Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Video: "It's not food, it's violence"

"My little girls name is Snow"


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I hope the choice of these posts aren't coming across as misogynistic on my part.

That's not my intention... surely.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Speaking of... of the good kind ;)

I'm off to check on Trooper.

Synova said...

Do I dare watch it? You gotta tell me if it's funny or maddening.

Also... made some wonderful porterhouse steak last night on the grill. My poor husband just got his gall bladder removed and spent the whole night in horrible pain and now we're thinking that there may be no more fat juicy steaks for him.



Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Do I dare watch it? You gotta tell me if it's funny or maddening.

I don't know... it's not funny to me, but it might be to somebody else.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The link goes to the local news story about the interruption/protest.

john said...

Right after this performance the whole troop went over to Planned Parenthood for an encore.

'cause murder is murder, after all.

chickelit said...

I had to shut her off halfway through.

This is the kind of woman who would rather see human beings killed than animals. She will probably film her first abortion. What's next for her in the video world? Exploding kids heads like those British whackos did to support global warming: link?

Trooper York said...

Veal is not murder.

Veal is tasty.

chickelit said...

Men are women; animals are people.

The science is settled.

rcommal said...

My personal approach to food choices, IRL, on the plate, is:

"Keep your eyes on your own plate."

And if that doesn't work, I have been known to, on occasion, say, "Shut up, or I'll throw the mouthiness back atcha."

I have accommodated vegetarians, vegans, omnivores, carnivores, people of food sensitivities (including all the way along the spectrum attached to the various, individual, specific sensitivities therein) and plain, flat out picky eaters for many, many years. More than you know, and in more ways than you know.

I many not be great cook in any one way, but I sure as hell learned how to cook at least six different ways to any given Sunday, and make no mistake about that.

Seriously: I kid you not


Do I have regrets. Eh. Only selectively, and even then, only sometimes.

rcommal said...

As for the video, I learned long ago to put that sort of manipulative shit on the part of "deliberative riler-sorts" (my own phrase) in perspective.

And either to ignore it or, as I already put it in this thread (to quote myself): "... .Shut up, or I'll throw the mouthiness back atcha. ..."

rcommal said...

I hope the choice of these posts aren't coming across as misogynistic on my part.

I can't vouch for "these *posts*," since you didn't specific what's included in "these," but I can say that *this* post, by my lights, was not. (See my previous comment.)

ampersand said...

The world needs more Morlocks. The Eloi
need culling.

rcommal said...

Synova [re:

1) I both find it and think it's maddening (though, based on experience, I do see how it is funny to others of different perspective and *why* and *how* it can be so).

2)Man, that is no fun for your husband, to face health issues, to undergo surgery, to...well, have to deal with anything and everything like that, including aftermaths. It sucks, just plain and simple, and wish both you and him all best as you and your family figure out how best to manage and deal with all of that.


Lem: Is Trooper OK? Is his wife?

rcommal said...

Ampersand's reference is to H.G. Wells.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

It's hard not to have a little bit of a guilty conscience about these sorts of things.

AllenS said...

Carrot juice is murder.

Shouting Thomas said...

San Francisco has a lot of people with too much time on their hands.

Woodstock, too.

Weepiest sob story wins, too.

bagoh20 said...

My girlfriend is a vegetarian, but she is the only one I know who is not one for "ethical" reasons. She just never liked meat, even as a child. I love meat, and we don't have any issues about it. She cooks me meat and has no problem feeding the dogs meat, but she hates touching and looking at it.

One good thing about vegetarian women is that it tends to keep them from being overweight and having to fight that whole battle, which is nice.

The bad thing is that when we go out to eat, she has less than a tenth of the menu to pick from at most places. I can't live under that fascist regime. I have tried places that serve imitation meat, and tried avoiding meat for a while, but that fake meat sucks and besides, why should every other carnivore and omnivore get to eat meat except humans. It's anti-nature and Gaia hates traitors. I love Mother Earth and accept the job he gave me and the burden of keeping the herbivore population in check. Someone has to control the population of those greenhouse gas-spewing grass eaters. Climate change is real, and we can eat our way out of this if we just keep our heads.

bagoh20 said...

These people have a problem with nature. I don't know how they expect the world to function without carnivores, or where they got their superior zoological insight, but they need to explain how the world would work under their sensibilities, or why 4 billion years of evolution is wrong compared to some pamphlet they read at a vegan book store printed on murdered trees.

The Dude said...

Those trees volunteered. I mean that was recycled paper. From suicidal trees.

Aw hell - if they didn't want to be cut down they should have evolved feet.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I had a girlfriend who was a vegetarian.

She said it was because she didn't like meat and not for "ethical" reasons.

We went out to lunch and her soup came with saltine crackers packed in cellophane.

I asked her why she had to read the list of ingredients before she opened the package.

