Friday, January 13, 2017

"No pocket change: Man delivers 300,000 pennies to DMV"

A Virginia man used 300,000 pennies to pay sales tax on two cars at the Department of Motor Vehicles.

The Bristol Herald Courier reports ( that Nick Stafford delivered five wheelbarrows full of change, mostly pennies, at the DMW office in Lebanon, Virginia, on Wednesday. The coins weighed in at 1,600 pounds.

Stafford said he paid in coins to "inconvenience" the DMV.

Stafford was upset because he was unable to find out the direct number to the Lebanon DMV until filing a Freedom of Information Act request. He later sued the state because he says he was denied direct phone numbers to other DMV offices in his area.

Stafford ended up filing three lawsuits, which were dismissed Tuesday.

Via Twitter: Link


Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Goat or hero?

The Dude said...

Idiot with a hernia, most likely.

Pay your fine, snowflake - you really aren't that special.

ampersand said...

I hauled in all my loose change to a Chase bank branch recently. They don't take loose change anymore. You have to roll all your coins before they accept them. WTF? I checked around and there are few banks that retained this service. The BS argument is that it eats up a tellers time. All the teller does is dump the coins in, they don't wait around, they come back when finished and get the total.
Scrounging around the internet I saw some guy was suing a bank because the machine was undercounting his coins. They were totaling S8.50 for every S10 they took in. Aha! I wonder if this is industry practice? The private service, Coinstar, takes almost 11% of your dough in their machines.
So no interest,fewer free services and a lollapalooza bonus for Jamie Dimon at Chase.

Methadras said...

I bet you could find a coin counter and coin rolling machine off of ebay for not too much.