Saturday, July 20, 2013

you ruined my joke

After all that. The tripod, keeping everything steady, replacing each ant with raisin without moving anything, after all that you ruin the joke.

I wondered what on Pinterest brought a visitor who saw your pin so I looked. The guy pined my GIF as a JPG and ruined my joke because it does not run over there. It just shows the ants. What kid is going to want to eat plastic ants? So now it is not kid-friendly, and not funny at all.


rhhardin said...

You have stalkers.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Raisinants. Just like Raisinets, only crunchier.

Anonymous said...

This was a favorite snack of my kids, way back when they were but wee ants.

Unknown said...

Then again, what kid would want to eat raisins if they thought they were going to turn into little plastic ants, either?

Little raisins were totally ruined for me at a baby shower once. Everyone had a cute little felt diaper pinned to their shirt upon arrival. The winner was the one whose cute little felt diaper pin had a raisin in it.

I guess I just don't have a sense of humor where raisins are concerned.

Freeman Hunt said...

The winner was the one whose cute little felt diaper pin had a raisin in it.

I have to laugh at how awful that is.

deborah said...

Eileen, kinda like baggies of reindeer pooh at Christmas time..can't remember what it's' made of.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I'd have gone with mashed avocado, myself.

Anonymous said...

Eileen, one way to get constipated kids moving again is feed them raisins. And they did come out into the diaper in a nice plumped up versionIf I recall. That didn't help with your raisin aversion though I bet.

Unknown said...

Oh, Mitchell!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

That also reminds me of the baby shower I just attended. Tiny diapers with various flavors of melted chocolate bars were passes around. The guest who guessed the most of them correctly won a prize.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I used to be a big fan of ants on a log...

Freeman Hunt said...

Tiny diapers with various flavors of melted chocolate bars were passes around. The guest who guessed the most of them correctly won a prize.

"Welcome to the party. Come play our feces game."

Rabel said...

Today's public service announcement:

Feeding your dog raisins can kill him. I learned this from an Althouse commenter.

Feeding him celery will make him hate you. Although my Springer loved him some broccoli stalks.

ndspinelli said...

My kids loved those stupid things. There are many worse things they could eat, so I always made them when they wanted.

deborah said...

Chip, how difficult would it be to make them march off the celery?

Rabel, did you know that acetaminophen/Tylenol is poisonous to dogs?

deborah said...
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Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I've played the guess the smashed candy bar poopy melted candy bar diaper game at a baby shower. Everyone laughs because the melted candy bars all look the same, and you end up sniffing them to determine the difference between a milky way and a peanut butter cup. The baby shower ends up a room of diaper sniffing weirdo's.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Maybe it's because I'm an INTJ--but this is why I hate baby showers and avoid them at all costs. Grown women playing those same stupid games for the ninetieth time, and they weren't even funny the first time? Seeing who can drink a bottle full of apple juice the fastest? Tasting baby food? So lame and such a waste of a Saturday.

I know people mean well-but really.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

When I give a baby shower, we meet for drinks and hand over gift bags to the momma. The end.

Freeman Hunt said...

I am hosting a baby shower at the end of the month. There are no games.

Freeman Hunt said...

Anytime anyone has thrown a shower for me, my only request is "No games, please."

Icepick said...

"Welcome to the party. Come play our feces game."

Come on, people, it's parenthood. THe first few years practically revolve around poop!

(My wife's home today taking care of little bits while I work in the garage, so this is a rare day without poop for me. Uh, other than my own. Uh, maybe you didn't need to read about that last part.)

Anonymous said...

Some aren't as sophisticated as others I suppose, different strokes. It's all in good fun and I'm not above sniffing a chocolate poopy diaper, lol. I'm with you Pants, though. It seems that people are not doing the shower games as frequently as in the past, I'm good with too.

Anonymous said...

Icepick, it's fine as long as you don't describe your feces in detail like Titus does.

ndspinelli said...

I know some women that wouldn't mind a crap game @ a shower. My kind of women!

deborah said...

The not crossing your legs game is pretty fun.

Freeman Hunt said...

I think the games thing is less about sophistication and more about personality type. Some people love party games. Others not so much as much as not.

deborah said...

I agree. It's just that you're trying not to cross your legs, and then you're surprised when your cousin gets your token. I'm definitely not for a lot of cutesy games.

rcocean said...

watching golf. Have shouted GET IN THE HOLE 25 times. Success rate: 1/25.

I'm beginning to doubt whether this method works.

Freeman Hunt said...

I do have a recent story about party surprises.

