Friday, June 27, 2014

Sir Archy, the ghost of a gentleman, weighs in on Immigration


As the Ghost of a Gentleman, dead these 265 Years, I have always at my spectral Heart the Publick Good, so I am ever contriving Schemes to promote it; and I think I may without Vanity pretend to have contrived some as wise as any Castle-builder. I may tell you, Sir, my ghostly Head hath lately been full of draining Fens and Marshes, when I suddenly left off such Notions and struck upon an entirely different Scheme for the Encrease of your Nation.

’Tis often said that the Poor of a Country (which in this Modern Age, I account as nearly Three Fifths of the People) pay little or none by way of Taxes; yet, when the Matter is examined closely, ’twill be seen that such Persons are not exempt from such Excises and Customs as are attendant upon Consumption of the ordinary Necessities of Life, additional to such Luxuries as are often grudg’d them by Persons of Property. The Poor frequently are maintain’d at Publick Charge; yet, this Money partly is return’d to the Sovereign’s Coffers by way of said Excises & Customs. The Poor may work only as much as necessary to support a miserable Existence; but, I reckon that, taken as a Whole, the Country gains with every one of its new Inhabitants, as there should be innumerable Taxes paid to the Publick from even such small Employments as commonly occupy the Poor.

When I was got into this Way of thinking, I presently grew conceited of the Argument, and was just preparing to write a Letter of Advice (in my Ghostly Way) to a Member of your Congress, for opening the Freedom of your Towns and Trades, for taking away all manner of Distinctions between the Natives and Foreigners, for repealing all Laws of Settlement, and removing every other Obstacle to the Increase of the People. But as soon as I had recollected with what inimitable Eloquence my Fellow-Labourers had exaggerated the Mischiefs of selling the Birth-right of Americans for a Dollar, of spoiling American Blood with Foreign Mixtures, of introducing a Confusion of Languages and Religions, and of letting in Strangers to eat the Bread out of the Mouths of your own People, I became so humble as to let my Project fall to the Ground, and leave your Country to encrease by the ordinary Way of Generation.

With every Well-Wish for the Encrease of this, your Pubick Meeting-Room (as I call it),

I am, Sir,

Your Humble & Obt. Servant,

Sir Archy


edutcher said...

I don't think it's immigration as the idea our betters want to import enough slaves to keep them comfortable indefinitely.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Sir Archy comes out on behalf of the illegals... with a very pesrsuasive tongue, for a ghost ;)

edutcher said...

Troop called it a war and here it is:

Mexican Military Choppers Cross Into US Fire On Border Patrol.

I'm sure the VA can find Zachary Taylor and Winfield Scott.

Michael Haz said...

Hey! Sir Archy has returned! Huzzah huzzah!

Icepick said...

All employment growth since 2000 has gone to immigrants

Hmmm, I wonder how that factors in will falling median income?

Icepick said...

Other significant findings include:

Because the native-born population grew significantly, but the number working actually fell, there were 17 million more working-age natives not working in the first quarter of 2014 than in 2000.

The share of natives working or looking for work, referred to as labor force participation, shows the same decline as the employment rate. In fact, labor force participation has continued to decline for working-age natives even after the jobs recovery began in 2010.

Immigrants have made gains across the labor market, including lower-skilled jobs such as maintenance, construction, and food service; middle-skilled jobs like office support and health care support; and high­er-skilled jobs, including management, computers, and health care practitioners.

The supply of potential workers is enormous: 8.7 million native college graduates are not working, as are 17 million with some college, and 25.3 million with no more than a high school education.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

The Poor frequently are maintain’d at Publick Charge; yet, this Money partly is return’d to the Sovereign’s Coffers by way of said Excises & Customs. The Poor may work only as much as necessary to support a miserable Existence; but, I reckon that, taken as a Whole, the Country gains with every one of its new Inhabitants, as there should be innumerable Taxes paid to the Publick from even such small Employments as commonly occupy the Poor.

Um....yeah. Well, that is assuming that the immigrant poor are here LEGALLY. Working in a legal capacity and not under the table taking cash and paying NO income taxes. It is assuming that they are abiding by all the other laws that the rest of us poor schlubs have to, like car insurance. Paying penalties if we don't buy health insurance. Etc etc etc.

It is also assuming that they aren't double dipping from the Publick by working for cash and collecting all the tax payer subsidies that they can get their hands on. Sure they pay sales tax and gasoline taxes and other consumption taxes, but the offsetting lowering of general wages and the free riding by not paying income taxes, state or local income taxes and the burden on other public systems like schools makes them a net negative. The balance sheet shows them to be a distinct liability.

Until that happens that they are legal and are paying all taxes and are abiding by ALL rules and regulations, the alien invasion is nothing more than an economic and social disaster.

