Sunday, October 26, 2014

Connecting Two Dots

I don't think the sorts of people who need to see the following connection even read here. But here it is.

Point 1:

t-man said...
Chickenlittle -
The trouble is that the people who were willfully blind about Obama before the election and supported him, all thought, and still think, that they are far more intelligent that those who opposed Obama. Their self image depends upon perceived intellectual superiority, and it will be extremely difficult for them to admit to themselves that they were wrong.
The best chance it to give these people an excuse - "I was misled by the media" is the best option here. This is one of the reasons I think that the Breitbart assault on the mainstream media is so dangerous to Obama.
9/26/09, 12:19 PM

The link goes to Althouse's comments, so don't shoot me if you hate her site. But note the early date.

Point 2 is the Sharyl Attkisson book, for example here. She offers a "how" -- a mechanism -- for what many have long suspected for those who will listen to her.

She also offers an out for those who won't listen too: she gives them t-man's "best chance" -- the excuse: "I was misled by the media."

Wait for it.

Or not?


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"Attkisson is a born whistleblower, but CBS lost interest in the noise she was making."

There is so much out there, but because they are not told by main stream sources... that's it.

For instance. I heard that some of the banks/institutions that failed in 08 are now bigger and more dangerously leveraged than they were in 2008. The next failure in going to be bigger and we are in total darkness about it... again.

chickelit said...

Lem: I wasn't clueless about the leverage then -- I could see it in the housing values surrounding me. I could see it in the influx of nothing-down money renters who moved in. They went belly up. I could predict that. Not seeing that here now.

So where is the bubble now?
Wall St again?
D.C. bloat?

chickelit said...

'Attkisson is a born whistleblower, but CBS lost interest in the noise she was making.'

Then they will have to destroy her.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

It makes total sense from the perspective of a lone wolf... if one cant follow the complicated intricacies of world economy.

If a risky gamble/robbery is successful, in that hardly anybody is punished (I think one guy went to jail) and the gamble ends-up paying off, trying it aging is only a matter of time.

Rabel said...

I'm floored by the fact that this article appeared in Politico magazine.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I want to say DC Bloat but I don't understand how the Fed Fairy works.

It seems to work like a monopoly, but with more magical powers than the monopolies in the history channel.

Methadras said...

Why would people who voted for Urkle need an out. They know what he was because they themselves are like him. Collectivists, Marxists, Leftists. Most of them don't even know what that is, but that's what they are, so they saw it in Urkle. They didn't care where he was allegedly born. Shit, there could be catastrophic proof that he was born in Moscow, with film of his birth in St. Petersburg Square and they still wouldn't give a shit. It's not where he's from, it is what he is to them.

People knew what he was. He even told Joe the Plumber what he was on camera for the whole world to see. Remember about spreading the wealth around. It was in his two books. Fuck, how much more in your face do you need it to be. They voted for him because they wanted to, not because they were forced to and there was more of them than more of us who didn't vote for him. I heard it said a while ago and it's so true now, The Masses are Asses.

We need to admit that they outnumber us and there is no going back. They won't be changed, they won't be swayed, they won't be made different. It isn't their superiority complexes. It's who they are and people like Obama and his cadre know it. He grew up with these people, ate with them, went to school with them. It's obvious as it is in plain sight and these people banked on it. They struck at the right time and at the right place.

Even if republicans win, conservativism loses. Why? Because it's going to be rewritten to become something it isn't. It too will undergo a politically correct conversion to become something else and it almost out of necessity or they are trying to make it feel that way. Hell, it's already happening. We don't get to affect the change at our level, we just get to ride the fucking boat into a Dante's like hell of political bullshit. Government always grinds forward, never backwards. Leftism makes it's ever creeping charge forward. It never gets stalled. It may slow down from time to time, but the inertia it has right now is a meat grinder against anything else that comes towards it. You pile on enough of the unwashed retards that can breath out of their mouths and check a box, push a button, or pull a lever that says democrat around or near it and you win.

Sure, republicans might make inroads come November 7th, but so what? The grind to 2016 is on it's way and it will be a screw job there too. We were supposed to be the beneficiaries of what our forefather wrought. We are in reality the fodder and casualties underneath the foundation of cronyism and corruption at every level. And there is only one option that we have and no one wants to even think about it, say it or stomach it, but I will. Either we win or they do. For Good. There can't be a middle ground anymore.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Now hear this...

I'm guessing the policy of continuing Ebola Air has to do with Ebola stigma.

I don't know what to make of that... except in Africa they are using that to ask for US aide?

What is ambassador powers and Obama's Ebola air using or trying to use Ebola to ask for?

Do they want an Ebola epidemic here?

Chip Ahoy said...

From the Politico article Rabel linked: no president in recent times has faced the variety of threats that confront the United States right now


Susan Rice bungles messages? No. Susan Rice lies outright. Lies right to your face and dares you to challenge her.

This PJ Media piece by Zombi, Progressive politics is rooted in racism is perceptive.

Mostly perceptive. Except for the part about plastic grocery bags and littering. Littering being a city thing, not a rural thing, a black thing, a minority thing more than a white liberal thing. (I noticed this morning some white kids dumped their car's ash tray ((people still do smoke?)) right in the parking lot before driving off. 4 giant trash cans in the alley but, no, too much trouble. so, a huge pile of cigarette butts all in one spot. UGH.

I bet that car smells like ....


I found the piece largely true.

Anecdote to follow.

Chip Ahoy said...


