Friday, October 17, 2014

"Ebola Scare At The Pentagon" (Update 2)

"After Woman Who Was Recently In Africa Vomits On Tour Bus"
Arlington News reports that a woman began vomiting while on a tour bus at the Pentagon. Pentagon Force Protection Agency spokesman Chris Layman told Arlington News that Arlington County’s hazmat team was called out when they learned that the woman was recently in Africa.

The hazmat team was called out of “a complete abundance of caution,” Layman told Arlington News.
Jeff Hulbert from Annapolis
On another Ebola scare incident...
Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) said he has “serious concerns” after a passenger reportedly vomited and died aboard a plane from Nigeria that landed at New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport early Thursday.

“It is my understanding that a plane from Nigeria landed at JFK today with a passenger who passed away en route,” King said in a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson. “Based on what I know of this situation, I have very serious concerns about the cursory exam conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention official to determine that the passenger did not have Ebola [...].”
Update : New Obama 'Czar' Has No Medical, Health Background...

Update 2:


The Dude said...

I shall now repeat what the liberal drone woman told me last week "There is no Ebola!"

So be calm, carry on, and stay upwind of fresh puke.

That is all.

bagoh20 said...

I'm all for the CDC doing what it needs to to prevent an outbreak here, but there is no real news here. Out of 330 million, two people have it. One person got sick, and died. That's it.

Fox news is running Ebola round the clock. It's gone viral! I think ISIS loves it, but then they would, being a death cult and all.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Over the last few weeks I gained dozens of twitter followers... and then yesterday, nosedive, I lost 5.

Ebola giveth and Ebola taketh away.

john said...

The world's longest non-stop flight was Singapore to Newark, 18-1/2 hours.

According to Wiki: The airline has installed special lockers on the aircraft to store the corpses of any passengers that die en route, since the flight's routing over the Pacific Ocean and North Pole means that there are few if any possible unscheduled stops.

Only a few of the world's airlines would think of having amenities like that. Certainly, Air France, Delta and United (if they weren't so racist) could incorporate dead vaults into their Africa-Brussels-New York routes.

IIRC even the slave ships usually tossed the ones who died overboard on their way to the New World.

Leland said...

It is getting a bit out of hand. As much as I think it is a bad sign that a person has a vomiting attack and dies on a flight from Nigeria to JFK; Nigeria itself is almost Ebola free, which is to say that haven't had a case in over 21 days. So unless Nigerian officials missed this person connecting through (and Nigeria has instituted bans, unlike the US/CDC/WH), then this person probably didn't have Ebola.

As for the Pentagon bus lady, what part of Africa? It's a big continent. She could have just as easily got an under cooked hot dog from a street vendor and reacted to it.

Still, the CDC isn't doing much in enforcing the 21 day isolation such as performed in Nigeria. They are getting more serious now, with some schools being shutdown for potential exposure. However those efforts seem silly when high risk personal are travelling by plane and ship. The schools wouldn't have to be closed if primary containment was enacted from the start. Other nations have figured this out. Why is the CDC so slow to learn?

My wife is a RN at the closest hospital to Houston's IAH. I would hate for her to be confined for 21 days and lose her freedom. Or myself for that matter. But I really wouldn't mind hanging out for 21 days if it meant hundreds of others could avoid exposure and not likewise be detained. I say this to be clear that I understand the loss of freedom the CDC could take away for a short term and why it is necessary.

bagoh20 said...

From Wikipedia: " Fruit bats are believed to be the normal carrier in nature, able to spread the virus without being affected. Humans become infected by contact with the bats or a living or dead animal that have been infected by bats. "

Eric? Erick? ERIC!!!
OK, Good.

bagoh20 said...

Also from Wiki: " Male survivors may be able to transmit the disease via semen for nearly two months."

Oh great. First 21 days of solitude and then 2 months more of solitude - all the time no sex. Ebola essentially turns you into a nerd/geek/Star Wars fan.

ricpic said...

"...a complete abundance of caution..."

If I ruled the world (which fortunately I don't) I would hire only those people who do not massacre the english language, seeing as how there's a direct connect between mangling language and screwing up everything else.

bagoh20 said...

It's EBOLA FRIDAY! Stay in the house alone and wear a condom.

Unknown said...

This administration has politicized every government agency at every branch. The qualifications to act as a leader in an important government agency are: Are you a big D-donor and a loyal party apparatchik? Yes. - OK You're in.

