Friday, June 27, 2014

Oh, Canada

Saw this on Small Dead Animals and like it real well. My favorite part is )))buzz((( . 


Synova said...

LOL! Oh, that is so perfect.

deborah said...

Big smile. That is great.

Unknown said...

Hooray for Canada.

Seriously - this nation has it together compared to us. I may need to move there.

I have a new client who lives here in CO, in WI and in Calgary. He tells me Canada will have zero deficit and they require home owners to prove they can afford to own their homes. They also require 25% down at least - no Fannie and Freddie. No housing corruption managed by the federal government. No Barney Frank idiots. Canadians in general have a great work ethic - much less of the whiney American "gimme gimme - You owe me - I want it all and I'm not going to work at all gimme" attitude like here in America.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

That really made me smile. Motivation is a wonderful thing.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

No penalty for use of the phone.