Monday, July 22, 2013

A Portrait Of The Vortex

Click to enlarge
Ball Point Pen and Coloured Pencil on 8 1/2" x 11" white copier paper 

This was a bad dream more than a year ago. My sketch represents the Althouse Vortex. Each of the suckers on the tentacles is a different political or cultural entity which may attract or repel commenters. For example, there is an entire phalanx of Democrats represented by blue and a red army of Republicans; the libertarian partisans are green. Individual suckers represent other tribes: L, G, B, and T are self-evident. The male symbol, ♂ and the female symbol ♀ are there. There's a Star of David, a crescent, and a fish symbol for Christians (why I didn't use a cross escapes me). There's also a peace sign, a Mercedes-Benz symbol, and even an Audi TT symbol -- even corporate interests are represented.

My original analogy of the Vortex was to the active site of an enzyme which has attractive and repulsive chemical groups to orient and align chemical substrates for transformation or digestion. A commenter caught in the vortex may be both attracted and repelled by various tentacle suckers; less often than not, their opinions may be transformed or digested by interaction with the tentacle suckers.

When I first published this sketch, commenter noticed that the Vortex had only seven appendages and wondered if it was symbolic of Seven Machos; the resemblance was not intentional. The blue painter's tape was an homage to Meade, and the key to that is back here from a time when Meade's identity was known only to Althouse. At the time I suspected that Meade was actively stirring the Vortex behind the scenes.

Anywise, now that the beast has been slain, perhaps it's time for an autopsy.

[added: edutcher wanted a reference to Althouse photos: link]


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rhhardin said...

It's a septapuss.

Chennaul said...



Chennaul said...

The eighth tentacle could be lurkers...

bagoh20 said...

The piece of tape looks just like it's on the surface my monitor. My first reaction was panic. How the hell did he sneak into my office and do that with me sitting here.

Yea, I'm not real bright, but I did nod off for a few minutes, so it's not impossible. I hope no splooge was stolen.

chickelit said...

"Absence is the highest form of presence..."

Darcy said...

Showing that sexy brain again, Raylan?

Pretty cool. (I'd wondered about the blue tape way back when.)

Glory days.

Methadras said...

You forgot the Q. Also can we call this the Vortipuss? Or the Sextapuss? Or the Sexual-Identity-WTF-a-Puss?

Chennaul said...

Funny how the "blue man group" looks the most dickish.

rhhardin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rhhardin said...

The unidexter.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I am getting hungry now.

All flesh is grass...but octopus is pretty darn good!

edutcher said...

You need something for all the pictures she took.

Kind of neutral ground.

yashu said...

At this time I've got nothing to say on the topic of the the self-murdered leviathan, except--

It would be cool to see Seven Machos again, round these parts. I liked his lucha libre style.

Chennaul said...

Sorry but that's about the only thing I learned from on high over there--

"look for the dick".

Michael Haz said...

Why is the identity of the octo being redacted by the blur tape? What unseemly thing did it do? Dish.

AllenS said...

So, the blue tape is like the Lone Rangers mask, but without the eye holes?

Meade said...

"It would be cool to see Seven Machos again"

I could not agree more. Over the last 9 years, next to the blogger herself, Seven Machos was the best writer/thinker of any of the commentariate. Bar none.

chickelit said...

Michael Haz said...
Why is the identity of the octo being redacted by the blur tape? What unseemly thing did it do? Dish.

That part was not revealed in the dream and so I cannot serve it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I think Hal Holbrooke's character in Wall Street gave the definitive autopsy report for the beast in question. You know the line, Chickie. Don't even pretend you don't.

The tie-in is that, physically, vortices are generated by emptiness, right? At least when it comes to hydrology. Like a toilet flushing...

And can I get some advice from you on air conditioners, while we're at it? I know biology's supposed to be my focus but I feel a physics tangent might be unavoidable, despite the effort behind your creature...

Why did none of the tentacles bear an arm? (Like my pun ;-)?)

Chennaul said...

Oh look I see one!

It's in the THREAD!!!!

chickelit said...

@yashu: Seven machos popped in either here or on Althouse to that he was a paid writer somewhere now. I always thought he was an attorney in Chicago.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said... to the blogger herself...

Oh geez, Meade. Are you trolling for nookie, too? Is that what you're up to over here? Your missus must be a tough nut to crack. I guess a lawn jockey's gotta lawn jockey...

Rabel said...

There's Ritmo. Getting all personal. It's best to avoid that sort of thing.

Pastafarian said...

Ritzy Brassiere -- good to see you here. There's a photo just for you, up in the "A quick apology" thread.

And speaking of octopi -- go Red Wings.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You must have missed the other thread, Rabel. I promise to play as nicely with Meadesey Potato as he does.

Pastafarian said...

Actually, it's the post itself, not the comments thread -- after the jump.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Oh yeah, Pasta. I'd actually caught that. It was below the fold. Anyway, I thought Troop publicized that my sheep-boinking days are over. Too much hair, and my love of some fine cashmere wool makes it all feel too, well, clothed. Oh well. Some things never change...

