Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Guest Post: Aridog

To all I care about, even if distant as you all are, sincerely these days.
If you’re on the address list, I do. An update on my circumstances, part of
it actually good news (the renewed cancer is again curable) and part of it
not so much. The spot of cancer, this time half the size of the former, is a
single spot in my right lung, a squamous cell carcinoma that will be
eradicated again by the focused radiation treatments I am scheduled for in
the next couple weeks. The recent Bronchoscopy with biopsy satisfied the
Tumor Board and the treatment is approved. A very recent PET/CT Scan
revealed NO metastasis...the blessing all cancer patients wish
spreading. In short, the treatment will be successful again, and say hey,
maybe I get another 2 & ½ years before the next go round. I am grateful for
what I get. Simple. I once dreamed of being able to return to Montana and
the heights of 5 to 12,000 feet....but now I just wish for recovery, period,
from the worse affliction, not the cancer and COPD that goes with it.

See the ugly stupid part......the bad part...the incredibly just dumb ass
stupid the process of quitting smoking I started drinking small
amounts of Cognac as a stress reliever. Figured a sip now and then,
etc....Big mistake. Once you are an alcoholic you remain one....and I am one
again. It is not humorous when you find yourself subject to Delirium
Tremors, even when it is caused by far far less alcohol than you ever
imbibed in the is what it is, and can lead to black outs and
worse. For those that know me locally, I have locked away all my firearms,
and shelved my CPL for now. It is just what you must do. It’s not the
volume of alcohol you intake, and lately it is quite small in amount, but it
is the fact you do so at all. I don’t know whether to be ashamed or just
angry with myself...maybe both. You can make excuses, but when your hands
shake so much in the morning you cannot hold a cup of coffee...reality hits
you upside the head.

I will admit, I must in fact, that a couple of all you all noticed it, not
necessarily exactly what, but that something was wrong...I refer to you,
Lewy and to you Lady Red, as well as Caroline and Annie (both of whom I
cannot describe how important they are to me just as people, ... Caroline
[CBA] in particular when I was in the real depths of despair related to
Judi) ... and all the rest whom knew something was cockeyed but said nothing
being just nice. I went over 18 years without a drop, although I joked about
it sometimes, but now, in the past 2.5 years, it is a reality again and I
have to deal with it. And. I. Will.

I can make excuses pertaining to the things in my military life and history
that are irritating today, because I am voluntarily still involved on an
advisory basis....but that is NOT it. Not entirely. It is the alcohol.
Alcohol only makes the anger irrational and worse. I can’t describe how
angry I am about the rise of ISIS and the potential of more soldiers &
marines in harm’s way. But it is the alcohol. Just as it was for years
before my first sobriety 24+ years ago.

To those I’ve addressed, please share this with whomever you think gives a
dang...I will be back, if not right away. Any of you who want call, go
ahead...I am not yet a basket case....fact is I am pretty normal, but for
the truth I know inside.


ndspinelli said...

I have been praying for this good man for a while now. I have dealt w/ alcoholism in my family and friends. Lying is a destructive part of that horrible disease. Aridog's brutal honesty and positive attitude bodes well as he fights both cancer and alcoholism, two mofo's!

chickelit said...

Thanks for sharing, Aridog.

AllenS said...

Good luck to you, Aridog.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I too pray for you Ari. I've shared the story of alcoholism in my family with a family member who won't recognize her problem even though she is on the liver transplant list and has been hospitalized multiple times for bleeding ulcers. It is an awful and insidious disease.

Having the strength to recognize and admit the problem is the first HUGE step. You've done it before and I have faith that it can be done again.

Please know that my thoughts are with you.

The Dude said...

Hang in there, Aridog - you have beaten these things before and you will again.

Alcohol is strong stuff and has taken more friends and family members than I care to list. The DTs are not funny. Blackouts - nothing good comes from them.

Be well, my friend, you have to live another day to fight the good fight.

