Friday, June 27, 2014

Drudge: Immigration USA Tale of the Tape

Obama working with 'Homeland Security' for executive action on immigration...
'Not bluffing'...
REVERSES POLICY: 'Don't Send Your Children Unaccompanied'...
Zuckerberg launches 'day of action' for amnesty...
Feds Look to Ship Influx to NY Facility...
Abandoned WALMART?
Backlog of 360,000 cases...
'Your Children Can go to School'...
'Cheat Sheet' Found...
NYC sets up 'public defender' office to fight deportations...
90% of illegals skip court appearances...
Senators demand Obama 'personally' push back...
Dems block measure to stop illegals from getting jobs, benefits in USA...
UPDATE: NY to Issue ID Cards...
GOP Chairman Blames Obama's Lack of Enforcement for Killing Reform...
Border agents' new jobs: Food prep, laundry service...
Group Calls On Americans To Mail 'Gently Used Underwear' To Obama, Boehner...


Shouting Thomas said...

No restraint on the Obama admin, since impeachment is off the table, due to the color or his skin.

Nothing to do but wait out the abuse and lawlessness of his lame duck years.

Dust Bunny Queen said... always....our political class refuses to think things through to their logical conclusions.

The results of this uncontrolled illegal alien invasion are not too hard to figure out. Most of the Plebs here have experienced it and seen it first hand.

Falling wages, loss of entry position and middle class jobs, loss of tax revenue from the hordes working under the table, increase on the welfare system, failure of our schools from overburdening them with aliens and of course the ever popular (with Obama it seems) collapse of the entire country.

I know what the answer to all of this is, however, I also know that people don't have the guts to do it.

Unknown said...

See Drudge update featuring the queen of lawlessness.

edutcher said...

Fast&Furious with people.

If DiFi is one of the Senators demanding Choomie grow a pair, I'm betting the polling is worse than anybody is admitting.

And the 'Not bluffing'... is straight out of "Blazing Saddles".

Remember all the red lines?

And swine flu isn't all, they're finding pseudomonas among the Crusaders.

Shouting Thomas said...

No restraint on the Obama admin, since impeachment is off the table, due to the color or his skin.

Not so much his lack of color as the threat of President Joe.

I say do it, and have Joe declared incompetent.

PS Love the underwear idea.

Icepick said...

I know what the answer to all of this is, however, I also know that people don't have the guts to do it.

Successful armed rebellions are typically led by disaffected groups in the middle and upper classes. No one in the upper classes here is really losing out on anything important, and middle class Americans still have too much to lose to risk anything of the sort. Not to mention that over 200 years have of preaching the civic religion have bred that out of people.

The people running the country politically (the Bushes and the Clintons and the Obamas and the Romneys and the Udalls and so on), and all the largely unseen people behind them (the Plouffes, Roves and Axelrods), and the big money behind them have been doing things rather slowly, and people just haven't noticed the danger of a missing or badly eroded culture.

We're just going to get the heat turned up so slowly that by the time people are ready to revolt, it will be too late.

Icepick said...

I say do it, and have Joe declared incompetent.

Like Boehner isn't pushing for amnesty too? Come on. This isn't a one party problem. The difference in the parties is that occasionally Republican voters smack down some of their candidates on this issue, so the Reps need some cover for their efforts to select a new people.

edutcher said...

April Apple said...

See Drudge update featuring the queen of lawlessness.

Maybe she'll shake their hands.

After all, they have to pass it so she can see what's in it.

Icepick said...

I say do it, and have Joe declared incompetent.

Like Boehner isn't pushing for amnesty too?

Didn't Stalin say something about taking a few generals into the garden? Same thing.

We're just going to get the heat turned up so slowly that by the time people are ready to revolt, it will be too late.

For the Russians, it took 70 years, but they did it.

Some people said ChoomCare was a little like the Kansas-Nebraska Act in terms of bringing things to a head. Right slime, wrong provocation.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

@ Icepick

Not armed rebellion. I've heard it said....on the internet of course....that if a select group of about 100 to 200 people (and perhaps their loved ones) were to be strategically removed that the dynamics would radically change, a message would be sent. I don't mean necessarily political figures and CERTAINLY NOT the President. That would be a disaster.

