Saturday, July 20, 2013

Nice view.

More here.


pm317 said...

Wow.. they better not look down.

Gave me goosebumps just looking at the pictures. I might be able go to the edge if my husband is not with me -- he would never let me go anywhere near it (he is afraid of heights).

rhhardin said...

The notice stuff at home school.

rhhardin said...

Acrophobia comes not from looking down but from seeing your support extending down.

For example you don't get it in airplanes (unless you have the side open or door off and peer down past the landing gear).

rhhardin said...

Comments are on moderation now, so they won't appear immediately, and I'm only going to approve comments that engage with the ideas in this post, so avoid generic Obama-bashing and Zimmerman trial rehashing.

Obama and Trayvon are morons.

The minimal word challenge.

Matt Sablan said...

I'd always be worried about it falling apart.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Althouse is back on?

That's good. We need all the help we can get.

Anonymous said...

But if you go carryin' pictures of hanging rocks, don't you know that you can count me out.


pm317 said...

rhhardin said...

Ah, I see she is following the Jeralyn comment model, though Jeralyn does not moderate but deletes merciless offenders.

shiloh said...

"Comments are on moderation now"

Actually, it's probably more work for Althouse and her tag along than previously when she allowed free speech.

As the world turns ...

Again regardless, please show some empathy and throw her a bone!

Anonymous said...

Yes, that's true! I don't get scared in airplanes, but put me on a cliff, shaky knee syndrome big time.

The rule of Lemnity said...

More choices include restricted choices.

Restricted choice is better than no choice.

Obama would say that is foward progress.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Leave your comment

Comments may open for selected posts. This is an experiment to try to restore a high level of commenting.

You may experience deletion. You may
email us if you can't understand the basis for deletion, but do not attempt to comment about a deletion. That's definitely a basis for deletion. Don't talk about the comments policy (unless there happens to be a post about the comments policy that has open comments, which is unlikely for now).

To avoid deletion, here are a few tips: Read the post and see what topics are raised. Address these topics. Express ideas and make good observations. Don't make any personal remarks and don't go back-and-forth with another commenter (except at the level of responding to ideas about the topic under discussion).

I could live under that roof.

deborah said...

It's a workable platform if she keeps her posts mostly sharp and tight, and saves the in-depth monologues for law analysis. She'll draw new commenters directly.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I mean, under that regime.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Those are great photos and I'm glad they 'shopped out all the graffiti.

Unknown said...

I might be able go to the edge if my husband is not with me -- he would never let me go anywhere near it (he is afraid of heights).

Same here, and I have to be careful to keep the kids on a shorter leash when he's around because it's his reaction that can often send them tumbling off of walls and ledges and things.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Regarding Althouse and her commenting policy, it's still too soon to say whether she's grown out of her pick-a-fight-to-get-attention stage.

The rule of Lemnity said...

We should stay open.
I think.

Anonymous said...

Acrophobia comes not from looking down but from seeing your support extending down.

rh: Are you sure of this?

I once did a tandem parachute jump and it was hard in the plane, it was hard looking out the plane door, it was hard jumping out the door and it was hard all the way down.

My father was a paratrooper in WW II, so I was glad to scratch that off my bucket list, but I'll never do it again.

Trooper York said...

Lem you are doing something great here. Your generosity of spirit shows in the way you opened up this blog to other voices like Pasta and Paddy and Palladian. You have seen a bunch of new commenters come here because of your gentle hand and good nature.

It would be a sin and a shame to throw that away.

bagoh20 said...

See, now that scares me. I won't go out there. Thousands probably have, but I would be the guy to break it off. I just know it.

You just step off right before it hits.

~ Wylie Coyote - Genius

rhhardin said...

Althouse has to allow abusive comments.

They're canaries in the coal mine.

They prove it's a real thread.

Without them, it's a potemkin village.

bagoh20 said...

I'd jump right off there with my hang glider in a second, but I would be scared to death to walk to edge with my wings clipped.

rhhardin said...

Does not play well with others.

bagoh20 said...

Just sitting here looking at the photos gives me the willies.

justagal said...

Yes, Lem. You definitely should stay open. I love the interaction among your guests.

I also know that any of my thoughts shared with others (no matter how imperfect, slightly off-topic, banal,etc) won't be scratched.

Nice place you got here!

justagal said...

Yes, Lem. You most definitely should stay open.

I enjoy reading your guest interacting with each other.

It's nice to know that any thoughts i may choose to share her (no matter how imperfect, slightly off-topic, banal, etc.) won't get scratched.

