Monday, June 16, 2014

vintage Chatty Cathy

I accidentally posted this on my food blog last night by mistake where it has no business being and where it accumulated more views than a regular post. What a bummer. I hate deleting posts with significant views. At least nobody commented.

I'm such a dunce.

I used the term Chatty Cathy in regular conversation a couple of times and after enduring it a friend admitted he had no idea what I was talking about all along. Some years elapsed when finally somebody responded in such a way that cleared up that it is an actual thing and not some odd phrase I made up. He told me he thought I was being weird again and let it go as just another of those things about my character that he thought he understood.

How embarrassing.

No. It's a real doll, you dope. Not a phrase I contrived. Jeeze, Louise, you have a sister. You should know. 

So to compensate for my misposting, here's some blueberry turnovers I made yesterday and gave away. Half of them given away, the other half were lunch and between dinner snacks. They are light as balloons, not filling at all, and not so terribly sweet. They leave you wanting. You eat one and want another immediately. That insubstantial. It looks like a lot of butter, but one stick of butter made twelve. That is less butter than goes on toast, and less sugar than grocery store bread. As you eat one flakes break off and stick to your wet lips, like butter-flake lipstick. 


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

"here's some blueberry turnovers"

The first time I heard someone refer to a "cherry bendover" I thought it was pretty stupid.

Now I think it's kind of funny.

Not quite sure what that says about me.

Rabel said...

Just pull the ring. You never know what she'll say next.

Trooper York said...


Is the recipe for the turnovers on your other blog?

I have to go see.

Chip S. said...

I've heard that Capitol Kids in Madison sells a talking puppet that says "Where are the secret routers?"

KCFleming said...
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KCFleming said...

Hey, Lem's place has one of those Chatty Cathy dolls.

But it keeps harping bout racism and Catholics, and challenges the other dolls to chin-ups.

Chip Ahoy said...

That's the thing, not that it talks so much but that pull its string and it says the same limited phrases over and over and over and over until eventually to doll owner smashed its head in.

I was surprised how many are available on eBay. You'd expect they'd all be smashed, their hair all torn out, after 50 years, but no, they're in good shape and going for hundreds of bucks.

Trooper, yes, the link is included. A lot more photos there.

Chip Ahoy said...

I do not understand why this posted. I scheduled for 5:00 pm but I'm showing 1:37 Pm right now.

This confounds and vexes me.

KCFleming said...

"You'd expect they'd all be smashed, their hair all torn out"

Some people are comforted by the repeated intonation of bumpersticker slogans, a mantra like Oooommm chanted over and over, comforting and meaningless.

Those nearby pull their own hair out.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Wikipedia says that Talky Tina on "The Twilight Zone" was based on Chatty Cathy.

Who loves ya, baby?

KCFleming said...

Put a pantsuit on that and you gotcherself a 2016 Hillary! candidate.

Fresnel lenses and Benghazi phrases come extra.

Synova said...

OT: Family has been visiting so I was out... but my desktop is toast so I'll probably not be contactable much for a while.

Or something.

KCFleming said...


Aw, poo!
See you soon, mehopes.

deborah said...

See you soon, Synova, enjoy your family :) and good luck with the computer.

Trooper York said...

I got the recipe for the turnovers and it is just too full of sugar and stuff. Hey I am not complaining. I hate it when people complain about all the good stuff that makes food taste great. I just have to find alternatives that will work. I am going to experiment with this recipe and let you know what I come up with.

rhhardin said...

Kroger is having a taste of Mexico theme.

After things stewed for a few days I encountered a bright young Kroger manager in the aisles.

"I notice that the pharmacy isn't doing the taste of Mexico thing."

"What do you mean? Like sombraros?"

"No, I was thinkimg the drug thing. They could pass them to the customers inside stuffed animals or something."

"Also," I went on, "you need to do a taste of Britain..."

The manager promised to pass the idea up the chain.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

How did you have a doll made like Ann?

Trooper York said...

The Chatty Cathy doll that is attacking Catholics will not stop anytime soon. It's like Chuckie. There will be a lot of sequels. It's best to change the channel and not pay attention to it. It's batteries will wear out soon enough.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Turnovers... there's got to be a story behind the name.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Hope you get that fixed soon Synova.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Judging from his 6:04, I'd say that rhhardin is part of the solution.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"Trooper York said...

