Tuesday, January 28, 2020

CVS Vignette.....I don't wanna wait....

The wife and I had to go to CVS to pick up some medications and of course the line was up your ass. It looked like a Trump rally. Now in CVS they always play this over bearing music that is heavily weighted to 1980's tunes So what comes on is the "Dawson's Creek Song."

You know it was fucking ubiquitous back in the day. Some idiot hippie bitch screeching that '"I don't wanna wait for my life to be over.....blah blah blah" at top volume. So I look around... and I start to sing along.

"I don't wanna wait for my life to be over in the line at CVS!" A bunch of other people started singing along.

They opened three more lines.


Amartel said...

Ha ha. Awesome. I salute you! They do the same thing at my CVS. It's all soothing sentimental seventies softrock and everyone including the checkers zombies around at a glacial pace, in time with the music. I seriously considered improvising lyrics the other day while Bread (gharr) was playing. "I would give everything I own, give up my life, my heart, my home, just to get my prescription filled."

ampersand said...

Everytime I go to CVS there are a couple of old ladies in line buying a cartload of everything on sale, everything but pharmacueticals. One time I turned to the poor schlub ahead of me, also a 1 item guy, and said there oughta be a man only checkout line.

deborah said...

The music for when they put you on hold at Walgreen's is like hell's waiting room.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I wish you used your phone to record that scene--it would have gone viral on YouTube

edutcher said...

You sing the song of everyman.

ampersand said...

Everytime I go to CVS there are a couple of old ladies in line buying a cartload of everything on sale, everything but pharmacueticals. One time I turned to the poor schlub ahead of me, also a 1 item guy, and said there oughta be a man only checkout line.

They ought to make them go up to the main checkout.

MamaM said...

Trooper doing improv at CVS would be a wonder to behold.

The man only check-out would have the old guys counting out their pennies and nickels and jawing with the cashier.

The Dude said...

Was that you behind me, MamaM? What can I say, the cashier is cute!