Chip Ahoy said...


Bloop calls this stock-trading octopus.

Anonymous said...


madawaskan: That's what a friend said after I told him the story. He's a software developer and savvy about the web.

It still surprises me. Not so much that Althouse closed commenting, but that she blew her cool so badly and publicly.

I will be curious to see if her blog recovers.

AllenS said...

I think Althouse still has commenters, but you have to ask Meade to get in to comment.

chickelit said...

Ritmo appears to be "new and improved" at Lem's place. Give him another chance.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I could see Machos getting paid for writing, not that I had trouble believing that he was being paid as lucratively for lawyering as he let on. Then again, he'd brought up additional gigs like being a magistrate or whatnot. And the found poetry blog. Sure, why not? I'd believe it.

I'm in a credible mood today.

chickelit said...

AllenS said...
So, the blue tape is like the Lone Rangers mask, but without the eye holes?

It could also symbolize cruel neutrality.

Chip Ahoy said...

Dude named 'unpronouncable' warns of the camera-snatching octopus.

Chennaul said...

madawaskan: That's what a friend said after I told him the story. He's a software developer and savvy about the web.

It still surprises me. Not so much that Althouse closed commenting, but that she blew her cool so badly and publicly.

I will be curious to see if her blog recovers.


Right. It's usually a commenter that does it.

Essentially they do something that is past saving face.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Speaking of many-tentacled aquatic fauna (and cameras), who's caught those videos lately of deep-sea giant squids?

Methadras said...

Is this the new Spaghetti Monster? Or is it a Japanese Tentacle Monster? I'm so confused.

chickelit said...

@Ritmo: You were kinda mean to Lem the last time you two met on Althouse: Chirbit

AllenS said...

Thank God it isn't Godzilla.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Sorry, credulous. Not credible. First blatant malapropism of mine in the Team Lem blog comments.

Chennaul said...

El Pollo...

Did you notice you are using The Queen's spelling somewhere in the post?


Rabel said...

"You must have missed the other thread, Rabel. I promise to play as nicely with Meadesey Potato as he does."

Maybe my joke was too subtle.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Bygones are bygones for me, Chickie. I told you before, it's all about forum/setting. If Lemmie wants an apology, he's more than entitled to one from me. I have no problem with it. I'd stayed away (comments-wise) until the Sunday thread anyway, and then Freem started soliciting science posts and comments, which I'd had no problem obliging. So if anyone else wants an apology for how things tended to go on the comments-defunct Perma-Grudge-Match-Blog, by all means. (Except for a certain someone, of course. But I'll still keep even that light after Sunday. Said my peace then).

AllenS said...

The game is early, but the Brewers are slapping the ball around early.

chickelit said...

@madawaskan: The was deliberate. I thought it sounded more pretentious and could augment the simple medium used.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I think I get it now, Rabel. ;-)

Nice avatar, BTW.

chickelit said...

@R&B: I'm not looking to force apologies--just a begrudged chuckle?

Chennaul said...

I thought it sounded more pretentious and could augment the simple medium used.


LOL!--I was just listening to the Chirbit.

You might have been feeling all William F. Buckley at the moment.

Ritmo if you haven't listened to that--damn it is funny.

roger said...

Simon stayed where he was, a small brown image, concealed by the
leaves. Even if he shut his eyes the sow’s head still remained like an
after-image. The half-shut eyes were dim with the infinite cynicism of
adult life. They assured Simon that everything was a bad business.
“I know that.”
Simon discovered that he had spoken aloud. He opened his eyes quickly
and there was the head grinning amusedly in the strange daylight, ignoring the flies, the spilled guts, even ignoring the indignity of being spiked
on a stick.
He looked away, licking his dry lips.
A gift for the beast. Might not the beast come for it? The head, he
thought, appeared to agree with him. Run away, said the head silently,
go back to the others. It was a joke really—why should you bother? You
were just wrong, that’s all. A little headache, something you ate, perhaps.
Go back, child, said the head silently.

Anonymous said...

I think Althouse still has commenters, but you have to ask Meade to get in to comment.

Yes, but first she closed commenting and since then has, on a limited basis, allowed some commenting to resume.

As I wrote last week, to quote my prediction Althouse-style:

So what happens when Althouse works the kinks out of a restricted membership version of her blog?

She will, you know. She's not going to let her site ranking slip into obscurity. She's a competitive person -- not that there's anything wrong with that! -- and I doubt there are enough pure readers to keep her traffic up where she believes it belongs.

chickelit said...

@R&B: I ran across some old comments of yours where you called yourself "conservatives for better dental hygiene" and used a WFB avatar. What was that all about?

roger said...