The Chatty Cathy doll that is attacking Catholics will not stop anytime soon. It's like Chuckie. There will be a lot of sequels. It's best to change the channel and not pay attention to it. It's batteries will wear out soon enough.
June 16, 2014 at 6:38 PM"


Trooper York said...

The brown sugar and the cognac in the turnovers makes me think it would be unbelievably tasty. What would be a good substitute?


Trooper York said...

I notice that you use a lot of vermouth in your recipes. Is that a thing? Why do you do that?

This is very interesting to me.

Chip Ahoy said...

Trooper, I use vermouth because I really want to use wine but I don't want to open a bottle and waste it. I cannot drink wine for some reason. I keep trying. It goes off in the refrigerator.

Vermouth has some herbs in it and it stores well in the refrigerator. And I have a choice between dry and sweet. I usually use dry.

I usually use just a few tablespoons, less than half a shot.

But I also use beer and other alcohols too.

Chip Ahoy said...

I tink a good substitution would be rum.

Then whiskey or vodka.

And wine.

Or kirsch. Or apple brandy.

Trooper York said...

That's interesting. I use a lot of wine exclusively dry. I took a tip from Jack Pepin and only use high quality wines when cooking.

Tonight I made super thin crust pizza a flax seed wrap. I sautéed Vidalia onion and mushrooms in one teaspoon of olive oil and added some dry white wine for liguid. Topped with some gruyere it is very tasty and quickly prepared.

Also a cucumber, red onion, black olive, fennel and peach salad lightly drizzled with rice wine vinegar. Very refreshing.

Trooper York said...

I have to give vermouth a try. I think I will use it on more full bodied dishes.

I am looking at stuffed portabello mushrooms on the grill with a stuffing of gluten free panko, black beans, red onion and parsley. A little vermouth for liquidity might just do the trick.

I will mix it with a little lemon and Worcestershire. That might do the trick.

Trooper York said...

Kirsch is also a great suggestion. I have to give that some thought.

Trooper York said...
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Michael Haz said...

Nice work, Lem.

deborah said...

lol rh.

XRay said...

From a lurker, for the most part. This new "shut down" policy seems to be working to the benefit only for those who would like to see the blog shut down. The great majority of commenters are behaving in a sane adult manner. Those who aren't should be given more rope.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...


XRay said...

Realized some may be unfamiliar. Though not sure if it is an idiom or a colloquialism.

A poor example below:...

give somebody enough rope (to hang themselves)
to allow someone to do what they want to, knowing that they will probably fail or get into trouble I let him speak on, knowing that he would offend the director, and gave him just enough rope.

XRay said...
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XRay said...

Sorry for the double post.

KCFleming said...

I agree with XRay.

The deletion of an entire post makes the bully the winner.

Ain't my blog, but that's how I see it.

See his venomous posts against Trooper today. Evil, venal. Ignored, but should have been deleted.

XRay said...

Chip, I'm so sorry to have laid a miasma of Sulphur on your blueberry muffins. Thus contradicting my sane and adult.

Trooper York said...

The post wasn't deleted. It was just shut down. The record remains.

It just wasn't going anywhere. I think Lem did the right thing in this case.

Lem and the other hosts have to do it on a case by case basis. I trust all of them to do the right thing. They are good people.

Trooper York said...

I looked in my cabinet and found some vermouth. I have to see if I can make these turnovers.

I will have to source out the cognac though. Almond flavored cognac?

I wonder if Frangelico would suffice?

XRay said...

"They are good people."

No one here doubts that, I'm sure.

With the exception of those of the cardinal kind.

Blogger is all wonky just now.

KCFleming said...

I see. Thought it was gone baby gone.

Okay, what the hell do I know?

Nothing, that's what.

ampersand said...
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rcommal said...

Wow. At age 4, I begged for a Chatty Cathy, since my parents said I could have any doll when I was facing going into surgery. They said I couldn't have that one. Now I realize that perhaps it was because either it was too hard to get, or it was too expensive, or both.

So it goes. Happenstance. What--evah, as kids said 15-20 years ago.

chickelit said...

With the exception of those of the cardinal kind.

Cardinal sins risk eternal damnation. Cardinal Wisconsins are the wurst kind, which is a bit ordinal, I admit.

