Saturday, June 28, 2014

"Get a New iPhone for $29"

"Wal-Mart is making a big push to sell more Apple iPhones. Starting Friday, the iPhone 5S will be available for $99 and the 5C will cost $29."

"To get the deal, customers are asked to activate a two-year plan with AT&T, Sprint, or Verizon. The phones each have 16 GB of memory."

After I did the post I realized our Amazon portal is in competition with Wal-Mart. There is too much crap I have to keep track of, just to do just one of these. 


Paddy O said...

Anyone get or know anyone who got the new Amazon phone?

Chip S. said...

iPhones? Can't think about iPhones right now, or anything else for that matter. Got a bad case of #MookieMania.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

That's the one I should be plugging, the Amazon phone.

Though on second thought... who really wants a bigger phone ;)

deborah said...
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deborah said...

Baseball Mookie?

My sister always has kept her kids electronics up to date so they wouldn't feel inferior. Like a iPod mini at age 6 or so. And that was about

What I want there ain't no name for.

deborah said...

13 years ago when they were pretty new.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Amazon phone...

Too big to fail.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...
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Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I was in a WalMart, once, where they kept the Axe body spray under lock and key.

The shoes, though, were right out there in the open for anybody to try on.

Priorities, I suppose.

rhhardin said...

I have only a landline phone with the ringer turned off.

Each morning the laptop dials out and streams Imus into the stereo for four hours, then hangs up.

It is an AT&T dial up account, though.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I don't have a cell phone.

When I did have one, several years ago, it was not a 'smart' phone. All it did was make calls and have voice mail. I bought the time by the minute and didn't use a 'plan'.

Husband has a flip phone that can take photos. He doesn't know how and doesn't want to learn. He can get voice mail. We told ATT to disconnect the texting ability since he neither wants to text anyone or receive any texts. Most of the time he is out of cell phone range in one of the many many dead spots we have here.

We have two land lines. One for our personal calls and the other for the business, listed in the yellow pages etc. The best phone we have is an old wall Trimline phone that works when the power goes out. The other phones don't. Old technology is the best :-)

Fr Martin Fox said...

Way too expensive.

I have a $9.88 Trac fone, also from Wal Mart, and I buy minutes as needed. It even browses online, although I don't do that.

It makes and receives calls just fine, and also works as a calculator, calendar and alarm clock.

Who needs anything more?