, but the baby monitor would only get in the way.

(I'm still puzzling over that one).

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I prefer being called Ritmo.

I prefer making use of balls.

Ruth Anne Adams said...

More harpsichord!

deborah said...


bagoh20 said...

Ruth Ann,

The facts are pretty simple. A lot of people were supporting her (paying) for the comments. She called those people names, insulted them and then took away what they were paying to keep access too. She has the legal right of course, but I think it's unethical without notice and without demonstrating respect for what she already got from them.

I can't imagine doing it myself to even one person let alone dozens.

chickelit said...

Icepick claime: ... and it's mostly about tatas and chicks in hot pants.


Ruth Anne Adams said...

Oh I agree that you put in the quid. But I don't think in a million years she would ever agree that she had to pony up the quo. No meeting of the minds.

shiloh said...

Justagal, thank you for those kind words. Seriously.

An actor will tell you. Drama is easy, but comedy can be difficult.

deborah said...

Guys, I've finally come to a conclusion. My main 'evidence' is Meade trolling here, and Althouse 'letting' him. Why doesn't she tell him to forget about the whole thing and go away for a vacay? She's allowing her husband to make a fool of himself, while she does her writing.

They are using us as tools for their latest attention whoring scheme, and we are cooperating.

There's some sort of intertwined neuroses going on there. The way they acted at the Union protests. How they tried to make hay when that statehouse representative was taking pictures of kids on the beach. They really wanted us to comment, but we would not bite. I'm unbookmarking Althouse, and will not be joining in any more of these analyses of them. It feeds their egos something awful. Nothing would drive them more nuts IF TOMORROW NO ONE SAYS ONE WORD ABOUT THEM.

Anonymous said...

from Deathtrap (1982):

Sidney: Clifford, my dear, in your run-ins with the law, in your infancy so to speak, did any of the doctors, policemen, shrinks, did any of them ever use... the... word...?
Clifford: What word Sidney?
Sidney: Sociopath?
Clifford: Does that word... frighten you, Sidney?
Sidney: No, no. It does however, give me pause.

Clifford: Are you trying to say that you don't think that you can trust me?
Sidney: How clearly you put it!

Sidney: I wonder if it would not be... well, just a trifle starry-eyed of me to contemplate a partnership where I could count on no sense of moral obligation whatsoever.

Clifford: Sure, you can trust me, Sidney. You can always trust me. You just have to make sure of one little thing....
Sidney: And what's that, my love?
Clifford: That I always need you.

Christoper Reeve, playing Clifford in Deathtrap, was a fine actor.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Madawaskan knew and called it out as well as anyone, Deborah. And your suggestion is right too. Narcissist loses source of attention isn't something that would get a headline, and it doesn't need to. It simply does the trick.

That's what you all want, isn't it? Speaking for myself, I'm perfectly ok with it. I'll be an even bigger supporter and benefactor the sooner that's decided.

Icepick said...

Icepick claime: ... and it's mostly about tatas and chicks in hot pants.


Well, that's the part I notice. The fat guys in hot tubs I try to forget. (True story, sadly.)

JAL said...


Can we just start commenting again about the good stuff.

shiloh said...


About who?

Theoretically it should be easy as Americans have the attention span of a peanut. But the problem lies in TOP having become part of many folks daily routine. Indeed, it's very hard to stop eating, breathing, sayin' negative things about Obama :-P on a daily basis.

It would be like TOP madame not posting an article on Blogger tomorrow. Gasp! She'll be on her death bed still rolling 'em out lol.

The personification of anal-retentive.

Damn, I mentioned TOP!

deborah said...

"About who?"


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

They who cannot be named..

Ruth Anne Adams said...


The Good Stuff.

And in this thread, two guys who totally ROCK the puka shell necklaces:: David Cassidy and Kenny Chesney.

Unknown said...

I don't know how you rein in a bunch of loose cannon commenters. I don't envy you, Freeman, especially since you clearly like the proprietors of TOP and want there to be peace here.

Time takes time.

Althouse is obviously still processing this as she continues to post about commenters -- commenters she doesn't have.

The commenters here are still trying to process what happened and what it means, and it has not been pretty, and may still take more time. The truth is, this community wouldn't exist if it weren't for Althouse. It's a big loss, and the group needs to find its own identity without her if it's going to survive. I don't think that process can be avoided.

Finally, Meade.

He was "one of us" so to speak, but as A's spouse, he's obviously in a very different position. Maybe his comments here were his way of trying to process the whole thing, too, as he straddled both worlds.

I'm not saying anyone is doing this well, or that the most egregious violations were in any way excusable. It's kind of an ugly divorce, and I don't think anybody really wanted that.

As someone said, "It is what it is."

I think it will help if we realize here that we are a community of equals (or, at least, I think that's what we want to be. Maybe not?) That wasn't true at TOP -- it was *her* place. The way it ended could not have made that more clear. I realize this is also Lem's place -- and as a poster, yours too, Freeman -- but it doesn't have the same mother/child vibe the other place had.

I'm thinking in particular of the post in which someone used quotation marks in a way Althouse didn't like, since it appeared to be attributing words to her directly which were not her own.

Her response was a total smackdown. Not long on words, but even as a lurker, I felt the slap all the way at my house.

Some comments are beyond the pale, and I know you've tried to deal with them fairly and with clarity, and with malice toward none.

But maybe some were hoping for a slap that would be felt all the way in Madison.

I would think what happened here was far, far more egregious and consequential than a potentially misguided use of quotation marks.

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