Saturday, October 18, 2014

Beleaguered Pansies In The Hanseatic League Be

Hamburg is the most liberal of the liberal cities in Germany. More so than Berlin. You might recall that one of the 9/11 cells was based there.
Mein Votum bei der nächsten BW steht unabänderlich fest. Ich bin nicht mehr bereit muslimisch/religiöse Konflikte auf deutschem Boden zu tolerieren. Und viele werden anfangen umzudenken. Das allumfassende linke Parteienspektrum wird eine spektakuläre Niederlage erleiden. Ich habe es so satt, so satt!!!  Link
My vote at the next BW* is carved in stone. I am no longer willing to tolerate Muslim/religious conflicts on German soil. And many will begin to think differently. The overarching left-wing party spectrum will suffer a spectacular defeat. I'm sick of it so, so tired !!!
BW = Bundeswahl = federal election.


chickelit said...

The reason liberals get fingered for this is their insistence on diversity for diversity's sake. And tolerance for intolerance, which violates their cardinal sin of hypocrisy.

Meade accused me recently of descending into Father Coughlin territory but I think I'm just being reasonable.

The Dude said...


chickelit said...

The reason the left gets fingered for this is their insistence on diversity for diversity's sake. And tolerance for intolerance, which violates their cardinal sin of hypocrisy.

Meade accused me recently of descending into Father Coughlin territory but I think I'm just being reasonable.

chickelit said...

I wanted to change "liberal's to "the left" because I wanted someone to salvage the term "liberal." The left is just sinister.

chickelit said...

@Sixty: The Who is touring again.

chickelit said...

As Ron once pointed out, the surviving members of The Beatles and The Who perfectly compliment each other instrumentally. They should reform as "The Whotles."

Trooper York said...

The left loves to be fingered. Just sayn'

The Dude said...

Remember when Pete Townsend was facing jail time for collecting child porn?

They were close to going from "The Who" to "The Rog".

Trooper York said...

That's why they want to put the mo's in the Boy Scouts and the Church and every other institution that wants to be left alone to practice traditional moral values.