Friday, June 6, 2014

A Reminder

Just a reminder that there are only thirty shopping days left before the first anniversary of Lem's Blog.  Time to get going on selecting and wrapping your gifts for Lem.

We all remember this happy day,  I'm certain.

I'm hoping that there will be autographed copies of Lem's blog available for all who were here at the blog's conception and early months.  And a Lem's Blog cap and matching tee shirt.  The promotions committee needs to get going on these items.


The Dude said...
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The rule of Lemnity said...

Thanks MH.

Shouting Thomas said...

Congratulations! Sign me up for the bobble head doll!

I forget. What was the kerfluffle about over at TOP?

Calypso Facto said...

Thanks to Freeman for the suggestion and to Lem, the man of action.

So, much nicer to be able to enjoy the musings of you witty people without the former drama.

I'll take the coffee cup!

The Dude said...
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ricpic said...

I forget. What was the kerfluffle about over at TOP?

Most interesting comment I read about why Althouse shutdown comments was that she needed to mend fences (prove she wasn't tainted by association with hillbillies) with her academic colleagues at U of W. That being the real reason underneath the stated reason of comments being in "bad faith." Seemed plausible to me at the time.

Icepick said...

The cause of the kerfluffle at TOP?

What difference, at this point, does it make?

Icepick said...

There ought to be a



Icepick said...

We're also coming up on the one year anniversary of the most awesome blog comment ever.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

From my time over at Althouse I came to believe that Lem was a true gentleman -- a rare and admirable thing -- and my opinion of him has not changed one tiny bit.

Michael Haz said...

"Comments are moderated"

bagoh20 said...

Ditto from me on Lem's character. How he is in real life is probably more like a Kardashian after a night out drinking with Lindsay Lohan, and we all know how that goes first hand.

Congrats Lem!

How much are the autographed thongs?

Trooper York said...

Put me down for the autographed sombrero. Wait a minute!

That's Mexicans. Nevermind.

bagoh20 said...

Is it true that the thongs's taint autographed?

Trooper York said...

I know. Put me down for a pair of shiny black patent leather shoes with pointy toes to kill the cockroaches in the corners.

Wait a minute!

That's Puerto Ricans. Nevermind.

Icepick said...

Bagoh, the price on the thongs varies, depending on whether or not they've been worn. Why anyone would want one that hasn't been worn is a mystery to me, but there are a lot of sickos out there....

Trooper York said...

What the hell do Dominicans have?

Other than shortstops.

Michael Haz said...

Trooper, you're getting fried plantains.

Trooper York said...

I got it!!!!

Put me down for a wife beater T-shirt, a six pack of Schaefer and a set of dominoes.

And a orange crate to sit on.

That's it. Put me down for that.

Trooper York said...

I would really like the switch blade but they are illegal in NYC and I try not to break the law.

Icepick said...

Given how much Dominican baseball players have done for you, Trooper (A-Rod, Big Papi, etc.), I'd think you'd want an autographed baseball.

Icepick said...

Oh, wait, that's what they've done TO YOU. Never mind.

Trooper York said...

Hey if they want to give me an autographed syringe I might be able to make some dough at the next baseball card show.

MamaM said...

One of those cracked eggs from El Pollo would be my first choice for the Good Egg Celebration.

There's no going back once the shell's been broken, regardless of whether the crack came from the inside or was the result of a careless drop.

In the African Wisdom category, “When arguing with a stone an egg is always wrong”

Darcy said...

Thongs? Put me down for a bouquet of them.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

From a daily reader and rare commenter, I would like to contribute a puppy!

Paddy O said...

Personally I wish Althouse would just stop bringing up the whole commenting business. Did it again today. It's like that's all she wants to talk about.

I think DBQ put it best when she said that the problem was that the comment section changed goals at a random moment, going from a salon to something else... an affirming club? Then the commenters were blamed for not changing when we were never told it changed.

I really think TOP became very close to closing up shop, losing the fun of blogging, so made big changes, but didn't process it well with the community that had developed over the years. A professor isn't necessarily someone good at change management or relational transitions.

This is the salon that was there. I think TOP was very, especially, skilled at providing fodder for discussion, an easily underestimated skill, but the folks here have really added their own flavor and made for continued good discussions, that follows the freedom of conversation rather than the dictates of always elusive whims and expectations.

Trooper York said...

Thank you Lem.

You know what for.

You are a mensch of the first water.

Trooper York said...

Buy I am sure you know.