The world is a better place with you in it.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Dittos to the good thoughts shared here. As some of you know, I'm an AA newcomer, disciple. It has been wonderful for me. I'm mention it because the reason why it worked for me is that I was willing to do what they asked of me. I had to be willing to give it an honest shot. That was the hard part, for me, but once I accepted it, things started to change for the better.

I hope and pray things change for the better for Aridog too.

Unknown said...

You can do it, Ari. Thoughts and prayers for strength and will.
Let determination win.

The Dude said...

You hang in there, too, Lem. It's not an easy road, but you have the strength to make it.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Aridog, the self-hatred solves nothing. To the contrary, it is yet another insidious motivation to drink, generated by the part of your mind that wants to drink. See it for what it is by using: (1) the part of your mind that does not want to drink, and (2) the part of your mind that tries to stay in command of all the other parts.

Recognize the enemy and defeat it.

Trust me on this. I know what I'm talking about.

Best regards.

edutcher said...

Booze is Hell on Earth.

You can beat it and know you've got lots of people pulling for you - me, especially.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

And best wishes to you, too, Lem.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lem Vibe Banditory said...


Fr Martin Fox said...

Hang in there, Aridog, and let me know what I can do.

XRay said...

Thanks for the honesty, Ari. You'll pull through all of it because that's the type of man you are. A slight slip now and then perhaps but overall a rock.

ndspinelli said...

Lem, I did not know you are a friend of Bill. I seethe when the secular progressives badmouth AA. I try and "forgive them for they know not what they have done." But, I usually end up telling them to go shit in their hat.

bagoh20 said...

A very good man, whose value is already carved in stone. I have complete faith in you Aridog. As I said privately, pursue what brings you joy, and fill the empty time with it. Idle hands are always picking up the wrong things.

Meade said...

"Booze is Hell on Earth."


Beer, wine, and spirits are gifts from God.

If you have a drinking problem, don't drink so much — stay within your limit.

If consuming alcohol makes your life "hell on earth", stop consuming alcohol.

You don't need Alcoholics Anonymous or any other cult. You only need to grow up, address your emotional problems, and stop drinking. People do it every day without blubbering about it over the internet as if they are somehow special. You're not special — you're just like everyone else. Everyone has his own limit for consuming anything. When it comes to ethanol, your limit happens to be zero. Big deal. Big baby.

So stop.

Valentine Smith said...

Aridog: My guess is that the people at your meetings need to hear all your experiences good and bad. Man, it's your duty to get back there and leave your guts on the floor. There are people who can learn from your' mistakes as well as see what true courage looks like when wielded against forces you both can and cannot control. It's your humanity that counts clay feet, iron fist and all.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...


Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

I do hope there is a purpose to Meade's comment like a private communication shorthand they share. Otherwise, ugh.

chickelit said...

Meade has a vested interest in spirits: link, dating back to his plantation days.

rcocean said...

Good luck AriDog! If you beat it once, you can beat it again. Alcohol can be an insidious drug.

And thanks for writing for the post.

rcocean said...

And so a wonderful hearfelt post is going to derailed by the troll and his enablers, who 'just can't help it'.


rcocean said...

This blog needs an ignore function.

bagoh20 said...

I long held Meade's view, but I've learned over the years that it's just not true of alcohol for a number of people. There is a biological uniqueness about some and this singular substance. Other people quit, but they mostly are not the ones with the real problem, they just had a habit, sometimes serious, but not really chemical.

AA which has the best success rate, still has a poor one compared to most addictions. People who return to drug addiction or even smoking often do it after alcohol has knocked down the the front door first. Booze is everywhere, it's easy to do, and it's got this enormous body of work accomplished in the culture that runs through us all. It is a part of mankind like no other substance but water.

It's much harder to ignore, and thus avoid and abstain. All that doesn't change the fact that there is no magic here. If you can't live with it, you just stop, period.

AllenS said...