You want to remove the underpinnings and demoralize and wake up the complacent and complicit. When that happens you will get the bandwagon effect.

Just a random thought gathered from anonymous people on the internet, ya know. ;-P

Icepick said...

I know what the answer to all of this is, however, I also know that people don't have the guts to do it.

Here's the real question: Who wants to play the part of the Forlorn Hope?

I'll presume it's not you, DBQ, as I haven't heard of any armed insurrection in the state of Jefferson. I know it won't be Shouting Thomas, as he's too busy diddling Filipinas, playing music and enjoying his grandchild/ren.

It ain't gonna be Bagoh, as he likes those Third World workers coming here, because they aren't lazy like Americans, most of whom he has nothing but contempt for. Not that anyone here is willing to actually read between the lines. And he sure is Hell isn't going to put his business interests on the line.

Trooper isn't going to, because it will take too much time away from the lingerie shop and writing his dirty stories. (Pre-heart problems more time would have been devoted to eating, too.)

I'm not because I'm not exactly going to lead all the American blacks and Haitians in my area into a defense of white America, which is certainly how it will be sold to the greater world, and not without some justification. After all, those ideas about federalism and republicanism and the divine rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of property/happiness did come from a bunch of dead white guys.

And besides, I've got a small child and I can't put her or her mother at risk.

I doubt any of the rest of the posters here will volunteer either. We've all got too much to lose. And the price of failure isn't JUST death, but also ignominy. Who wants to be the next Timothy McVeigh?

So who's it gonna be? Who wants to be the Forlorn Hope, first through the wall, to greater glory and almost certain death, to lead the way for the rest?

edutcher said...

It may be one of those dumb luck things, but somebody will get fed up.

You know it happens.

But you may be right and somebody says, "It's time to make a stand".

That happens, too.

PS You said we're just going to get the heat turned up so slowly.

This ain't slow.

Icepick said...

Didn't Stalin say something about taking a few generals into the garden? Same thing.

So Stalin is where you turn to for inspiration? LOL

And besides, Stalin could take a few generals into the garden secure in the knowledge the rest of the generals would know they have to deal with him. Get rid of a couple of pols and the other pols will know that the people will lose interest, as they inevitably do.

Plus, Stalin put bullets in people's brains. Kick Obama out of office and he's just going to get rich. Probably not too rich, because unlike Bill Clinton he's both lazy and doesn't really like people too much, but he'll do fine living it up in Palm Springs and Hawaii. Same with Biden, who's done well for himself, and done EXTREMELY well for his children.

Please please PLEASE someone put me out of my misery like that!


No, you'll have to get rid of most of the political class, and they've over 150 years of rigging the system to make certain that electoral insurrections won't get far.

For the Russians, it took 70 years, but they did it.

Only to replace one set of rulers with, uh, the same set of rulers. I'm not finding that example very inspiring!

Icepick said...

I've heard it said....


Icepick said...

ed, haven't you been paying attention the last 50 years? This latest may be intended as the coup de grace, but this has been coming for decades.

In my home county in the last 34 years we've gone from Hispanics being negligible to Hispanics comprising 30% of the population. And that 30% seems like an under count. I knew only three Hispanics going through school, and I went to one of the largest high schools in the state. I've asked the friends I grew up with and they all remember similar numbers. We all knew a lot more Vietnamese kids than we did Hispanic kids.

So you're telling me that letting down the fence NOW is a sudden change? Yeah, right.

Icepick said...

DBQ, remove a couple of hundred and they will be replaced post haste with people both glad to have their careers unexpectedly advanced AND scared as Hell about what happens next. You think Granny getting fingered at the airport to make certain she isn't Osama bin Laden is bad? Wait until she's getting fingered to go to the grocery store to make certain her ancestors didn't come over here before last week.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

An armed rebellion in today's world of overly militarized police (even the Social Security Administration is armed) would be extremely foolish. I know that there would always be those brave, heroic and foolish who would sacrifice themselves, but that is not the only way to win.

The people would need to take some lessons from the group of people that is currently kicking the world's ass and taking over the Middle East.

Of course, I'm just a sweet little ole lady in the State of Jefferson who likes to knit, can food, pet cats, drink scotch, hunt and garden. So, what do I know about armed insurrection?

