Wednesday, October 22, 2014

"Autopsy: Ferguson officer shot Brown at close range"

"Michael Brown, the unarmed black teen who was killed by a white police officer in Ferguson, Mo., in August, was shot in the hand at close range and had marijuana in his system, an autopsy report by the St. Louis County Medical Examiner's Office concludes."
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch published the report on its website. Suzanne McCune, administrator for the county medical examiner, acknowledged the accuracy of the report, but said the office did not release it to the newspaper.

The county report in some ways differs from the autopsy conducted at the request of Brown's family, which concluded the shots were fired from at least a foot away and as far as 30 feet away. Benjamin Crump, an attorney for Brown's family, said Wednesday that he and the Brown family don't trust the autopsy report.

The county report says a preliminary investigation indicates Brown became "belligerent" with officer Darren Wilson after Wilson asked him to stop walking in the street. The report says Wilson attempted to get out of his patrol car and that Brown, 18, pushed the door shut "and began to struggle with Officer Wilson."

The county report does indicate that the thumb wound contained "foreign particulate matter ... consistent with products that are discharged from the barrel of a firearm."

Judy Melinek, a forensic pathologist in San Francisco, told the newspaper the autopsy indicates Brown was "reaching for the gun, if he has gunpowder particulate material in the wound." She added, "If he has his hand near the gun when it goes off, he's going for the officer's gun." (read more)


Amartel said...

Apparently, this info is being leaked so as to let people down from their raaaacism high gently.
Good luck with that.

The Dude said...

Hands up, don't - BAM!

Unknown said...

Data, facts, evidence...


Benjamin Crump, an attorney for Brown's family, said Wednesday that he and the Brown family don't trust the autopsy report.

Amartel said...

You know how progs are always talking about dog whistles?


Whoops, that one landed way outside the electric fence.

Unknown said...

From Amartel's link:

Because Wilson is white and Brown was black, the case has ignited intense debate over how police interact with African American men. But more than a half-dozen unnamed black witnesses have provided testimony to a St. Louis County grand jury that largely supports Wilson’s account of events of Aug. 9, according to several people familiar with the investigation who spoke with The Washington Post.

Those black witnesses must be racists, too.

and to think our attorney general flew to Ferguson to stir up racial tensions. How unprofessional.

The Dude said...

Crump preys on the low IQ types. He has grown rich shaking down idiots. He is a scam artist and grifter.

XRay said...

And other lawyers are different how...

Lem, do you really need this anti-robot stuff?


XRay said...

After all, it doesn't keep out Meade.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I don't have the robot thingy turned on.

XRay said...

Then apologies. Though it was on a short while ago. Maybe a bloggie thing.

JAL said...

@ AprilApple -- those black witnesses who testified give one hope.

Of course the fact that they felt they had to testify anonymously tarnished that hope.

The pressure on them must be horrendous.

If the Grand Jury's decision is out in December? January? perhaps this will this run out of steam.

The Dude said...

I use Epic Privacy Browser and it requires me to enter words before making my first comment after logging in.

After that, we're cool.

edutcher said...


We don' need no steenking facts!

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Forensics is a bitch.

rcocean said...

First Trayvon and now this. Hopefully, the next time - and there will be next time - people won't jump so readily to fact-free conclusions.

But I won't count on it.

William said...

The mother and the grandmother go into a physical fight over the sale of t-shirts bearing Brown's likeness. The grandmother had to be taken to the hospital. I wonder how the media will report this or even if they will report this......Things that irritate me about the media: During the demonstrations, a couple of cops lost their cool. Those episodes were endlessly replayed. During those same demonstrations, some of the demonstrators acted like menacing jerks. When that happened, they quickly cut away back to the studio, and the incident was never seen again......It certainly looks like the police officer is innocent. As ric pic points out, that's immaterial. His life is over. He can no longer work as a police man. He can't sue anyone for a million dollars. There will be no sympathetic Hollywood movie about his plight and the damage he has suffered. God forbid that he ever have a fight with his girlfriend. It will be headline news. TMZ is probably recruiting V. Stiviano to sedge him and record their nit mate moments.

William said...

Auto correct fail: sedge is seduce, not some bizarre sex act involving colostomy tubing. Nit mate is intimate not flea porno.

Amartel said...

rcocean: "Hopefully, the next time - and there will be next time - people won't jump so readily to fact-free conclusions."

It would be nice to think that, at some point, some of the bandwagoners are going to realize they're just being used as free props and then disposed of like garbage. The true blue supporters will keep on promoting the narrative even though they look stupid doing so but the bandwagoners don't have the stamina or the patience for that.

There are a bunch of true blues infesting my FB page and this coming election has them in SUCH a frenzy.