Monday, April 16, 2018

Magazine editors ignore Melania Trump

New York Post reports actor James Woods started a tizzy on the internet platform where tizzies occur by pointing out style magazines drooled over Michelle Obama while snubbing Melania Trump.

Here is Woods' tweet featuring an older photo of Melania. It's lovely.

Woods said if Trumps were Democrats Melania would be on every women's magazine every month.

There's more at New York Post here.


edutcher said...

Anybody who still thought the media objective lost their maidenhood when they saw the Lefties' hosannas to Mike while the rest of the world asked, "Who dresses her?".

deborah said...

As much as I appreciate the lovey and gracious Melania, mags have to look after their bottom line. Mags are already losing steam because internet. TDR is so very intense, they cannot afford to antagonize their readerships.

ricpic said...

Isn't it pathetic that in the fashion world, that is supposedly all about aesthetics, the obvious beauty and stylishness of Melania is ignored because she's on the "wrong" side.

deborah said...

Yes, it is. It's like they're cutting of their nose to spite their face. But TDS is even worse than BDS, for sure.