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Who needs immigration reform at this point? We have immigration laws, just like any other nation on earth, and our political class is purposely ignoring those laws and we have de facto amnesty now.

Sure wish the media and billionaire zuckerberg would shut the F up.

edutcher said...

So IOW just sit and take it.

Icepick said...

Didn't Stalin say something about taking a few generals into the garden? Same thing.

So Stalin is where you turn to for inspiration? LOL

It worked.

And besides, Stalin could take a few generals into the garden secure in the knowledge the rest of the generals would know they have to deal with him. Get rid of a couple of pols and the other pols will know that the people will lose interest, as they inevitably do.

Congress is for life.

Moat go there knowing it will take decades to reach a place of real power.

Bounce a few, like Cochran and Cantor, and they do hear it.

And, yes, regardless of how things turn out, Cochran is done.

edutcher said...

PS If you need a laugh (and don't we all?), try this on for size.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Heraldo Rivera is on the radio haranguing the republicans, repeating the threat that they will never win again... bla bla bla.

Rewarding lawlessness is never the answer.

Icepick said...

ed, you're saying I'm just sitting here and taking it, and I am. You, on the other hand, are voting for more of it and pretending you're voting for less of it.

As for dumping Cantor, didn't Boehner come out just a few days later and push for more 'reform'? Some guys got whacked when Bush was pushing for giving everyone in Latin America citizenship, and it didn't take long before the guys running the show were ignoring that.

And it doesn't matter, as approximately half of the country will put Dems in office, and even the Dems that get hurt by immigration vote for it. (See the entirety of the Congressional Black Caucus, at a guess.) So all they need is to peel a few Reps off the top and they'll get what they want through Congress.

And even if they don't let's look at some recent Republican Presidents: W. wanted Amnesty and still does, as does his brother. Reagan signed an amnesty package into law. Don't remember what Herbert Walker did, but I doubt he was too far off from his one-time boss or his sons.
Oh, and none of the last several Presidents have enforced immigration laws in any meaningful way.

And there's no doubt that Big Money Mitt, who clearly despised working Americans, was going to sign any amnesty bill that hit his desk. And while he probably would have made more show of enforcing the immigration laws on the book, it would have been purely cosmetic at best.

But please, keep voting Republican. I'm sure it will work out just as well as it has since Herbert Hoover left office.

Icepick said...

Rewarding lawlessness is never the answer.

Depends on the question.

edutcher said...

Well, obviously, you have something in mind. You seem to be against all the other strategems.

PS When did I say I was voting Republican?

Icepick said...

You want action? Take a page out of the enemy's playbook. They're going to storm Republican offices in Congress today to demand amnesty. Organize a group to storm Congress and demand that illegal immigration be curbed. That would accomplish more than getting Boehner two more years as speaker to stab you in the front.

Trooper York said...

Dirty stories?

edutcher said...

Couldn't agree more.

Icepick said...

Ed, I'm waiting to see who volunteers for the Forlorn Hope. If nobody is willing to do that (and I'll note that no one here has volunteered), there's no point in doing anything else. We're living in the times of Commodus - the elite are almost uniformly corrupt and they will suffer no meaningful consequences unless they screw other members of the elite. Hell, Cantor just got a promotion. Now he'll get to make big money as a lobbyist-for-true.

At this point I'd just be happy if people would quit throwing fuel on the fire. The flames are high enough already. But keep voting for those elephants, I'm sure that'll show 'em!

Icepick said...

Don't tell me you stopped the Betty Rubble is a dirty girl stuff. Surely your heart isn't in that bad of shape!

Trooper York said...

Those aren't stories.

That's a homage!

Trooper York said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trooper York said...

I am thinking about a Carl Hiaasen style series set in Florida but I can't figure out how a detective can solve crimes when all he can do is peek out of the blinds from his living room.

Icepick said...

Hey, I can peek in blinds too!

Icepick said...

I really don't care for Hiaasen stories, as I've recounted before.

Icepick said...

ed, take a page out of the Middle Eastern Revolution playbook. Organize massive demonstrations via Twitter and the like to get the current regime (by which I include Congress) to actually do the work of looking out for the welfare of the people and the country instead of themselves and their contributors. Call it a compromise that avoids the messiness of Madame Guillotine.

I'm Full of Soup said...

What DBQ said....