Some people I know recently rented a house on a beach and were having a nice, family party. Eventually the children went to bed, and the adults moved out to the front porch to chat. All of the lights were on and the curtains were open at another beach house across the way where, as it turned out, a pornographic movie was being filmed.

deborah said...

They got more bang for their rental buck, eh?

The rule of Lemnity said...

The score is 0 - 0 in the bottom of the 4th.

Fenway is so packed they turned away comments.

lightcat said...

rcocean said: Have shouted GET IN THE HOLE 25 times. Success rate: 1/25.
I'm beginning to doubt whether this method works.


Freeman: !!!!! You'd think they'd close the curtains at least.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

I think the games thing is less about sophistication and more about personality type. Some people love party games. Others not so much as much as not.

I think the games thing is less about sophistication and more about personality type. Some people love party ____ s. Others not so much as much as not.

FTFY, Freeman :D

It's definitely not about sophistication--it's about introversion and a different sense of humor. I wish I were more funloving, but the truth is I'm uncomfortable with party-gag type humor but will sit at home with my husband and chortle my head off at my tenth viewing of Fargo. I'm that person gamely smiling at the MOPS table while all the other mothers are laughing uproariously at some silly story and I'm thinking that wasn't even remotely amusing; not even a twitch on the smile-o-meter; what is wrong with me...

Chip Ahoy said...

This is hilarious, I had no idea what ladies get up to at those things. If an art teacher said, "Chip, give us picture of what goes on at a baby shower." ! A picture like that would spill out automatically.

Michael Haz said...

The way you are speaking to me does not at all inspire me to believe that the people who wanted this forum cared about me enough and appreciated what I gave.

Said Princess Sparkle Pony.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

a baby shower once. Everyone had a cute little felt diaper pinned to their shirt upon arrival. The winner was the one whose cute little felt diaper pin had a raisin in it.

Probably one of the top reasons I avoid baby showers and wedding/bridal showers like the plague. I can't stand to play those stupid twee games. There isn't enough alcohol to numb the stupid.

I send a nice gift and have a conveniently scheduled conflicting arrangement...preferably out of town.

Chip Ahoy said...

It would come out Egyptian, of course, and all the Egyptian ladies would be arranged on a line, drawn at different heights so that their heads are as bubbles and make the composition, with bodies attached and bending in different poses comporting with canon and resulting in plenty of comforting and calming parallelism between arms and legs composing a harmony, surrounding a baby squeezing sponges of water on it. You know how Egyptian water arcs out of a vessel, this time a sponge. And the whole thing is making a big fuss over a baby, a non-religious water ritual. The painting would show hairstyles, or wigs identifying the age, their garments and jewelry and makeup they wear, possibly one piece of furniture, or two, possibly a low stool. And water lotus flowers. So. Not all that much. That would be the picture. *ding*

On man, something just happened there. You gave an idea for a painting. A really good one too. Thank you for that. I do appreciate these things.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

@ Misplaced Pants.

Didn't read your comment first but I am a very strong INTJ as well. I would come to a baby shower hosted by you....I like Scotch. Thank you.

Deb said...

At my niece's baby shower recently, the guests were asked to write answers to several questions, such as, What do you hope for Baby M? etc.. Their answers were read when their gifts were opened. They kept them for the mom's baby book along with a photo with the mom-to-be. Sounds sappy but it wasn't; it was quite nice.

Deb said...

I hate the games, too. Make me cringe.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

The way you are speaking to me does not at all inspire me to believe that the people who wanted this forum cared about me enough and appreciated what I gave.

True story, but you had to be there, as follows:

I used to work with someone who told me she had gone to a wedding reception or bar mitzvah or something like that. Being polite, I asked her if she had a good time.

She said, "It was all right, but the service was lacking and at the end there was no one to ask me if I would like more wine in my glass."

I'm not positive what kind of an event it was because I think I must have been in shock.

But I'll swear to the quote.

You simply can't think of a person the same way as before after they say something like that.

Trooper York said...

I don't know but I think "I have misplaced my pants" is the perfect party game.

I know it happened at my bachelor party. Just sayn'

justagal said...

Ok I know what TWSS means. Also, now know its proper use: sotto voce.

My poor husband.

Thanks ;)

Anonymous said...

Chip, I can imagine an animated line of Egyptian women at a baby shower, with "Walk Like an Egyptian" playing as background music. I'm definitly not a sophisticate and have a goofy sense of humor. I'm sure I've been one of those laughing moms at the MOPS table.

The rule of Lemnity said...

That's why troop is here.

The Yanks have a 1-0 lead.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that there are serious natured people, they need to reign us silly ones in a bit at times. Mass hystericalism, I've been sucked into that vortex a time or two, it's not pretty.

rhhardin said...

Said Princess Sparkle Pony.

