Apparently they're mind-blowingly delicious.
Orgasmic, even.
As a kid, I regarded Good & Plenty candy the worse tasting stuff in the world. Especially the black ones. No wait, the white ones were worse. No wait, the pink ones were worst of al. Whoever invented them didn't understand candy. Black candy. Come on.
But now I'm starting to really like the taste of anise. Like fennel. And tarragon. Anise must be an old people thing. Good & Plenty candy seemed an old people candy. So I kept eating it trying to like it. Trying and trying and trying, because it was candy. The whole time wishing it was some other candy.
Want to see something weird? And not just regular weird. Super weird.
This video is a satire on Finnish government enacting a law banning Skipper's Pipes because they could encourage children to smoke by normalizing pipes for credulous yutes. Kind of like our government banning Kindersurprise chocolate eggs because American children might swallow the large yellow capsule inside them that holds a small toy.
[I have a case of those eggs. The German version. They make great gifts even for adults and even though the chocolate is des-PIC-able. It tastes like wax]
I hesitated showing this because it's too weird. The video has 5 million views. His other videos are similar.
Anisole— not to be confused with arsole — is the essence of all those lickerish flavors. My favorite source is Pernod, available at many fine retail outlets.
Is that the same thing that's in ouzo? And that horrible, horrible Aquavit's caraway flavor?
Vent the pent! Vent the pent!
I just stole that line from Beckett because it applies so perfectly to this crazy, who's probably a perfectly harmless crazy.
Actually, I misspoke and feel compelled to correct myself. The molecule in question is called anethole. It is structurally related to anisole, but different. And yes, anethole is in ouzo and also absinthe.
Licorice is a plant unrelated to anise and fennel. Years ago Black Jack, a black licorice flavored gum, was sold. It was great for molding it to your teeth and smiling at your classmates in church or school. It's almost impossible to stifle a laugh in church.
lolol this guy is a great actor.
I liked good and plenty a lot, and black licorice in general. And Sen-Sen breath 'mints.' A very weird candy I liked were lipsticks. Weird texture, weird taste, but interesting. And of course candy cigarettes were the bomb.
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