Aridog has cancer, and Meade calls him a big baby. Nice. Pure class.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I agree. Disparaging comments are not helpful.

Fr Martin Fox said...

When someone belches or passes gas in a room, sometimes the best response is simply to carry on and ignore it.

KCFleming said...

Aridog, you're the best. Thanks for letting us know. This is your cross to bear, like others you've borne before.

My prayers go out to you. I hope to keep reading your posts in the years to come.

And you're a good enough guy that even the devil had to show up and try and take a piss. Not everyone gets old cloven hoof to show up to kick him when he's down. You must have been a real tough sumbitch in your lifetime, man.

Seriously, be well my friend.

Calypso Facto said...

You've identified the enemies, now fix and destroy them, soldier! Prayers and best wishes to you, Aridog.

ndspinelli said...

I predicted 2 days ago to trooper Satan would visit. TOP rankings are tanking like MSNBC. Crack is their pimp. And, Turley is surging!!!

deborah said...

Aridog, I'm glad to hear your new cancer is contained. You are a strong man with a big heart.

ndspinelli said...

Revenge is a dish best served cold. And, always take advice from people WITHOUT FRIENDS. You can't go wrong there.

ndspinelli said...

Father, LOL!

Meade said...

bagoh20 said...
"If you can't live with it, you just stop, period."

Exactly. Glad to see at least one other commenter here refuses to coddle and enable Aridog's attempt to create a big pity party for himself. His tendency to do that is no doubt close to the emotional root of his drinking problem.

We all have cancer, Allen. Now suck it up and drive, soldier.

Amartel said...

You've already taken the first step and it's a big one. Keep putting one foot in front of the other and taking one day at a time. Ignore the negative and the ignorant - unless such things are fuel for your fire.
All power to you and I hope you check in and keep us updated.

Meade said...

Pogo: I never said I was a diplomat said...
"My prayers go out to you."

More pathetic preening and enabling.

Your prayers should go out to one entity and one only, Pogo — that His will be done.

You poor pious phony.

ndspinelli said...

Pogo's over @ a good legal blog, Turley's.

KCFleming said...

Ha, I read that as "poor pious pony," and I pictured the pope on a Shetland.

"pathetic preening"
You seem to have a pee fixation.

So I'll leave it with this:
"“Jesus Christ lived in the midst of his enemies. At the end all his disciples deserted him. On the Cross he was utterly alone, surrounded by evildoers and mockers. For this cause he had come, to bring peace to the enemies of God. So the Christian, too, belongs not in the seclusion of a cloistered life but in the thick of foes. There is his commission, his work. 'The kingdom is to be in the midst of your enemies. And he who will not suffer this does not want to be of the Kingdom of Christ; he wants to be among friends, to sit among roses and lilies, not with the bad people but the devout people. O you blasphemers and betrayers of Christ! If Christ had done what you are doing who would ever have been spared' (Luther).

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Life Together: The Classic Exploration of Faith in Community

The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
KCFleming said...

Heh. Ebola it is.

The Dude said...

Sorry, Pogo, I deleted my previous comment as I didn't want it to follow yours - that was not my target and it was unseemly.

Also, I really want to remain focused on what Aridog is going through - the fact that a low IQ attention-seeking zit comes here to pimp his "wife's" blog is not the point. Nor is it unexpected, given the poor quality of life they lead.

As you were.

KCFleming said...

Indeed, but it does lead me to contemplate how life is filled with such visits by the devil in many guises.

So my thoughts are indeed with you, Aridog, you're a helluva good man. Myself, I wish I were a better one.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...


Joe Cocker understands much better than Meade.

chickelit said...

Meade: Glad to see at least one other commenter here refuses to coddle and enable Aridog's attempt to create a big pity party for himself.

Meade, you and Althouse are the biggest pity enablers of all, namely viz. Crack. You still don't see that, do you? If he indeed disrupts discussion(s) over there, you two have certainly earned and deserve it.

bagoh20 said...