You've created such a nice place.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Maybe Althouse can be the main house and we are the guest house.

In the old days, she would tell me if that metaphor was good or not. A guy can’t go thru life misusing metaphors.

I’m glad she is back on, if only in a restricted capacity.

Trooper York said...

Lem let me ask you something. When you are out going to do you feel when the bouncer makes you stay on the other side of the velvet rope? Because you don't dress right. Or you don't have the right haircut. Or maybe just because you are a dude.

You have a great nightclub here and don't have to play those silly games.
Don't put down what you are doing. It is something really good.

Trooper York said...

Oh and one more thing.

Boston Sucks.

rhhardin said...

This seems to be working okay.

If Althouse has an interesting topic, or one worth disparaging for that matter, just mention it in the comments on whatever the top post is.

Probably it will be an actually cleaner site than Althouse could get, because what's the point goading the hated right wing gyno-host if it's not on her site.

Yet we keep an open thread.

rhhardin said...

That's not to say that Althouse isn't incredibly thin-skinned.

The rule of Lemnity said...

What rh says

bagoh20 said...

"Maybe Althouse can be the main house and we are the guest house. "

I hope not. I'm not going to fall respectfully into the house slave role and use the back door. This blog is simply better. It stands on it's own as does hers.

I no longer feel welcome there, and in fact don't fit in anymore, so why would I stand outside waiting to get in?

I'm not at all interested in what goes on over there, just like the millions of other blogs out there.

pm317 said...

Maybe Althouse can be the main house and we are the guest house.

But, but they both think this is the out house.

Sorry, could not resist playing the metaphors.

Lem, if you are having pangs of anxiety about setting up competition to Althouse here, I would say, don't worry about it. All these people here would saunter over there if conditions got right. You are not robbing Althouse of her commenters. This is just another nice place to hang out for people who made connections there. If it is too much work, all you need to do is to just put up one open thread a day and people would walk in and out. As to what is in it for you (like Meade reminds us so often) -- I hope you think you have a boatload of friends who wish you well.

bagoh20 said...

Visiting over there would make me feel like I'm at someone's house who follows me around with coasters for my drink.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Wait. Althouse should get comments if she wants comments. I dont think we should be taking advantage.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

No kidding? Meade follows me around like the clown at the circus that follows the elephants.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Ann is starting to note the drop of traffic...

rhhardin said...

I don't think Althouse is worried about traffic.

She wants to reconcile thin-skinned with discussion.

The trouble is that the males won't sit still.

The not sitting still is what generates the interesting comments.


Anonymous said...

Maybe Althouse can be the main house and we are the guest house.

Lem: It's great that you're a modest guy and never intended to replace Althouse and can still say good things about her...

But no, no, no.

I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.

Trooper York said...

Lem you are not taking advantage of anyone. As has been said you can just put up an open thread for comments everyday and let your contributors each put up a post a day. This way the work is distributed and not a burden.

Some people are always talking about choice. How you can't take away a persons right to choose. Give your commenters a chance to choose. You are not forcing them to do anything. They are making the decision.

Oh and another thing. You are doing a great job.

For a Red Sox fan.

Meade said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Perhaps not fairly, but Althouse's involved instructions for comments remind me of this poem:


Welcome to you
who have managed to get here.
It's been a terrible trip;
you should be happy you have survived it.
Statistics prove that not many do.
You would like a bath, a hot meal,
a good night's sleep. Some of you
need medical attention.
None of this is available.
These things have always been
in short supply; now
they are impossible to obtain.

This is not
a temporary situation.
Our condolences on your disappointment.
It is not our responsibility
everything you have heard about this place
is false. It is not our fault
you have been deceived,
ruined your health getting here.
For reasons beyond our control
there is no vehicle out.

--Naomi Lazard, Ordinances, 1984

The rule of Lemnity said...

I rather she was on board with what we are cooking up here. Not to mix metas

rhhardin said...

I don't imagine Althouse is opposed to an offsite commenting site for as long as people want to use it.

The rule of Lemnity said...

It is her work we are talking about. Btw i got to get back to mine b4 i atract the wrong kind of attention with this phone here. Ill check in later

Deb said...

Lem, I agree with Trooper; you've created a comfortable, welcoming space here. Althouse is like the formal living room, this is the kitchen where everyone gathers at the party. Besides, if you shut down, I'll never get to read Trooper's comments again.

Unknown said...

I don't get the hand wringing.

It seems to me that Althouse said to take the conversation outside, and you provided a place for that to happen.

Now, she's opening the door at limited times and anyone who wants to go converse there can do so, but people who want to hang out in a more free wheeling environment can do so here.

