Tuesday, July 2, 2019

A Korean Nuclear Freeze?

The Morons at the New York Times might have come up with a good idea. They touted some leaked information that the God Emperor might have floated the idea of a nuclear freeze with the Little Rocket Man at their last play date. Which you know  is not such a bad idea.

I really doubt that the Slopes will be getting rid of their nukes. Why would they? It is their onlyeverage. They don't want to end up like Qaddafi and being shot dead after broken US promises. Actually the US Government specializes in breaking its word going back to the Indian wars. No one should put any faith in US promises.

You know who specializes in invading Korea? Not us. China. They have done it a lot more than we have and they are really the ones they have to worry about.  There is a baseline resentment about China in Korea, Vietnam and the rest of South East Asia that most people don'r realize exists. We can use that to our advantage.

What if there was a reunification of the two Korea's to build a new nuclear state that can stand as a counter weight to China? I know I know it would be terrible for a screwed up state to have nukes. You know like Pakistan or something. But if the nukes were put under the political control of the South that might work out just fine.

First off we can bring our boys home. Korea can stand on its own two feet with the South Korean economy and North Korean nukes.

Now Little Rocket Man is the problem. The real stumbling block. Along with his henchmen and his security apparatus. He would worry about what would happen to him after reunification. He needs some guaranties if he is to relinquish power.  Scott Adams had a good idea.

Make him King.


The Dude said...

The question dogging his uncle Jang Sung-taek is whether or not Rocket Man would take a shot at that.

ndspinelli said...

Sell the Knicks to Rocket Man and he'll move to NYC.

edutcher said...

I really doubt that the Slopes will be getting rid of their nukes. Why would they? It is their only leverage. They don't want to end up like Qaddafi and being shot dead after broken US promises. Actually the US Government specializes in breaking its word going back to the Indian wars. No one should put any faith in US promises.

Actually, the Army broke fewer promises to the Indians than the Indians did, but what Zippy and the Beast did stands as a testament mainly to their incompetence. Khadaffy was in his box and was staying there. Zippy just wanted to convert as many Arab countries to terrorism as possible.

Thing is, if Li'l Kim wants to go Western, he doesn't need the nukes. He just becomes another ROK and gets all kinds of rich.

That is the hook in all this. Li'l Kim just wants to be one of the Hekawis. Khadaffy still wanted to be an Apache, but Reagan showed him what that would bring, so he had to act like a Hekawi.

The real impact of all this is it shows the God Emperor's ability to use the carrot and the stick. He lets Huawei back in the and the Reds have to give him NoKo.

Dad Bones said...

He could have given Rocket Man his own float in the 4th of July parade.