Shouting Thomas said...

Very cool animation.

Aridog said...

I don't often comment on Chip Ahoy threads, but the reasons are easy:

1. They are never simple minded, they are intriguing and often provide useful everyday information.

2. They fascinate me, and do not stir up anger or frustration in my head. It's nice to be able to just read something and not feel anger.

3. They are clever more often than not, which forces me to "think" rather than just run off at the mouth.

Figured I needed to say this stuff because otherwise who would know why on occasion I am quiet.

Plus I just want Chip to know I enjoy his stuff.

Meade said...

ditto what Aridog said except for the anger and frustration bit (which I never feel because, hey, it's only the internet so calm yourself and don't lose whatever sense of humor you may have left).

MamaM said...

Only the internet

Only a scratch

Only a joke

Only words


Words matter

Character matters

Integrity matters

Even on the internet

Paddy O said...

"except for the anger and frustration bit"

Speaking of anger and frustration, I'm curious about your thoughts on the old dustup that happened with Lem and me a few weeks back. Lem's levity, Paddy's musings, sure evoked a frustration and dare I say anger.

It wasn't your place to add something there, I know, but I'm curious what happened or how to think about it.

I've not commented over there since because I got the clear impression that I was being dismissed for some indeterminate offenses I've caused over the years, my levity was being used against my spirituality... or something. I didn't leave in a huff or anything, but did get the impression that I was encouraged not to add anything anymore.

Meade said...

Can you give me a link, Paddy O?

Michael Haz said...


That environment is hostile toward believers, unless "belief" means agreement with the progressive humanist interpretation of scripture.

Paddy O said...

Meade, here it is.

Longer than a few weeks ago! Being on the road and on vacation really makes time fly.

Michael, that may be true. I've long thought (and I started following Althouse in 2004) that it's more complex than that. A critical engagement that is neither ambivalent or dispassionate. There's a personal interest that is processed through a legal sort of analysis.

But I might be wrong about that.

And I'm willing to admit my own faults in communication. Just took me by surprise there, as I don't mind offending if I mean to offend, but in that case I really have no idea what to think.

Aridog said...

Too funny. Meade's dismissal of my remarks while taking credit for praise of the poster. Only to be shown for the fraud he is by the post of Paddy O linking his mistress's site...and whot? Frustration and Anger?

Wahl slap me moma and kiss my grits!

Aridog said...
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Aridog said...
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ndspinelli said...

Chip Ahoy and other folks have flourished in this good hearted, generous forum. The best revenge on your enemies is to live a happy life. The unhappiness of our enemies is palpable.

Meade said...

Thanks, Paddy.

Wow — you've been holding onto that one for a long time.

I don't think she was either frustrated or angry. More like annoyed that the — several week shutdown of the comments one year ago — issue keeps getting thrown at her. You apologized for your cheap shot, she accepted your apology, so why not just let it go? I think I would and I know she did.

Anyway, these seem like 2 key comments of yours and mine in that thread:

You: What if Althouse had this policy from the beginning? 

Would she still be single?

(The earnest answer is no, she wouldn't be, btw. In fact, she and I would have met in real life about 6 months before we ended up meeting.)

Me: My own analysis over the last 10 months reveals fewer comments (though still plenty) that are smarter, more interesting, more humorous, and well-considered, with a sharp reduction in repetitive personal attacks.

Never any need to brood, Paddy. You have both of our respective email addresses.

I hope that helps.

ndspinelli said...

Paddy, We have a "Master of your domain" contest going on. Instead of not jerking off, as in the classic Seinfeld episode, we are not acknowledging the existence of a pernicious loser who means this blog harm. Feel free to join.

Aridog said...

Paddy ...didn't you find this line:

I don't think she was either frustrated or angry. More like annoyed ...

A bit odd. Given the definition of "annoyed" or "annoyance" and all that, I mean.

See? You are still guilty! But you can email, or course.

Paddy O said...

Meade, I didn't find our exchange offputting. And it wasn't a cheap shot from me about the comments. Indeed, I've said repeatedly that I got the shutdown and comment policy, with the trouble being how it was processed with her commenters. But with a lot of people saying a lot of things, I can see how that gets frustrating. But it wasn't my intention, and then my intention got dismissed and I with it.

