Saturday, June 21, 2014


I'll take the fifth

Fine Lois, you're going to need it.

No need for this to be total drag for everybody.


Chip Ahoy said...

I am feeling quite cross and French lately.

Saw the cartoon and couldn't resist.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I don't get a 'heads will roll' sense coming thru, out of the 'scandal'. Which only seems to be recognized as a scandal by one side. A one sided scandal never scared anybody.

I mean, the guy within whom the legal power rests to appoint an independent investigator, prosecutor and finder of lost emails, is himself already in contempt of congress because of his own predisposition to put his own politics ahead of his duties as federal chief law man.

But, I admire your faith Chip.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

There doesn't seem to be any evidence that we are even approaching the threshold for a recognition of evidence of wrong doing.

Even though the search for evidence of wrong doing is being obviously thwarted. The obviousness of the thwarting, the obstructing seems un-compelling.

You are making something out of nothing, the other side says.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

It used to be... or maybe I imagine that it used to be... that the prospect of heads rolling would compel the press to follow thru on their end of the bargain. Call for heads to roll.

I got to ask, if only rhetorically, don't head rolling don't sell anymore?

AllenS said...

Not fair! There's no gutters on that bowling lane.

chickelit said...

Chip Ahoy said...
I am feeling quite cross and French lately.

I known it's an OT word play but did you know that the first recognition of radioactivity involved the French and a cross?

I'm Full of Soup said...

I think the guillotine, as a method of execution, is a bit harsh. But I would support taking every member of Congress, who has 20 years of service or more, out back to put one bullet in the back of their head.

Then we would have a nice fresh start. And the sitting president would be scared straight unless, of course, it was a gay president.

Sydney said...

So chickelit, what is the story of radioactivity, the French, and a cross?

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Speaking of fifths, I came upon a startling fun fact the other day, while intoxicated, of course.


How much alcohol is in a can of beer? 0.6 ounces. (12 * .05)


How much in a shot of booze? 0.6 ounces. (1.5 * .4)

0.6 = 0.6




chickelit said...

Henri Becquerel placed a small copper cross between a uranium sample and photographic paper and observed its shadow: story

chickelit said...

@Fruitbat: You haven't lost your powers of concentration -- yet.

Icepick said...

No Lem, they're working hard to make nothing out of something.

If Nixon had used email, he'd've served two full terms.

ndspinelli said...

Allen, My kids loved birthday parties @ bowling alleys. They put up gutter guards. I knew my son would be a real bowler when he said "no guards" for his party. He is probably one of the best Colombian bowlers[180] and almost certainly the only Colombian hockey player.

Tank said...

More likely than heads rolling is a bunch of pardons on the way out the door.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Eric, but who ever pours a perfect shot (except for at those bars with automatic pourers). Most drinks are poured over.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Not fair! There's no gutters on that bowling lane.

That lane was built by the guvrment.

AllenS said...

Well, Nick, there's no doubt, that gutters can ruin the whole bowling experience.

ndspinelli said...

Gutters have also ruined a few benders as well.