Monday, January 30, 2017

"People are boycotting Starbucks after CEO announces plan to hire thousands of refugees"

Some Starbucks customers are threatening to boycott the coffee giant after its CEO took a stand against President Donald Trump's executive order barring immigrants from seven majority-Muslim countries from entering the US.

On Sunday, Starbucks announced it planned to hire 10,000 refugees worldwide in the next five years.

"We are living in an unprecedented time, one in which we are witness to the conscience of our country, and the promise of the American Dream, being called into question," CEO Howard Schultz wrote in a letter to Starbucks employees about the plan.

While many customers were immediately supportive of Starbucks' actions on social media, others threatened to boycott after the letter's release.

"Upon hearing about your decision to hire 10000 refugees instead of Americans I will no longer spend any money at Starbucks," one such Facebook user wrote on Starbucks' page.

Many said they were angry that Starbucks was hiring refugees instead of veterans. Starbucks, however, does have a program in place to support veterans and their families, hiring 8,000 veterans and military spouses since 2014.

Via Reddit: Link


edutcher said...

I hear the coffee's lousy anyway.

Leland said...

I'd have to care enough about Starbuck's to truly boycott it. Besides, Starbucks is like the progressive Chick-fil-A. Boycotting it just makes their regular customers show up more to provide support. Let them explain to their current baristas why they want them replaced with refugees; and then when the refugees are employed, let me know how well they understand making a Venti Cocoavenlattiwhatever. I'll stick with the all-American girl serving me hot coffee and a chicken biscuit from Chick-fil-A.

edutcher said...

Good point. Stone and Lewandowski ought to start a subversion campaign aimed at sowing discord in the ranks.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

At the prices they charge, it should be better.

Amartel said...

McDonalds or Dunkin Donuts coffee is better. Peets if you're a coffee snob.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Also if you are a coffee ☕️ connoisseur You can order coffee via our online Amazon portal.


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I think this is the first time I've made an Amazon pitch like this.

Chip Ahoy said...

All the right people will be patronizing Starbucks, just like Howard Schultz wants it, and immigrants will be serving them, just like Howard Schultz wants it. Until baristas are automated. Doesn't it sound like a lovey place to visit? All the elitists and elitist wannabes go there. Let's all go and act posh.

I made a quart of coffee yesterday. It's shit. Truly. Stains your teeth and your clothes, khakis were invented to disguise stains, ruins your breath and coats your tongue, you must brush immediately after. Gives you the nervous jitters so that your handwriting is shaky, invites sloth by providing an excuse for waking up slowly and not being alert on your own, spills on your keyboard, and it's a total hassle to deal with in all ways, grinding beans, percolating or pushing through French presses, having supplies around, arguing at work about the coffee room maintenance, filthy mugs all over the place, spills on your keyboard. Outrageously expensive espresso machines, contributes to elitist attitudes about the perfect cup of prepared just so, stinking up waiting rooms with over-perculated pots running forever, non-dairy creamers, no-sugar sweeteners, tiny wrappers all over the place, spills, Styrofoam cups, and lids, plastic stirrers, filters, spilled grounds at the garbage, grounds in the disposer. It's a horrible disgusting beverage. Caffeine is a bitter alkaloid. Leads to unnecessary arguments. Makes you pee. Ruins a perfectly good buzz.

I used the Aeropress with its adorable little filter disc.

The trick is to get it to taste like something else. Something that's not coffee. Real sugar, real cream, heavy vanilla. Cinnamon. Chocolate with malt. Boom, something different.

That'll be $12.00, please. *snort*

I call it the quadrenti supremo.

Made a quart and it took all day to drink. Had to re-heat it 4 times. It gets more chocolaty throughout the day via reheating. And I was disgusted all over again.

Man, oh man, enable a guy in building a coffee empire and right off the bat he goes around acting all emperor-y. I bet he's short and sticks his hand inside his jacket (diddling his bellybutton like Napoleon). *snort*

Is there anything coffee can't do?

Starbucks is for losers.

chickelit said...

Starbucks is being sued by the Germans for tax evasion.


edutcher said...

Coptics have been hating the Moslems with good reason for 1400 years. Just like the Hindus.

Lem said...

Also if you are a coffee ☕️ connoisseur You can order coffee via our online Amazon portal

Oh, no! Are we turning into TOP?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Cool! Kind of like the rationale of the BDS campaign!

Yep. Starbucks. That veritable guarantor of good, solid working class/middle class incomes and American success!

There's enough of those stores. Let them hire who they want. But if you think this is the way, I guess that explains why the markets tank under Republicans and grow under Democrats.

I also like how the title is what "people" will do. "People" are boycotting. Really? Sounds just vague enough to pretend a groundswell is afoot. Much like Trump's huge inaugural crowds, I bet. Whereas all those actual, live Americans and citizens of every country protesting just need to have stupid clusterfucks jammed down their throats. Those "people" don't count.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I get my coffee from the Coptic Christian guy in the cart who is a bigger fan of Trump than I am. He wants to ban all Muslims from the country and wants to deport the rest of them.