As I said, I met my wife online (not on a dating site) so I think about the weird path it took to make that happen, a lot of 'what if' this wasn't in place or that person didn't send me a link or stuff like that. The answer about it not making a difference was good.

My "not letting it go" isn't about some perceived slight or insult. I'm more like what you've expressed, I don't usually take things personally, the internet is the internet, yadda, yadda, yadda.

What jarred me in a more objective sense was that I had somehow shown myself to be false or hypocritical, so didn't deserve a more generous reading based on my commenting history. So, I got the sense that my comments weren't really helpful there anymore as they were being read through a particular lens of my deficient character.

Nothing personal, we don't know each other to really make judgments, so it's not an issue really (and it happened when I was thinking I spend too much time on the internet anyhow). Just one of those things.

Spinelli, ha! I guess I'm like Kramer in the Contest.

Meade said...

One of those things, yes, but still something you cared about enough to, weeks later, bring up — which I appreciate.

"What jarred me in a more objective sense was that I had somehow shown myself to be false or hypocritical, so didn't deserve a more generous reading based on my commenting history. So, I got the sense that my comments weren't really helpful there anymore as they were being read through a particular lens of my deficient character. "

I didn't get that at first, so I went back and reread the comments. She said:

"...the two of you should take a look at yourselves and how it looks from my point of view. You both pose as caring about religious and moral values. It's not pretty."

Ouch. Any truth in that?

I don't think she gives a lot of thought to commenters' "commenting history". She replies, when she does, to what is in the immediate comment thread.

As for posing, I think she accurately descibed the majority of commenters over here minus the Chips, Synovas, Lem and you. But I'm always open to being persuaded otherwise.

Yes, annoyed — "slightly irritated" — describes it accurately. In her comment section, you got personal about her personal life and she never appreciates that from anyone regardless of their commenting history. But you apologized, she accepted and moved on.

Anyway, thanks for the masturbation, I mean — conversation.

KCFleming said...

From that post, re: Paddy O:
Alth: "But the two of you should take a look at yourselves and how it looks from my point of view. You both pose as caring about religious and moral values. It's not pretty.

...I have observed your character over the years, and I gave you my honest perception of it.

Jesus H. on roller skates.

Meade said...

And no former commenter has become creepier than the obsessively masturbating creepy posing Pogo.

Aridog said...
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Aridog said...

Meade today 6/17/2014...

I don't think she gives a lot of thought to commenters' "commenting history"

Ann Althouse 5/3/2014

I have observed your character over the years, and I gave you my honest perception of it.

Which is it, liar.

MamaM said...

And no former commenter has become creepier than the obsessively masturbating creepy posing Pogo.

Yeah, that Pogo! He sure is something! He evokes the image of Jesus H on roller skates and I laugh. Can't help myself. So fun is that picture I start singing. And this is the song that springs to mind.

Slip sliding away, slip sliding away
You know the nearer your destination, the more you slip sliding away

Whoah and I know a man, he came from my hometown
He wore his passion for his woman like a thorny crown
He said Dolores, I live in fear
My love for you's so overpowering, I'm afraid that I will disappear

Slip sliding away, slip sliding away
You know the nearer your destination, the more you slip sliding away

I know a woman, (who) became a wife
These are the very words she uses to describe her life
She said a good day ain't got no rain
She said a bad day is when I lie in the bed
And I think of things that might have been

The other stuff, attributing words to Jesus that he didn't say, well, that's not as funny to me.

Meade said...
"If you are too stupid to feed your own kids, they should be taken away and given to non-stupid adults or left to roam wild, foraging in dumpsters. "

said Jesus.

June 17, 2014 at 10:26 A,

In fact, it outdoes Pogo when it comes to obsessively masturbating creepy posing behavior.

KCFleming said...
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KCFleming said...

Crap. I'm Kramer!

Paddy O said...

Meade, again, it's not a huge deal, certainly not one that I thought to make something about. Your comment about being breezy just brought it to mind.

The thread is what the thread is.

"Ouch. Any truth in that?"

Is it a pose? No. I've spent most of my life and sacrificed a lot and based almost all of my life decisions on wanting to find deeper spiritual and moral truth. I've done well at times, and I've stumbled at others, but it's not a pose. I'm betting my entire existence on how serious I take it.

