Who knew?
She takes a dig at Trump tweeting making the same mistake that all Democrats make in supposing that communicating through Twitter means Trump isn't getting anything done. Twitter = no work. But then, she's speaking to people who don't see what Trump gets done because their media doesn't spoon-fed it to them. They need it processed to pap first so it can run on Reddit.
To everyone else she's hilarious.
Make that hysterical.
Per The Daily Caller, who listens so that we don't have to, she was talking about the peace process in Northern Ireland. No small feat. I forgot about that, actually. Maybe Wikipedia can be useful in helping to refresh memory. [control F, Bill Clinton] Wikipedia mentions Bill Clinton twice. Bill Clinton gave a speech in Northern Ireland and he made a few phone calls.
That's okay. Her fans eat it up.
And boy, is Trump getting things done.
Much better than I had imagined. I did not fully perceive or appreciated the full depth and breadth of the problem Trump faces. It's not just Trump against GOPe as I envisioned the challenge. It wasn't just making the non-representative Republicans go where Whigs went. It was amazing to see him sweep past the entire array of very good solid Republican candidates, except for that one fat guy, and then beat the Democrats with all of government and all of American media arrayed against him, but also the entire unofficial world government and non-government global entities geared for Hillary Clinton to win. All those international corporations that hold virtual monopolies in their areas that control markets to the point that there is no such thing as free markets anymore. That is a naïvely outdated conceptualization. That is the extent that international banking and international companies control global markets internationally.
They control markets globally. That's why HIV medicine costs thousands of dollars for Americans and much less for Canadians and even less for Mexican citizens and far less for Africans. The individual global markets are squeezed for whatever they're worth. International entities actually control supply across countries to maximize price. Everything was in place for Hillary to win and now that Trump won instead he throws a massive sabot into their global gears. Banking, financing, climate, pharmaceuticals, electronics, automobiles, food. Everything.
It's no wonder Hillary Clinton still questions the validity of our last election. The entire thing was rigged globally for her to prevail, but American voters screwed her, and both parties and the entire global controlling structures that operate in areas larger than most nations.
Got a few minutes?
Sundance wrote a fantastic piece on Legislation and Lobbyists. It's brief and very good. He starts out with a tweet by Fox.
Lobbying Congress
1965: $51 million spent, avg $113,700 per lawmaker
2016: $3.1 billion spent, avg. $5.8 million per lawmaker
In fifty years we've become an entirely different country.
In the 70's we watched Schoolhouse Rock, the civics lesson cartoon inserted between regular cartoons that showed kids how a bill gets written and passed through Congress. Sundance emphasizes and reiterates that no congressperson writes any bill today. They're all written by special interests and sold to Congress through lobbying. Some non-profits depend entirely on Government financing who then spend the money to pay congresspeople to support the bills that they write. Corporations, Banks, Financiers, for-profit special interests, non-profit special interests, foreign governments, are all stopped dead in their tracks because we elected Trump. All of those billions of dollars grinding through our economy completely jammed up. Because we elected Trump instead of who we were supposed to. It's not just that they're miffed at losing an election. For them it's an existential catastrophe. It's not just that they're being recalcitrant, it's that there is nothing else they can do. All that money jammed to a halt, means all that money and time for resistance. There is nothing else they can do.
Why doesn't Hillary Clinton just STFU? There is nothing else she can do.
Saturday cartoons should insert Sundance's essay where Schoolhouse Rock used to be. Our kids need to be updated.
He has a cute cartoon of a minuteman picking up and dragging along an elephant and a donkey both wearing suits.
He shows a photograph of Paul Ryan doing a selfie with his staff of 100 or so mostly young people. They're all seated behind him and smiling and leaning into the frame, so cheerful with their victory. It's captioned, "Staffers with nothing to do."
Trump is rocking the boat in ways not seen since George and Ben and the rest of the guys rocked the monarchy 241 years ago.
Why doesn't Hillary Clinton just STFU?
Because every time it's been her turn, somebody stole it. First it was that trailer trash Lothario she married who made her stand in the background when she was the duly elected Co-President. Then it was that preening mocha homosexual married to that hulking transgender Wookie and now somebody who actually makes the country better.
Hey, you'd be outraged, too.
The lobbying growth is about 7.8% annual. Nice rate if you could get it.
But it is pretty obvious to see why the establishment is against Trump. All of them, not just Hillary, were making money writing bills. That's why get stupid ideas like "Let's make it illegal for a felon to purchase a fire arm to prevent church shootings; it's only sensible gun control." The staffers were just itching to write something already on the books, because they got paid. This is the industry that needs to burn to the ground.
Well written, Chip. I wish there was more that I could do to help Trump, besides my Trump/Pence sign in the front yard where everyone driving by can see it.
I have a hunch, just a hunch, that Democrats don't consider deregulating the Obama economy getting stuff done. :^/
Bill busied his fingers elsewhere.
Three Dollar Bill was busy bombing Serbians and having Reno send tanks into Waco.
"Bomb them Bill" is a Hillary quote.
These two fucking people should be both shot in the head, hung from a lamp post, letting vultures feast on their carcasses for the world to see. They've sold this country out so many times now that calling them traitors would be redundant. Unbelievable they still breathe air. They can't die fast enough.
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