Nothing good will be coming of encouraging this. I see a bad moon arising.

Icepick said...

Two examples of unfettered immigration leading to bad outcomes for the natives.

First, the natives of the American continents allowed unfettered immigration from Europe. They lost their continents.

Second, Mexico encouraged American settlers to settle Texas. A few decades of that and a couple of wars later and Mexico was about half the size it had once been.

But I'm sure it will be different this time. Except for the fact that it isn't, as the study I referenced above shows.

Amartel said...

Immigration is one of those rare issues where it's The People v. The D.C. Establishment. Beltway insiders want cheap labor/votes. The rest of us, the huge majority, those not hoodwinked by their masters in D.C., are appalled by the notion, no matter how it is dressed up to look like a humanitarian disaster. AND YET THE COMPREHENSIVE CLUSTERFUCK CONTINUES TO LINGER. People are dying, children are purposefully orphaned, your money is redistributed in advance, all in the service of cheap labor and votes for insider interests.
Leaving anyone with half a brain to wonder: Who's in charge here?

This same thing happened in Great Britain. The British people were disenfranchised en masse by their government. The results of that continue to unfold. Not good.

The Dude said...

Hey, allowing millions of hostiles who won't assimilate is always a good idea.

Nothing can go wrong.

The Dude said...

Where are generals like Black Jack Pershing and George Patton when you need them?

Icepick said...

Europe's southern border is also collapsing. The Mediterranean isn't much of a barrier. The people running the show want to destroy an independent middle class, as it isn't in the interests of the rulers on either the so-called left or the so-called right.

edutcher said...

Icepick said...

Two examples of unfettered immigration leading to bad outcomes for the natives.

First, the natives of the American continents allowed unfettered immigration from Europe. They lost their continents.

Originally, they thought they were gods.

And they didn't have the technological, political, economic, or conceptual wherewithal to stop them.

Second, Mexico encouraged American settlers to settle Texas. A few decades of that and a couple of wars later and Mexico was about half the size it had once been.

Mexico actually solicited Americans to come because no Mexican in his or her right mind wanted to take on the Comanches.

The Americans did.

Keep in mind though, the misfeasance, malfeasance, and nonfeasance of Santa Anna was the trigger.

Not quite the same thing.

edutcher said...

Sixty Grit said...

Where are generals like Black Jack Pershing and George Patton when you need them?

You don't even need that.

A few colonels like Jefferson Davis, some captains like Robert E Lee, and lieutenants like Hiram Ulysses Grant.

Icepick said...

Originally, they thought they were gods.

That's pretty much bullshit, Ed.

And they didn't have the technological, political, economic, or conceptual wherewithal to stop them.

Disease wiped out a large portion of the population, though the extent is still subject to debate. But it isn't like the current batch isn't bringing a bunch of disease with them. Exacerbated, of course, by the numb skulls in this country that don't vaccinate.

Keep in mind though, the misfeasance, malfeasance, and nonfeasance of Santa Anna was the trigger.

As opposed to the misfeasance, malfeasance, and nonfeasance of our current elite?

It comes in all difference kinds of varieties, ed, but when a nation won't defend its borders any more that's pretty much the last straw for the native culture. If we won't defend it there's not reason for the fucking Mexicans and Guatemalans to do so.

Chip S. said...

"Immigration" is not the issue, unless people are seriously arguing to stop letting new people in.

The questions are, Who should we let in? and How should we determine that?

Right now we severely restrict the number of highly skilled workers who can enter, while a flood of low-skilled people--and now, (temporary) orphans--dramatically worsens the job prospects of our underclass.

Thinking that this is a clusterfuck doesn't correspond in the least to being "anti-immigrant," except in comparison to the no-borders gang.

The Dude said...

What is Spanish for "irredentism"?

edutcher said...

Icepick said...

Originally, they thought they were gods.

That's pretty much bullshit, Ed.

Cortez, for one, and I don't doubt others.

And they didn't have the technological, political, economic, or conceptual wherewithal to stop them.

Disease wiped out a large portion of the population, though the extent is still subject to debate. But it isn't like the current batch isn't bringing a bunch of disease with them. Exacerbated, of course, by the numb skulls in this country that don't vaccinate.

I agree (historians think 90% (I have a theory about how different races and susceptibility to disease)), but firepower wiped out a good many.

Keep in mind though, the misfeasance, malfeasance, and nonfeasance of Santa Anna was the trigger.

As opposed to the misfeasance, malfeasance, and nonfeasance of our current elite?

Then we should be revolting (and our betters probably think we are).

Ice, I see your point, but I think the correct analogy is Enoch Powell who saw the immigration mess that has engulfed Britain coming 50 years ago.