The thread was a weird one, and so I can see why it put up flags, but to make it about being observed "over the years" either means I likely have indulged my levity too much on serious occasions or... something else.

As others note, the thread is what the thread is, and a misunderstanding got seemingly taken to a new level. Just wondering if there was more to it than what was visible.

You're in bad spot of responding for her here, and I think it's good that you take her side and her causes, that's what a husband should do.

But, when levity is sometimes cause for being bitten, one isn't so convinced by calls towards more of it.

Again, no big deal. You're here, you're an official voice from over there, so I thought I'd ask. For levity's sake, maybe.

Paddy O said...

Pogo and I are going to sleep well, that's for sure.

And Meade, I'm asking also because I am a writer and so how I present myself in writing is of personal and professional interest. If my levity or silliness over the years caused my occasional serious comments to be dismissed, then I need to reconsider how much I indulge making wisecracks or silly comments. Meaning Less Levity!?

KCFleming said...

Paddy O:

You're a good guy. and a good writer. Your mirth was not inappropriate in that post. The response there was wildly excessive.

Keep working the humor vein.
God clearly has funny bone, I mean, heckfire, he made me. A satire of humans.

Meade said...

Paddy, I'm not responding for her. We each speak for ourselves. And I'm glad to know you are not a poser.

If you and Lem were not making oblique references to the, shall we call it "comment kerfuffle" of 1 year ago, while also bringing into your comments her private love life and insinuating that she somehow owes her love life to her former commentariat, then, yes, I think there was a misunderstanding as your attempt at humor failed in that particular case and it brought into question, for her, not your "comment history" but her longtime sense of your decent character. And I can imagine that would've made her sad.

"Pogo and I are going to sleep well, that's for sure."

LOL. No , no — please never give up on your attempts at levity. Practice makes perfect.

Chip S. said...

Masturbation-wise, things have gone from Seinfeld to Silicon Valley.

Paddy O said...

"insinuating that she somehow owes her love life to her former commentariat"

More like I was musing on a what-if, a counterfactual, a maybe.

My innocence in musing about my own story made for a question about your story (one that did get in the NY Times after all), but that didn't translate well in that particular thread.

Thanks for your explanation here. That is helpful.

And thanks, Pogo, for your encouragement. I shall persist in levitating!!

ndspinelli said...

ChipS, At your suggestion I started watching Silicon Valley. That masturbation scene was one of the best I've see in a while.

ndspinelli said...

PaddyO, Something I've learned from interviewing thousands of people, of all types, for a living. You can't have a normal conversation when only one of the people are normal. Just sayn'!

ken in tx said...

I don't understand why so many people on the internet care what other people on the internet think. Who cares? It's the internet, for Pete's sake. It's like back in the BBS days, caring about somebody who flamed on you. Not worth the effort.

chickelit said...

@Paddy O: Althouse called you a religious poser in that thread:*

But the two of you should take a look at yourselves and how it looks from my point of view. You both pose as caring about religious and moral values. It's not pretty.

I'm guessing it had something to do with unreconciled viewpoints on the "most pressing civil rights issue of our time."
* I wonder what she thinks of Fr. Fox. We already know Meade's take -- he thinks he's a fictitious "character."

ndspinelli said...

chick, Father Fox is a fictitious character, He's really Oliver Stone. I thought everyone knew.

Chip S. said...

I certainly did.

Trooper York said...

Father Fox exists only as a target for them. As are most Catholic priests and the Church itself.

Meade said...

Says the big "idolater of money" himself.

KCFleming said...

Ooooohhh, SNAP!

Meade said...

SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests

Trooper York said...

There you go. They can't help themselves.

No self respecting Catholic would have anything to do with such people.

KCFleming said...

In contrast, Hillary laughed at a 12 year old rape victim, using the 'little bit nutty, little bit slutty' gambit to defend her rapist.

I'm ready for Hellary!

KCFleming said...

I thought SNAP was the Survivors Network of those Abused by Public school teachers.

Unless that's SNAPST.

In any case, it's dwarfs the former by a hundred-fold. But it don't fit the narrative.

What would Hellary do?

Trooper York said...
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KCFleming said...

Troop, I think anti-Christian views are required at grade schools, high schools and universities.

Trooper York said...

Maybe so. But most of them are spouted in classrooms where it is a he said she said thing. It is only now that students are recording lectures and posting them on Youtube that the full effect of this is seen by the general public.

