Friday, January 20, 2017

Did Hillary catch Bill checking out Ivanka?

Via Reddit


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Why is everybody so fidgety?

edutcher said...

Yeah, I'd say so.

And it's just the cherry on the top of the cake.

AllenS said...

Well, Hillary took it in stride. It wasn't the first time, and it won't be the last.

Leland said...

I don't know what he's looking at, but for certain in that moment, Hillary standing there didn't mean anything to him. He's certainly focused on something, and nobody else has that focus. And when Hillary notices, he gives her a split second glance and the goes back to ignoring her.

Agree with Allen, she did take that in stride.

edutcher said...

Sedation works wonders.

Be fun to be there when it wears off.

Amartel said...

Maybe she's checking her out, too. Or just looking at people coming in. Whatever. She doesn't seem upset. But if some pretty lady is in the area The First Hound Dog is totally checking her out.

The Dude said...

Have any changes been made yet? It's been hours.

I want about 4 or 5 new SC Justices, stat!

And McCain needs to spend more time with his family.

And Ryan will suddenly discover he needs to start a cheese factory or something.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I want to give Ryan another shot.

MamaM said...

Trump's enjoying the parade! Honoring those who are there to honor him! He truly appears to be appreciating the moment.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
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Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary looks like she is thinking carefully how to react. Wise choice to let it go.
Throw a vase at him later.

ndspinelli said...

This snippet is my favorite of the day.

MamaM said...

Not my favorite. They are old news. There's a new thing happening. Trump just sat down in the review stand. Up to this time he's been standing, smiling, saluting and enjoying the honor and show unfolding in front of him. He is saluting as if he means it. And that touches my heart.

TrooperYork said...
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ndspinelli said...

Oh Mama, you are such a better person than myself and all here. Do you know I genuflect every time I address you. I feel so unworthy.

Trooper York said...


MamaM said...
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MamaM said...

As long as the genuflection is a sign for respect, and not some form of contemptuous mockery, I'm ok with it. I'll wave back. And if my middle finger appears to be sticking up higher than normal when I do, it's cuz the cat scratch on my hand is acting up!

Trump has handled himself with credibility, integrity and dignity today. Those are traits I admire and appreciate, whenever they turn up

edutcher said...

Lem said...

I want to give Ryan another shot.

Many would love to.

(I'm here all week)

ndspinelli said...

Absolutely, Mama. You are so right. It is important that we worship our politicians and you are leading the way in teaching us how to do it. You see, until you came into my life..Praise God.. I thought politicians were just people who should never be trusted, much less revered. Thanks ever so much. I not only genuflected as I wrote this. I gave thanks to God Almighty for saintly, humble, non judgmental women like you. You are the Virgin Mama! Please keep us informed on politicians we should worship, and those we should scorn. Thank you, ever so much.

windbag said...

Notice Bubba's slight lip licking. What a creeper.

ndspinelli said...

Meth, The Clinton Global Initiative is being dissolved. How about that sham marriage? But, "They are old news" as has been decreed. So, I guess we're wasting our time discussing this.

Trooper York said...

Yikes Part Deux!

MamaM said...

I'm loving the F-you entertainment going on, as young kids are playing at the party while awaiting Trump's arrival at the Ball!

MamaM said...

And the parade? The consensus at the Mhouse is that it was festive! What a parade should be, with the main reviewer, the Commander in Chief paying attention and enjoying it.

Now another amazing version of Amazing Grace being played by entertainers who want to be there!!

edutcher said...

For those skeptics among us (and you know who you are), something to clear the air.

Trump signs his first EO to limit the enforcement of costs from ZeroCare, “to the maximum extent permitted by law, waive, defer, grant exemptions from, or delay the implementation of any provision or requirement of the Act that would impose a fiscal burden on any State or a cost, fee, tax, penalty, or regulatory burden on individuals, families, healthcare providers, health insurers, patients, recipients of healthcare services, purchasers of health insurance, or makers of medical devices, products, or medications".

Essentially, he is suspending all charges/ IOW give the working stiff a break.

Something Pissy never cared about.

ampersand said...

CBS claimed Trump supporters were chanting "Lock Her Up" when she was announced. I claim that it was Bill. I don't think she would mind time spent in an all women's prison.

MamaM said...

At least we're not locked up for four years with her!

What an unbelievable yet real day! Clinton wearing white and standing on the outside looking in, while a man in black stepped into the center of the ring to swear on a stack of two Bibles!

I've a hard time imagining anyone here dumb enough to believe it's important to worship politicians.

I personally hold with the clay jar theory, which likens humans to clay jars capable of carrying something of worth within. It goes back to a small z zealot in the 1st century who fell off his high horse and lost his vision until he was granted second sight, which lead him to make declarations about light that shines in darkness and the difference it can make, referring to it as treasure in a clay jar.

For whatever kind of clay jar Trump turns out to be, I saw him light up today as he was reviewing the parade and saluting people and groups he respects. And that was enough light to cause me to celebrate, at least for today.

chickelit said...

I prefer people to be fires to be lit than clay jars to be filled.

ndspinelli said...

Working @ Leavenworth at an early age was one of the most edifying experiences of my life. It housed some of the most dangerous sociopaths and psychopaths in the world. I engaged them on a daily basis. And, over my life, I have engaged w/ some truly good people, who dedicate their life to helping others w/o any need for publicity. What I have come to learn is those evil men, in a certain circumstance, could be kind, and those good people could be unkind. We ALL have a light and dark side. Unfortunately, I see it all. I try to turn it off sometimes. I cannot. People stand naked in front of me. It's a net plus, but sometimes a curse.

MamaM said...

Self-observation can be handy too! When functioning, it allows a pair of statements like You are the Virgin Mama" and People stand naked in front of me together to form a bigger picture!

ndspinelli said...

I'm being stalked by a Riddling Wolverine. But, if it takes some heat off deborah, then it's all good.

MamaM said...

This line at the end of the article on Silent Treatment that I copied in the comments to the post on the man who didn't speak to his wife for years, made me stop and wonder if some of the comments left on blogs are posted for the same:

Being noticed is so close to being loved, that sometimes they feel the same.