What's the problem with that? Seems like a win-win-win.

rhhardin said...

I don't imagine Althouse would moderate away any of my comments.

Abuse is not my style. Off topic might be, but there are allowances.

However I'd like abuse in responses to my commments, if abuse from somebody seems to them to be called for.

That in turn encourages responses, even those not moderated away.

bagoh20 said...

Did George Washington shut down the nation because England was still open for business?

Anonymous said...

It is her work we are talking about.

Not really. Mostly not.

When we do talk about her work, we are not talking about her current posts, we are talking about it as a common shared experience from the recent past, and we are talking about in a way she does not allow.

rhhardin said...

What I thought Althouse would do, if it were possible, was approve the commenter, not the comment.

So that the hated Mary didn't get in.

Or whoever it was.

I don't know that blogger gives you that.

Or she may have a new fantasy of comment disucssion that I don't know about. I could be wrong.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

(1) Althouse has her vindictive side, for sure, but I can't imagine her begrudging Lem his success, especially when he set up shop in the first place with her blessing.

Lem isn't a rival. He's a spin-off and blog friend. After all, he has a prominent link to her blog.

(2) Anybody know what Meade's trying to tell us with the new elephant avatar? I'm stumped.

(3) Oh, wait a minute. Maybe it has something to do with being thick-skinned. Or maybe never forgetting an injustice or something like that.

Anonymous said...

That's odd since her traffic isn't dropping.

Meade: There's probably some way of justifying that claim, for now anyway, but the sitemeter reading suggests otherwise.

I no longer consider you an honest speaker.

rhhardin said...

I expect to comment on current Althouse, if an amusing or insightful thought pops up.

I just want the open discussion.

Just drop it in the comments and there it is.

No moderation.

Instant gratification.

You can respond to your own comment right away with an amusing followup.

That's what a discussion looks like.

bagoh20 said...

Everybody seems happy with two separate sites. Meade says the traffic is still strong there, and they don't have to step in crap when they wake up in the morning now. It's all good, and certainly better than it was for all concerned, so why shut down if everyone is happier now?

If Lem just wants out of the work and duty of running this, then I understand completely, but no other reason seem right?

If that's the case, he can just tell us, and we'll try to figure something out to deal with that.

The presence of both sites is clearly better than just one for all concerned, except maybe Lem.

rhhardin said...

Meade was making a self-deprecating icon joke from a previous reference to him following around like a clown after the elephants.

Paco Wové said...

That's beautiful, Creely.

Paco Wové said...

The poem, I meant.

bagoh20 said...

I would expect Althouse traffic to increase without the former wild west atmosphere. That attracted some people, but probably kept more away. The thing is that both types of people need a place, and some people want both. Both is better.

Freeman Hunt said...

I've been to this one, but it's not on the list.

Basta! said...

"We should stay open.
I think."

Absolutely, no *think* about it. Please!
This has become a must-check-daily blog for me, in the short time you've had it open.

As for the contention that she "outsourced" comments --- pfft! As if this was her decision, and her work, and she's the one in control.

What happened was, she peremptorily shut out her commenters (and lurkers), you set up and are maintaining a place for us to gather anew, we've responded, and we like it here. I don't see how the credit goes to anyone but 1) you (primarily, but also) 2) your cobloggers, and 3) the commentariat.

Freeman Hunt said...

Ignore the bullet point description that makes one want to avoid it.

rcocean said...

I'm afraid of heights, so just looking at the people in those pictures scares the shit out of me.

rhhardin said...

I'm pleased to have my work discussed anywhere.

It doesn't have to be my site.

rhhardin said...

I assume the rocks used to go out farther, but somebody walked out there and broke it.

Paco Wové said...

Freeman -- looks like a neat place, but the picture reminds me of Cherenkov radiation.

rcocean said...

"Did George Washington shut down the nation because England was still open for business?"

No and we didn't quit after the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor either.

rhhardin said...

It's not fair to compare Althouse to the Germans bombing Pearl Harbor.

We hadn't parked the P-39s on the runway, for instace.

john evans said...

I prefer to lurk here the way you have it set up, Lem. Please keep it open.

Over and out.

shiloh said...

"What I thought Althouse would do, if it were possible, was approve the commenter, not the comment."

As mentioned in my 1st post here, she's too lazy and cheap to move from Blogger, where you can't ban a poster, to a site platform that requires membership and you can easily ban abusive members.

Re: Meade's flyby, again Althouse tombstone will mention. "I" was #1 in blog hits.

Her bottom line ...

