Monday, February 22, 2016

"Meeting people was the key"


bagoh20 said...

But Obama said.....

bagoh20 said...

It took that guy picnicking with bears years to get eaten. Animals with language.

bagoh20 said...

This is no way to prove a culture is decent or not, because even the most decent of cultures has sick individuals poised to prey on the weak or weak minded. Consequently this could have happened anywhere, but doing this in the middle east is like having a slumber party in a state prison.

Chip Ahoy said...

What? Twitter allows this hate post? Did you see the list of organizations and individuals on Twitter's new censoring council? I recall seeing Islamic representation. Expect this to be removed and the individual's account deleted. If Twitter is bad as I'm reading then expect this. If it doesn't happen then Twitter is not so bad as described. Yet.

*exaggerated faux stern German accent* Your papers are in order. You may board the train.

Have a good day. ISAIDGOODDAY.

It is a long list of everything far left. Honestly, the list is ridiculous. And the whole time I was looking for Madam Mao and then realized, oh wow, she's wif da angels for decades now.

Trust and Safety Council. Has Wahid Institute. Packed with left wing advocacy groups, that's all I can find right now but earlier I read a list of some dozen or more such groups. Breitbart

edutcher said...

Sad part is, you just knew the story would end that way.

Trooper York said...

Doesn't she realize what Muslims are all about?

They are a rape culture. Don't try to pretend the are anything close to a Judeo/Chistian society.

Death by political correctness.

Chip Ahoy said...

This is totally off topic and 100% inappropriate for this discussion, or anywhere, actually. You'll hate it. Here goes.

I just went through my email. It's been a busy day. This is typical and I find it a bit irritating. I want to ask them, why do you bother talking like this? It's hardly helpful at all. Here really goes:

[At first I translated the number of days in 3,15 and 3,17 as days 10 before finding out that the translation is days 7.
I found a similar example in Allen 9.4 zpw 7. I'm assuming that the first 4 strokes are to indicate plural, but I'm not exactly sure.
Can anyone explain this?]

If you ever think something may be lost in translation, believe me, a good deal is willingly forfeited in transliteration like this. It just is. The code now for the signs omits too much. You have to know already precisely what they're on about. He specifies the spot in a book. Without that his little code there can take several forms.

As to numbers they could not possibly be more clear. Seven is seven marks, three on top of four, it's quite literal. There is no abacus beads red stands for five or anything like that. Seven marks means seven.

You're not interesting anymore.

I thought in that moment, you erudite linguist, you make a terrible little scribe. How do I explain what makes you so terrible? I have a picture in mind I could show you and you'd grasp instantly why you're such a terrible young ancient Egyptian scribe.

I can guarantee you the way you speak about language to understand this one in no way resembles a way a child would learn it from starting out from nothing within it.

You're going top down. You're meta-languaging it. But as linguist you're actually much more seriously worse of a meta-meta-meta-meta languaging it. Top down, down, down, down, down. Instead of simply up. As a child.

They will not be discussing verb forms or adjectival phrases. There is no meta language to discussing it, but you drag in Greek and criticize the Greek of your Egyptian instructors. You drag in Hebrew. And Latin. You drag in German and French to your understanding of Egyptian, an entirely different form of language in pictures.

So far none of them mentioned dragging in ASL and they have no idea how they can drop all that crap and see for themselves how well the two overlap.

My point is an Egyptian child will be taught this very differently. I believe it a much better approach than applying your meta language that discusses language.

So erudite and he missed the utter simplicity of seven.

A very strange page that I wrote gets more attention than it deserves. Something I noticed. A German guy went to the pyramids and scratched his own thing into them. He completely messed with own made up text. His new text follows form and references dates. It's funny. People from all over the world look at this strange page.

Anyway, their discussions using their transliteration is boring. And there are a lot of them.

I say, the whole point is learning little pictures. Use those. You all have JSESH on your computers, or should. I don't like their diluted code. It doesn't even have the special characters of transliteration, even those are substituted, so now twice more removed from the thing being discussed. Too great a cost for so little a thing as can be handled with, "Maude, put on your fucking glasses and look!

William said...

Apparently this story has gotten little publicity. If she had successfully completed the trip, she would have gained far more fame. It would have been a feel good story about the basic goodness that unites all mankind. Perhaps Reese Witherspoon would have made the screen version of this inspiring story........Well, you've got to keep trying. I'm sure if a few dozen more women dress up as brides and hitchhike across the Middle East, one of them will eventually complete the trip. The thing us you've got to kep plugging away. Lindbergh wasn't the first man to try to fly across the Atlantic. He was the first man to successfully make the journey.......They should award a prize or a scholarship in this woman's name to the first woman who can traverse Turkey by her lonesome self in a wedding dress. I'm sure it can be done. You can't give in to Islamophobia, otherwise the terrorists have won. I see a terrific opportunity for Chelsea to publicize her mother's efforts to bring peace to the Middle East.

MamaM said...

Actually "Maude, put on your fucking glasses and look" provides a fitting conclusion, as well as inscription to summarize the foolishness involved with the hike. Without knowing sign, I'm guessing I'd find the interpretation of that statement into sign to be an equally fitting end remark.

rhhardin said...

Women's gut instincts work in neighborhood-sized areas but not country-sized areas.

Vice versa for men.

It comes from complexifying interests vs abstracting interests.

Abstracting catches the odd case that will turn up and kill you.

AllenS said...

This is my surprised look. :O

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Islamic Men - Obama approves.

Amartel said...

Aw, girl. You killed yourself for the cause and there's not going to be any publicity for your sacrifice.

Amartel said...

"Meeting people was the key."
Yes. It was.

Amartel said...

The quotes from the article are so sad. She wanted to "break bread" with the foreigners and find similarities in the "small diversities." She toured a battlefield like the tourist she pretended not to be, not seeing the real and very large diversities nor the small similarity that these large diversities in cultural outlook matter intensely, to the exclusion of everything else, unto death. Death by culture clash.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Diversity diversity diversity!

Most vomit inducing word in the English language

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

It is like Grizzly Man, Middle Eastern Style!

virgil xenophon said...

Yet another nominee for the Darwin Award!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hahahhahahaahhhhaha... hahahahhhh--aahaaaaahha ahahahaaahahaaaaaahaa haa ha.

Definitely Darwin Award material.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Consequently this could have happened anywhere, but doing this in the middle east is like having a slumber party in a state prison.

This wins the thread.

Methadras said...

Guys, I hate to burst your bubble, but this story is as fake as Michelle Obama's love of the US. It is total clickbait. The whole internet is becoming clickbait.