Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Hillary Walks

Business Insider: People magazine provided photographic evidence proving Hillary Clinton was not using a walker during a photoshoot for the cover of the publication's upcoming issue. The theory Clinton was holding a walker in the picture was first floated by conservative blogger Matt Drudge after the cover photo excerpts of the People article on Clinton were published online Wednesday. (read more)

It's a miracle ;-)

All kidding aside, even if she were to fall ill do to her advanced age, or some other reason hitherto kept from the public, Hillary Clinton would not be the first handicapped president in history.
Franklin D. Roosevelt's paralytic illness began in 1921 at age 39, when he got a fever after exercising heavily during a vacation in Canada.

While Roosevelt's bout with illness was well known during his terms as President of the United States, the extent of his paralysis was kept from public view.


The rule of Lemnity said...

Is that a young Hillary there, posing with president Roosevelt?

Amartel said...

Roosevelt kept the true nature of the extent of his illness carefully hidden from the public for years. Of course, he had a very good reason since he was POTUS during WWII and you don't want to give ammunition to allow the enemy to portray your leader as weak. In true Democrat fashion, Hillary! did the same thing. Who knew she was recovering from a head injury for 6 months? Other than longtime close associate and family friend Bill Clinton. It would be very difficult to pull off Roosevelt's deception today, what with the internet and everything. Nowadays, Democrats hide their actual motives and goals, not their physical infirmities (which are badges of honor for most). Hillary! is just covering all the bases.

AllenS said...

Oh, come on. Don't you people know that the Hillllllary! has been known to dodge sniper fire? You have to be very fast on your feet to do that.

edutcher said...

Hillary! nonetheless is showing the mileage a lot more than she should.

That fact the question was even asked shows Rove (you magnificent bastard) hit a raw nerve.

PS would it be too much for us peons to actually view said photographic evidence, given that its the Lefty media making the assertion?

Amartel said...

She's gotten kinda tubby about the tummy, which is fine at her age, but that cover is so photoshopped.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

They drew Wilma Flintstone with that big rock necklace so it'd be easier to animate her head.

Amartel said...

Oh, you wingnuts! That's not a walker; she's obviously just pushing a grocery cart around the pool. EVERYBODY DOES THAT.

Unknown said...

Geez she's scary.

Known Unknown said...

Drudge is pretty dumb not thinking that's the back of a chair.

Amartel said...

It's a baby carriage! She's practicing to be a grandma.

KCFleming said...
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KCFleming said...

I heard the People graphics department photoshop bill was enormous. Had to import some Hollywood CGI types to get rid of the scales, but they left their tell-tale uncanny valley effect.

In the original, Hillary was pushing down Bill's head. The chair was added.

I'm more sad that Ann B. Davis died. She'da made a better prez. Always had the Brady house running like a top.

edutcher said...

Not to mention Bob Collins' photo studio.

ricpic said...

Chief Justice Roberts: Do you swear to preserve and protect the Constitution?

President-Elect Clinton: I do. So help me Huma.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Drudge is pretty dumb not thinking that's the back of a chair.

Got everyone talking about and thinking about how really OLD Hilary is, though.....didn't it.


john said...

Why deliberately emphasize her false teeth? Isn't that the opposite of how they want her to look?

Chip Ahoy said...

It raining as the sun is shining brightly below the clouds. That means to people west of me I'm underneath a rainbow right now.

MamaM said...

Coloring the beads turquoise and giving the old dragon a pink dress and a Walker to push would have put the dinosaur card posted earlier in the prescient category, years ahead of People.

The Dude said...

Spackle - it's not just for walls and it's better than botox, too!

chickelit said...

It just proves that Hillary stands with walker and says nothing about whether she walks the Walker walk, or talks the Walker talk.

I've said before that if she could somehow doff her college and post-college political baggage and re-embrace her Illini Goldwater girl, she's be golden.

ampersand said...

Odds are she just pushed an old lady into the pool,and was cackling away like Tommy Udo.

deborah said...

Stands with that anything like Stands With A Fist?

chickelit said...

deborah said...
Stands with that anything like Stands With A Fist?

I don't know, deborah...I suspect that she stands with fisters though. She stood by a cigar afistiando.