After the USS Cole attack in 2000, Bill Clinton vowed to get even but he didn't- he was too busy with Eric Holder doing hundreds of pardons as he left office.

After the 2000 Florida vote count, they vowed to fix vote counting etc and they haven't. [do we blame Jeb Bush maybe for that?]

After the Sept 11 attack, they vowed to fix visa control, border security etc and they haven't.

In 2006 or so, Congress vowed to finish the border fence and they haven't.

During Obama's terms, we have had a series of scandals and yet no one gets fired.

No one got fired for the Cole or 911 intelligence dropping the ball. The CIA director, George Tenet, guaranteed we would find WMD in Iraq- he said it was a slam dunk. And later Tenet got a medal from George Bush.

No one ever gets fired in the Imperial City no matter how bad things get. My proof is the imbecile Joe Biden has been there for 40 years on our payroll.

So yes DBQ there are probably an awful lot of people who could be held accountable for this chaos.

But I would not blame Obama- he has just dopily and maliciously continued with the historical ineptitude, incompetence, arrogance and corruption he found there- I do blame the ones who have been in the Imperial City for 20 years or more and I include both parties.

Icepick said...

I wonder how many more Tea Party activists are going to commit 'suicide' in coming months and years?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I'm waiting to see who volunteers for the Forlorn Hope. If nobody is willing to do that (and I'll note that no one here has volunteered), there's no point in doing anything else

I've already told you. The "Forlorn Hope" strategy is stupid and a sure loser. Throwing your body as cannon fodder against a massively over armed and militarized police and government forces is not the way to win. Will some of that happen. Likely. But it seems that you and others need to think outside of the box of traditional conflict.

There are lots of other things we can do. You just suggested a couple of them.

@ AJ. Yes. Both parties are to blame. I also blame the powerful elites who pay for the system and manipulate it to enrich only themselves at the expense of everyone else. I also blame the petty bureaucrats who are leeching the lifeblood from the US taxpayer.

It is a target rich environment.
This guy comes to mind

Icepick said...

The point of the forlorn hope is that SOMEONE has to go first. And that whoever does is likely to get more than their fair share of the glory of being a martyr for the cause. If no one is willing to be first, then it really doesn't matter who volunteers to be second, third, whatever.

What we had so far was one political movement that has been almost completely co-opted by one party (the Tea Party) and one movement that was astroturfed by the other (Occupy Wall Street).

The Occupiers are gone, save as the occasional punch line on right leaning blogs, but the Tea Partiers are still around (when they're not offing themselves) and largely getting no where. Great, you got rid of Eric Cantor. Well, the guy that did it isn't exactly a Tea Partier as I understand it, and in any event he's one out of how many? There are 233 House Republicans - how many are Tea Partiers? And how many of those are in the leadership, which is all that really matters?

And in the Senate you've got what, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio? Cruz and Rubio are pure Republican Party Insiders. Look at their resumes and tell me they're really any different than the Mitch McConnells and John Boehners of the world.

The regular electoral process is completely owned by the establishment now. You'll get no where that way. You don't have the organizational chops to do more than the equivalent of putting on a show in the barn, and you're not going to be able to afford to hire actual pros, assuming they knew what they were doing and would do it honestly in any event.

You can try peaceful insurrection, as I mentioned above, but how many have the patience for that? Where'd the PPACA protestors go?

You're running out of options for changing what's happening.

Sir Archy said...

To Lem at Lem’s Levity


As the Ghost of a Gentleman, dead these 265 Years, I have always at my spectral Heart the Publick Good, so I am ever contriving Schemes to promote it; and I think I may without Vanity pretend to have contrived some as wise as any Castle-builder. I may tell you, Sir, my ghostly Head hath lately been full of draining Fens and Marshes, when I suddenly left off such Notions and struck upon an entirely different Scheme for the Encrease of your Nation.

’Tis often said that the Poor of a Country (which in this Modern Age, I account as nearly Three Fifths of the People) pay little or none by way of Taxes; yet, when the Matter is examined closely, ’twill be seen that such Persons are not exempt from such Excises and Customs as are attendant upon Consumption of the ordinary Necessities of Life, additional to such Luxuries as are often grudg’d them by Persons of Property. The Poor frequently are maintain’d at Publick Charge; yet, this Money partly is return’d to the Sovereign’s Coffers by way of said Excises & Customs. The Poor may work only as much as necessary to support a miserable Existence; but, I reckon that, taken as a Whole, the Country gains with every one of its new Inhabitants, as there should be innumerable Taxes paid to the Publick from even such small Employments as commonly occupy the Poor.