Simon looked up, feeling the weight of his wet hair, and gazed at the
sky. Up there, for once, were clouds, great bulging towers that sprouted
away over the island, grey and cream and copper-colored. The clouds
were sitting on the land; they squeezed, produced moment by moment
this close, tormenting heat. Even the butterflies deserted the open space
where the obscene thing grinned and dripped. Simon lowered his head,
carefully keeping his eyes shut, then sheltered them with his hand. There
were no shadows under the trees but everywhere a pearly stillness, so
that what was real seemed illusive and without definition. The pile of
guts was a black blob of flies that buzzed like a saw. After a while these
flies found Simon. Gorged, they alighted by his runnels of sweat and
drank. They tickled under his nostrils and played leapfrog on his thighs.
They were black and iridescent green and without number; and in front
of Simon, the Lord of the Flies hung on his stick and grinned. At last
Simon gave up and looked back; saw the white teeth and dim eyes, the
blood—and his gaze was held by that ancient, inescapable recognition.
In Simon’s right temple, a pulse began to beat on the brain.

Methadras said...

Rabel said...

"You must have missed the other thread, Rabel. I promise to play as nicely with Meadesey Potato as he does."

Maybe my joke was too subtle.

When I take the weekends off from blogs and commenting I always miss the good shit. Also, because of the fact that my computer took a major shit last week and I've been largely using my phone to comment.

Chennaul said...

Okay that thing I saw only popped up once.

Maybe it knows there are too many whack-a-mole masters here.

yashu said...

Aw Ritmo, you should be honored by that chirbit! Hilarious, Pollo.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

..just a begrudged chuckle?

Oh yeah! How could I forget how well you like to show off the Chirbits? Of course I'll take a listen. (Already commented elsewhere how much I liked the Iron Butterfly concept, but a new Chirbit of course deserves a fresh listen). No begrudging at all.

Chip Ahoy said...

Member, I smash things in my sleep uruk-hai, says of Bloop's picture of a series of black octopi in bubbles against blue, that s/he named "context free octopus"

It starts out as a string of blue bubbles with octopusses inside. They're all different and stylized but it's interesting and different and you want to see more of it. So you scroll down and it makes a graceful arc and at the very end it breaks the 4th wall and engages the viewer. The octopus is engaging the viewer. In the first one, it says 'what do you think?', this is great because it is a reflection of the viewer and therefore skims the edges of atmospheric irony. The others impart happiness or other flavors that do not deliver the stark emptiness that the first embraces.

Well executed.

That was not me talking, that was the member with the long name.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Good octopus has to be flown in to Madison. Just sayin...

roger said...

runnels of sweat, children

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

...better dental hygiene" and used a WFB avatar. What was that all about?

The teeth! The teeth!

Open it up again big-style, make sure your color resolution is up all the way and STAND BACK!!!

chickelit said...

@Michael Haz: If you lift the tape it's just a blank beneath with no windows to the soul even. That's the best I've got.

chickelit said...

@R&B: Actually, it's an old chirbit. I still can't make new ones the way I did before because I lost my iPhone overboard and can't afford a new one.

I'll trade that drawing though for a working iPhone 5.

Rabel said...

"a series of black octopi in bubbles against blue"

Also seven-legged.

Is there something going on in the cephalopod world I should know about?

Icepick said...

It's a septapuss.

That would lead to an even crappier Bond movie title.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Sorry, Man. Wish I could help. I just had the "geniuses" declare my iPod touch with the chrome back dead. (Because obviously an old battery means nothing less than the fact that you SHALL buy a new iPod, right? Well, that's Steve Jobs' zombified business acumen for you). In any event, it's just Sony Ericssons and Nokias for me. Which I highly recommend, BTW - especially in the case of the latter.

I only mention all that because the iPod Touch was essentially an early iPhone without telephony.

My new nano's pretty rad, though. I like it.

rhhardin said...

That's a blue floating vulva box.

chickelit said...

Nice avatar Rabel: is that double, triple, quadruple entendre?

Chennaul said...

rhhardin said...
That's a blue floating vulva box.

July 22, 2013 at 8:42 PM


And, it has a beak like a bird.


chickelit said...

Anywise, I'm out of here for an hour or so. Be good. I hope I didn't stir things up.

Palladian said...

I saw a vision of a vortex once...

Meade said...

rhhardin said...
"That's a blue floating vulva box."

There. Do you see the problem? It took 65 comments on this one thread before getting a comment quality enough to be worthy of the Althouse blog. The rest are just tweets.

Well, that was just one of the problems. There were so many.

Icepick said...

Rabel, what the FUCK have you done to your face?!!?!

Palladian said...

I could not agree more. Over the last 9 years, next to the blogger herself, Seven Machos was the best writer/thinker of any of the commentariate. Bar none.

He's probably not going to put up with your bullshit either, but nice try.

Meade said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Chennaul said...

Oh son of an Altchez

my hypothesis that El Pollo had set up a trash can trap for dick with pussy bait is out the window.

Chennaul said...

Peanuts just because you tag someone doesn't mean you own them.

rcocean said...

The wit and wisdom of 7 nachos? LoL.

I must have missed it. He certainly posted a lot at times. IRC, he posted 30 times on one thread. If he wrote anything witty/funny, I can't remember it.

But then I don't like Dylan either.

rcocean said...

Could be I just tuned him out because of what he was saying. I get tired of reading the old standard Libertarian/Liberal bullshit I get from the MSM, BHTV, Slate, NBC/CBS/ABC/PBS and 100 sites on the web.

pm317 said...

