Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Expanse: another show I would recommend.

We are always looking for series to binge watch and we found a pretty good one in the Amazon Series "The Expanse." Originally a product of the SciFy channel it was picked up by Amazon Prime and is available for free. It is pretty good.

Based on a series of science fiction books it posits a three way conflict between Earth, it's militaristic independent Martian Colony and the slobs and lowlifes of the Belt who are people exploited by mining companies plundering the resources of the Asteroid Belt. It starts a little slow so you have to give it some time. But the political machinations and the real life parallels to human history are very interesting.

My favorite character is Amos who is a half a retard killing machine. Always brings it to any scene he is in.

Check it out. Highly recommended. Especially Season 3.


windbag said...

I'll have to check it out. So far, I've been underwhelmed by the Amazon Originals. I've watched a few, but only lasted one episode. I'm currently watching The OA and Dark on Netflix, and really like both. Dark is in German with subtitles, but I can read, so I'm good. Actually, better than good, since I typically watch with closed captioning anyway.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I got bored with Season 1 and stopped watching but this year jumped head to Season 4 and liked it.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

windbag--I liked Dark too. OA was ok but the chanting Tywla Tharp dance routines to teleport were a bit much.

The Dude said...

Donchu be talkin' bad 'bout my girl Twyla! On the other hand, I have not watched the show, so I cannot review the choreography. As you were...

windbag said...

EBL, I crack up every time they do that, wondering how in the world the actors kept straight faces during the filming and how many takes were required to edit out the laughing.

ricpic said...

Speaking of exploited slobs mining the asteroid belt, one of my favorite films is the practically forgotten Outland, starring Sean Connery.

The Dude said...

I saw that one, ricpic. I can't remember it at all. I kept thinking "Ausländer!"

ricpic said...

Well, admittedly it's not a very memorable film. What got to me was the completely prosaic view of space Nothing romantic about it at all. Just a corrupt company mining town...except in space. Very good work in a minor role by Peter Boyle as the heavy.