Monday, November 27, 2017

The gates of Mortar

Today I bricked up some holes in a friend's foundation. A smart aleck asked if that's what we youngsters are calling it these days. Nope, not a euphemism, an actual job. Animals were getting in and they ate holes in her duct work. Once again, that's what really happened.

It's been a few years since I have done any masonry work, and it didn't turn out so pretty, but once the mortar sets it will be functional.

Nice sunset this evening, unfortunately I didn't get a good picture of it. This was the best I could manage:

Among family and friends...


ndspinelli said...

You need an old Eyetalian to show you masonry. Not too many in Dixie.

edutcher said...

Or a Jew. They built the pyramids.

PS Late year sunsets are always a bit spare. Don't beat yourself up.

chickelit said...

Masonry is one thing I don't do well. I've poured and finished small slabs of concrete but never built anything from bricks and mortar. That may change next summer.

chickelit said...

Nick is right. Eyetalians did all the fine masonry work on the Wisconsin Capitol building, including the interior. It was built between 1906-17, during peak immigration from Italy. Many lived in a slum on the near south side. I met some 3rd generation wops when I worked on State St. during college. The masons even knew what the best marble sources were and imported it from the old country.

chickelit said...

BTW, ramble on...

AllenS said...

No matter what mortar/cement work that you do, if it stops the critters or water from getting in, it's a good job.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Someone somewhere should build a house for all the wild critters who are seeking warmth in the winter. Let it go wild. See what happens.

ricpic said...

I have no idea how the mice get inside in the cold weather but they do. Best I can do is neutralize them with TOMCAT. Lots and lots of those little green bricks all winter long.