Meade here = Mary there

not classy.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

You must have missed the other thread, Rabel. I promise to play as nicely with Meadesey Potato as he does."

Maybe my joke was too subtle

I got it and it made me LOL. Nice avatar.

Palladian said...

That was really low-class, Meade. I really thought you were more of a man than to bring up our private business in a public forum.

pm317 said...

I like how this blog is turning into a bloggers consortium. So many different ideas and different ways of saying them. But it must be my immigrant past -- I don't quite get all the references and nuances in your comments. May be you had to have grown up here.

Palladian said...

And I can link to my work wherever the hell I choose.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So is Meade like the Ritmo of Lem's place?

How things change.

It's funny. Did anyone see Cloud Atlas?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

But then, even in Cloud Atlas the villains remained largely villains from story to story.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And in Palladian's defense, he didn't even advertise the linked work as being for sale.

I should know. I looked for the thumbnail order when I opened the page. It's a good work.

Aridog said...

Meade ... comment at 8:57 PM.

WTF man? That was about as chicken shit a remark as anyone could make.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Meade ... comment at 8:57 PM.

WTF man? That was about as chicken shit a remark as anyone could make.

And your surprise is because????

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Ball Point Pen and Coloured Pencil on 8 1/2" x 11" white copier paper


Methadras said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

So is Meade like the Ritmo of Lem's place?

How things change.

It's funny. Did anyone see Cloud Atlas?

I did and I liked it a lot. Yeah, it tried to be something it wasn't; bold, overreaching, grande, but it tried and I still liked it. Lots of things missing that i wish would got filled in, but it still made sense.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Those who mow lawns and soak the taxpayers for unearned pensions and lifetime benefits should not throw financial stones.

Like the octopus picture and the pleasant and dare I say good natured commentary from Ritmo. This place has a lot of potential if Meade didn't seem to feel the need to come and start trouble.

My compliments to Lem and his collaborators. I wish you good luck in this endeavor, may your Amazon portals be highly frequented, and your Instalanches be often.

Aridog said...

DBQ ... no surprise, I just lost my temper. I'd promised myself not to feed the trolls.

Palladian said...

As soon as I can get the money together to pay you back, Mr Meade, I shall. Right now, I have nothing. I have repeatedly applogized to you for the delay. You have repeatedly assured me that it was ok, that you understood the circumstances of the delay (that most of my life's work, and my printing equipment, is locked in a storage unit that is going to be sold on August 6th because I'm desperately trying to scrape together the money to pay the bill).

I'm really embarrassed to have not yet fulfilled my order, and it's humiliating that you chose to run that in on a public forum.

I'm sorry, I'm just reeling from this.

Meade said...

"private business in a public forum."

Isn't that what you solicit?

Methadras said...

This is what meade appears to be like when he becomes unhinged. Petty, venal, vindictive, and just downright smarmy with the snark that comes from practiced humilation. It's like watching him graduate from being a sub to a dom and seeing the transition go badly.

I don't know what the fuck meade's problem is anymore. Maybe he hates his lot in life or maybe he's been dealing with some 'issues' that a good garden furrowing or a cialis might cure. Who knows.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I did and I liked it a lot.

I felt the same way.

I was disappointed that it didn't do as well as it did (also for selfish reasons since that meant it left theaters before I'd get a chance to see it on the big screen). But something that ambitious deserves praise even if merely for its creative ambition.

Even though, for me, it still also worked as a movie.

Anonymous said...

Over the last 9 years, next to the blogger herself, Seven Machos was the best writer/thinker of any of the commentariate. Bar none.

I never got Althouse's rep. She's a good writer, seems to have absorbed Didion's cold brittle tone (or maybe it was natural), has a range of interests, a few voices, an occasional sense of humor, but all of that ruined by an overweening self-regard and a prissy scolding/bullying style. Cruel neutrality! No one should have been surprised that the comment section blew up.

As to her thinking, it seemed to me that she was bested many times by commenters -- which I suspect was a factor in her meltdown -- but she was Pope so that didn't matter. La La La indeed.

I sent a lawyer friend to check some of her legal topics and he said he considered her an embarrassment to the profession.

De gustibus non est disputandum.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

As soon as I can get the money together to pay you back, Mr Meade, I shall.

Hell. I'll pay Meade the money.

Just as long as he promises to stay away for a month.

Or even a week.

However long he can stomach not being the self-appointed cause celebre of his banished commenters.

edutcher said...

I think Meade is Ritmo in drag.

Or vice versa.

AllenS said...

Meade said...
"private business in a public forum."

Isn't that what you solicit?

Didn't you eliminate the public forum?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

How dare you ed!

My winebox never has my balls in it. Let alone kept in there under lock and key.

Meade said...

"And I can link to my work wherever the hell I choose."

Of course you can. That wasn't my point, was it? My point is this: you have a lot of nerve.

Aridog said...

Palladian said...

