Thursday, October 30, 2014

"A view into the center of the earth"

The first of the HERO4: The Adventure of Life in 4K series. New episode every Tuesday.

"The GoPro production crew travel to the Marum Crater on Ambrym Island in Vanuatu to join adventurer photographers Geoff Mackley and Bradley Ambrose, the first people to set foot at the edge of a boiling lava lake, and stare into the lifeblood that connects our home planet."


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

[A]nd stare into the lifeblood that connects our home planet.

It took me a long time to come up with it, even though I've been working on it for a good long time, and with all practical diligence.

[R]hhardin coined "soap opera women."

Well . . .

Ad copy world.

That one's mine. Not quite up there with finding a vaccine to eradicate polio, I know, but it's mine.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

It took me a long time to come up with it, even though I've been working on it for a good long time, . . .

The stupid is strong with this one.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I still like "ad copy world," though, I should hasten to add.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yeah I saw that video too. It was awesome.

It led me to some other 4k videos (which I presume most of you, like me, can't view properly. But they were still awesome).

What is smart about GoPro doing this is that it will increase buzz for 4k content and devices. The prices are coming down but I've heard review dorks complain that the improved resolution isn't that much more perceptible, so it's not worth it.

I don't know what they're talking about. To me, it's the difference between looking at something in real life and looking at a manufactured image. Or maybe my eyesight is just better. Either way, I hope it becomes the standard. I'll certainly get one.