Bless her little heart!

Rabel said...

Sitemeter readings are probably a secondary concern to Althouse and Meade. The primary would be the Amazon income.

I may visit the site but I doubt that I could comment in a positive fashion or offer any financial support to someone who used her broadest brush to paint me as a fool, to laugh at my opinions, to insult my admittedly limited intellect and to cast me aside with no consideration for the support I had given her in the past.

Althouse is a most careful writer and I can only assume that she consciously avoided making any distinctions between good and bad in her attacks on her commenters.

Honest apologies and mea culpas don't seem to be a part of her make-up, so I don't see any mended fences in the future.

rcocean said...

People still attack Gen Short for not anticipating an air attack on PH. Which is dumb, because the Japanese attack was insanely risky. Basically, they risked all fleet aircraft carriers on an attack where almost everything had to go right for them to succeed.

bagoh20 said...

Rabel, That's exactly how I see it too - word for word.

I'm not angry - just no longer interested.

rhhardin said...

We have to get Lem a law professor license.

Roger J. said...

Freeman--been near Hawksbill when I canoed the Buffalo River--It is indeed magnificent. The upper stretches of the Buffalo from Ponca downstream are spectacular.
I agree with you re Arkansas--great place--except for all the dry counties west of the White river.

rhhardin said...

If the bar exam is like the Morse code test, I can give it.

Rabel said...

Thanks bagoh.

Us limited intellect guys have to stick together. Down with the intelligentsia!

Aridog said...

I'm afraid I'm of the same mind as Bagoh20 and Rabel. For the same reasons. Can't help it. One tell" might be the fact that I have always enjoyed and looked forward to either of their comments...both for the laughs and for food for thought.

rhhardin said...

The important thing in any blog is to break the commenters' spirit.

It's like running a university.

rhhardin said...

I think what we face here is a gender difference.

Trooper York said...

Joshua Chamberlin looked over his men. They were tired. Bone tired. It had been a long walk after another defeat. Now they were in Pennsylvania. It was hard to conceive that things would be better.
“Where are we Josh” asked Tom. Back from dashing to the back of the column to the front again. Hard to remember when he had that much energy.
“In Pennsylvania. Close to Harrisburg I think. Tom remember you should call me Colonel when other people can hear.”
“Sorry Colonel.”
Ellis Spear walked up. “I think we are close to a small town called Gettysburg. I heard it from a Calvary captain who was passing by. He was with Buford. Said they are holding the high ground.”
“Aye and what else did you hear Captain” asked Buster Kilrean. “Who is in command? Hooker? Pope? I pray that it is Hancock.”
“No he declined. I hear that General Meade is in command.”
“Then we are well and truly damned Colonel Darling. Well and truly damned.”
(The Killer Angels, 1974)

Smilin' Jack said...

rhhardin said...
I don't imagine Althouse is opposed to an offsite commenting site for as long as people want to use it.

Hell hath no fury like a woman whose former commenters now buy stuff from Amazon on Lem's site.

lightcat said...

Please stay open. I love it here! I'm comfortable in this environment. This may have begun as an offshoot of althouse, but it's become it's own thing. Deb is right- the new althouse comments are the formal living room (look at those rules!) and this is the kitchen. I hang out in kitchens- food, drinks, discussions & jokes. I read everything everyday since you opened shop

shiloh said...

"and to cast me aside with no consideration for the support I had given her in the past."

Indeed, one wonders how much $$$ edutcher donated to her fav charity on a yearly basis so "they" would put up w/his incessant childishness.

And speaking of Althouse #1 doting, trained pet seal, even Meade thought it was somewhat funny when edutcher and shouting thomas were arguing over who was #1. Of course the answer was easy to determine ie who gave her the most $$$.

Alas, because of the new rules, edutcher can no longer call Inga, Inga, She Wolf of the SS.

Also, Jay and Chippy, the gifmeister can no longer do their infantile:

Ha Ha Ha Ha
Ha Ha Ha Ha
Ha Ha Ha Ha
Ha Ha Ha Ha

Along w/the sunshine, there has to be a little rain sometimes.

The first post of mine Meade deleted was a sarcastic note re: Althouse asking for $$$ 24/7. Hey, I even mentioned free enterprise and a fool and their money are soon parted.

The biggest problem w/obsessive moderation is no spontaneity.


ok, ok, Inga, She Wolf of the SS had a nice ring to it.

btw, if you donate enough $$$ to Althouse fav charity, like Meade, she might marry you.

For a price, Ugarte. For a price.

hmm, Althouse must have been very lonely ...