As soon as I can get the money together to pay you back, Mr Meade, I shall. Right now, I have nothing. ... (that most of my life's work, and my printing equipment, is locked in a storage unit that is going to be sold on August 6th because I'm desperately trying to scrape together the money to pay the bill).

Aw, fuck that, Palladian. How much is due by 06 August? Tell me and I'll send it post haste, and you know I will. I already have the Paypal address, just tell me. It will be fucking done.

Methadras said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

I did and I liked it a lot.

I felt the same way.

I was disappointed that it didn't do as well as it did (also for selfish reasons since that meant it left theaters before I'd get a chance to see it on the big screen). But something that ambitious deserves praise even if merely for its creative ambition.

Even though, for me, it still also worked as a movie.

Yeah, I didn't see it on the big screen myself. Although my home screen is pretty big itself. The robot clone factory reprocessing facility was horrific and awesome all at the same time. I was like, DAYUM. They really went there.

AllenS said...

Aridog, I'll go in for half.

Palladian said...

I'm sorry to bring up my private problems here.

Ah Pooh said...

Things must be really bad at Meadhouse. This isn't going to end well.

Meade said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
deborah said...

This place must be getting a zillion views.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm sorry...

Meade did that all by himself. No need to apologize. You could probably get everyone to chip in. That's the difference between goodwill and patronage. Meade doesn't know that, but look at what he needs to do to feel better about himself.

Bye, Meade. Time to go away.

Meade said...

Trooper York said...
"You really are a miserable cunt Meade. Way to kick a guy when he is down. You are just a worthless motherfucker. The stench of you would make a maggot puke.

I just thank Cthulhu that you are displaying what worthless cocksucker you really are.

Man you take the fuckin cake."

Stick it up your donut hole and go eat another one of your holier than thou donuts, Jim.

Methadras said...

Meade said...

"I'm really embarrassed to have not yet fulfilled my order"

Good. You should be embarrassed. At least embarrassed. Spare me your pretentious "I shall" bullshit, Palladian. You are a cheat and a false friend to Ann Althouse. Lead the way over here. You have plenty of followers.

Nice. Meade is all angry and shit. I'm getting my popcorn.

Meade said...

" Palladian said...
I'm sorry to bring up my private problems here."

Are you. I don't believe one word you say or write. You are a user. Users and losers.

Ah Pooh said...

Things must be really bad at Meadhouse. This isn't going to end well.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Even though, for me, it still also worked as a movie

I'm a big sci-fi fan and have put Cloud Atlas on my Amazon list to watch. I imagine that the book is much more detailed than the movie. I hope it isn't one of those where you lose the context if you DIDN'T read the book. Like Game of Thrones. God. What a pain. I have to constantly stop the show and tell my husband the backstory on every character.
And....Meade is a vindictive dick.

Meade said...

"Richard Thompson and my phone number 313-720-3284. "

For a good time, call Richard.

Titus said...

"and can't afford a new one."

How sad and depressing. I pray those words never enter my vocab.

Methadras said...

Meade said...

" Palladian said...
I'm sorry to bring up my private problems here."

Are you. I don't believe one word you say or write. You are a user. Users and losers.

Is it because he's gay, Cialis boy? It is isn't it. You are angry because he's gay. H8er. I just wanted to say that. I like the users and losers comment. Kind of goes along with your wifes petty screed backpeddling on who she thought the losers were when SCOTUS ruled on DOMA. Wait a minute Cialis boy. Is this really althouse saying this? or is this a weekend at cialashouse coming through?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I hope it isn't one of those where you lose the context if you DIDN'T read the book.

Well, given the way screenwriters and producers look at things, it would fail itself as a movie if that was the case, and they're going to be reluctant for that to happen. No American businessman would succeed if he relied alone on the willingness of the American public to read and stay informed beforehand, as shyster schmucks like Meade can attest - including those in showbiz.

justagal said...

"If I were a troll, my goal would be to weaken this blog, damage, and destroy it. I want just the opposite. I want Lem's blog to endure and to be interesting."

Talk about bad faith comments!

Chennaul said...

You are a user. Users and losers.



You really have a Tourette's like fixation on one of those words.

What do you need to be told?

You and Althouse are winners.

Why not go glory in that.

Titus said...

"How dare you advertise your wares here, Palladian, when you can't even fill orders from months ago that you have taken payment on and already spent the money? You disappoint me greatly."

Wow, that was harsh, but I love it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...


What are you trying to prove here?

What are you gaining?

What are you achieving?

Can't even Ann's cold heart keep your body temperature well conditioned on these hot summer nights?

Go to her.

She must be a real hoot.

Methadras said...

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Even though, for me, it still also worked as a movie

I'm a big sci-fi fan and have put Cloud Atlas on my Amazon list to watch. I imagine that the book is much more detailed than the movie. I hope it isn't one of those where you lose the context if you DIDN'T read the book. Like Game of Thrones. God. What a pain. I have to constantly stop the show and tell my husband the backstory on every character.
And....Meade is a vindictive dick.

I'm a huge sci-fi/fantasy buff myself. Life long. My wife is not. I gotta do the same thing with my wife and then her eyes glaze over and I give up.