"Meade, you and Althouse are the biggest pity enablers of all, namely viz. Crack. You still don't see that, do you?"

I just realized that "the soft bigotry of low expectations" is very similar to codependency.

KCFleming said...

Meade's stuff is hilarious if you read it in a Porky Pig accent.

P-p-p-poor p-p-p-p-pious

ndspinelli said...

Meade went to an AA Meeting once. He thought it was Assholes Anonymous. Then he heard people talking about quitting booze and he ran out.

TTBurnett said...

Can someone please tell me what is wrong with pity?

Is it the word? No one should be pitied, because it implies condescension? Are we to be strong in every circumstance? Independent actors in every circumstance to the end?

Or is it because human suffering makes people uncomfortable? Do you want to turn their face away from sin and suffering and know of nothing but health, strength, beauty, and virtue?

Whatever your philosophy or religion, you might recall the Buddha had a few surprises along these lines on the occasion of leaving his princely bubble.

But "pity" has a bad odor in English, I agree. It ultimately comes from Latin pietat-, pietas, "pity" or "empathy," also the root of English "piety." In Italian, it is pietà, which is famously used as the noun describing Mary mourning over the dead body of Christ. Even such hard, practical people as the Romans had the connection of empathy, religion, and, ultimately, the transcendent, built into their language. We don't think that way in ours.

We have the connection of wasting time, malingering, and not pulling your oar through your own moral failings. And those who might feel that old, transcendent urge toward empathy are "enablers."

I suggest they are "normal human beings." And if someone reaches out, lamenting his condition, to a community he knows, it is an old human emotion—coming from our genes and/or the mind of God, depending on your metaphysics—to feel and express well-wishes, prayerful or otherwise, and perhaps suspend judgement, lest we find ourselves similarly judged when, instead, we need the milk of human kindness.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Well said TTBurnet.

Fr Martin Fox said...

I am more interested in Aridog than Meade. And it's not close.

KCFleming said...

Beautiful, TTBurnett.

Synova said...

Gosh, Ari. I hope you feel much much better very soon. :(

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So Meade came by to proclaim his guru-hood as the new addiction medicine specialist, among so many other things. What a surprise. I guess that's why he out-earns Dr. Drew. This is America, after all, so according to his own values there's no excuse for not proving the mettle of his so-called expertise and overtaking his much more successful competitor.

Open honesty is an increasingly valuable commodity in the share-all age. People are as different as they are similar and all bear their own particular crosses. They should be congratulated for doing it in as human a way as Ari has done. It's a feat to articulate a particular problem in a way that those who are fortunate enough to have been spared such an affliction can still understand.

I'm sorry for what Ari's going through, but not for how he's related it. And as for Meade, whatever his problems in life, (the most severe of which I'm sure he denies away anyway), I respect the person who's been down Robin Williams' path more. If such an alcoholic as he could have given the world as many gifts as he did, I can only ask what the Angry Proud Denialist Meade has done in any similarly impactful way.

Likely nothing.

On another note, TT is right about the meaning of community and the importance of its resurgent respect in the share-all age.

XRay said...

I've been reading Ari for years. At discardedlies for sure and likely at lgf before that. He is not a shy man. Meade can't hold a candle... nor, truth be told, that thing he is married to.

XRay said...

Well said R&B.

KCFleming said...

R&B, very thoughtful.

ndspinelli said...

Tim and Ritmo w/ great substantive and human comments. Got humanity? Got humility?

Meade said...

chickelit said...
Meade: Glad to see at least one other commenter here refuses to coddle and enable Aridog's attempt to create a big pity party for himself.

Meade, you and Althouse are the biggest pity enablers of all, namely viz. Crack. You still don't see that, do you? If he indeed disrupts discussion(s) over there, you two have certainly earned and deserve it.
Chicklit, have either of us ever replied to Crack's self pity with anything as fatuous as "thanks for sharing"?