Unlike the Iraqi Kurds fighting for us he is an Egyptian (from the countries that are responsible for terrorist attacks killing thousands of U.S. civilians) and therefore exempt from the travel ban. But sure, it's great to get advice on politics from people stuck in a cyclical vengeance mindset after losing people and power against Muslims for more than a thousand years.

Trooper York said...

Glad you agree.😀

ampersand said...

Is "worldwide" an escape clause word? Maybe he's planning on opening outlets in Aleppo and Tripoli.

edutcher said...

Somebody tell Mrs Crankipants' henpecked husband the Coptics were living peacefully in Egypt long before the Moslems showed up and turned the place into just another Islamic Hell on earth.

PS Markets grow under Democrats? Another of Rit's legendary "facts" which doesn't stand up to the slightest examination.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Starbucks coffee sucks. It is bitter and nasty. If you drink that swill, you might find the local place near you is way better.

I call that a win win.

Leland said...

I think this is the first time I've made an Amazon pitch like this.

Perhaps the last time?

I do wonder if the CEO's, in a rush to virtue signal, realize they are suggesting they don't care about hiring a terrorist. After all, people, even refugees, are still being let in. Then again, they probably fear Trump taking on H1B visas.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Somebody tell Mrs Crankipants' henpecked husband the Coptics were living peacefully in Egypt long before the Moslems showed up and turned the place into just another Islamic Hell on earth.

Somebody tell cuckolded edoucher that the point is what the Copts have done in 1400 years. He's having fun bellowing at his "blonde" to get him some gravy from the kitchen, but can't seem to get over the fact that the "Copts" (not "Coptics") were in charge prior to their big loss that inspires him.

PS Markets grow under Democrats? Another of Rit's legendary "facts" which doesn't stand up to the slightest examination.

This is why the man sitting at the park bench thinks he knows everything. Edoucher thinks a crashed housing bubble and cutting of the Dow by two-thirds is a great example of growth. Bush-level things that were basically the opposite of what occurred under the last two Democratic presidents.

If anyone ever had a thousand shares of stock to invest, definitely don't let Edoucher have them. He's better off investing a thousand slices of pie. Into his stomach.

If Edoucher went to the bank for a loan, they'd probably direct him to the fruit plate and advise him to just eat a piece of grapefruit instead.

Edoucher's expertise reflects the life lessons he's learned. All two of them.

Methadras said...

Look, A company spells out its values as a retailer. People read and understand that those values don't apply to them, so they choose not to associate or buy the shit they are selling. It's simple commerce and capitalism at work. The marketplace of commerce and ideas works people. You are watching it.

What is really a bunch of bullshit is how Soros and Steyr are hiring professional agitators to show up at these protests and inciting violence. I would like to see Soros handcuffed and frogmarched for paying for all of this.

edutcher said...

As always, Crankipants has no rebuttal, just the standard Lefty name-calling and bluster.

and the faux "facts" just keep on coming.

Leland said...


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

No, that was an effective rebuttal. Just not for illiterates like Baghdad Edoucher.

and the faux "facts" just keep on coming.

I think yer Mommy Commander Kelly Conway calls 'em, "Alternative Facts," actually.

Why do you even bother commenting? You crashed an economy and called it a cash cow. Dummy!

(That's the Trump approach BTW, so no one can blame me for using it against edoucher).

chickelit said...

Careful Methadras, Crank is a staunch Soros defender.

chickelit said...

When that bastard finally croaks, I'll wirite my own Hell has a New PA announcer.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Which bastard? Bagsoh20? Charles Koch? David Koch?

Which globalist are you talking about here, exactly?

chickelit said...

Perhaps the "worldwide" in Schultz's statement means that he will hire mainly in Germany. The Germans have found the bulk of their immigrants unemployable and consequently welfare cases. Starbucks could exclusively hire Syrian males and accomplish a few goals: Appease Merkel over the tax issues; get some Syrians off the dole; make the average German despise the the company even more. It's Win-Win!

edutcher said...

If he does, he'll be in violation of US law.

And Crankipants just babbles, the way he is with the Mrs/

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I just wanted the blog to know, that it's possible to help invalids like edoucher if you contribute here.

Chip Ahoy said...

Exposed, Soros connected to over 50 anti-Trump protest groups.

Discover the Networks.
Guide to the George Soros Network

Reddit is intolerable lately. The great gnashing of teeth and rending of cloths is the best show on Earth. Just knowing it's going on, that is, you don't have to actually read the horseshit.

So sensitive to all things resembling Nazis so closely with no apprehension about how they ended up with a revenge candidate like Trump. Not a single thought extended to circumstances that preceded such outrage. Just out of the blue. BLAM! Hitler all over again. Nobody saw anything coming.