Meade being a vindictive dick requires that his vindictiveness isn't really a function of the fact that his dick might be dysfunctional. That will make anyone kinda grouchy. I think we are seeing grouchy meade cause the pee-pee is having a 'hard' time. Awww, sniffles.

test said...

Dust Bunny Queen said...
I hope it isn't one of those where you lose the context if you DIDN'T read the book. Like Game of Thrones. God. What a pain. I have to constantly stop the show and tell my husband the backstory on every character.

Ha - after the first episode went similarly I gave my wife the books and told her I'd watch the rest with her after she caught up.

deborah said...

This is what happens when a bunch of grown men lap up being scolded and lessoned and tempted and teased for years. When the dam breaks, it's Johnstown all over again. What pent-up rage. Just admit you were willing participants and it was not all Althouse's fault and move the fuck on.

Methadras said...

Marshal said...

Ha - after the first episode went similarly I gave my wife the books and told her I'd watch the rest with her after she caught up.

ROFL!!! That's a fail in my house. My wife told me she hates sci-fi/fantasy books and frankly the genre overall. Now she will get into it if there is already some back story that is more mythos through the cultural fixation like star trek or star wars or the hobbit, etc. otherwise, it's a negative all the way around.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

justagal said...
"If I were a troll, my goal would be to weaken this blog, damage, and destroy it. I want just the opposite. I want Lem's blog to endure and to be interesting."

Talk about bad faith comments!"

If Meade had an education that extended past how to make blades of grass into slightly shorter blades of glass, it could be a plausible hypothesis that this petty vindictive meltdown here is a false flag operation in conjunction with Lem's earlier post about not saying mean things.

That's a big "if" though, and Occam's razor tells us that Meade is just a petty little man who really misses the old gang.

edutcher said...

Palladian said...

I'm sorry to bring up my private problems here.

We're all friends here.

(well, mostly...)

rcocean said...

"Lead the way over here."

Well, he was kicked out. But maybe I misinterpret.

Chennaul said...

I keep watching this like a train wreck.

Go help Althouse.

I know you feel powerless to do that, and so you are probably coming over here where you can feel like a man.

Let me tell you a thing or two about men that have higher values.


Hoy crap--I guess I have been surrounded for years by high quality men--so I am *shocked* by how petty, and small you are.

I haven't seen anything near that since high school.

Go do something useful help your wife.

rcocean said...

Cloud Atlas sucks. An interesting idea in book form it didn't translate to the screen.

But some like it.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

"Ha - after the first episode went similarly I gave my wife the books and told her I'd watch the rest with her after she caught up."

ROFL!!! That's a fail in my house.

Ditto. My husband is a voracious reader and loves murder mysteries and political drama stuff. Vince Flynn, Patterson, adventure stuff. I did get him to read some of the Dresden Files by Jim Butcher and he thought it was ok.

To ask him to read Game of Thrones. Never happen in a million years. Never! He is enjoying the series as long as I provide the tutorial.
And Meade seems to have some lingering anger issues that need to be resolved.

Methadras said...

Meade said...

"Richard Thompson and my phone number 313-720-3284. "

For a good time, call Richard.

I'm shocked, shocked that you haven't dialed it yet.

Meade: Hello? Is this Richard?

Aridog: Who is this?

Meade: Tee-hee, i'm the scots fertilzer guy. Feed your lawn, FEED IT!!!

Aridog: What the fuck?

Meade: Can you hear how my lawnmower is so badass? 5 HP of mulch cutting badass. I don't even need a catch bag it's so awesome. Oh shit, she's watching me. Gotta go bye...

Methadras said...

rcocean said...

Cloud Atlas sucks. An interesting idea in book form it didn't translate to the screen.

But some like it.


Michael Haz said...

Any "false friend" of Ann Althouse is a friend of mine.

Chennaul said...

Palladian said...
I'm sorry to bring up my private problems here.

July 22, 2013 at 9:36 PM

*********** you did that.

This is classic manipulation on his part.

Also if you have noticed he is trying to guilt trip you over a decision that only Ann is responsible for.

I really don't know what they are afraid of--that people and/or this place will heal--and that life will go on without them.

The reality is they used and gained much from their commenters for years.

Maybe some of you should consider what they owe you.

Methadras said...

Dust Bunny Queen said...

And Meade seems to have some lingering anger issues that need to be resolved.

We should take up a collection to get Mr. Dom Cialis a punching bag. Clipping blades of grass with a pair of scissors must suck.

AllenS said...

I can visualize Meade walking around the house like he just returned from the battlefield. Too funny.

Methadras said...

Hey Lem, sorry dude. I know you asked that we stop, but bro, this is to good to pass up. I mean, fast down the middle. It's a swing.

Chennaul said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ndspinelli said...

This Meade meltdown is fun as hell to watch. I've been watching The Wire since I missed that series somehow. It's a great series but this is right up there. Meade is like the weasel Pollack Major.

pm317 said...

Any "false friend" of Ann Althouse is a friend of mine.

LOL.. {that was a good movie, young Gregory Peck was adorable}

KCFleming said...