But I agree with you that enabling self pity is a mistake and harms the person who needs help facing up to his real emotional problems which in Aridog's case seem to be anger, shame, loneliness, confusion, and fear of death

KCFleming said...

Porky pig talks 'p-p-p-pathetic'.

Th-th-that's all folks!

Meade said...

...which also, coincidentally, seem to be the same emotional problems suffered by that special pony Pogo.

KCFleming said...

Halp!! Meade is goin' sixth grade on me!

chickelit said...

If I'm fatuous, you're flatuous.

KCFleming said...

"anger, shame, loneliness, confusion, and fear of death"

Hey, that's being human!


So how is that an insult?

Chip Ahoy said...

What a bummer!

This is a very good post, Ari, thank you this. The whole time I was thinking, the meds changed the body's reaction to alcohol.

I tell everyone the meds suggested to manage spaz attacks are like Antabuse and it shuts them right up about having a drink or ordering wine. It's the one thing I found people relate to and respect instantly.

I have no idea if it's true. All I know is it works to redirect the conversation.

Then, right after discovering that I also discovered I really can drink the white wine that comes in a box, without it tasting and feeling like kerosene.

It was a fluke discovery. I bought a box by way of experimentation, the smallest box that is offered, for cooking, and it does work beautifully for that. The box was sitting right there on the edge with a few other fortified wines behind it. A guest saw the box and instead of having regular wine drank some directly out of the box. How embarrassing. Warm and everything. But it was his choice.

Then a few days later I tried a few sips and my gills didn't slam shut as expected, and I thought, wow, this stuff isn't bad. Up to that point even white wine in bottles was not okay.

Meade said...

"So how is that an insult?"

Exactly my point, special pony.

Unknown said...

Read the 10th comment down and ponder the implications. Ponder the hate, racism and mental illness allowed to flourish. Pitiful.

Michael Haz said...

This blog needs an ignore function.

What this blog needs is administrators willing to delete inappropriate comments. Seriously, why would you let Meade's insulting comments about Aridog stand after what Airdog said about his present challenges?

Unknown said...

***The 11th comment down. It is challenging to count.

Michael Haz said...

Ponder the hate, racism and mental illness allowed to flourish. Pitiful.

And you comment in that hate-filled, racist environment because why?

The Dude said...

It just dawned on me, and yeah, I may be late to the picnic (DOG WHISTLE!!!) that Althouse is a Crack-whore.

There you have it.

Unknown said...

Others here do as well, Haz. Respected commenters like Chickl and Lem. In fact, somehow, there are wonderful commenters at top, (many of whom do not post here) worthy of my time and readership.
If you choose to delete and ignore, that is your choice.
One I respect.
I respect your own personal boycott, Haz. I also respect the rights of others to make that decision. What I find astonishing over there, is the level of rank racism allowed to froth.

Michael Haz said...

April - I meant "you" in the plural, not in the singular. I see that I didn't make that clear in my comment, and for that I apologize. I meant nothing personal.

The point I made (poorly, I admit) is: if TOP has become a racist, vile place, why do people who complain of that comment there? Isn't that endorsing what one speaks out against?

It's like saying "The KKK is bad, but I'm having lunch with a couple of the guys who are members because they are interesting."

It makes no sense to me, but that's only my opinion

Unknown said...

Sunlight. It’s a good thing.

ndspinelli said...

TOP did get moist down under for the first time in 5 years w/ a shout out from Rush yesterday. I think that may have caused the infestation here yesterday.

ndspinelli said...

I like to be an empathetic person. Think what that poor loser has to endure daily just to have a roof over his head.

ndspinelli said...

I would choose a cardboard box in a heartbeat.

ndspinelli said...

Haz, Lem pointed out, and I commended, his being a Friend of Bill. There were multiple targets by this vile man. Deleting would be the most effective answer. You excise cancer.

ndspinelli said...

That's what our good friend, Aridog, is doing.

I'm Full of Soup said...