Rabel said...

Will no one rid me of this turbulent astronaut?

deborah said...


Smilin' Jack said...

Just for fun, I just posted this to Althouse's current "semi-cafe":


If it's not there, know that Althouse disapproved her own university's mission statement.

ndspinelli said...

Deb, I love your formal living room/kitchen analogy. But, I think Lem also offers the ability for one to go out to the back yard and have a smoke. Or go to the bathroom and drop a deuce. Or is the other way around?

AllenS said...

Mitchell, Meade went with the new elephant avatar, because he thinks we won't know it's him.

Anonymous said...


I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more
No, I aint gonna work on Maggie's farm no more
Well, I wake up in the morning
Fold my hands and pray for rain
I got a head full of ideas
That are drivin' me insane
It's a shame the way she makes me scrub the floor
I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.

I ain't gonna work for Maggie's brother no more
No, I aint gonna work for Maggie's brother no more
Well, he hands you a nickel
He hands you a dime
He asks you with a grin
If you're havin' a good time
Then he fines you every time you slam the door
I ain't gonna work for Maggie's brother more.

-- Bob Dylan

ampersand said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Karen of Texas said...

Lem, keep your door open. This is a very nice place, and it's nice to visit here. Your place is different then Althouse's. Variety is the spice of life, and this is a great spice. You're doing something wonderful here.

Meade said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
deborah said...


Aridog said...

Smilin' Jack ... nice try, but the motto made it. I took a brief tour to see what was moderated and what wasn't.

I quote a "usual suspect" commenter, approved and put up on on the "5 Cons" thread, ostensibly about the thinking behind Obama's recent 15 minute extemporaneous speech.

XXXXX said ....

Racism is alive and well in the national parks and forests of Amerika ...blah blah blah.

Sorry, I can't take the current *moderation* seriously. I am truly sorry about the whole thing. I'm still in the baogh20 and Rabel camp.

Meade said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Perhaps Meade is telling people here what it felt like when Althouse's room/salon was being trampled by unwanted visitors.

Meade said...
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Meade said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Paddy O said...

Meade, that link is broken for some reason. "The page cannot be found."

Which is ironic, just a little bit.

rhhardin said...

Gender difference

Think of it as the girls' comments over there and the boys' comments over here.

Meade said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Meade said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Good Lord Meade, I am not Mary. Do you fucking see Mary around every corner? I will no longer defend you or Althouse from any attacks. Perhaps these people are right about you and Althouse.

Meade said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Deb said...

Here is a real toe curling experience.

Anonymous said...

Meade, you are losing it. Stop, you are making yourself look positively paranoid. You owe me a huge apology.

Paddy O said...

I'll admit, I'm wearing shorts right now.

Indeed, I'm going to a fine dining establishment in the next hour, and I'll likely wear shorts there too.

I even wore shorts to church this last Sunday.

I'm very unsophisticated.

rhhardin said...

Little boys

Yes, that's how it works.

Wm. Kerrigan

"We are men and women. It almost always matters which we are. Men and women are aggressive. Their regard for each other is clouded by grudges, suspicions, fears, needs, desires, and narcississtic postures. There's no scrubbing them out. The best you can hope for is domestication, as in football, rock, humor, happy marriage, and a good prose style. Jokes trade on offensiveness; PC is not a funny dialect. The unconscious is a joker, a sexist and aggressive creature. Our sexuality has always been scandalous."

The best you can hope for is what to aim at.

Rabel said...

Perhaps it is a sardonic reference to the peanut gallery.

rhhardin said...

The long pants I own are sweat pants.

In the winter, one (or two, or below zero, three) pairs go on over bermudas.

That gives a perfect leg cooling profile.

Paddy O said...

By the by, my wearing shorts fits nicely into the thread title, so I don't consider this meandering from the topic.

deborah said...

Darlin' what you should occasionally consider is khaki slacks and a white polo shirt. Yum-yum.

Paddy O said...

When I start teaching in a classroom again in a couple of weeks, I'll get out my slacks and polo shirts, maybe the occasional button down short sleeve shirt.

And I'll be significantly over-dressed compared to what my students will be wearing in the hot California summer.

Teaching online has a much less rigid dress code for all involved.

Trooper York said...

The AOM index is dropping.

Shitty weather ahead boys and girls.

deborah said...

May the holy Troop save and preserve us.

Trooper York said...

Hey that's not funny.

Don't pray to me.

I don't even want your money.

(unlike some other people I could name, hint, hint, wink, nudge, nudge)

Meade said...

"I don't even want your money."