Unknown said...

The vomiting passenger from Nigeria (traveling to JFK) who DIED doesn't have ebloa? OK - what was it, then?

Unknown said...

To Obama and the left, this is just a PR campaign that needs messaging.

Oh look - The new Ebloa Czar has no actual health care qualifications, but he is a loyal party apparatchik.

It's not what you know, it's loyalty and who you help. Rewards!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

There are also reports of a cruise ship passenger, who also happened to be a Texas healthcare worker who handled lab specimens from Ebola victim Thomas Eric Duncan, has been isolated after exhibiting Ebola like symptoms.

Trooper York said...

Ebola might finally be the thing that brings Obama down. He has been evil, incompetent and unconstitutional in so many of his actions but has escaped because of his "black privilege."

Just like Mike Tyson he is going down for something that he had done dozens of times before.

Karma is a bitch.

With Ebola.

Unknown said...

from insty:

Paul Rahe: Damage Control.
“The mainstream press in its wisdom tells us that Klain is a good manager. His accomplishment? He managed the allocation of stimulus funds. Take a moment to think about that. . . . Klain’s new job is not to protect thee and me from an outbreak of Ebola. It is to protect the President from an outbreak of criticism.”

edutcher said...

I wonder how long it's gonna take before the politicians he installed at the 5 sided wind tunnel decide to do a MacArthur on him?

He's rapidly earning the name Obola.

The Dude said...

I am not seeing it - the commies around here still love and adore and worship their lord and master.

He is teflon.

Trooper York said...

It is not his acolytes and cultists that are important. It is the low information half a retard voter. Something like Ebola will penetrate. Especially because of all the movies that have this scenario. These mooks get their world view from TV and the movies.

Once they turn on him we might get critical mass. Just sayn'

Amartel said...

The fanbois will stay true forever.* It's the LIV love that's fading fast even and despite the predictable and predictably stupid efforts to paint opposition as racist. It will kind of suck if this is the scandal that finally gets everyone's attention because it's the one scandal that is slightly forgiveable. Standard issue Big Government fuck up. Whereas the rest of the shenanigans are naked power grabs and gross corruption.

*Speaking of which, King Putz appointed an Ebola czar today but is anyone in the media pointing out that he already HAS an ebola czar (and she was predictably corrupt and predictably still on the job)? Not that I saw. The story seems to be around the new Ebola czar's political rather than substantive qualifications. You'd think that would be an ideal lead in to pointing out that there's already an ebola czar. But no.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

How many elections did the new Ebola czar help rig and when did he rig them?

Methadras said...

At this point political correctness that this administration is engaging in is in full swing in allowing the vectors of this infectious disease to enter into the US via passenger jet. They know this is a problem yet they don't care because the perception that stopping flights from Africa would be racist is all that matters to these dangerous fools.

When I've told you that these people are dangerous, they are. Their ravenous ideology of hate, death, and destruction, is hell bent on harming us all. What will it take to actually get this administration to stop all incoming flights that originate from West Africa or Africa in general until this is over? Nothing. The politics is to great to overcome.

Obama is a menace and an absolute danger to this country and it's citizens. He's proved that unequivocally and I think it's high time at this point that he needs to be removed one way or the other. Waiting two more years for this guy to leave office isn't going to cut it anymore.

Trooper York said...

Of course no one is paying attention to the spread of Enterovirus that has been linked with the illegal immigrant children spread illegally throughout the United States by the Obama administration.

Trooper York said...

This virus has been around since 1962
but was not a problem in the US for decades. However it has been in other parts of the world and these children that have been dispersed and integrated into our country were not screened properly or worse sheened by the same geniuses in charge of Ebola.

Add in all the children who did not get vaccinations because of douches like Jenny McCarthy and Rosie O'Donnell and we are setting up a tragic epidemic.

The Dude said...

Hey, the morons wanted a second Obama term and now they are getting it, good and hard.

ampersand said...

Do you suppose there are newborn black girls being named Ebola? Just think of the future clusterfuck when one tries to get past the TSA.

Trooper York said...

Now that is some funny shit right there.

I salute you my friend.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...


try again.

UK and France suspend flights from West African nations with Ebola outbreaks.

According to the morons at MSDNC and Ezra Kline(D-prog), those nations must be panic stricken racists.