God bless you Aridog. You sound like you have identified the problem and are fixing it; that is all anyone can do. I wish you continued victories and progress in your journey back to Montana [which is on my bucket list too].

Dust Bunny Queen said...

why would you let Meade's insulting comments about Aridog stand after what Airdog said about his present challenges?

If you cover up or try to erase evil, it will only flourish. Letting Meade's inhuman comments on Ari's suffering remain is only going to highlight the nasty stain that is Meade.

Ari is strong enough to be able to handle the steaming pile of Meade-ness. The rest of us need to experience the stench as well and remember just what he is.

ndspinelli said...

DBQ, Good rebuttal.

Michael Haz said...

DBQ - I disagree. Letting those comments stand only encourages more of the same.

deborah said...

Haz, we are a rump Althouse site. Probably always will be. She lives rent free in the minds of too many of the commenters here. Some who have complained about contributors linking to her eventually bring her up on their own.

April, by linking to the Crack comment, fed Althouse links. I went to see what the link was. It is obvious that Crack is ratcheting up his bullshit in order to help Althouse. But I notice that the post itself received only 31 comments in 24 hours, and appears to have dried up three hours ago.

Michael Haz said...

Deborah - Lem posted a deeply personal message from Aridog. It received an insulting, childish response from Meade. Meade's response(s) should have been deleted out of respect for Ari and his circumstances.

Instead this topic was allowed to become not about Ari, but about Meade. It isn't any more complicated than that.

ndspinelli said...

Haz w/ an equally good rebuttal. But, unlike the past, he didn't return. I think the Turley jabs hurt too much.

deborah said...

Haz, I'm not trying to be difficult. It's a house of mirrors. At least one person would, were the comment deleted, have had it delivered to their mailbox and spread it through the grapevine. Instead, everyone who can't remember to check that damn box gets the benefit of seeing everything in the open.

Lem has the choice to delete or to garner hits. This is a very small-time money making operation which is shared with the contributors who requested to be included in the profits (after expenses), so I do not fault Lem. I'm sure Ari can more than handle dipshit's tacky, dumbass, uninformed insults, which are only made to draw hits for Althouse.

TTBurnett said...

As an infrequent commenter and occasional lurker, I don't have too much right to comment on the management of this blog. But I agree with Michael insofar as i have an opinion. I've never interacted with Aridog, although I've noted his presence. I thought his piece was moving and thought-provoking, but I was concerned someone would do what Meade did. I frankly didn't expect Meade, but nobody expects the brain-dead inquisition.

So, you all have my vote, as a part-time audience member, to lower the boom on any and all who violate basic norms of decency.

TTBurnett said...

I understand completely where deborah is coming from. But as a non-grapevine dilettante, everything here is WYSIWYG from my perspective. But, of course, your mileage may vary.

Meade said...

You know what is indecent, Theo?

Intellectualizing about empathy.

Have you or has anyone else on this thread purporting to have empathy for Aridog gone to visit him in the hospital or his sickbed or jail or wherever he is? Called him on the phone? Do you actually stand with him and suffer with him?

deborah said...

"I frankly didn't expect Meade,"

And here I thought you were the smart one ~wink~

rcocean said...

I agree with MH 100%. The comment was way out-of-line and should have been deleted. I doubt the "hits" received were worth much.

But then I just comment here - occasionally.

KCFleming said...

Meade's tu quoque schtick is the TOP version of "It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again."

TTBurnett said...

This is the internet. It's disembodied. It's like the old "Republic of Letters," only much more stupid. I don't know Aridog personally. I don't know where he lives, and neither do you. I felt empathy with Aridog because of a piece he wrote. I was moved to thoughts about disease, alcoholism, and the human condition generally. I even said a little prayer for Aridog, which, given my religion, I am conditioned to do. We say prayers all the time at Mass for people we don't directly know. I think, in the great scheme of things, such things help. Others may disagree. I don't care.