Not even if I want to buy one of your elegant stretchy v-necked dresses gathered under the bustline?

deborah said...

Clean up in aisle 3, Twinkie.

Patrick said...

Well, the Yanks are picking it up.

Meade said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Palladian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Palladian said...

"Or big girls over there and little boys in short pants over here."

The problem with your, and your wife's, broad-sided insults is that they hit everyone, not just those you disfavor.

To quote a line from David Lynch's "Lost Highway": "It is not my custom to go where I am not wanted."

I intend to keep posting here, because this place has its own nascent life and identity. I never thought of it as some adjunct site to Althouse. She has a good site, and if people take it seriously, we'll have a good site here too, one that has the added dimension of open commentary.

shiloh said...

"Or big girls over there and little boys in short pants over here."

Damn Meade, up your game, as your mommy Ann would say.

Are you on a suicide mission? Rhetorical.

Trooper York said...

Meadey I would be happy to sell you a dress. But that is value for money. Goods if you will that are tangible.

That is not what you are doing when you shake your tambourine begging for dough when you are grifting off a government salary.

shiloh said...

"It went on for 8 years, and it put a lot into it. The way you are speaking to me does not at all inspire me to believe that the people who wanted this forum cared about me enough and appreciated what I gave."

"It's irritating that some people think I stay here because I'm cheap and/or lazy, but they are wrong, and I'm soooo bored with the same old petty misunderstandings."

"I like Blogger. It's sleek and straightforward, and I believe it will be around a long time, so it's the best choice for "immortality."

So Althouse stays at Blogger for the immortality. ?!?

hmm, Lem, myself and a "plethora" of others will be immortal lol.

btw Meade, please give Althouse a box of Kleenex ...

shiloh said...

Meade your doing a very good job being an Althouse gofer. Congrats!

Indeed, she's too busy wallowing in self-pity to read Lem's blog.

Roger J. said...

Shiloh--good to see you here--never agreed with your politics, but you seem to be an upfront guy--am seeing a side to you I never saw before. Thanks for joining in.

vza said...

I am a lurker who hopes you stay open.

deborah said...

Palladian, put up a new post please :)

The Dude said...

Would it be too personal to suggest that Meade is a cunt?

If so, then I will avoid doing so.

deborah said...

Let your cunscious be your guide.

shiloh said...

"am seeing a side to you I never saw before."

Assuming you're not being sarcastic, most of the old timers would laugh at that since I haven't changed ie I've always enjoyed rufflin' hoity/toity Althouse feathers!

ok, let me say something about Althouse. She's quite intelligent, diligent, fairly consistent, always went out of her way to please her 90/10 con audience er she knows where her bread is buttered. And I have no problem w/that as that is what attracted me to her blog ie the dedication and closed-mindedness of her conservative readership. Liberals love it when cons implode/discombobulate. Hell, liberals love it when liberals implode/discombobulate er liberals love arguing w/liberals.

But re: the pros and cons of moderation, she is a tad dramaqueenish. And hopefully she's gotten over her Rasmussen fetish.


Now let me say something nice about Meade. ok, let's not and say we did.

btw, you're, not your in my previous post.


Also, for the record, not only was my last at Althouse on Dec. 31, 2012, but my last post at the small liberal blog I frequent was Jan. 18 and they recently went belly-up and started a Yahoo blog to chat.

Everything old is new again.


Dust Bunny Queen said...

It seems to me that Althouse said to take the conversation outside, and you provided a place for that to happen.

Now, she's opening the door at limited times and anyone who wants to go converse there can do so, but people who want to hang out in a more free wheeling environment can do so here.

Think it as having more than one restaurant in town. Multiple places to go out and eat. If every restaurant was the boring would that be? Because there are multiple places to eat, you can go have breakfast at one place and dinner at another. Just because there are multiple places doesn't mean that you are necessarily harming one or the other. People will choose based on the menu and the quality of the food.

deborah said...

When the Hatfields own one restaurant, and the McCoy's the other, problems ensue.

Would both sides be willing to use a respected commenter as mediator, or is it just too much fun like it is?

deborah said...
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AllenS said...

Oftentimes, the Greasy Spoon has the best food. The Cafe (ok use the poo-poo thingy above the e), just charges more for a cup of coffee and it really isn't that much better, plus the fancy-ass cafe never serves a roast beef or roast pork sandwich. Anyone remember them, a sandwich cut in half with a scoop of mashed potatoes in the middle covered in gravy? Don't get much better than that, especially when you're doing hard physical labor.

Mowing the lawn isn't hard physical labot.