Here there is a written record that can be scrutinized.

Meade said...

If only we could make Catholicism the state religion, right?

Meade said...

Pogo: I Am Ironing Man said...
"In contrast, Hillary laughed at a 12 year old rape victim, using the 'little bit nutty, little bit slutty' gambit to defend her rapist."

In contrast to what? To the Church's decades long coverup of child abuse by priests?

Trooper York said...

All people of faith are at risk from such demonization and attacks from such people. Evangelical Protestants. Orthodox Jews. Mormons.

Legal Insurrection (the best legal blog around) has been documenting the attacks that tenured professors have been making against Jews, Israel and people of faith.

It is all of a piece.

Trooper York said...

The only people of faith who are exempt are of course Muslims.

We know why that is.

Meade said...

Why is that?

chickelit said...

Why is that?

I'm guessing fear of physical retaliation?

KCFleming said...

Approximately 4% of all active priests between 1950 and 2002 were even accused of abuse – a rate far lower than that of other males in the general population.

"Experts disagree on the rate of sexual abuse among the general American male population, but Allen says a conservative estimate is one in 10. Margaret Leland Smith, a researcher at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, says her review of the numbers indicates it’s closer to one in 5."

A 2007 AP investigation found "more than 2,500 cases over five years in which educators were punished for actions “from bizarre to sadistic.” It said that on any given day, three educators are actively “hitting on” students, thus speaking to “a much larger problem in a system that is stacked against victims.”


Trooper York said...

When Jewish students were being intimidated by the BDS movement on campus these secular liberal professors either applauded or laughed off attacks on students because of their faith. Perhaps some light should be thrown on the attitude of these so called educators. Use their own anti-discrimination speech codes against them. The posturing and hate found on some of these postings by some of these people and their close associates should be enough to call for at least the suspension if not the termination based on the current speech codes extant on the books.

Meade said...

"Ha ha ha!
Is funny, no?"

Yeah. Even funnier would be if the child rapist had just been quietly shifted to a different geographical location within the organization and Hillary was attorney for the organization, covering up the crimes.

Trooper York said...

Perhaps someone intimately familiar with the workings of these professors might be induced to investigate and publicize the attacks of tenured professors on people of faith in their writings. A former student perhaps?

They could monitor and publicize the anti-Semitic or anti-Catholic or anti-Christian raving in their lectures and writing.

It is instructive when someone who was actually a student of such an abhorrent professor steps up to bear witness.

KCFleming said...

Even funnier would be if the child rapist had just been quietly shifted to a different geographical location within the organization and Hillary was attorney for the organization, covering up the crimes.

Hey, that's exactly what happened!
(The organization being the criminal justice system, of course.)

"'Rodham, records show, questioned the sixth grader’s honesty and claimed she had made false accusations in the past. She implied that the girl often fantasized and sought out ‘older men’ like Taylor, according to a July 1975 affidavit signed ‘Hillary D. Rodham'

The girl was a family friend and Clinton has acknowledged in her past 2003 memoir, Living History...

Indeed, Clinton laughs during several different parts of the interview - especially when she discusses the forensic lab destroying key evidence - which led to Taylor getting away with the crime.

Ha ha ha!
Is funny, yes?

Trooper York said...

We have all experienced the immorality of the Clintons first hand. They are celebrated and loved by the secular liberal elitists. But it is to be hope that the general electorate has had enough of both the Clintons and the Bushes and that they will seek elsewhere to find leaders.

Their time has past.

Trooper York said...

We can only hope that someone like Scott Walker would come forward and do the same thing to bloated government that he did to the teachers unions. Perhaps he could even look into the mess that is higher education and start cutting the government subsidy that gives so many unworthy wretches a sinecure based on the taxpayers monies.

Trooper York said...
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Trooper York said...
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Trooper York said...
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Meade said...

Sounds like Hillary could find a place for herself somewhere in the Catholic hierarchy.

KCFleming said...

"Taylor, who died in 1992, pleaded guilty to unlawful fondling of a child and was sentenced to one year in prison, which was reduced to two months for time served.

The Free Beacon tracked down the victim, now aged 52, who still lives in Fayettevile.
She said that she was divorced and an addict to methamphetamines and was in prison for check forgery to pay for her drugs.
She expressed hostility towards Clinton for getting her rapist off and said her life has been miserable since.