@Deborah: LOL

I imagine the Beatles had arguments not dissimilar in 1969. Things better left unsaid. Vox Day seems to be having a similar blow-up with his sci-fi writing group. Anger and vicious words. And not unlike some recent troubles with my in-laws. It got really ugly.

People. They're the worst. (Seinfeld)

I feel terrible for Palladian, though. That was unnecessary.
Like shooting a mockingbird.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I can visualize Meade walking around the house like he just returned from the battlefield. Too funny.

LOLOLOL!!! That's hilarious.

You mean, like this?

(Minus the "BALLS" written on the forehead part, of course.)

Sydney said...

Yeah, what's with these Meade comments? They seem very Maryish.

Meade said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
bagoh20 said...

" you have taken payment on and already spent the money? You disappoint me greatly."

Kind of like collecting donations and Amazon commissions and then insulting the people who paid for it and kicking them out.

If you don't deliver what someone paid you for, it might be because you can't, or it might be because you choose not to, only one is due to a lack of character. This thread shows examples of both.

Aridog said...

Methadras ... you 1 sik puppy wigga'

But seriously, 5 HP? He should at least claim 14 hp today...shit, I had a 10 hp number when I was 10 to drag around the rotary blades. Did about 10 acres a week for pocket money.

AllenS ...Thanks. Now I will have to erase that image of Meade in battle rattle from my mind...with Chlorox.

exhelodrvr1 said...

'Each of the suckers on the tentacles' sounds like Titus territory.

rcocean said...

"He has a business in which he solicits money for product he does not have. He takes payment, deposits it, and spends it."

Works for Goldman Sachs.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Palladian, I am sorry I suggested you were on the Nazi side of things.

Aridog said...

Meade said ...

He has no product to ship ...

You are one lying fuck. You forget the Althouse post with photos of you two unpacking prints from Palladian?

It isn't like you're the only ones who ever bought anything there. Asshole. I know how much you think you are "out" and it is a low 3 figure fucking chump change...versus a high 6 figure + income. Hope it doesn't cause you to miss a mortgage payment or anything. Sob.

Meade said...

"You forget the Althouse post with photos of you two unpacking prints from Palladian? "

No I didn't. Isn't that just what con artists do? Before they cheat you? Ask Palladian how much he has cheated his landlord for. Ask him.

Palladian said...

This has to stop now. I can't take it.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

I think a better question to ask is this:

How many lawns would you have to mow to get the amount you claim you are owed?

Ah Pooh said...

Going against Lem's rule, which I hate to do - Meade is one sick puppy.

Aridog said...


To Lem...sorry I violated my own promise to not engage schmucks. Not up to me, but if it were, it IS time to start deleting each and every post by Meade. He IS your enemy. No good faith. Had you listened to what I said elsewhere he'd not have been here tonight.

To Palladian .... I apologize for embarrassing you further by my comments and my, now our, offer..However, respond to my email. Now. Damnit.

Both of us who've said we'd help are on board, already agreed, etc.

Just so you know, you aren't the only person we've helped this is just appropriate to our value system, so here we are. RESPOND NOW!! [with answers to my questions].

chickelit said...

I bought a copy of this original print from Palladian and he shipped it post haste. It's gorgeous and was well worth the money.

Anonymous said...

Why didn't Meade say this about Palladian when he was soliciting on Althouse Cafe threads? Why did he enable him then, to rip off their commenters? That certainly wasn't Very nice.

Patrick said...

Think about 2 weeks ago. Who would have thought that Ritmo would be more popular with this group than Meade?

Don't feed the troll. The one who os bad faith, trying to destroy the blog.

bagoh20 said...

"This has to stop now. I can't take it."

Dude, sorry you had to be sacrificed, but let him go on. He's making the diaspora feel vindicated.

People always ask why did that guy have to shoot everyone else too, if he was gonna shoot himself anyway. Here's your chance to ask him.

Titus said...

Meade called Palladian a loser and user. That has to hurt.

Wow! Very impressive.

chickelit said...

Whatever avatar is Inga, it's prolapsed.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

I bought a print from palladian and he shipped it to me.

I put this comment in the wrong thread... I used to do that a lot.

Sharc said...

gorgeous and was well worth the money


The Dude said...

Let us not forget that Meade bought Lem for $52 of Ann's money.

Lem is not just a prostitute, but a cheap one.

Titus said...

Anyone who says they are the smartest person in the room and yet lost their home does need to do some self reflection though.

Aridog said...

Palladian said...

This has to stop now. I can't take it.

1.) Then tell Lem and your partners to delete any future posts by Meade. He is your enemy...with not one ounce of good will or faith in him.

2.) Respond to my email about the storage, NOW, god fucking damnit. It is more for my benefit than anyone elses. Do. It. Now.

At least do # 1 and I'll shut up. It isn't like I haven't warned of this eventuality by email previously. And I really do not care if I am Mr Popularity with whoever here ...until now, here, I've kept out of the fray. I will after tonight as well, I hope.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Lem is not just a prostitute, but a cheap one.