AllenS said...

labot = labor

labot is how it's pronounced when you spell cafe a different way.

Meade said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dust Bunny Queen said...

It is just weird. Althouse seems to think that the commenters belong to HER and Lem is feeling that he has stolen her commenters from her.

Well....this is my take on it.

Meade said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dust Bunny Queen said...

By the way she tends to talk down to them. Demand that they act in certain ways and objects when she is disagreed with. Tells them HOW to comment and scolds them when they don't comment 'correctly' or in 'good faith' (which seems to be an arbitrary and moving target). Gets annoyed when they don't seem to be able to read her mind and in general acts as if she is the school m'arm and they are children who need to be disciplined.

If she didn't think that she had some 'stake' or ownership of the commenters....YOU and she would be moving on with your lives and not hanging out here trying to disrupt the place.

You aren't fooling anyone, you know.

Meade said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Meade said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rabel said...

That was really weird.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Yes it was. I didn't see the second deleted comment.

Can't handle the truth, I guess.

Rabel said...

I wonder if there's lead-based paint in that nice old house that is starting to flake off.

Radon gas?


Blue Balls?

Demonic Possession?

Rabel said...

I mean even if he doesn't love us anymore, the resort to childish namecalling in so out of character that I'm beginning to think that there may actually be an underlying physical or mental problem. He didn't even do that when he crashed the Isthmus party.

KCFleming said...

Man, I need a beer.

What's the best beer for weirdness?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

resort to childish namecalling

I was called names? And I missed it ;-P

Meade said...

No, you were not called names. Rabel is making that up.

Anonymous said...

Elelphant Dung Beer

Here ya go Pogo.

The Dude said...

Meade wrote that he should be mowing the lawn or trimming a bush or something.

Ironrailsironweights was alerted.

Comments were deleted.

It's all good.

Box wine is toxic, based on the results we see.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...
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Eric the Fruit Bat said...
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The Dude said...

Meadey, take your whiny "Rabel is making that up" stuff home to your mommy.

It is good that you keep deleting your own comments - they are all made in bad faith.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

"do not attempt to comment about a deletion. That's definitely a basis for deletion. Don't talk about the comments policy"

OK, I'm confused. Is that the Brad Pitt character or the Ed Norton one. Maybe it's Ralph Kramden? I'm lost here.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

pm317 said...
Lem, if you are having pangs of anxiety about setting up competition to Althouse here, I would say, don't worry about it.

Lem, your blog is at a huge structural disadvantage vis a vis Althouse because of her entrenched relationships. If this blog is still going strong six months from now it will be a miracle. I would lighten up on all the agitas. I agree with all the other commenters, just do your thing and relax.

I get the feeling that you and your co-bloggers are deliberately trying to avoid controversies so that you don't look bad in front of mummy. Personally, I would generate as much controversy as you can if you want things to last. It was the unconstrained give and take of the old Althouse blog that was its main strength. Besides, I miss being called a liberal idiot/traitor/troll on a regular basis.

bagoh20 said...

I do want your money, and if you are wondering if I'm talking to you, the answer is yes. Now send a check, or I will get your ass deleted, and you'll look pretty damned funny with your ass deleted.

bagoh20 said...

AReasonableMan said:
"I miss being called a liberal idiot/traitor/troll on a regular basis."

You ignorant slut! If you would stop being such a liberal idiot, you might be able to convince people you are not a traitor, and give up the lame trolling.

Feel better?

Karen of Texas said...

Nice view. From the peanut gallery. Enjoying the show, guys. :)

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

bagoh20 said...
Feel better?

Didn't get the feeling that your heart was really in it.

rhhardin said...

Fine comments which are deleted are the most estemable.

That's Pascal.

Rabel said...


Dust Queen may not be the worst name in the book, but it's namecalling and both deleted posts were angry and childishly vindictive responses to a mildly critical post by DBQ.

I don't "make things up."

If you have any evidence that I do, lay it out.

Otherwise, withdraw the remark.

bagoh20 said...

We have "Yogolicious" here, which is a self-serve frozen yogurt place. You grab one of three sizes of cups, build you own sunday from about 10 selections of frozen yogurt, and then add all the toppings you want such as fruit, candies, cookies and syrups. I'm eating a large one right now. I get about half yogurt and half junk on top. About 20 maraschino cherries, 10 lychees and all kinds of syrup. It's disgusting, and delicious. I'll probably die of diabetes before I finish, so if I just stop commenting you'll know. I bet that sooner or later that will actually happen, and one of us will kick the bucket in mid-rant. I'm betting on Trooper. It seems like he comments with an erection, NTTIAWWT.