When I was got into this Way of thinking, I presently grew conceited of the Argument, and was just preparing to write a Letter of Advice (in my Ghostly Way) to a Member of your Congress, for opening the Freedom of your Towns and Trades, for taking away all manner of Distinctions between the Natives and Foreigners, for repealing all Laws of Settlement, and removing every other Obstacle to the Increase of the People. But as soon as I had recollected with what inimitable Eloquence my Fellow-Labourers had exaggerated the Mischiefs of selling the Birth-right of Americans for a Dollar, of spoiling American Blood with Foreign Mixtures, of introducing a Confusion of Languages and Religions, and of letting in Strangers to eat the Bread out of the Mouths of your own People, I became so humble as to let my Project fall to the Ground, and leave your Country to encrease by the ordinary Way of Generation.

With every Well-Wish for the Encrease of this, your Pubick Meeting-Room (as I call it),
I am,


Your Humble & Obt. Servant,
Sir Archy

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Sir Archie's ghostly observation has a post of his own... in the ghostly way of the intertubes.

edutcher said...

Again, Ice, I agree with your strategem as one of several.

Hit 'em hard, everywhere you can, anytime you can.

Icepick said...

Ed, I'm waiting to see who volunteers for the Forlorn Hope

Sometimes they're selected by Fate.

Sometimes it's the right guy in the right place at the right time.

Or wrong guy in the wrong place at the wrong time.

You know this.

edutcher said...

Now the Border Patrol is being infected, scabies, TB, swine flu.

And all you get from ChoomCare is the death panel.



You know the drill.

Icepick said...

ed, and sometimes no one comes along. Rome didn't fall in a day....

I'm Full of Soup said...

Icepick - I keep a list of names and it covers most parts of the the country. If I ever retire and get to do some traveling, the list may get shorter as I make my way around if you know what I mean. I view my list as kind of dual purposed.

Icepick said...

Do your plans, perchance, involve Radiohead and weiner biting horses?

I'm Full of Soup said...

I don't who Radiohead is and Anthony Weiner can do whatever his sick heart desires.

edutcher said...

Icepick said...

ed, and sometimes no one comes along. Rome didn't fall in a day....

It took Spain 800 years to get rid of the Moslems.

virgil xenophon said...

"who will be the guy"

Try the guy who has just been diagnosed with terminal cancer..

virgil xenophon said...

See, I'm like icepick, I've a list of names, and if that day ever comes..

Trooper York said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trooper York said...

It was a typical steamy Florida afternoon. It had rained in the morning and had just cleared up. I was sitting behind my curtains hoping against hope that the valiant air conditioning unit could win the continuing war with the ever present and overwhelming humidity. Not going to bet on it.

I was sitting in my favorite place. A battered Lazy-Boy recliner. It was like me. Worn and tattered with the stuffing knocked out of it here and there. Still comfortable but a little frayed around the edges. I was sitting quietly doing what I usually do. Setting people straight across the vast reaches of the internet. Some people just don’t get it.

There was some sort of commotion outside. I went to the window and gingerly peeked out of the curtain. It was the new next door neighbors. It seems the male of the species had decided to dust off his mate by smacking her over the head with a broom. Of course it might be a bit more effective if he didn’t use the broom handle and used bristles instead. But he was a Florida native so there you go.

They were screaming out curses in English, Spanish and Creole. Their four pit bulls were howling and running from one side of the yard to the other. There hadn’t been that much excitement on the block since the alligator had carried off the crack baby and raised it as one of her own. Have to do something. This just wasn’t right.

There on the dresser. Some change. There was a dime. I could drop it.

This was a case for the armchair detective.

deborah said...

We're not that important. The legions of Facebookers are already in the net.

The Problem is that going Galt might be difficult. Like the Star Trek scanners that could detect life on planets, the authorities would know where we are. Or would they? Would lead-lined bunkers work?

Trooper York said...
This comment has been removed by the author.