Menendez paid me twice. once to do me and the other to change my story.

bagoh20 said...

I bought some of Palladian's work myself. One didn't show up - lost in transit. He replaced it immediately.

This is like Amazon reviews. There is always at least one negative. Usually some self-important harpy obsessed about hurting the vendor's business because he's convinced whatever went wrong must surely have been designed to screw him out of his money.

chickelit said...

This for madawaskan (or anyone else needing a laugh): Titus. It's the first chirbit I did of Titus back in February. Those are his actual words from a comment though they are behind a playwall at Trooper's.

Aridog said...

El Pollo Raylan said...

Whatever avatar is Inga, ...

Take your pick, Katelyn, Fiona, Sandra, or Inga ...she's been here all along.

rcocean said...

So, I guess no one wants to discuss Cloud Atlas.

bagoh20 said...

Titus, he's called us all that, and that includes you, which is the really insulting part.

Meade said...

bagoh, buy a print from him tonight. I advice paying C.O.D.

bagoh20 said...

Remember this Palladian. Some people stick up for your identity group, and their "rights", and some people stick up for you, the person, the human being, and don't care about the rest. That's the difference between love and politics.

Aridog said...

rcocean said...

So, I guess no one wants to discuss Cloud Atlas.

We really should be, but the thread was sidetracked, intentionally, by everyone's buddy Meade.

I apologize for my part and it won't happen again. Meade keeps showing up here with sniveling bullshit, won't be long before I don't....that is his purpose, so it'll be a while, none-the-less.

Patrick said...

I guess I'd see less discussion of TOP. But Meade, why in the bejesus do you claim the
right to not be a topic of this or any blog?

how dare you

Meade said...

It's been interesting. We're off to bed. We're old, we need our sleep.

I'll check in tomorrow. Don't mention our names, don't allude to Althouse or Meade, and I'll not comment. I promise.

Good night and sleep well.

bagoh20 said...

Meade, how about if I pay you for the one you ordered, and I'll wait till he sends it to me. How much do I owe you?

Palladian said...

You can argue with anyone you want Meade, but please leave me out of it. I won't address you or Althouse, or write about you ever again if you please stop. I'm sorry for anything I wrote that upset you or Ann. I just can't handle the extra stress of being raked over the coals right now. Again, I'm sorry. Please stop.

bagoh20 said...

That wasn't just the usual sidetrack, that was truly useful. If you had any bad feeling about leaving TOP, I bet you feel better now. I do. Thanks Meade.

Unknown said...

Palladian, there is one man whose character was diminished tonight. It wasn't you.

Aridog said...

Meade said ...

Don't mention our names, don't allude to Althouse or Meade, and I'll not comment.


You dropped your shit here on threads intentionally to spur acrimony, before your name was ever mentioned.

Let's see if you word is worth spit this time?

President-Mom-Jeans said...

I second what Bagoh20 just said. I actually found this thread to be extremely enlightening.

Chennaul said...

El Pollo Raylan said...
This for madawaskan (or anyone else needing a laugh): Titus. It's the first chirbit I did of Titus back in February. Those are his actual words from a comment though they are behind a playwall at Trooper's.

July 22, 2013 at 11:17 PM


Thank you El Pollo.


I'm off.

test said...

Don't mention our names, don't allude to Althouse or Meade, and I'll not comment. I promise.

From someone whose first comment was that others need to learn grace. But remember the post was in response to an Althouse post, not an idea that originated here. So he's demanding the right for Althouse to bitch about others without a response.

Just so everyone understands how low this is.

bagoh20 said...

Alright Inga, let's not play melodrama again tonight. We all know the words to it.

Anonymous said...

Well then tell your dog Aridog to back off. I have done nothing to harm him, what is his problem?

Patrick said...

Agreed Bagoh. He wants to hostage til his demands are met. Negotiating with Terrorists?

I will bst he is just pissed about declining portal revenue.

bagoh20 said...

If I was a suspicious type, I'd suspect Meade and Lem are in cahoots on this project. Meade is doing a bang up job of giving this blog a sense of loyalty, and cohesion, while making sure we don't go back to TOP.

As I said from the beginning, it's a win - win for TOP and here.

Patrick said...

"don't allude to us"


bagoh20 said...


Aridog, Please don't fire her up. I don't have time right now to fly all the way to Wisconsin just to throw a bucket of water on her.

Anonymous said...

Good! Thank you sweetie! ( Bagoh)

Freeman Hunt said...

Does anyone know where Seven Machos writes now? I would like to read his work.

Also, somebody page the janitor. It's a mess in here.

Freeman Hunt said...

Or does anyone have an email address for Seven Machos? I'll just ask him.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Don't mention our names, don't allude to Althouse or Meade, and I'll not comment. I promise.

How can we miss you if you won't go away/ Your never ending presence really cramps our style. You always stay and stay. I mean it too.

Michael Haz said...

Hey look! I'm mentioning Althouse and Meade. But not the ones who live in Madison. Am I allowed to do this?

justagal said...

I saw that website some time ago! Surreal.

Since they have google alerts on their names, it would probably alert them.

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