There is much more to be said about this, but I am wasting my time and God's electrons. Some may regard expressing sympathy as "intellectualizing," as if that's bad. It isn't. It's expressing sympathy, which, if your moral code disallows it, means that your moral code is wrong.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
deborah said...

The one time I attempted to delete Meade from a thread he kept posting and posting and posting till I gave up (and went back later to mop up).

Meade said...

"I felt empathy with Aridog because of a piece he wrote."

Specifically, what did Aridog write in his piece that caused you to feel empathy, Theo? Was it this: "...and all the rest whom knew something was cockeyed but said nothing being just nice."?

KCFleming said...

Ha ha.
It's last-word Meade.
I knew it.

But he needs one more.

(Tip: Since I am attempting the last word, a tu quoque would fit nicely here.)

The Dude said...

Look out, there is another big pile of meade - don't step in it.

The Dude said...

Damn, thought that would be 99.

I better go over to a good blog and type "FIRST!" on a thread just to make up for this one.

KCFleming said...

My apologies to Aridog, who long ago stopped reading this mess I am sure.

And TTB is so damned well-spoken I am embarrassed of myself. Geez, can that guy write. But I work with what I have, two clumsy hands and a clumsy mind.

ndspinelli said...

Friendless, childless, sexless, alcoholic. And blogs that are disasters. I see this guy once in awhile on campus trying to schmooze coeds. He doesn't know me. The look on the faces of the coeds is priceless.."CREEEPY." You can almost hear the voices in their heads.

ndspinelli said...

As we know, booze it a raw nerve w/ out of control boozers. To see so many former good commenters @ Turley's drives them nuts.

deborah said...

Spinelli, "once in awhile," or are you stalking him?

KCFleming said...

I stalked myself once, but fell asleep.

I'll bet I missed sumpin' good.

deborah said...

You're a stalking pony?

KCFleming said...


KCFleming said...

When I was in college, I tried to schmooze coeds.

The look on their faces was more of "WTF?"

KCFleming said...

Which really was perfectly understandable.

deborah said...

I sincerely doubt it. And little did they know they could have had a doctor!

KCFleming said...

Had my 30th wedding anniversary this year.

So you can fool some of the people some of the time!


deborah said...

Awe, congrats to you both :)

deborah said...

Which came first, you posting Inga's real name or her spamming your wife's Amazon site?

Meade said...

"Deborah, I walk through the UW campus. Thousands of people do as well. I walk 8-10 miles a day and the lake path along UW is best on my legs. I don't stop. I could engage undercover, but I don't. To even intimate I stalk anyone, is libelous. Go fuck yourself! "

Nick Spinelli — always the undercover gentleman.

Lucky Turley. (Whoever Turley is.)

Meade said...

To Aridog,

I don't know why, call it gut instinct, but I have a feeling you will beat both the stupid cancer and the even stupider drinking problem. (My gut instinct has a long track record of being right, by the way.)

You don't need Alcoholics Anonymous.

Let me save you months and years of time you don't have to waste: Meade's 3 Step Program: 1. Never take another drink. 2. Make every effort possible to repair any damage you have caused to anyone or anything anywhere, anytime, in any way.

(Email me if you want to know what Step 3 is.)

Meanwhile, quit feeling sorry for yourself. First of all you don't deserve it and second of all life is too short to waste even one minute on your conceit and vanity and misperceived specialness.

Spend the rest of your life helping your wife live comfortably and well. SHE is someone who deserves it.

I could say "good luck". But I wouldn't really mean it.

Now drive, soldier!

ndspinelli said...

Deborah, Several have told me you are just another version of Inga, who has stalked me, threatened my wife, and said I raped my daughter w/ my wives complicity. I always stood up for you. I'm man enough to admit when I'm wrong. You're dead to me. Only someone as stupid as Inga would think I would announce on a public forum if I were doing surveillance of someone. We have all seen that SMUG puss of the two evil ones thousands of times. I've seen Annie on campus as well. I saw them both @ a Tea Party rally. Madison isn't NYC, shitbird. You see people. That is if you get out of your cave!

deborah said...