Compromise is dead. This is what civil war looks like.

Let's take a peek. But only a peek lest we get sucked into the bleak black hole that is Reddit.

Right off !

U.S. President Donald Trump fired the federal government's top lawyer Sally Yates on Monday after she took the extraordinarily rare step of defying the White House and refused to defend new travel restrictions targeting seven Muslim-majority nations.

This is former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates, a woman who has prosecuted terrorists, fought public corruption, and who loves her country

(related) Journal of Primatology article on chimp societies finds that they will murder and eat tyrannical leaders or bullies

The suspect in the deadly attack on a Quebec City mosque was known in the city’s activist circles as a right-wing troll who frequently took anti-foreigner and anti-feminist positions and stood up for U.S. President Donald Trump.

Chip Ahoy said...

An Open Letter to the Reddit Community (About not recognizing America following a return out of the country. Trump related)

The White House just cited the Quebec mosque attack to justify Trump’s policies | Toronto Star
(sounds familiar) 904 comments

A swastika has been spray painted over Donald Trump's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame...
440 comments (this is an old story, actually)

[Politics] Trump: 'The less immigrants we bring in the better'

I’m the person who followed Marco Rubio around the Senate with a spine to protest his vote for Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State. Also, I spent yesterday at Dulles International Airport volunteering as a pro bono attorney for detainees. AMA!
128 comments. Okay, here's a question, what was your attitude when Obama drew up the list of nations that Trump is using today? What were you up to when Obama paused Iraqi refugee program? What were your activities when Bill Clinton was given a standing ovation for cracking down on illegal aliens? Huh? Since you're so terribly concerned now. Huh?

UN denounces Trump's travel ban as 'mean-spirited' and illegal under human rights law - 'Discrimination on nationality alone is forbidden under human rights law'

Donald Trump is a threat to the European Union, EU Parliament chief Brexit negotiator Guy Verhofstadt says

One Million sign petition to stop Trump UK visit - Theresa May rejects calls for it to be cancelled as a "populist gesture"

People are boycotting Starbucks after CEO announces plan to hire thousands of refugees

Well, that's not so bad as it seemed the first time. I take it back, Reddit is not intolerable. It's actually kind of cute. I was wrong. Apologies for wasting your time and for discrediting Reddit. It's just normal everyday liberal caterwauling and abject absence of any self-reflection whatsoever, screaming "NAZIS" even as they carry out their own kristallnacht leaving behind their acres of trash expecting others to pick up after their sorry asses. As usual.

chickelit said...

In the past, I've found it helpful to consider Soros as an apolitical businessman just interested in profiting from chaos. That is, after all, what he is best at. That makes him an international mobster -- one who wished especially to profit from American political chaos. That's also why I'd like to see the asshole die in jail.

Methadras said...

Commander Crankshaft said...

Lol. Pay no attention to Trump's ~30% approval rating! It's fake news! Everyone loves Trump's agitations! Really, they do! Democracy is for losers!

HA! Still operating on the delusions you sell as reality. You are lucky anyone even pays attention to you at all. People who sloganeering, aka, the moronic protestors chanting, "this is what democracy looks like!!!" really have zero clue what they are even saying because if you want to see what democracy looks like, it is for losers. I'm sure these simpletons, you included, have been to the biggest democracy in the world, India, and seen how it works, and what it looks like.

Tell that poor guy in running into the Portland airport and getting slugged in the back of the head into unconsciousness got a real taste of what losers of democracy did to him. You're a fucking joke.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Now that Hillary lost, Balls is a jealous troll again.

Leland said...

Now? Again?

The Dude said...


Amartel said...

Soros envisions a world in which there are a few global elites (like himself) who know best in charge of "national" governments which are basically there to herd the local plebs around and shake them down if they get uppity or start to earn a decent wage. Basically, he wants to be king and he wants the rest of us to be his servants and serfs. 21st century socialism.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

April the Follower deludes herself into fantasizing that I was ever pro-Hillary (projection since she's unable to hold Trump accountable for anything) and the MethMan starts devolving into his usual, unChristian violent fulminations. All while the headless chicken pretends that Trump isn't proving to be the most destabilizing force known to America since Huey Long, and to the world since, well, you know. Good times.

Ignorance and hate really seem to go together. MethMan's discourse on how India's transition to democracy isn't dramatically improving life there, (but making it worse!) is about the most ignorant thing that's ever been said on the internet. Apparently he thinks India was better off during and before the Raj. Maybe he prefers tyrannical Chinese democracy. Or maybe he's from Pakistan. Wow. I've heard some stupid doozies on the internet before, but that's really a huge one.

This need you guys have to see people controlled is informative and repulsive. And Meth really needs to stop foaming at the mouth. I guess his next rabies shot is due. Talk about control issues.