Tuesday, November 28, 2017

We can't wait to impeach Trump

Meaning I can't wait to impeach Trump. Says some guy with yellow teeth and who makes his vicious points with an invisible needle.
“He is an urgent threat to the American people,” Steyer said. “So to sit here and wait doing absolutely nothing is the wrong thing to do.”
That's not a cogent argument, Mr. Yellow Teeth Having Person. So you can just shut up and sit down. Or else spend your fortune on ads tipping at windmills, Asshole.

Seen on The Daily Signal 

Content created by Daily Caller News Foundation.


rcommal said...

Yeah, I don't have much use for him. But then, I don't have much use for you, either, anymore, Chip Ahoy, and your ever more-stupid silly obsessions and metaphors (and presented at Great Length! Screens and Screens! Scrolls and Scrolls!). Absolutely: to hell with Steyer; who cares? As for you: Troll nonpareil, and a purveyor of lies to boot.

rcommal said...

I wouldn't make a recipe of yours in my kitchen, anymore, much less respect your frickin' political so-called commentary. My respect for you is now finally lost entirely.

Now, I do get that you and the overwhelming others here lost that for me long ago. So it goes. That's been clear, and I appreciate the clarity. In that sense, I'm returning the favor. Bless your heart, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year, too.

Chip Ahoy said...

Blow me.

AllenS said...

... and after your done blowing Chip...

rcommal said...








rcommal said...

[I could do this all day, if so I chose to do.]

rcommal said...

Which I am not choosing to do.

(BTW: "Blow me" is a 30+ years ago challenge-epithet: How the hell old are you, anyway, Chip Ahoy, older guy using aged insults to somehow present yourself as less offensive than those who'd have the guts to say: "Suck my dick," for just one of many examples.)

rcommal said...

Cowards who are dishonest.

edutcher said...

Keith Ubermoronn joins Steyer.

He is also retiring.

Which says something.


The Dude said...

Cleanup on aisle R,L. She has fallen and can't get up.

MamaM said...

As I've said before, intensity, in the vehemence vein, is one of the Great Prognosticators.

The Dude said...

I haven't had my tea yet and read that as "Procrastinators". Putting off commenting is usually the prudent thing to do, at least for me.

I am a regular Nostradamus when it comes to retroactive clairvoyance. Or, as Bobby Bacalare said in The Sopranos "Quasimodo predicted all of this." I have a hunch that truer words were never spoken.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Go fuck Hillary, you yellow toothed hive mind creep.

ndspinelli said...

Can someone give me background on rcommal. Male or female? From TOP? I've never paid much attention.

edutcher said...

He's one of the transfers from TOP. I think male.

chickelit said...

I think chronic pain must be driving people like Steyer these days -- people like George Soros and that filthy rich traitor twit who fled to China and then Singapore, Jim Rogers. Guys like them got rich betting against American prosperity. Their mantra is "put America in the toilet again" with puts.


Meanwhile, investment groups like CalPERS are waking up to the fact that the Trump economy is actually funding their retirements. Steyer, Soros, Rogers, Chelsea's husband -- the whole stinking hedgerow -- have lost so much money under Trump that they are in psychic pain. No wonder they lash out like hurt dogs.

The Dude said...
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chickelit said...

Sixty, I think you're pushing Lem's warning just above the comments box. Just sayin'

The Dude said...

Perhaps, but she has stated every one of those things as fact in her own comments. Nevertheless, I will delete my comment. That bitch is crazy, and that cannot be deleted.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

RC ommal RC ocean RC this and RC that. Too many RC's. Sure some are OK. The ommal - not.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Chip is our icon.... I'd ride in an elevator with him any time.

MamaM said...

As history goes, according to my awareness and reading comprehension (through comments publicly made here, at TY's and at Althouse), a female commenter with a distinctive commenting style (including frequent use of the term "full stop") and a strong interest in reading and music, was active in the commenting community that formed around the Althouse blog in the early days. However close to the advent of Twitter, and time of the Meltdown and birth of the LL blogchild, that commenter changed monikers, to one described in the comments by her as representing the signature "Regards, L."

Sadness over lost connections and community, and disappointment in people who were once part of that Community of Commenters, (which seemed to function for some rather like a club) appear to be behind some of the comments that turn up here.

As for the As for you: Troll nonpareil, and a purveyor of lies to boot proclamation, it's hard to tell if it's a joke, a discharge of anger, or projection at it's best.

Since the person who comments here as rcommal, recently mentioned in one of her comments, the prospect of a possibly painful and life affecting surgery soon to be or already experienced, I'll end with this sincere wish:

Good luck with your recovery, rcommal!

chickelit said...

Rcommal (auto corrects to Eco meal) is the Althouse commenter who first got me to read and comment at Trooper York's old blog. I remember thinking --but never telling her -- that if somebody that smart read TY, then there must be something to it. That was a lifetime ago in blog years. So I'm grateful to her for all the things she's done including sending me news and music links and sharing personal info.

I want to join MamaM in wishing her well now and in the future.

rcommal said...

ndspinelli asked (hey, Nick, is this supposed to a threat? If so, be careful, dude, and by that I mean I will take it very seriously, if you take this even one half-step further):

Can someone give me background on rcommal. Male or female? From TOP? I've never paid much attention.

Nick, let me help you out, since you haven't paid attention, and not just apparently, but quite obviously not for many, many years [you great PI, you}.

1.) I am both reader_iam and rcommal

2.) I have lived in these places:

1961-1967 Indiana

1967-1971 Illinois

1971-1996 Delaware*

1996-2013 Iowa** and *** and ****

2013-present Delaware

3.) If, of course, you had been closer from the start to a number of people here, then they could've, might've, would've been able to have given you my cell phone number (which has remained the same; it's the same one) and you could have interrogated me directly. You could, still, if that's your desire.

Because, of course, OF COURSE a whole number of people here (as well as at TY's original blog, at Althouse's blog + others and other blogs) have always known my real name, not to mention having had access to my cell phone number and other various ways to contact me. From. the. start.

So, "spins," I suggest that you ask for my number first, and start by questioning and interrogating me personally, before you start "PI-ing" where I and my families live.

rcommal said...
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rcommal said...

Nicks: Oh, shit, I forgot to include this: I am a female and I am a 56-year-old woman.

rcommal said...
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rcommal said...

That doesn't mean they should just give the number to you. A whole number of people have it, and the one that has the guts to give it to you must first call me to warn me, and then, indeed, I will take your call, ndspinelli. Let's do PI, nicks!


Also, where we live, specifically, is not a stalking-friendly place. Spins, take note.

rcommal said...

Now, for the so-called lighter side of things, I offer y'all this:


rcommal said...

By the way, my name is Lori, some thing I've already posted a number of times, so you all could already have known that (especially Mr. PI). Perhaps you guys ought to spend more time paying attention to facts on offer and less time on bullshit Internet sites purveying crap "truths" and even less time bowing to cults of personality.

Wait: I guess that expectation is too unreasonable.

Well, bless your hearts.