Wednesday, October 29, 2014

"New York City doctor with Ebola reportedly lied about his movements in city"

"The New York City doctor who became infected with the Ebola virus last week initially lied to health officials about his movements around the city after he returned from treating victims of the disease in West Africa, according to a published report."
The New York Post, citing law enforcement sources, reported that Dr. Craig Spencer initially told investigators that he had self-quarantined in his Harlem apartment. According to the paper, Spencer's story fell apart after investigators checked his credit-card statement and information from his Metrocard.
I don't mean to continually harp on Ebola, but, this is precisely the problem with the "self monitoring" policy that the Obama administration favors. Didn't Duncan, patient zero, lied to the admitting nurse at the Dallas Hospital? Even after he was admitted.

People lie, other people get infected... Ok, that doesn't rime but it does make sense. It's not too much to ask of people, who already know about the consequences of treating Ebola, to take the extra step necessary to ensure that they are not infected. end of rant.

Btw. Has anybody heard from our new Ebola Czar?


ndspinelli said...

Dr. House constantly taught the doctors training under him that patients lie.

Shouting Thomas said...

A good article by Heather MacDonald on why the Obama admin opposes quarantine.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

No doctor has yet asked me how much I drink. I'm still undecided how I'll answer the question.

The smart move would probably be to find out how much would just barely puts me into their highest category and admit to only that much.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

The closest I ever came was when the plastic surgeon's assistant was removing the sutures from where there'd been a basal cell cancer on my face.

She said, "My goodness! You've got broken capillaries worse than my husband!"

She has an Irish last name, which maybe tells you something.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Every now and then someone will comment about my red face. I respond with a joke about having cheap Irish skin and how I used to get sunburns all the time when I was younger.

I don't have a drop of Irish blood in me but I did get sunburned a lot.

So I sort of tell the truth, possibly.

Christy said...

Apparently Maine has placed State Troopers outside the home of Nurse Ebola to keep her quarantined. She's threatening to sue again.

Is she so sure she's Ebola free 'cause she knows she lied about taking care of patients? Was she just babysitting kids the whole time?

Trooper York said...

This nurse is an employee of the CDC in the Public Information department. This information was on her Linked-in page but was scrubbed. She is obviously doing the dirty work for the bureaucracy. Why put the responsibility into the hands of elected officials who have to answer to the people? Leave it in the hands of unelected bureaucrats who can do as they please.

Rabel said...

And now, yet another anti-science flyover state run by reactionary, uneducated luddites has instituted a mandatory quarantine policy which will subject self-sacrificing health care volunteers such as Kaci Hickox to inhuman conditions and deprive them of their constitutional freedoms.

Why do they hate science?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I saw the photo op with the health workers behind Obama with lab coats.

It was aerie.

Amartel said...

"Btw. Has anyone heard from our new Ebola czar?"

Don't panic, RUBE. New Ebola czar is omnipresent and invisible in addition to his heretofore-mentioned mad executive and administrative skillz. He is hard at work planning to rectify the great Ebola scarcity of 2014.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I, for one, welcome our new Ebola overlords.