Ari, I once had to attend an AA meeting as a class assignment. It was in a church basement. It was cozy and genial. We all sat in a circle and a few people shared their stories. Afterwards there was cake and coffee.

There is no magic about it. It is the equivalent of talk therapy. It is getting OUT what is inside that the alcoholic is trying to drown with booze.

Go to a meeting every single day for three months and talk, talk, talk, talk, talk. Just try it. The talking will ease anxiety and help with your treatment.

Meade, shut the fuck up. If you ever drank and think you are cured you are not. You are a dry drunk.

deborah said...

Spinelli, I'm a deep mystery to some, but that is easily cleared up.

Now answer the question. Which came first. You giving out Inga's real name or her spamming Leslyn?

Meade said...

"I raped my daughter w/ my wives complicity."

News to me that Nick is a polygamist but it does explain a few things come to think of it.

Meade said...
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chickelit said...

Deborah can't be another Inga because Inga would never tell Meade to shut the fuck up.

Case closed.

chickelit said...

Meade's 3 Step Program: 1. Never take another drink.

If only that worked with french fries and potato chips.

deborah said...

Unlike me? I drink occasionally.

How do you know what will help Ari? Al-anon is not AA.

deborah said...

She would if she was pretending to be me. Try to keep up, chick.

Meade said...
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Meade said...

"I drink occasionally."

Do you binge drink occasionally?

Meade said...
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deborah said...

Do you mean go on a bender?

deborah said...

Oh me, Meade is being helpful.

TTBurnett said...

Pity party pooper preens as psychological paladin.

ndspinelli said...

Tim, LOL! And, "Why is it that Befts always go left?"

Rabel said...

Meade, cunning fellow that he is, isn't necessarily addressing his opinions about how to deal with a drinking problem to Aridog. The man has, in the past, shown a knack for taking advantage of an opportunity when he ran into it online.

TTBurnett said...

A cri de cœur is always a fine opportunity.

ndspinelli said...

Tim, A sociopath's dream chance.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I deleted some of Meade's comments because I felt they were not helpful to the reasons that caused me to guest post Aridog.

I've had problems with Alcohol, and I've talked to and heard from hundreds if not thousands of people with this malady over the last few years. Talking down to someone with this disease is NOT HELPFUL.

Aridog needs to know he is not alone, that's why I mentioned AA.

Trashing AA... only someone who doesn't know anything about it does that.

I want to thank everybody who has attempted, in their own way, to say something to uplift this man Aridog.

And I hope that nothing anybody says can change that instinct of decency and kindness shown to Aridog in this thread.


The Dude said...

Good job, Lem. Sometimes the trash just has to be taken out.

And all the best to you in your ongoing recovery. It is a tough road, but you have proven that you are tough enough to make it.

ndspinelli said...

Lem, I "uplift" Aridog via email. It's not safe here. There are still too many of that despicable snakes comments up here.

Meade said...

Nick, are you a non drinker? Because, what Ari D. now needs is a social network of non drinkers. Lem's blog is obviously riddled with drinkers. Many who clearly manipulate Lem himself who, as he mentioned, has his own problem with alcohol. Are you one of those manipulators, Nick?

ndspinelli said...

The profile of a "person" who kicks people when they're down is almost certainly someone physically abused as a child. Most likely by a father, possibly a mean drunk. They felt helpless as a child and play out that pathology as an adult, trolling the internet, looking for victims.

Meade said...

That's your answer, Nick? Your father was a "mean drunk"? This "turley" you keep mentioning is, what, a sort of substitute father figure for you?

ndspinelli said...

That abused child had a comforting but manipulative mother, that being the role model for his wife. She provides a roof over his head. He can play w/ dogs, but he can't have one.

Meade said...

You are a drinker aren't you?