Boston still sucks.

Trooper York said...

I mean but I am sure you know.

Boston still sucks.

And I can't spell.

Patrick said...

Well said Paddy. The "cafes" that have no discussion seem....not very useful. I can understand the moderation, her blog, her goals, but the continued cafe threads puzzle me.

MamaM said...

I would like to contribute a puppy!

A blog puppy would certainly mark the celebration!

Inclusion on the Blog Roll of the Althouse motherblog would be another nice gift that could be given.

For Lem's Levity to following Legal Insurrection on the roster and fill in the space just ahead of MetaFilter would be a seemly thing.

Aridog said...

I will make my bi-annual PayPal contribution on schedule in Mid-July. I am not an Amazon shopper now nor likely ever.

Now as for celebrating the anniversary of the start up here...I went back to the "Please Stop" thread of 21 July 2013.

Here's is what I found, among several germane posts:

Fen said... July 21, 2013 at 10:49 PM @ "Please Stop" thread...

Upthread where he says he and Ann encouraged the commentariat to start their own blog. They don't view Lem's blog as his own - guests banished to the guest house, but its still their property. That's why Meade thinks he can just waltz in the door and start flinging poo at will. Even though he's been asked to stop several times now.

Trooper York said... July 21, 2013 at 11:06 PM @ same

Fen you have to realize that Meade just wants to provide the ultimate proof of Fens law....All his squealing and bitching and moaning about what happened at TOP is pretty funny when you see [him] over here trying to ruin this joint in exactly the same way.

Darcy said... July 22, 2013 at 7:08 AM @ same

On the "Please stop" topic: I agree with those who are observing that it's not exactly neutral. All you have to do is read this thread. That's something I see as manipulating the very people who have been so magnanimous.

shiloh said... July 22, 2013 at 10:02 AM @ same

.... it will just make it easier for me to leave, since Althouse house boy appears to wanna nest at Lem's 'til the end of time ...

Aridog said ... July 22, 2013 at 11:50 PM

That said, it [disolution] can happen here, too. If flame wars are promulgated via repetitive staccato posting and exchanges become common, it will also be unmanageable.

As well as those remarks, I discovered I had new found respect for Rhythm & Balls.

At the same time I noticed, on the very thread asking for forbearance, a staccato series of posts by Meade belittling others and as usual making the Po-Pitiful-Us victim-hood case...e.g., whatever happened elsewhere was all our fault here. A request for courtesy was promptly turned in to a 400+ thread all about "them" usual.

Now that was a year ago. And just new we had the baker Phillips thread and it looks almost exactly the same.

Nothing has changed and Lem seems not to understand why that is, I am very sorry to say. Look at the one constant from the former "Please Stop" thread and the current "Baker Phillips" thread. Hint: it's not Fr Fox.

Then, within the past hour, good ole Meade is back at Father Fox, on the KLEM FM thread...and Father Fox responded appropriately.

In short, we celebrate a year of Meade negative interference, which is intentional. How dare anyone here hold different opinions than those of Meade? This from a man who said he'd not stop in if no one mentioned him or his wife or alluded to them.

MamaM said...
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MamaM said...

Why Lem's Levity isn't on the Althouse blog roll, when the other half of the duo finds this such a worthy place to hang out and "shoot the shit" is a puzzler.

Asked today by a commenter at Althouse on the "How Comments Shape Perceptions..." post: I always wonder, where did the commenters of yore go? There were some pretty able and committed ones around here with years of comments under their belts who have vanished, never to be heard from again. Did they die? Just get tired of the whole thing? Change their handle?

The Shadow knows.

Aridog said...

MomaM...let me answer your question:

Fen said... July 21, 2013 at 10:49 PM @ "Please Stop" thread...

Upthread where he says he and Ann encouraged the commentariat to start their own blog. They don't view Lem's blog as his own - guests banished to the guest house, but its still their property. That's why Meade thinks he can just waltz in the door and start flinging poo at will. Even though he's been asked to stop several times now.

Emphasis bold is mine: Clear enough. And now we are asked to be nice to Meade. Too funny.

ndspinelli said...

Paddy O, A very thoughtful and insightful comment. I look upon this forum as the 'A' Team. We left the 'B' Teamers @ TOP. Thanks, Lem and all other bloggers and commenters.

ken in tx said...

Thanks Lem, you done good!

BTW, ken in sc is about to become ken in texas. Potential house buyers run us out of our home two days in a row.