Thursday, October 30, 2014

Nurse Hickox versus Maine

"Maine health commissioner Mary Mayhew said late Wednesday afternoon that, even as it continues talks with Hickox's representatives, the state is in the process of filing a court order to require the nurse to abide by a 21-day quarantine. Mayhew cited concerns about Hickox's hands-on role in dealing with Ebola patients, as well as "concerns about the lack of reliability and the lack of trustworthiness in the information that has been received."
"You need to be able to have trust and credibility in that information," the state health commissioner said. "That makes her a higher risk."

The health commissioner said she "did not understand" why Hickox is challenging what she calls a "common-sense approach" of staying home for three weeks.

"(This is) a reasonable request to ensure -- out of an abundance of caution -- that we are protecting the people of this state," Mayhew said.

Yet Hickox thinks the U.S. Constitution and science are on her side.
And, because of that, she has no intention of staying put.

"I am completely healthy and symptom-free," Hickox said Wednesday night from her front lawn, alongside her boyfriend. "I am frustrated by (the) intention ... to file legal action against me.

"And if this does occur, then I will challenge those legal actions."


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Gee, I don't know.

Shouldn't the Tea Party be rallying behind her against an intrusive, overbearing, dictatorial government?


Just messing with you. I'm well-familiar with the phenomenon by which people want the government off their back except when they don't.

Lawyers get to see that up close and personal.

Unknown said...

I guarantee this selfish woman is a democrat.

virgil xenophon said...

hmmm, April, does being a registered democrat who both voted for Obama and contributed to his campaign count?

Unknown said...

it counts, sugar.

Unknown said...

I go into self quarantine when I get the common cold.

AllenS said...

She's lucky she isn't in the military.

Unknown said...

I have some concerns. Duncan, the man who came here from West Africa with raging ebola in his system, died.
2 nurses who treated him got the disease.
Whatever happened to his family?
Have you noticed that they have disappeared from the narrative/radar? Where are they? and how are they?

It would be a miracle if they were ebola-free after all that exposure.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

April read my mind.

You want to know how i know the nurse is not a raving mad tea party republican like me?

She is refusing to stay home during the elections.

Shouting Thomas said...

The nursing profession is in the pocket of SEIU, an arm of the Democratic Party.

Bitter anger at the world is sort of the bottom line principle of SEIU.

Synova said...

Eric, I do think that the phenom of equating a pandemic to... just about anything else is equating unrelated things.

It's almost as though this is becoming political... the right says that an "excess of caution is appropriate", particularly as it's only for 3 weeks.

Because of that the Left HAS to oppose caution... has to call it "panic"... and has to politically align itself the opposite way.

Synova said...

One of the comments at the Maine link was about how this is all Hypocrisy... somehow... Oh, I remember... it was "Sure... now about *this* you want to claim it's all science but when it's anything else?"

Well... evolution doesn't have a 50% chance of killing you if you get it.

Besides which, if it IS hypocrisy I guarantee that Ebola is something like the honey badger... Ebola don't *care*.

bagoh20 said...

Wouldn't you get your ass sued into oblivion if you caused someone to get Ebola when you knew better and could have prevented it? It could even become a class action suit if things went really bad. I think she is selfish and stupid, but someone already said she was an Obama voter twice, so...

Serious contagious disease has always been one of those areas where most people, and our political system, accepts a loss of freedom for security. It's a cost/benefit equation that usually makes obvious sense, but now days our government can't be trusted to do anything competently, so like most government functions now, we probably can't do it well anymore.

Trooper York said...

She works for the CDC. It was on her Linkedin account and was then scrubbed.

TTBurnett said...