Anyway, I went up to the cashier at Yogolicious with my suicide sunday in hand, and you put it on a little scale that weighs it and figures out the bill at $5.75/lb. I was well over a pound of heart-stopping pleasure, and I had a gift card that a friend had given me. The cashier tells me he's brand new and doesn't know how to do it, but he'll try. He gives it a shot, and up on the screen pops: "Change due = $20,525.00". I say "Sir, you deserve a raise. I've never seen it done so well before." He says, "oops." I say: "look, I wrote how much was on the card on the back of it", and it turns out to be what we both agree is about right. He says, thanks, and goes to get his manager as I jump on the forklift to load my sunday on to my truck. I hope he didn't get fired.

As I was driving home, I thought to myself that I bet there are people out there that would argue that they are entitled to the $20K, and would give the people working there a hassle trying to get it. Some people are just more ambitious than others. You know, real go getters.

rhhardin said...

$20,525.00 is enough for the Truckload'o'Chicken off the KFC menu board.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

I've stood on top of The Gendarme at Seneca Rocks, WV.

A couple years later, it fell over, and down ~75 feet of cliffs

bagoh20 said...

The Truckload-O-Chicken is only $5000, but with the Tanker-0-Mountain Dew you might be about right. It's always the drinks where they get you.

Menu for the upcomming Annual Comment Home Picnic

The Crack Emcee said...

Lem, don't sweat it:

I've put up 13 posts today, so far, and got 3 comments.

You're doing fine, Boy-o,...

shiloh said...

You may have noticed the new comments policy around here.

But hey, maybe you didn't notice.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

Indeed, every political blog has "issues". Even the efficient/organized ones that require membership and have several moderators to keep the peace. Althouse has her houseboy, Meade, to randomly delete ie her new comment policy!

That's the ticket ...

One suspects Althouse has just got tired of the process. My political blogging started in 2003 and it got tiresome after a couple years. Indeed, ad nauseam, scorched earth abortion/creationism vs evolution/Iraq war, etc. threads which were endless minutiae.

Paddy O said...

Crack, how's the back treating you? (it was your back, right?)

Getting back on your feet?

Your boyo reminded me of an Irish song, the Bricklayers Song.

Phil 314 said...

Bags beat me to it but I'll post it any way:

Don't talk about the comments policy

The first rule of Fight Club is....

ken in tx said...

Having a helicopter (Huey) with the door open, turn up on its side and circle around inside a box canyon, definitely gave me acrophobia. We were looking straight down at the remains of a crashed aircraft as part of an accident investigation.

There is no way in hell you could get me to go out on that cliff in the picture, and I used to be as pilot.

The Crack Emcee said...

Paddy O,

Crack, how's the back treating you? (it was your back, right?)

Getting back on your feet?

Nope - been in bed for two weeks, but getting an MRI on Monday. Luckily, the hiccups stopped after two days, but now my throat's so sore I can't even drink without agony running almost all the way from my mouth to my stomach. And I'm out of my knock-out pills, so now sleep's back to being sporadic and i'm just about trying to find and hold a position where something stops hurting. Not easy when an injury's in your neck.

Still, I'm not depressed, because I've seen worse. This, too, shall pass.

Thanks for asking, Paddy,..

Aridog said...

I gotta go with AllenS's choice...

Oftentimes, the Greasy Spoon has the best food ... a roast beef or roast pork sandwich. Anyone remember them, a sandwich cut in half with a scoop of mashed potatoes in the middle covered in gravy?

Damn straight. Had my first one 60 years ago at an old long gone "craft" Dairy & Restaurant here when I was in 7th grade. An addiction was born...they sold the sandwich, potatoes, and gravy, plus a cherry phosphate drink, for $1.00 including tax. Those of us who did little odd jobs (mow grass, rake leaves, shovel snow, dig post holes, etc.) in our neighborhoods had the money to buy them.

Still eat them today because two local "Coney Islands" make them for the lunch crowd. If in a hurry, I make them at home. Beats hell out of the tons o' yogurt or chicken joints.

BTW, "Coney Island" around Detroit means "Greasy Spoon Diner" except for "American CI and Layfayette CI where the menu is all hot dogs, onions, covered with chili and such. The rest serve typical "diner" food...and two near me serve the hot pork or hot roast beef sandwiches.

Paddy O said...


Back stuff has a way of affecting everything, for sure. Let us know how the MRI goes. Hopefully, this is something that rest will take care of. Sometimes the body say, "Enough!"

I have no doubt you'll make your way forward again before too long.