Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Trump vows to use military to seal the border with Mexico as migrant horde approaches

That is the headline at The National Sentinel.
“We are going to be guarding our border with our military. That’s a big step,” Trump told reporters gathered at the White House. “We cannot have people flowing into our country illegally, disappearing, and by the way never showing up for court.”
They say Trump's comments appear to be directed at Obama-era policy known as "catch and release," which critics say encourages more people to try to cross into the U.S. illegally since there is no penalty.

How remarkably understated. Now I'm wondering if the National Sentinel might be writing for visitors from Saturn or perhaps some other more distant planet beyond our solar system. They say Trump spoke to reporters gathered at the White House, but they don't mention they were gathered there to cover Trump's meeting with Baltic leaders.

The Sentinel notes this is the strongest indication to date that the president is prepared to use his authority as commander-in-chief to protect U.S. borders and that he has already spoken with Defense Secretary James Mattis about this. George W. Bush ordered the National Guard to the U.S-Mexico border to assist civilian border patrol agents with their duties. Under 1878 law Posse Comitatus troops cannot perform law enforcement functions. They assist in surveillance, security, and reconnaissance roles.

How thin. The Sentinel's readers are told something happened and are left wanting. There are no comments to the Sentinel's post.

Let's compare coverage with the Last Refuge, The Conservative Treehouse.

The group Sundance begins by noting Mexico's far-left Marxist ideologue Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has a commanding and growing solid 18-point lead in the run-up to their July 1 elections and this certain conflict with the U.S. economy is cause for a renewed sense of urgency for President Trump.

Well that's just great.

Why would they do something so dopey as that?

Trump doesn't need to dump NAFTA, Obrador will gut it. It's what Marxist do. They seize the hard work and the investments, the time and money and the organization and high skills of others for themselves and for "their people" and squeeze the life out of it through mismanagement until there is nothing left. If Mexico is so stupid as to use Cuba and Venezuela as model, and they are, then economically speaking they can just drop dead. And they will. They prove themselves unworthy partners. China might be able to work with that, the U.S. cannot. NAFTA, economic cooperation, capital investments, are antithetic to Marxism. Why Mexican voters would go this route shows how and explains why they are stuck in 3rd world status, and will stay stuck until they snap out of it.

Can anything be more advantageous, combined with ushering Honduran migrants to march on our border, for Trump to position troops to protect construction of his border wall? Can anything be more advantageous for American conservatives at midterms?

Trump will use this to prevail.

Sundance then provides video of the relevant portion of Trump's speech while meeting with presidents of Baltic states in which he makes very clear he is not going to stand for it. He applies pressure on Congress to enact laws he can use. He intends to dog Congress. The video is worth watching.

Then Sundance shows Trump's relevant Twitter communication. 1) Our present laws actually create an open border that allow dangerous caravans. He urges Congress to use their nuclear option to pass tough laws, and he says DACA is dead. 2) Mexico is not doing anything to stop people from flowing through Mexico through their own southern border and they're laughing at our own dumb immigration laws. They must stop the flow of people and drugs or Trump will stop their cash flow by ending NAFTA.  3) The flows of people are trying to take advantage of DACA.

The 500 comments are well worth reading. Most people are thoughtful. People talk about what they want to happen, how they imagine things playing out, what their relatives did in the past, what they think of their opposition, about their own experiences as refugees and as migrants, what migrants must be thinking, what migrants have experienced and are experiencing, basically, the sum of human experience.

1 comment:

edutcher said...

Meth raised the specter (or SPECTRE) of Posse Comitatus about this and I said it doesn't apply.

My thinking is that the Army was on the border guarding against Indian raiders crossing over and back long after Posse Comitatus went into effect.

It made me wonder if the intent (which Lefty jurists love to divine) is construed as being only applicable to white folks or American citizens.