Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Etiquette, Not a social con, SiteMeter, Weddings

Those are the tags that caught my eye this morning at an Althouse post titled ...
"Do I seem like a 'social con'?"
I never heard those two words together like that. Goggle took me to a story of fraud arrests of 58 people in connection to a Social Security Contract.
Althouse couldn't possibly be worried about Social Security. Is she?
So it must be something else... oh that's right.... I forgot.... we are not allowed to inquire directly.
No Comments from you.  


Meade said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Icepick said...

I forgot.... we are not allowed to inquire directly.

"No soup for you."


Icepick said...

Hey, that's it! We can start calling ourselves to No Soup Gang.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

The Soup Nazi was no fence straddler, that's for sure.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Hi MBat, nice to se you.

Thanks for coming.

Tell others about this place.

The rule of Lemnity said...

It was Althouse's idea actually.

I went back and checked.

The rule of Lemnity said...

And thanks for coming.

Peter Hoh said...

Overheard at the comment-nazi's blog cafe: "No comments for you."

Peter Hoh said...

The above comment was not intended to imply that anyone we know is a comment-nazi, of course. (Does that sound legalistic enough? I'm sure I could do a better job, perhaps even toss in a "whereas" and a "henceforth" -- were I to spend a few years in law school.)

The rule of Lemnity said...

Yea, I had that same thought after a while and didn't chance it because it's like against the rules... but this is my blog my rules, like Trooper said.


bagoh20 said...

The Soup Nazi technique is exactly how I control my DNA. "NO SPOOGE FOR YOU!"

And after all the crying is done, I use the tears to wash my truck.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Icepick is covering the law ingredients and other strenuous stuff.

We are about Levity here.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Now, now... lets not get carried away SG. Lets be civil about this. Don't do onto others and all that.

Anonymous said...

I'm not Meade nor am I defending him. Didn't you say this same thing in the poll comments as well? You know he read those and now these, so will you be more timely and specific with your criticism in the future? Thanks

The Dude said...

I thought that was civil - Meade and his "bride" are nasty pieces of work, and it shows in all they do.

I shall stop now - their private misery is none of my concern. They are free to marinate in their fecalence and slide into irrelevance and dementia without notice.

It is your blog, your rules, Lem. I shall respect that from here on out.

bagoh20 said...

This new Althouse policy would be like banning gay marriage because of AIDS.

The Crack Emcee said...


And after all the crying is done, I use the tears to wash my truck.

There's one day, I go over to my friend's apartment and as I'm climbing the stairs, there's a woman cleaning his crevices with a toothbrush. I practically have to climb over her to knock on the door. When he opens it, I gestured in her direction and asked, "What's up?" He looked at her like she was curious, and then shrugged a "How the fuck am I supposed to know?" at me, before handing me a beer.

Now, I'm not saying everybody, or even anybody, should be aiming for that level of control over women. As my friend's response showed, it's not desirable.

But I am saying, unless you understand that - know it in your bones - you've little grasp of the crime against yourself being perpetrated out there by the Ann's and Amanda's of the world.

Dr. Helen can't tell me about being a man,...

The rule of Lemnity said...

@Anonimous, I'm not sure what you mean...

I cant be here at the blogs all the time. That's one of the reasons why I couldn't help out more at Althouse, 'pushing back' here and there, when necessary.

Like Bags says, I too could have, perhaps, done more.

But, that's water under the bridge now.

Anonymous said...

it was intended for sixty grit

The rule of Lemnity said...

Thanks for coming Crack and becoming a member.

bagoh20 said...

Isn't closing comments because of the work of Mobys and your enemies just letting them win? Somebody has to say it: If you close down comments then the terrorists have won.

bagoh20 said...

Oh I get it now. Althouse can write her thoughts, and let Lem deal with the riff raff. Well here we are. Now you have to give us some details of your personal life, so we can berate you for it. If you don't have anything juicy, like being overpaid and underworked, or have a gay son, or being a myopic feminist baby boomer, then make something up. How about admitting you are into those crush videos, or you wear a diaper while you blog. You got to give us something to work with.

bagoh20 said...

Crack Emcee: "Dr. Helen can't tell me about being a man..."
She's just listening to men and then telling what she learns. It's not for us. It's the rest of the population that needs to hear it. Men like what she writes because they want women to hear it, and we know they don't hear so well. If they don't like the truth, they try to insult you, they throw things, then they put their fingers in their ears and sing LaLaLaLaLa, Comments are closed.

Icepick said...