Cat's out of the bag.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I listened to a lecture series on classical mythology, and one on the Old Testament, and one on the New Testament.

Different lecturers, but they all drew from the same well: Stories are our way of mediating the unavoidable conflict between the ethics that govern our relations inside our social group and our relations outside our social group.

The use of the word "mediate" sounded odd to my ears but I took their meaning.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Funny. Driving in to work this morning the evolutionary psychology guy was talking about the Naturalistic Fallacy, how it's stupid to argue that something is good because it's been around for a long time.

He was doing so in the context of the adaptive value of the evolved capacity for warfare and rape.

Tedious listening, but I can see where the guy must be sick and tired of college students getting their back up whenever he addresses those topics describing things the way they are as opposed to the way things ought to be.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I've been in plenty of classrooms were that's happened.

Some people aren't very good at understanding the difference between rules of description and rules of prescription.

Those people are frequently not very bright at all.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Hey, I'm an idiot, but at least I know it.

ndspinelli said...


The Dude said...

That rant is racist as everyone knows that black people like fried chicken - she is trying to starve black people


john said...

My dogs like carrots.

And broccoli.

That's the lesson Snow's mom it teaching. BTW, I think this is a photo of Snow.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I suspect that the enduring image of the lion and the lamb, the promise of a new and preferable set of rules, is a pretty good example of the "mediation" the professors were talking about.

Amartel said...

Don't name your food and you won't have these problems.

Meat: It IS food and it IS delicious.

AllenS said...

There's nothing better than a dead animal on my plate.

bagoh20 said...

She presents a false choice. It is BOTH violence and food, which depending on how you look at plants, is always the case with our food. I would assume such people as her would consider the lumber industry to be violence as well, which would naturally lead to farming being violent, which leaves you with only suicide as the ethical choice, which would also be violence. Goddammit! There is just no way to be a good person anymore unless you are stillborn.

The idea of natural being superior does have its argument in that 4 billion years is a lot of testing of the concept under the most real conditions. If vegetarians were a successful model wouldn't they have wiped out those other assholes who murder them on a daily basis? Seems to me that carnivores are the winning team, but every team needs hot cheerleaders and some grub, so we have both, because it's good to be the king.

bagoh20 said...

There is nothing amazing about a lion and a lamb together. I've been seen hanging with a few cows now and then, but I just wasn't hungry enough or drunk enough....yet.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

My poor husband just got his gall bladder removed and spent the whole night in horrible pain and now we're thinking that there may be no more fat juicy steaks for him.

@ Synova

I had my gallbladder removed about 14 years ago. I do have to watch out for extremely high fat meals. BUT....I can enjoy a good rib eye steak too.

Do not despair.

If I were in that restaurant I would likely have stood up and shoved a big piece of steak in my mouth or possibly rack of lamb (my favorite and can't cook it at home) smacked my lips and chewed with my mouth open. ......and made moooing sounds or baaaahhhhh for the poor ittle lambie. Maybe even let some of the red juices....blood dribble down my chin.


With any luck I could have her weeping and running out of the restaurant.


Eric the Fruit Bat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I'm deleting that one.

It'll be misunderstood and I don't want to have to explain it.

Would take too long.

Oh, well.

JAL said...

A few years back I heard a New Age Episcopal (and defrocked Dominican) gaiea worshipping "priest" say that when you had breakfast to look at the orange juice and "remember that this orange died for you."


Synova said...

I used to take my turn bringing food for a group that included a vegan, kosher keeping Jews, and whole wheat and chocolate allergies. It's sort of hard trying to change the way you usually cook and the things you usually make, but so long as everyone got a couple of things to munch on the whole business didn't need to be vegan or kosher.

The vegan guy had that slightly unhealthy look they get and he did the whole she-bang, no leather belts or boar bristle hair brushes. He'd sometimes talk about how it was hard to eat that way but he never scolded anyone else. At my going-away he brought a vegan chocolate cake (don't know if it was fake chocolate for the chocolate allergy guy) and it was actually pretty good.

Still... this one thing is True...

Tofu-pups are NOT a food item.

Synova said...

Except that it would be rude, a T-shirt that said, "Meat is murder... tasty, tasty murder," would be awesome.

Seriously though... how simplistic does your thinking need to be to put an absolute moral value on violence? Is it bad? Maybe violence is good? Only a very small amount of thought is required to realize that violence, itself, is neither good nor bad. It's a thing.

My husband's stomach looks like he was shiv'ed in a prison fight. I think the grand total was five 1 inch long incisions to his gut. That's violence. Except for being unconscious when it happened, it's pretty much exactly the same violence as getting stabbed in the stomach five times.

On the one hand a doctor is doing it and you asked him to. On the other hand a criminal is trying to kill you. So is violence good or bad?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Oh bummer for your husband Synova. I was lucky that they could do a non invasive removal and have only a small 1 inch scar.

Hope his recovery is swift.