Chip S. said...

La Reconquista?

edutcher said...

Chip S. said...

"Immigration" is not the issue, unless people are seriously arguing to stop letting new people in.

The questions are, Who should we let in? and How should we determine that?

Right now we severely restrict the number of highly skilled workers who can enter, while a flood of low-skilled people--and now, (temporary) orphans--dramatically worsens the job prospects of our underclass.

Exactly, and we can thank Teddy Kennedy for that.

Too bad Miss Kopechne didn't grab him by the throat and hang on for dear life.

Amartel said...

For more on the coordinated effort among the political establishment to screw over the independent middle class internationally - remember this?

leftist Uruguayan President

He knew about US establishment plans to encourage people to send their kids/anchors to the US.

Darcy said...

Welcome back, Sir Archy.

Chip Ahoy said...

Sir Archy comes out on behalf of the illegals... with a very pesrsuasive tongue, for a ghost ;)

Did you read through to But as soon as I had recollected...

There is a libertarian argument for wide open borders, for free flow of labor. That is pristine libertarianism. Unfortunately it ignores too many disruptive counterpoints. Such as disease. Such as education (considered important for people to vote wisely and not selfishly) Such as contribution to nation and not solely contribution to Party. Such as avoidance of importing a new kind of modern slave labor, one that does a runaround hard won advances. Such as unfairness to immigrants doing things legally and not cutting in line, ignoring laws as worked out and codified.

But you know what is more interesting to me than that? We've been through this a million times, it seems, and we spin our wheels, let's just bludgeon each other bloody instead.

Beer, that's what. O.T.

I stopped in the bottle shop downstairs and looked for Colorado Native and found it.

Colorado Native is one of the YouTube videos I watched while looking for how to grow hops.

The narrator asks the hops farmer a question and the farmer refers him to another person who turns out to be a buyer from Colorado Native brewery. He says they are a small brewery and sell only in Colorado.

This caused my interest.

It's a trap!

The representative goes on to say all the elements are from within Colorado, that their enterprise is limited to so many barrels.


I bought a six-pack. I'm drinking one now. At checkout, Lurch says "It's owned by Coors, you know."

Goddamnit. Fooled again. I'm such an easy mark.

The beer is amber color, with a tall foamy top. It is very good as it warms. And it is expensive as h-e-double beer taps, same cost as the imports. I like it real well, but I hate being fooled. Betrayed again.

Chip Ahoy said...

But looking at this container six bottles comes in. The way it is divided. The way it folds. Held as if it were a pop-up card, it provides insight how to construct a tall structure, say a layer cake, or a multi-story building inside a greeting card, with as little engineering as possible. When examined, it's actually quite brilliant when you think of them printed and mass produced.

XRay said...

9:34 pics or it didn't happen. :)

Chip Ahoy said...

Oh, it happened, alright. (It's just an ordinary 6-pack container -- I'm easily amused)

JAL said...

It's an invasion. Pure and simple.

And it bodes ill.

I heard part of BHO's interviw with Steph. tonight.

BHO is so full of bullshit I can not bear it.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

There used to be something about how the Coors company was uniquely connected to Colorado and that's why you couldn't get Coors beer east of the Rocky Mountains or the Mississippi River or something like that and that's what made it all the more precious.

I think that might have been what animated Smokey and the Bandit. They were smuggling Coors beer across state lines for a big party or something.

Maybe nowadays you could get Burt Reynolds and Jerry Reed to smuggle a bunch of illegals across the Rio Grande back to where they came from.

Banjo music, a fat, redneck Southern Sheriff, a dog and lots of stuntmen and it all comes together!

William said...

I'd like to offer some advice to those Central American women who are giving their children over to the cartels in order to be smuggled across the border. It takes a little extra trouble but if you gouge out one the kid's eyes or amputate a limb, the extra welfare payments for the disabled child make the sacrifice well worth while. Nicaragua is run by the ex Sandinista, Ortega. Perhaps he could organize free clinics staffed by Cuban doctors so the eye gouging could be done in a safe, humane environment.

KCFleming said...

Otherwise, it's all white picket fences.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Illegal immigration is now 60% visa overstays and the biggest growth area of illegal immigration is from India.

I am all for more immigration, I just want it legal with the old standard of assimilation being the goal. Most illegals are not hitting welfare and entitlement benefits (other than public schools and emergency room treatment). Many Mexican illegals go home to Mexico for medical treatment since it is cheaper than trying to get it here! But if you open up legal immigration and open up entitlements at the same time you create a completely unsustainable fiscal nightmare. And then you have all these new arrivals able to vote themselves more benefits.

It is not a good outcome.

blake said...

Wow, Sir Archy!

That takes me back. Way back...