Sunday, November 4, 2018

How to make an entrance

That is the title to the post at Small Dead Animals that features this tweet on a page dedicated to Trump .

What is most interesting are the comments to the post at SDA. I haven't seen anything like them. Ever.

And the comments to this tweet on Twitter are similarly appreciative. The usual counter-commentary is not present neurotically compulsively rushing to be first. Click on the tweet to access the thread of responses on Twitter.


edutcher said...

Yes, that does qualify as an entrance.

He really is a showman.

Dad Bones said...

A 21st century whistle stop tour. Future presidents will thank him for thinking of it.

Leland said...

I wonder how many of the previous Presidents used the C-32 (757) over the VC-25A (747). Within the CONUS, it is really all you need. We know Bush had the VC-25A in Florida for 9-11 and for that one Thanksgiving that started in Texas and ended in Iraq. I didn't pay any attention to Obama. As far as I know, he flew a broom.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Come on MO - throw out phony Tester.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

As everyone can remember, I was no fan of Trump during the primary. I thought for sure he'd lose to Hillary. and i resented him and distrusted him.

I was wrong. yes yes - I was very wrong.

Now I'm not sure if other R candidates would have been able to beat Hillary, to a larger or lesser amount or even at all, but I am so grateful that Trump beat her-> and that he is president and not her->

Grateful every day. The idea of that corrupt hag riding in the nice big plane makes me sick to my stomach.
Watching Trump, a formerly private citizen, who never climbed his way up the political ladder like she-> did, is very satisfying.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Many years ago - decades now, I was on the military base in Great Falls MO, for a work project. It was an interesting experience, as I have zero experience with anything military.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

If the voters include CNN vs Trump and immigration in their calculations of the things they care about (the economy, the economy, and the economy) Trump might just pull off keeping the House.

Voters are in the habit of voting against the party in the white house in the midterms.

Has Trump done enough to break that habit?

I don't know.

edutcher said...

I don't think the Rs are worried about the House at this point.

1 Great economy
2 Demos acting like the lunatics they are.
3 Blacks, Hispanics, women, kids, homosexuals in open revolt
4 At least 72 House races considered close, many in "safe" Demo districts
5 All the celebrity pollsters have been very publicly hedging their bets on the blue wave the past 2 weeks

The Rs might be wondering if they might pick up some seats.

PS MO is Missouri
MT is Montana.

Full list of Post Office state abbreviations.

I kept wondering why Medusa referred to Tester being in Missouri. No offense.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Yes - MT - not MO. Thanks for the correction Ed - I know how you like those.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I had Josh Hawely on the brain.

Go Josh!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Come on MT - throw out phony Tester-D.


edutcher said...


edutcher said...

PS Medusa, I wasn't correcting you. I was the one confused and, yes, I'm old enough to remember when Montana was sometimes abbreviated MO, but, where I worked, a lot of our coding involved using the new system, so I think in that way.