There are surprising rhetorical moments over there sometimes.

I've suggested the tag "sudden althouse" for them.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rhhardin said...

The corn around here has reached puberty.

Some growing tassles to attract other corns.

Patrick said...

When did the Redsox.sign.Cano?

KCFleming said...

Persistent rains prevented much corn planting in southern MN.

Detassling corn was a common summer job for high schoolers when I was growing up.

Nowadays I don't know how it gets done.

deborah said...

Chip Ahoy said...

utway are you alking about tay? And oowhay is this incessPray arkle PonySpay of which you eakspay? And why are we being ipticcray? I'm so confused.

All I'm doing is talking and there isn't any emotion or hurt to it. I thought I completely understand. But now you are making me a bit unureshay.

Wrote a song about it wanna hear it? Finegoeslikethis: strum strummy strum strum strummy strum strum. I'm still working on this part but you get the idea, it's a happy song.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I enjoy baby showers. I love buying baby gifts. I really don't care about the games - whatever the mom-to-be and all the mother hens want is fine with me.

Wedding showers, on the other hand, are an awful idea and should be shunned.

deborah said...

Ipchay, Iay skayed ouyay a estionquay anday ouyay idday otnay sweranay. Hatway ivesgay?

deborah said...

"Wedding showers, on the other hand, are an awful idea and should be shunned."

Especially when you're asked to give one. And you're not the party-giver type. And certain members of the family are not asked, and it pisses you off.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

PonySpay. It's important.

deborah said...

(Are not asked to attend.) And the bride is a supposed Christian.

deborah said...

lol April.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Especially when you're asked to give one.

I was asked to give one once. I said NO. Forget it. Had to go to the stupid thing anyway, and purchase one of many gifts for the princess.

I like to celebrate baby, not the bride. Enough already.

deborah said...

Well, it was my niece, and she ambushed me. But if her sister asks me, I'll ask her to ask her other aunt so her other aunt won't feel left out (which she would, big time).

At almost 55 I see life as an endless stream of showers, weddings, births, funerals....

deborah said...

Oh, yeah, the between the shower and the wedding presents it was technically in bad taste.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Wedding showers, on the other hand, are an awful idea and should be shunned.

My wedding shower, that was given for me, was a surprise and it was actually pretty much fun. Since it was a second wedding for both me and my husband, I guess the girls figured that we had plenty of household stuff. So it was a lingerie shower for me with all kinds of sexy and expensive negliges, underwear, garter belts etc. Really nice things that even now (20 yrs later) I still wear. No games and afterwards we all went to the local watering hole and got plastered.

Good times.

Anonymous said...

I dunno, I love showers. It's the female bonding thing, I think. Women's rites of passage. My daughter, when she found out that she was coming with me to a shower at age four or five, had a puzzled look on her face and asked me if she had to take a shower too. I think that was probably a question many little girls asked before their first wedding or baby shower.

Chip Ahoy said...

Oh! So all the women should be very young.

Michael Haz said...

We have been invited to what's being called a 'Coed Baby Shower and BBQ'. The couple hosting it in their home is late 30s, first child, and have pretty much everything they need. They've requested small items only, and while those gifts are being opened in the living room the guys will be in the deck doing up a BBQ (mostly drinking beer and opening the smoker every now and again).

Sounds like a good plan. Should be fun.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Hi, Deborah.

Have you checked your e-mail lately?

deborah said...

Yes, but I'll look now.

Anonymous said...

Chip, some little girls are on their third marriage by age 10! And the baby showers are baby doll showers.

Freeman Hunt said...
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Freeman Hunt said...
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caplight45 said...

I don't know who invented these coed showers but I refuse to go. It's just more feminization of men.

Freeman Hunt said...

When we had our first child, I asked my husband if he wanted my friends to have a coed shower rather than a regular one.

"Are you kidding me?"

We went to a coed one a while back. It was sort of like a cocktail party. The BBQ idea is good. Then it's more like two separate events. I love men, but I don't want them at showers. Then you have to concern yourself that they're not enjpying the mom-talk on steroids. A lot of the women like to sigh, "Awww!" over all the little clothes. Men would inhibit them.

Palladian said...

Men would inhibit them.

Someone needs to.

Anonymous said...

There truth of the matter is, that the are some freaky rituals that happen at these all women's showers, involving robes and chanting and chickens. Women swear a blood oath never to reveal the secret.

chickelit said...

Women swear a blood oath never to reveal the secret.

I heard that wienies are roasted.

The rule of Lemnity said...
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The rule of Lemnity said...

I seem to remember watching a woman sitting on something like this wearing something that looked like a nightgown.

I was ushered out of the room.