Thursday, June 26, 2014


"Howard Baker, who famously asked “what did the President know and when did he know it?” and Johnnie Walters, the IRS Commissioner who refused to go along with Nixon’s efforts to target his enemies. Both were Republicans who stood up for the rule of law."

Where are the Democrats willing to stand up for it under this Administration?


I'm Full of Soup said...

Maybe Cruz or Rand Paul can pay tribute tomorrow on the Senate floor and ask that question of their colleagues across the aisle?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I haven't heard one democrat express anything that could be even be remotely construed as 'raising an eyebrow' over the IRS disappearing emails and hard drives.

The only explanation I can surmise is that the probably see no up side, politically, in questioning it.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

We aren't really living in a nation of laws anymore.

It may be a long awhile longer with examples even more hard slap-on-the-face kind of attention grabbing, to fully realize it.

Lydia said...

Wolf Blitzer did a pretty tough interview with Koskinen today. Polling must be looking very bad for the Dems on this because Koskinen tries his best to come across as apologetic, concerned, and cooperative – he even agreed those lost emails looked suspicious. Quite a change from his appearance before the House committee. Video here.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I am old enough to remember Watergate. I was a librul Dem then and it was very reassuring to see and hear Nixon's own party members doing the right thing for the country- and that meant they stood up for our laws [as Lem has noted that is rare today].

How good could the entire country feel if Obama and some Dems went down to the border and announced they would immediately seal & guard and protect our borders so illegals getting in slowed to a trickle? That would be the right thing to do for the country at the present time IMO. But fat chance.