I will when I have the time. Unfortunately, not a tenured professor with grown children and a retired spouse. Keeping up is hard!

Icepick said...


Trooper York said...

I would like to invite Mitchel the Bat and bagoh20 and Icepick to join the Trooper York blog. Simply email me at trooperyork@hotmail.com and I will email you back an invitation.

All email addresses are kept confidential and will be erased after the initial invitation.

I hope you guys sign up because I would miss hearing from you.

Trooper York said...

Also I feel it is very important to respect the wishes of the blog host. I remember when I got in a memorable fight with Bissage at Sir Archy's blog and he asked me to cut it out. And we did.

Icepick said...

And you are that somebody!\

What's worse? Comment nazis or comment terrorists? Or is this like trying to decide who's the nicer guy, Hitler or Stalin?

Trooper York said...

So let's play by Lem's rules. Just remember one thing.

Boston sucks.

Icepick said...

or you wear a diaper while you blog.

Doesn't everybody?

Icepick said...

But which email address? The one I use for my Google ID is one I usually don't use for personal email. I can't have anyone finding out I'm Ronald Reagan's zombie, or I'll never get any peace.

The Dude said...

The city or the band?

The rule of Lemnity said...

Althouse can write her thoughts, and let Lem deal with the riff raff.

Funny you mention that... Trooper has fresh red meat for the Althouse dissidents.

You give me too much credit Bags... I couldn't possibly take on such an enormous undertaking... talk about long knives.

Althouse has been blogging everyday for years and years... you know there has to be some people pissed off at her.

I've been thinking about that.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Thanks Trooper... I'll probably be quizzing you on how to do certain things as they come up.

I hope you don't mind.

bagoh20 said...

There are rules? We don't need no stinking rules.

Thanks for the invite Trooper. I think I'll take you up on it. I used to read your blog all the time until you moved to a gated community.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I think is just a break.

Trooper York said...

It is pretty simple Lem. Ask yourself "What Would Althouse Do?"

Then do the opposite.

Should work fine.

Trooper York said...

I would love to have you commenting. I didn't have any way to contact you before or it might have been that you started commenting a lot right after I went private. In any event several slots have opened up and I would love to have you join our merry band of castaways.

The rule of Lemnity said...

There are rules? We don't need no stinking rules.

Hopefully we wont need them because Althouse will be back open for business again and I won't have to baby sit you all.

I'll be passing the ball to Meade ;)

The rule of Lemnity said...

I have to go for a while...

Remember to play nice... and thanks for coming.

chickelit said...

Lem: I detect a little gender imbalance amongst your commentariat.

Trooper York said...

All the email does is forward an invite. You then sign on with your screen name "Icepick" and right that email in the box and you can comment. If you check remember me then I think you don't you have to keep doing it.

You will never get more than the one email at that account so it should not be a big deal.

bagoh20 said...

Balance is for fence sitters.

The rule of Lemnity said...


The rule of Lemnity said...

The door is open to all, at least for now.

chickelit said...

Real men don't sit on fences for obvious reasons.

edutcher said...

Actually, the expression is SoCon (as in NeoCon, where's Cedar when you need a rant?).

Social con is another possibility, but Sunday was probably the first time I heard it.

Anonymous said...

Is that like the jooce SoBe?

Anonymous said...

I just heard from a little birdie that the comments section was going to reopen tomorrow. You heard it here first.

bagoh20 said...

What if Althouse opened comments and nobody but Mary showed up?

Anonymous said...

Was it the sitemeter birdie named Sweepsie?

The rule of Lemnity said...

That would be a hoot.

Icepick said...

Gotta disagree. Mary went after some friends of mine, too, a few years back. That woman is out of her damned mind and needs to be locked up before she hurts someone.

Trooper York said...

Mary is a pure psycho but she is just the bathwater so to speak.

The attack on Instanerd today is very interesting. The Nutty Perfesser noted that the commenters that came from Glenn's site were the ones she was having trouble with and she didn't have to explain herself anymore.

Oh and she thinks that the Instanerd knows he is wrong and that she is right and he is just afraid to tell hell.

Talk about kooky.

Trooper York said...

I think you little birdie is off there pal.

The Nutty Perfesser is not going to open it up after she attacked the Instanerd and his wife. No way Jose.

Icepick said...

I likened her post about the Instanerd to returning to the scene of the crime. THIS IS WHERE SHE MURDERED THE COMMENT SECTION! Are the FBI profilers watching for this?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

New Separated at Birth: Ann Althouse and...?