Friday, June 27, 2014

Boston Globe Mag: "The complicated sex life of baby boomers"

"MADELEINE AND HER TWO FRIENDS had barely pulled up to the bar when one of them began chatting with a cute guy — “in his 30s,” Madeleine remembers. They were on a girls’ weekend at the beach and looking forward to some sun and fun. A few hours and some drinks later, the girls piled into the guy’s car and headed back to their condo. “We are going skinny-dipping!” one of them yelled."
The next morning, there were no regrets. “We had a blast,” Madeleine says. Sure, maybe it wasn’t the smartest move to get into a stranger’s car, “but there were three of us, and, I mean, we had our cellphones.”

Madeleine and her friends may sound like teenagers on spring break, and indeed that’s what they often feel like. But they met decades ago — they were “ice-skating moms” to daughters on the competitive circuit — and are now in their late 50s, divorced mothers of grown children and having, in many ways, the time of their lives. “You’ll be out at a bar and see some guys you think are cute,” says Madeleine. “Until you realize they’re in their 20s. But you forget! You forget how old you are!” (Madeleine, like other singles in this story, didn’t want to include her full name when talking about her sex life.) (read more)


edutcher said...

One reason the VD rate for the over 50 crowd is through the roof.

Shouting Thomas said...

Pretty dreary stuff.

It is common now for people who have been married 30 to 50 years to break up as soon as the kids leave home. What a sad thing.

I'm 65 and, technically, single, although I have a girl friend. I could be boinking half a dozen ladies above the age of 45. Too much trouble. And, the ladies aren't that good at playing the role of mistress. I don't need the angry, jealous phone calls.

It's tough connecting with somebody when you are in your 60s. There really isn't enough time left for a relationship to fully develop, and one wants to keep his or her financial assets separate so as to pass them on to the kids.

And, once you pass 50, bodies start disintegrating. That's very real. Didn't read the whole article, but I imagine they skipped that bit.

Unknown said...

all I have to say is - ick.

Trooper York said...

Hey there is always the gardener.

Unknown said...

ooo yeah just scratch it?

That could be crabs or scabies.

Unknown said...

"Ouch"..."Not there" ... "That hurts" =

Doing it wrong.

bagoh20 said...

Normally, I'd say something is wrong here, but today I say: You go girls!, because:


Icepick said...

What's so complicated about being a slut?

bagoh20 said...

I assume other men are like this too. For me, knowing a woman has done something like this is a mixed bag. You kind of dig her sense of fun and adventure, but at the same time you lose respect for her. It's a weird thing where you both gain and lose respect at the same time. That said, in my experience, when you love a woman, finding out about this kind of stuff can ruin you feelings for her, so ladies be careful. It better be worth it, or keep your mouth shut afterward. Most men will not take it well, even if they pretend to be alright with it, unless they don't really care for you, then they really are alright with it.

bagoh20 said...

"Hey there is always the gardener."

They are generally more interested in the dog than the pussy.

bagoh20 said...

Men in their fifties make the best lovers. That's what I hear all the time anyway. I've been doing extensive experimentation and research on the subject, and my findings indicate that women in their fifties find men in their fifties to be awesome lovers, often taking them to transcendental levels of passion and satisfaction never experienced with younger men. That's what my data shows anyway. But don't take my word for it - do your own research.

Trooper York said...

Well gardeners shove their grubby fingers in manure and compost and other rotten disgusting things so they can deal.

Hey it's a living.

TTBurnett said...

Do we really want to talk about this?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Do we really want to talk about this?

Everithing is crashing outthere...

Lotta crashes.

deborah said...

Yes, TT, it seems unstoppable. It's like talking about car wreck. I can do without it, but some who shall remain nameless, dig it.

Someone, after cheering us on all week,finally broke and made a Lawnboy comment.

(Yes, men is their fifties are hot.)

bagoh20 said...

I absolutely DO think we should discuss the awesomeness that is the Friday. A day that's starts off full of promises of adventure and fun over the weekend and just keeps getting better and better all day and into the night. Woohoo!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

It was either this story or the Chinese 'Automated Sperm Extractor'.

The Chinese dont want to do manual labor... it's the same everywhere you go.

Video at the link below.

deborah said...

That's easy for you to say, Bags :)

Rabel said...

"The complicated sex life of baby boomers"

You know, now that you mention it, the 64 year old nanny in the post down below is pretty damn hot.

So many wrinkles to choose from. That's the complicated part.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...


Amartel said...

An article about nothing. Fuel is provided for celebrating or denigrating these sex maniacs and/or free spirits. Basically, it's a couple of 50 year olds talking about their boink situations. It makes other similarly-situated 50 year olds feel better, I guess. And are baby boomers really the only generation with complicated sex lives? Millenials housed in their parents' basements for the foreseeable future might want to weigh in on that. Also, their parents. Also, The Villages. Those sex maniacs.

Baby Boomers: The Generation That Won't Fuck Off. I'd read that article. "Baby boom" is a concept that doesn't even exist. It's not even a coherent generation. It's just a made-up delivery system for empty journalistic pretensions.

edutcher said...

bagoh20 said...

Men in their fifties make the best lovers. That's what I hear all the time anyway. I've been doing extensive experimentation and research on the subject, and my findings indicate that women in their fifties find men in their fifties to be awesome lovers, often taking them to transcendental levels of passion and satisfaction never experienced with younger men.

I believe there's someone we could ask for her personal experience.

I'm sure Troop would love to pose the question in his own eloquent way.

deborah said...

Oh, and forgive me for not saying it in their forties, sixties, and seventies are hot also.

Amartel, in college my daughter took a class that put across the notion that Boomers are spoiled brats and a drain on our society.

She has jokingly told me that she'll keep me in a nice place till I lose my marbles, and then she'll put me in a place where I can use Monopoly money to 'buy' things :)

I agree with you; 1946 through 1964 is quite a spread.

deborah said...


Lydia said...

Baby Boomers: The Generation That Won't Fuck Off. I'd read that article. "Baby boom" is a concept that doesn't even exist. It's not even a coherent generation. It's just a made-up delivery system for empty journalistic pretensions.

Not to mention all the workk they're providing for folks mentioned in the article like Carol Queen, the staff sexologist for the sex-toy chain and education center Good Vibrations; or the dating coach Thomas Edwards Jr. of The Professional Wingman, who works with men (and women) in Boston and New York; or Pepper Schwartz, a Seattle sexologist and the author of Dating After 50 for Dummies; or Kate and Joel Feldman, who direct the Conscious Relationships Institute and lead couples in workshops in sex and intimacy at the Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health.

It's been a bonanza of riches, that Boomer concept.

deborah said...

Logical Lydia. Yes, it is about commerce, innit?

KCFleming said...

Dear Madeleine,

Telling me about your sexual frequency was I suppose meant to be awesome, but I found your use of the deli number ticket dispenser detumescent.

Number 72


Amartel said...

Deborah - wow, what college allowed that heresy to pass? All I ever heard about was how great the baby boomers are, so much better than the generation that came before them (now known as The Greatest). Of course, the people teaching me were baby boomers. Not only won't fuck off but also refuse to shut up.

deborah said...

We boomers are going to become a bigger and bigger pain in the butt as time goes by, that is for sure.