Sunday, May 6, 2018

Whose Those Bad Actors?

I am of the opinion that Dick Tracy, the version made in 1990, is one of the most beautiful movies ever made. Why do you think that, 60? I will tell you why, but first, have you ever seen it? If so, imagine how all those primary colors look to someone who is colorblind. They look beautiful, that's how they look. So other than the bad acting, the moronic script, the mediocre musical score and grotesque corruption of astronomical mechanics, it is a very good looking film. To me.

I say it is time for a sequel, something like Dick Tracy II - The City Depends On You!

Speaking of colors - after the storm, such as it was, blew through we got a nice sunset:


Trooper York said...

That has to be Michael Corleone and the Material Girl.

The Dude said...

I am a Fredo you are correct.