Friday, June 20, 2014

Justin H: From what I read, this was self-defense, NOT murder.


KCFleming said...

I refuse to notice what I'm not supposed to notice which is what I knew I would see when I read the article.

KCFleming said...

La la la...

...not happening, not happening... la la

KCFleming said...

Now I'm better.
Got my mind right, boss.

Shouting Thomas said...

Despite what you hear from politicians and read in the press, not all things are easily fixed.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

He brought a kitchen knife to school.

Metal detectors must have been on the frits.

Unknown said...

My guess is that this wasn't at a charter school.

Trooper York said...

This story is a surprise .....why?

Trooper York said...

Kids have been getting stabbed in the schoolyard ever since Bernardo and Biff duked it out in the 1950's.

What difference does it now make?

Trooper York said...

I do think we should institute a vigorous system of knife control.

AllenS said...

For the record:

I have 8 steak knives.

KCFleming said...

Midnight basketball.

That'll fix it.

Trooper York said...

I think eight steak knives are more knives then anyone should be allowed to have. Who needs so many knives? Does it make you feel more manly to have so many knives? How do we know that a troubled youte won't break in and take those knives to school like this child did?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

He has to go to school to be brutalized and he snapped. I blame DeBlasio. He is responsible.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Steak knives? See how it feels to you! Monsters!

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Bernardo's sister was the wood that does not float.

Trooper York said...

Also a steak knife is a special type of knife that only a trained professional like a chef or a fat guy like me should have in their possession. If you need to cut your meat you should call 911 and a cutting enforcement professional will deal with it.

When a you need you meat to be cut in seconds they are only minutes away.

Trooper York said...

I think eight steak knives are more knives then anyone should be allowed to have. Who needs so many knives? Does it make you feel more manly to have so many knives? How do we know that a troubled youte won't break in and take those knives to school like this child did?

rcocean said...

Had something similar, happen in my small town. Smaller kid getting bullied by bigger larger HS school. Smaller kid, had enough, warned bigger kid to lay off. Next time, he was bullied, he stabbed larger kid in the thigh with a pen knife. Happened after school. Parents handled the whole thing themselves.

That was the 70s, today there'd be lawsuits.

rcocean said...

Similar of course, in that in involved a knife and bullies.

edutcher said...

When you're fighting for your life, there's no such thing as fighting fair.

rcocean said...

Yep, don't bring your fists to a knife fight.

rcocean said...

Unless you're Chuck Norris.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

If it was a six-inch kitchen knife, I'm wondering whether he stuck it in his pants like they do in the movies or whether he was walking around town carrying one of those wooden counter top knife blocks.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Sounds like Crump got what he deserved.

If I was on that jury, no way I would convict the kid who stabbed him.

He did society a favor.

Trooper York said...

Is it true that the kids name was Zimmerman?

edutcher said...

Would that it is.

Aridog said...

Becasue Allen S told us how many steak knives he has, do I have to tell anyone how many pistols & revolvers I have? Or will "enough" do? :-))

KCFleming said...

Enough? Impossible.

AllenS said...

My business cards say:

Have Steak Knives
-----Will Travel

Trooper York said...


Just like Paladin.

You do sort of give off the Richard Boone vibe.


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

We have Wusthof steak knives and they are infuriating. They have to sharpened before EVERY FUCKING USE or I might just as well poke at my food with a stick of butter.

Thing is, our kitchen knives are Wusthof, too, and they rock. Keep an edge, like, forever.

I'm guessing that knives meant for the table need to look nicer -- in some corporate somebody's view -- so they add more Chromium or Selenium or Einsteinium or whatever it is that makes them look nice and suck giant hairy walnuts.

I could probably stab a teenager with one of those steak knives until I'm blue in the face and get nothing more for my trouble than a sore wrist -- certainy not a dead teenager, anyway.

Gee, maybe our bullied stabby, stabby friend could do a product endorsement for whatever brand he used.

Hey, I'd take his word for it!

KCFleming said...

This didn't happen either.

KCFleming said...

I sense a bit of frustration, Eric.

Trooper York said...

Germans specialize in ovens not cutlery. Just sayn'

KCFleming said...

Those are hard to carry around, though.

And much harder to swing at someone.

Aridog said...

Eric ....are you sure your Wustoff steak knives are from the same catalog type as the kitchen knives? If they came in the same wood block as the kitchen knives, then I don't understand it. If the steak knives were a separate purchase of the bargain catalog type Wustoff occasionally promotes for under $100 prices...then you got the K-Mart version, not the Macy's version.

Aridog said...

Now I will not be able to get my image of AllenS as a chunky black clad crouching tiger Ninja knife throwing dude out of my mind for a while.

Time for some Cognac!

Synova said...

Aridog... "do I have to tell anyone how many pistols & revolvers I have? Or will "enough" do? :-))"

I wouldn't give an inventory of the pistols and revolvers currently in your possession since internet info could be used to construct a registry list, but you could tell us all about the ones that were lost in that tragic boating accident. ;-)

Synova said...

So... if an *adult* beat you regularly, chased you down the street, peed on your door, verbally assaulted and harassed you on a regular basis... could the police really do nothing?

Or is it just because these were kids that we refuse to apply the law?

Oh... and the school should just offer a settlement to the kid who was bullied right now and get it over with. Being told of the problem and then refusing a transfer is damning.

Yes, sure, his parents should have just kept him home, but if they've got legal issues too (his mom is in jail?) they probably can't afford to allow any truancy.

Oh and... Yes... Timothy *deserved* to die. Most people don't get what they deserve, they get additional chances, and that's a blessing... but everyone, even a 14 year old who the police and school refuse to protect has the right to self-defense.

The culpability of Timothy's *enablers* is a separate story.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I looked. They're all from the Classic series and they all have "X 50 Cr Mo V 15" on the blade so it's entirely possible that the most reasonable, entirely logical, explanation is that I'm simply nuts.

Aridog said...

Eric ...if they are all of the "Classic" series (forged steel), and the steak knives aren't from the "Gourmet" series (cut sheet steel), then I don't understand it either. Maybe that the steak knives are used regularly against ceramic hard surfaces? Donno.

No, if the damn things, expensive as they are, aren't sharp for more than a single use, then you aren't nuts. Bad batch maybe?

Synova said...

If you can't cut your steak with a butter knife you're doing it wrong. ;)