Saturday, February 13, 2016

When you tell the truth and throw political correctness out the will get a lot of support

This is the ad that Donald Trump is running in South Carolina. It is a story that Trump brought to the table that everyone else will ignore. Or cover up.

I guess that Jeb would call the murder of Jamiel Shaw a "Act of Love." Marco will tell us there is nothing we can do about it. John Kascih will tell us that we are not good Christians if we don't give full bennies and accept every diseased criminal that sneak over the border. Obama and Hillary and Bernie will tell us we have to let in more immigrants because that is "who we are." In fact Bernie says he will grant citizenship to all the illegals with a "stroke of a pen" if he is elected President.

Did you read the story about the Los Zetas Narco-terrorists in the Mexican state of Coahuila? It seems that they murdered thousands of innocent people who got in their way with the aid of corrupt Mexican politicians and police. Then they cremated the bodies to get rid of the evidence. Hmmmm. That reminds me of someone. I can't put my finger on it but it does sort of sound familiar. Whatever. There will never be a question about this in any of the debates. It is off the radar and will stay that way. Republican Big Business interest and vote hungry racialist Democratic politicians will join forces to suppress this and facilitate unrestrained immigration to take jobs away from the American People. The duopoly will do what it does.

1 comment:

ricpic said...

You've gotta make a decision: does this man, this candidate, love me or does he not love me? It's that naked. It's that simple. That's why Reagan was elected in landslides. That's why Trump is going to win going away. And for all those who scoff...go ahead, scoff. All I know is that when Trump spoke from the heart about Kate in San Francisco, a beautiful young woman murdered, shot in the back by an illegal thug who had been readmitted I don't know how many times by the shits on high, shot in front of her got to me. A connection was made. Hey, you wanna go to your grave being a sophisticate, knowing that Trump was conning me but you saw through it? Free country.