Quote from a piece entitled, Infected by Politics" from City Journal:

"The public-health establishment has unanimously opposed a travel and visa moratorium from Ebola-plagued West African countries to protect the U.S. population. To evaluate whether this opposition rests on purely scientific grounds, it helps to understand the political character of the public-health field. For the last several decades, the profession has been awash in social-justice ideology. Many of its members view racism, sexism, and economic inequality, rather than individual behavior, as the primary drivers of differential health outcomes in the U.S. According to mainstream public-health thinking, publicizing the behavioral choices behind bad health—promiscuous sex, drug use, overeating, or lack of exercise—blames the victim."

Read the whole thing.

ndspinelli said...

Is this nurse related to Sandra Fluke?

TrooperYork said...

This is obviously an subterfuge. She is a test case willing to litigate to push the CDC's narrative. If we had a free press this angle would be investigated but as usual they are covering the ass of the President.

Rabel said...

Obama is traveling to Maine today.

ampersand said...

This is the second disease being granted civil rights status. How did that work out for the first one?

ndspinelli said...

Obama needs to hug this nurse.

KCFleming said...

There is a low but non-zero chance that she has Ebola and will therefore spread it.

The CDC and the Obamaphiles don't really give a shit if people die from it.

So I ignore much of what they say.

TTBurnett said...

ampersand: It looks like all infectious diseases have guaranteed rights these days. Measles, chicken pox, and whooping cough are all making a comeback. While there is pressure to vaccinate, it seems not to rise to a thorough mandatory level, and is liable to be resisted by mostly well-to-do enthusiasts.

If you're a class-warfare type, the irony of little Charlotte or Asher being damaged by readily-preventable disease could be delicious. If you, like our Founding Fathers, believe that the maxims of a commercial nation imply the continual rotation of wealth, the self-inflicted impairment of children of the upper crust becomes more morally neutral and Darwinian. The logical next step is to make sure mosquito spraying does not occur in wealthy areas (that already happens to a certain extent), so that the full panoply of 19th century disease may be experienced by those whose wealth would otherwise make for too easy and long a life.

So, you see granting exceptional status to infectious disease has already had some social benefits. And, who knows what wonders an ebola outbreak could work?

Lydia said...

Have you noticed that they [the Duncan family] have disappeared from the narrative/radar? Where are they? and how are they?

Duncan's fiancé, Louise Troh, and her family went to church in Dallas a few days ago.

Unknown said...

You know who supports PBS/Nova?

The evil Koch brothers.

Watched this episode of Nova the other night and wish all the (trying to be nice) (Ok, no, not happening) - morons who get their knowledge and education about science! from boobalicious bleach blonde celebrities.... would watch Nova.

Unknown said...

Measles droplets hang out in the air and you can catch it just by riding in the same elevator. Fun!

Trooper York said...

This whole thing is politics for the election. Look Obama screwed the pooch. Again. He can't institute any sort of border protection scheme because he will blow up the illegal immigrant lobby. So he won't even restrict the entry into the United States of people with the plague. Especially if they are black for crying out loud! So any Ebola sufferer or the caregivers who contracted the disease can not be handled in any other way than getting a free pass to do whatever they want and the hell with public health concerns. This minion of the CDC is the canary in the coal mine and a test case and a diversion.

The problem for the Jug Eared Jesus is that the Low information Julia's know about Ebola. From movies. TV. Tabloids. So they are afraid. He can't reach them. So they need a smokescreen.

JAL said...

She is a democrat. Boyfriend has WH connections.

Or so I have heard.

JAL said...

April -- the family is Ebola free.

I wonder if there isn't some genetic or immunizing exposure to explain that.

TTBurnett said...

I'm showing my age, but all this reminds me of "Beat the Reaper" from the old Firesign Theatre. The link only goes to the quiz show, which segues into a segment about America in the midst of a medieval plague. I can't find a clean cut of it, but I'll keep looking unless someone else beats me to it.
The whole thing is from the Firesign Theatre's first album, "Waiting for the Electrician (or Someone Like Him)."

Unknown said...

JAL - ok thanks. I'm glad they are ebola free. Relieved. But, wow.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...


Madison Bumgarner just caught Ebola!!!

Spread it around!!!!!!!!!!