Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day

I miss this guy every day.


chickelit said...

Thanks Haz. You know, that one single post Troop put up years ago ultimately inspired me to write two series about my dad -- one on memories of diving with him and the other on his letters home from the army. We never forget them, do we.

Unknown said...

Happy father's day to all the dads.
Nice photo- Haz.

Aridog said...

Great photo of your Dad Haz...and it reminds me that although I have dozens plus of 35 mm slides of my Dad, and some prints hung on the wall of family in our dining room, both Judi's and mine, that I do not have a digital image of my Dad. He deserves one so I can show and tell anyone how great he was...not just to me but to many of the kids in my neighborhood, white and black, of WWII and Korean War vintage whose fathers came home in a box if at all..e.g., buried on the soil they passed on. And not just my Dad in this effort to make kids joy-full, but his Dad Grandfather, who when toys were not available and rationing was in force, he used his carpentry skill to build us all toys out of scrap wood.

It is all too easy to forget just how things were back then, when fathers were scarce due to wars, and those who remained home due to age limitations, were rare and prized by all of us kids.

My mother deserves the same, so next week I dig in to those boxes of 35 mm images and digitize some of them. I have all the gear necessary, but procrastination is a beast...and I think you finaly jacked me up to quit that and just DO IT. Thanks.

Yesterday, after we finished paper target shooting on our regularly scheduled bi-weekly get-togethers at a local range, my daughter asked where I was going next? I said, shopping for some dog and cat food. She then said, no you are going to the New Peking Restaurant with her and another shooter from her office. Why I asked? She looked at me like I was an idiot...and said "Father's Day."

I'd not connected today with Father's Day because that day always fell very near my brother's birthday (RIP Jerry)and that isn't until next week. I am lazy that way...connect key events to other events....guaranteed to make you look like an idiot now and then. And rightly so.

Thank you Haz for the spur in the side to do the images.

Thank you "Kim", and "Alexis," for your affection and remembrance when the "Old Dude" forgot.

Shouting Thomas said...

My father was a great dad. Just an all around humble, great guy.

I love being a father. My children have given so much more to me than I gave them them.

Being a grandfather is bliss.

May the circle be unbroken.

Shouting Thomas said...

Will the Circle Be Unbroken?

Michael Haz said...

Thank you Bruce, April and Ari.

Shouting, on my first Fathers Day, and elder told me that no one knows what kind of a parent they have been until they can see how their children raise their own children.

Trooper York said...

Happy Fathers Day to all of the Fathers out there. I hope you have a happy and healthy day surrounded by all of your loved ones.

Also I join with Michael H and all of you in celebrating the Fathers who have passed. We have to thank them for all that they did to make us the men and women we are today.

They will always be in our hearts.

ndspinelli said...

I find the personal comments to be some of the best. Thanks, Haz. Too bad you didn't inherit his looks.

ndspinelli said...
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Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I just talked to my father.

Ditto what April said.

rcocean said...

Yep, Dads are great. My Dad went through a lot, and did his best to provide for family, defend his country, and raise us right.

Too bad, it too me so long to realize it. Reminds me of Mark Twain's quote:

"When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.”

poppa india said...

Happy Father's Day to all. My son home on leave from the Army, target shooting this afternoon, brats and beer on the deck this evening...wish my Dad was still here to share it with us.

poppa india said...

Happy Father's Day to all. My son home on leave from the Army, target shooting this afternoon, brats and beer on the deck this evening...wish my Dad was still here to share it with us.

Michael Haz said...

@Spinelli: at least he wasn't Italian!

Aridog said...

Poppa India....happy father's day to you and your son as well. Funny how my daughter and I spent yesterday shooting at targets, you and you son did so today.

We must get together one of these days. Your son sounds like a very special man, all considered.

You father is still with you if only in spirit. You summoned him, did you not?

Aridog said...

For those who might wonder about my familiarity with Poppa India...we've known each other for over 55 years, but have not met since 1960. Some men serve and others serve well...he is one of the latter.

Darcy said...

Aww. Was up at the cabin and didn't see this.

Hope all of you daddies had a nice Father's Day.

I miss mine, too.

JAL said...

Thanks Haz.

My impression is that he did his job well.