Sunday, June 22, 2014

Megan Fox: ‘It’s so hard to be a working mom’

"Megan Fox, who stars in the upcoming Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film, has struggled to find the right work-life balance."
“It’s so hard to be a working mom especially when your heart is not in your work, when your heart is with your family,” she tells Parents magazine. “I have to make one movie a year because I have to invest in their future and I have to be able to pay their way through college and be able to provide for them.”

This isn’t the first time that Fox has admitted that becoming a mom has changed her attitude about filmmaking. In 2012, for example, she told the UK’s Mirror that having a baby “changes your perspective about being overly sexual in a film.”
Megan Fox is not the only successful actress mom we've heard from airing complaints? along similar lines. Gwyneth Paltrow said basically the same thing...
"It's much harder for me. I feel like I set it up in a way that makes it difficult," Paltrow said, explaining that her flexible schedule (she tries to only shoot one movie per year) may have set up unrealistic expectations. "For me, if I miss a school run, they are like, 'Where were you?' I don't like to be the lead [in films], so I don't [have] to work every day."
Are these successful women saying that women cant have it all? 
And, If they aren't quite saying that  (maybe "having it all" does not mean the same for everyone)  then what are they saying?

I'm loath to ask for "conversation" given how more of it hardly ever seems to produce favorable results, but, there it is. Maybe you just want to make a statement, a manifesto even. Just, please don't go and harm people afterwards. And if you feel like harming someone, call a hotline first ;-)


chickelit said...

Sometime having it all is about halving it all.

Was that homophonic?

Unknown said...

Is this like Hillary's difficulties living on millions of dollars and having a few homes to care for and pay for?

It's too bad the Clintons cannot simply live expense and rent free -- free off the generosity of her adoring fans, and the lowly tax payers.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

The popular audience wants to be flattered.

virgil xenophon said...

Poor baby..

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Today's FIFA will be Belgium vs. Russia, today at noon.

We'll kick off with one of these.

Why the hell not?

Life is short.

KCFleming said...

Why should having a baby change you?

It's just a choice and a clump of cells.

Goddamned patriarchy.

edutcher said...

Guys don't have it all.

Why should women?

(you want equality, sweetie? you got it)

edutcher said...

April Apple said...

Is this like Hillary's difficulties living on millions of dollars and having a few homes to care for and pay for?

It's too bad the Clintons cannot simply live expense and rent free -- free off the generosity of her adoring fans, and the lowly tax payers.

I thought she and Willie, especially Willie, did.

Unknown said...

Almost. If we can only get the King and the Queen back in the White House - the Clinton's will be gravy-trained graft supported for life.

Unknown said...

Listening to wealthy beautiful people whine about their problems is the height of American decadence.

More please!

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I have little sympathy for Megan Fox, but maybe being a mom is helping her grow up. If she makes one movie a year she can support her family, her window of fame is about to close anyway. Get a few bucks stashed away and move on. A movie is a few months top and then you are off the rest of the year. That is way better than most moms get.

Chip S. said...

loath adj.

loathe v.

William said...

I have a friend who is a nurse. She said that as soon as her infant daughter saw her putting on her uniform to go to work she started crying. It was a wrenching experience for both of them. There's a price for everything.....I think a woman who is single and looks forward to marriage and children has a different outlook on bare midriffs than a married woman with children. They're appealing to different audiences......I saw Megan Fox in the Transformer movies. She was a welcome presence. It demonstrated that organic nature can produce spectacles much more eye grabbing than the most expensive CGI special effects.......I thought it was a travesty the way the Nobel people ignored her efforts to save the world and gave the Peace Prize to the far less deserving Barack Obama.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Thanks ChipS.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Which should I use?