Hey, it is even funnier!

"Even funnier would be if the child rapist had just been quietly shifted to a different geographical location DONE by Hillary! within the organization DONE by Hillary! and Hillary was attorney for the organization, covering up the crimes.MISSION ACCOMPLISHED by Hillary!"

Hilarious, is no maybe yes?

Michael Haz said...

Why would anyone accept moral instruction from a man who was married to his first wife while dating the woman who became his second wife?

KCFleming said...

"Sounds like Hillary could find a place for herself somewhere in the Catholic hierarchy."

Well, no, given it's lower than average rate of abuse, but she'd do great in the government-run public schools system, which is eleventy-fold worse in terms of abuse.

Abusers are Ready for Hillary!

Trooper York said...

Wasn't that the main reason for the divorce? Or was that just a rumor.

The Dude said...

As long as we are talking about families, who fathered the children that Lisa had? We know it wasn't you, Trooper, so what is the deal - is she divorced? Who is the baby daddy? You seem to be good at lecturing, not so much at living.

Meade said...

"it's lower than average rate of abuse"

Praised by faint damning.

KCFleming said...


Nah, I just know Hillary! goes where the dough is. Shouldn't waste her time where the pickin's are few.

Go for the gold: Public schools!

I'm sure she'd laugh like crazy" at all those 12 year old nuts and sluts. And transfer the perps to other schools or wrst-slap 'em, or better yet buy them off or IRS-investigate their parents.

Is funny, yes?
Ready for...
Oh, hell, you know the drill.

KCFleming said...

"it's lower than average rate of abuse"

Curious that you find clergy abuse by priests to be your favorite sin, but not the more common pedophilia by schoolteachers.

No one can claim that perfection is demanded of priests or schoolteachers.

Nor can one complain that the 1950s through 1970s-80s way of moving people around was wrong, inasmuch as people actually believed the offender's behavior could change, and hiding shit has a long record of human use to avoid consequences (cough BENGHAZI IRS cough).

They are less bad than schoolteachers. Not praiseworthy, but it suggests you're here for agitprop not because their sins offend your morality.

KCFleming said...

That is, the usual bad faith argumentation.

And now is the time on Lem's when he uses real names and employers and your personal stories from TOP.

Is funny, no?

It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again.

Meade said...

"Curious that you find clergy abuse by priests to be your favorite sin, but not the more common pedophilia by schoolteachers."

"Sin"? That's your word, Pogo.

I consider child abuse (and it's coverup) crime.

KCFleming said...

Then why choose the less-frequent crimes by priests, over the far more common crime-and-cover-ups by government-run public schools?

Answer: Because they are priests.

Meade said...

A: 11:40PM. Priests was the topic brought up by Trooper "dirty prods" York.

Please try to keep up.

Meade said...

You brought up SNAP.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

How is everybody doing?

This is Chip's post, so, he is the sheriff here.

I’ll defer to him, if there are any problems.

Please, keep it civil.

Meade said...

Hi, Lem. Doing fine, thanks for asking.


MamaM said...


1. The act of turning over; an upset or overthrow.
2. An abrupt change; a reversal.
3. A small pastry made by covering one half of a piece of dough with a filling, folding the other half over on top, and sealing the edges

1. an act or result of turning over; upset.
2. change or movement of people, as tenants or customers, in, out, or through a place

These capture the flakey essence of turnover. Turnover happened. Turnover continues to happen. That Lem's response to comment shutdown involved a commitment to Learning Levity, which turned into a Comment Home, before becoming Lem's Levity, is another turnover worth enjoying and celebrating.

Integrity is one of the most important characteristics of a leader. Without integrity, you lose trust. And when you’ve lost trust, respect usually follows suit. It can be a hard line to walk at times, but it’s even more difficult to re-establish your footing after you fall.

chickelit said...

It's a multipolar blogosphere!

chickelit said...

@MamaM: Thank you for that and for getting us on the same page.

In addition, the phrase "turning over a new leaf" has less to do with the cellulosic things which Fall and are raked by cynics, a more to do with Shakespearian folios. The word "leaf" and "page" are synonymous in German (Blatt) as well as some latinate languages: foglio (cf. foilage). So the phrase means to turn over a new page.
