Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Trump: press conference, post midterm election, 2018

Our White House press corps is unbearable. 

They're like starving snarling rabid jackals with mean streaks a mile long and burrs up their asses. 

Journalist 1: "Sir, two questions..."

Trump: "One question. So many people."

Journalist 2: "I have two questions." 

Trump: "What did I just say, you f'k'n idiot?" Wait! I imagined that part.

Journalist 3: "What do you say about failing to get women's support?"

Trump: "I have very solid support from women. Women want security. My numbers are very good with blacks, with Hispanics, and with women."

Journalist 3 "... The women..."
Journalist 3 "... But the women..."
Journalist 3 "... The women..."
Journalist 3 "... But, but, but, the women..."
Journalist 3 "... The women..."
Journalist 3 "... The women..."
Journalist 3 "... But the women..."
Journalist 3 "... The women..."
Journalist 3 "... The women..."
Journalist 3 "... Bu bu bu bu bu but the women..."

Journalist 4: "Are you going to tone it down?"

Journalist 5: "Are you going to tone it down?"

Journalist 6: "Are you going to tone it down?"

Journalist 7: "When are you going to tone it down?"

Journalist 8: "Are you going to tone it down?"

Journalist 9: "Are you going to start toning it down?"

Journalist 10: "Are you going to tone it down?"


edutcher said...

14% of the vote in FL went R.

As for women, we're going to hear a lot about Stepford Wives and such.

Way to win friends and influence people.

AllenS said...

I know that a lot of people want Trump to tone it down, but I say Trump needs to bring it to the next level, and tell those assholes to "fuck off".

ampersand said...

Another good thing today, Sessions is gone.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

CNN is whining about evil Trump taking away their "free press".

What a pant load. Trump called on that hack Acosta to harass Trump and Trump kindly asked him to shut up after many questions and a pile-on of talking-point harassment.

Then Acosta acted like a 4 year old when he was told next.

edutcher said...

Sessions was and is a good man and got a lot done by being out of the line of fire.