I lived in an apartment building with a lot of black people and other minorities. Very few white people, I was odd guy out, or in, as it was.

I was very pleased there and would still be there had outside forces not intervened causing me to upgrade.

But now it is like 50/50, something like that. Nobody mixes around here at the new place without extreme effort.

While at the old place I learned a friend who live far off comes into town to a bar nearby where I lived. The guy is a supreme liberal willing to argue to death the most ridiculous things having to do with owing black people for the injustice done their ancestors. No amount of 'son paying for the sin of the father" nor, "their ancestors weren't even American, they're new to this country, they came here on their own volition because they perceived our country as better than the country they left" makes any headway at all. He is solidly bleeding heart liberal, eager to jump on any bandwagon the despicable Democrat Party comes up with.

I asked him, "You come all the way into town to a few blocks away. Why don't you call for a visit?"

At length I finally pried out of him, "Because I'm afraid to come into your building."


I was stupefied, dumbfounded, nonplussed.

The man is 6'4" looks like a roughneck biker. I go, "You big fucking puss! These people are gentle. Are you out of your goddamn mind?"

But as always, thickheaded as always, he wasn't budging one bit. He was afraid to enter a building populated mostly by blacks and that was it. A debilitating handicap as any.

My liberal friend admitted in honesty he is afraid of blacks (in groups, I suppose) and it was him who I thought of while reading the article.

Did I link the article back there? No?

Tonight I heard Tosh 2.0 say, "Hello everybody, I'm a conservative. Yeah, we hat all poor people." *click* Fuck you Tosh 2.0. You suck.

Synova said...

It should be really interesting to see if Attkinsson makes any immediate difference. I saw a thing about her book today and thought more in terms of History and what might be taught in Journalism schools 50 years from now.

She hasn't gotten much traction so far but it's entirely possible that this will give people an "out"...

Now, the media being *able* to lie to you is a bit like the adage of not being able to cheat an honest man... but it's always hard for people to take responsibility and always easier if they're given a way to save face.

(Only posting this late because I probably won't even log in tomorrow... Monday is geology field trips and I'll be going underground!)

Michael Haz said...

So where is the bubble now?
The bubble is in two places, and because it is a bubble, it ultimately touches everything when it bursts.

First, in the stock market. Stock prices have been going up, up, up because the money printed by the Fed has largely gone into buying stock, thus inflating prices. When quantatative easing (aka printing play money) slows or stops, there will be no new money propping up stock prices, and they (and their market) will crash.

Second, in artificially low inflation. The ease of liquidity combined with the gov't holding interest rates low by flooding the banking system with play money has kept inflation low. However, when the shit hist the fan, the only way our will be to slow the rate of growth by increasing interest rates, thereby increasing inflation.

Remember the Jimmy Carter era of 15% mortgage loan interest rates and 14% annual CPI increases. It's coming again.

Unknown said...

CBS and The government refused to comment.

ndspinelli said...

Haz, We bought our first house in KC during the Carter "Malaise" years. Paid 14% interest. A greasy dago came and collected every week.

Trooper York said...

Well a greasy dago paid the interest so that was only right. Just sayn'

AllenS said...

I wish the two of you would quit talking about Guinea's like that. They are honorable people.

Trooper York said...

I know. They put the wop in doo-wop.

chickelit said...

Methadras said...
Why would people who voted for Urkle need an out.

Because I'm willing to give it to them and because I'm not interested in perpetual conflict. Part of that is offering a way to save face.

I'm interested in the tidy little mind that can sweep what Attkisson writes under the rug and say "oh well." To me, that kind of thinking is like what they said about Germans complicit in Nazi crimes, or people who turned away from violent racism in the south. You have to catch these sorts of laziness when it happens.

blake said...

So, Meth's answer is...despair?

deborah said...

"people who were willfully blind about Obama"

The only out they need is they were terrified of a McCain presidency, for which see Althouse, McArdle, etc.

I thought it strange Althouse didn't double down on her support for Obama in the wake of the video that surfaced right before the 2012 election and say, 'that's what it takes for a black man to become president.'

I had, and still have the feeling she voted for Romney as a sop to her commentariat. A last ditch effort to regain their good opinion. But things had gone too far by then.

chickelit said...

The only out they need is they were terrified of a McCain presidency, for which see Althouse, McArdle, etc.

I thought it strange Althouse didn't double down on her support for Obama in the wake of the video that surfaced right before the 2012 election and say, 'that's what it takes for a black man to become president.'

I had, and still have the feeling she voted for Romney as a sop to her commentariat. A last ditch effort to regain their good opinion. But things had gone too far by then.

The vibe I got (reinforced subsequently) was that Althouse refused to vote for anyone like McCain who opposed gays in the military and gay marriage in particular. Plus the general disrespect liberals feel for the military.

deborah said...

I don't recall Althouse bringing up the gay angle, but I bow to your recall.

I recall her saying something about McCain, like maybe he did not seem as rational as Obama?

Many thought he was nuts and were afraid he'd take us to war.

My point is they don't need to say that the media let them down, they have the McCain reason in their quiver. It's been a common claim...'you think Obama is bad, just think if McCain was in.'

chickelit said...

It's been a common claim...'you think Obama is bad, just think if McCain was in.'

Cedarford was her biggest ally in that refrain. Strange bedfellow. Kinda like the time C-4 and Inga teamed up to support the filmmaker theory re Benghazi.

But I waste too much time on these observations.

deborah said...

lol yes WE ALL do.

I wasn't aware of the C4-Inga coalition on any matter.