Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Democrat Operative Donna Brazile On Voting

Any thoughts?


Leland said...

I voted early today on way home, and I don't use twitter.

Rabel said...

"Any thoughts?"

No, not really, because the puns in the Pistorius post pretty much caused my mind to go blank.

But as I begin to come back around I see that, as expected, the Dominicans are leading the way in the fight against Ebola.

Rabel said...

And what's up with Lem demanding to know if I am a robot. Just what business of his is that particular piece of personal, private information?

Anonymous said...

Donna owes me money.Donna owes me money.Donna owes me money.Donna owes me money.Donna owes me money.Donna owes me money.Donna owes me money...

The Dude said...

She is no less retarded than she has ever been.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...


Oh, asking for thought.

edutcher said...

Notice no mention of objective facts.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Donna Brazile is probably attempting to make a joke... which is ok I suppose as long as you make it clear somehow that you aren't serious. That you take the "sanctity" of the voting booth seriously.

Like the poll worker that instructed Obama.

AllenS said...

In this day & age nothing is true unless you retweet it a thousand times, so retweet my tweet thousand times more because racism!

Rabel said...

I wish to speak up in defense of Donna.

While I cannot claim to have been born a poor black child singin' and dancin' on the porch down in Mississippi, I was partially raised by a couple of nice black ladies and having seen enough of Donna going back to the glorious Clinton years I can say with some certainty that she is not a "hater" like so many black ladies in the Democrat hierarchy and the White House who would disapprove of my very existence because I am mostly white.

She is simply a typical Democrat party hack. I see this as something of a plus in today's racial/political/media environment.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Donna Brazile is probably attempting to make a joke ...

But not a joke for joke's sake. This is serious business.

I agree with adamsunderground. The object is to get people to do your bidding for free.

Well, without having to pay them anything so valuable as money, anyway.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

But not a joke for joke's sake. This is serious business.

A republican operative would not be allowed to gat away with a joke like that.

They would rake him/her over the coals.

The Dude said...

Bumgarner has good reflexes.

JAL said...

That's why Dems voted so many times and often per election.

It becomes "true."

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yes. Her tweet will not be retweeted a thousand times.